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1、考研英语-623 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Egyptian wine has an extensive history within the history of Egyptian civilization. Grapes were not (1) to the landscape of Egypt, rather the vines themselves are (2) to have been imported from the Phoenicians, (3) the actual or

2、igins remain in (4) . What is known, is that (5) the third millennium BC, Egyptian kings of the first (6) had extensive wine cellars, and wine was used extensively in the temple ceremonies. The main (7) of wine in Egypt, took place between the king, nobles, and the priests in temple ceremonies, and

3、is (8) by numerous painted reliefs, and other (9) evidence. The vineyards of ancient Egypt, were quite different from the modern methods of wine making today. (10) viticulture ( or wine making), ceased to (11) an exclusively ceremonial purpose, the Egyptians began to experiment with simple structure

4、s for their vines to train on, (12) found a way to train their vines so they were easy low (13) bushes, and found ways for the soil to (14) more moisture for the vines. Egyptian wine making experiments included the use of different wine presses, adding heat to the must ( the grape juice ready for fe

5、rmentation) (15) make the wine sweet, and differences in vat types and materials. The (16) finished product of wine, was poured through a cloth filter, and then into earthenware jars, (17) they would be sealed with natural tar and left to (18) . The Egyptians kept accurate records of their vintages,

6、 and (19) of their wines, each jar of wine was clearly (20) with its own vintage, and quality.(分数:10.00)A.bornB.nativeC.grownD.plantedA.provedB.believedC.hypothesizedD.establishedA.thoughB.ifC.asD.whenA.disputeB.debateC.discussionD.argumentA.sinceB.afterC.byD.toA.generationB.dynastyC.sovereigntyD.em

7、pireA.costB.expenseC.exhaustionD.consumptionA.impliedB.demonstratedC.evidencedD.aidedA.archeologicalB.architecturalC.artisticD.anthropologicalA.AsB.ForC.AfterD.SinceA.actB.serveC.workD.reachA.as long asB.as well asC.as soon asD.so long asA.maintenanceB.protectionC.careD.attentionA.maintainB.retainC.

8、containD.attainA.rather thanB.butC.andD.in order toA.finalB.endC.eventualD.ultimateA.whichB.whenC.whereD.andA.protectionB.fermentC.tasteD.drinkA.qualityB.quantityC.natureD.auraA.markedB.writtenC.labeledD.recorded二、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Part A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Text 1(总题数:1,分数:10.00)About

9、three-quarters of Americans, according to surveys, think the country is on the wrong track. About two-thirds of the public disapprove of the job performance of President Bush, and an even higher number disdain Congress. The media are excited about the prospect of a wealthy businessman running for Pr

10、esident as an independent who could tap into broad public disgruntlement with the partisan politicians in Washington.2007? Yes. But also 1992. The main difference between the two situations is that Michael Bloomberg is richer-and saner-than Ross Perot. But one similarity might be this: the American

11、people were wrong then and may be wrong now. The widespread pessimism in the early 1990s about the course of the country turned out to be unwarranted. The rest of the decade featured impressive economic growth, a falling crime rate, successful reform of the welfare system and a reasonably peaceful w

12、orld. Perhaps the problems werent so bad in the first place, or perhaps the political system produced politicians, like Bill Clinton, Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich, who were able to deal with the problems. But, in any case, the country got back on course. Thats not to say all was well in the 1990s

13、, especially in foreign policy. Responsibilities in places ranging from Bosnia to Rwanda to Afghanistan were shirked, and gathering dangers werent dealt with. Still, the sour complaints and dire predictions of 1992-oh, my God, the budget deficit will do us in! -were quickly overtaken by events. What

14、s more, the fear of many conservatives that we might be at the mercy of unstoppable forces of social disintegration turned out to be wrong. Indeed, the dire predictions were rendered obsolete so quickly that one wonders whether we were, in 1992, really just indulging in some kind of post-cold-war vi

15、ctory. Sometimes the public mood is . well, moody.Today we re moody again. We are obviously fighting a difficult and, until recently, badly managed war in Iraq, whose outcome is uncertain. This accounts for much of the pessimism. It also doesnt help that the political system seems incapable of deali

16、ng with big problems like immigration, an energy policy and health care. Still, is the general feeling that everything is going to the dogs any more justified today than it was 15 years ago?Not really. Think of it this way: Have events in general gone better or worse than most people would have pred

17、icted on Sept. 12, 20017 Theres been no successful second attack here in the U. S.-and very limited terrorist successes in Europe or even in the Middle East. Weve had 5 1/2 years of robust economic growth, low unemployment and a stock-market recovery. Social indicators in the U. S are mostly stable

18、or improving-abortions, teenage births and teenage drug use are down and education scores are up a bit.As for American foreign policy since 9/11, it has not produced the results some of us hoped for, and there are many legitimate criticisms of the Bush Administrations performance. But, in fact, desp

19、ite the gloom and doom from critics left and right (including, occasionally, me), the world seems to present the usual mixed bag of difficult problems and heartening developments.The key question, of course, is the fate of Iraq. A decent outcome-the defeat of al-Qaeda in what it has made the central

20、 front in the war on terrorism and enough security so there can be peaceful rule by a representative regime-seems to me achievable, if we dont lose our nerve here at home. With success in Iraq, progress elsewhere in the Middle East will be easier. The balance sheet is uncertain. But it is by no mean

21、s necessarily grim.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the text, what might have happened in 1992?(分数:2.00)A.The Americans had unwarranted pessimism about their state affairs.B.A wealthy businessman made his way into the white house.C.Slow economic progress with political crises prevailed the US.D.The media

22、were unhappy about businessman running for the office.(2).According to the author, the present pessimism in the US is mainly due to(分数:2.00)A.their chronic bad mood.B.the uncertain prospect in Iraq.C.the incapable political system.D.the unpromising president candidates.(3).The phrase “going to the d

23、ogs“ (paragraph 3)most probably means(分数:2.00)A.becoming worse.B.becoming lazier.C.becoming crazier.D.becoming easier.(4).The author seems to believe that the US will have positive outcomes in Iraq if(分数:2.00)A.enough security can be obtained after the war on terrorism.B.troops in Iraq take no furth

24、er military actions.C.a representative regime is established through peaceful means.D.people in the US remain calm and reasonable.(5).The authors attitude towards the present situation in the US is(分数:2.00)A.confused.B.uncertain.C.optimistic.D.pessimistic.五、Text 2(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Large, multinational

25、 corporations may be the companies whose ups and downs seize headlines. But to a far greater extent than most Americans realize, the economys vitality depends on the fortunes of tiny shops and restaurants, neighborhood services and factories. Small businesses, defined as those with fewer than 100 wo

26、rkers, now employ nearly 60 percent of the work force and are expected to generate half of all new jobs between now and the year 2000. Some 1.2 million small firms have opened their doors over the past six years of economic growth, and 1989 will see an additional 200,000 entrepreneurs striking off o

27、n their own.Too many of these pioneers, however, will blaze ahead unprepared. Idealists will overestimate the clamor for their products or fail to factor in the competition. Nearly everyone will underestimate, often fatally, the capital that success requires. Midcareer executives, forced by a takeov

28、er or a restructuring to quit the corporation and find another way to support themselves, may savor the idea of being their own boss but may forget that entrepreneurs must also, at least for a while, be bookkeeper and receptionist, too. According to Small Business Administration data,24 of every 100

29、 businesses starting out today are likely to have disappeared in two years, and 27 more will have shut their doors four years from now. By 1995,more than 60 of those 100 start-ups will have folded. A new study of 3,000 small businesses, sponsored by American Express and the National Federation of In

30、dependent Business, suggests slightly better odds: Three years after start-up, 77 percent of the companies surveyed were still alive. Most credited their success in large part to having picked a business they already were comfortable in. Eighty percent had worked with the same product or service in

31、their last jobs.Thinking through an enterprise before the launch is obviously critical. But many entrepreneurs forget that a firms health in its infancy may be little indication of how well it will age. You must tenderly monitor its pulse. In their zeal to expand, small-business owners often ignore

32、early warning signs of a stagnant market or of decaying profitability. They hopefully pour more and more money into the enterprise, preferring not to acknowledge eroding profit margins that mean the market for their ingenious service or product has evaporated, or that they must cut the payroll or va

33、cate their lavish offices. Only when the financial well runs dry do they see the seriousness of the illness, and by then the patient is usually too far gone to save.Frequent checks of your firms vital signs will also guide you to a sensible rate of growth. To snatch opportunity, you must spot the si

34、gnals that it is time to conquer new markets, add products or perhaps franchise your hot idea.(分数:10.00)(1).According to the text, the main difference between a multinational corporation and a small business lies in(分数:2.00)A.the proportion of work force.B.the frequency appeared on the headlines.C.t

35、he number of the workers.D.the way of opening a business.(2).We may conclude from the text that(分数:2.00)A.the future of the small businesses is promising and undoubtedly encouraging.B.all those who leave their jobs will be a boss of a small business.C.everyone should look before they leap when they

36、decide managing small business.D.the success of small business solely depends on the bosses who perform their last jobs.(3).When opening small businesses, the most important thing for small-business owners to do is(分数:2.00)A.to make a thorough analysis on the market.B.to invest much more money in sm

37、all business.C.to cut down the workers wages.D.to think carefully about the internal specific conditions in the small enterprises.(4).In a recent research, after three years, _ small enterprises will be alive among 3,000 small businesses.(分数:2.00)A.more than 60B.more than 51C.more than2,310D.more th

38、an2,400(5).The authors attitude towards the development of small businesses is(分数:2.00)A.worried.B.unconcerned.C.optimistic.D.cautious.六、Text 3(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Historically, the European Union has not bothered with funding much basic scientific research. Such activities have mainly remained the prese

39、rve of national governments, not least because giving scientists free rein can lead to discoveries that not only make money but ultimately enhance military might.That attitude is now changing. The European Commission proposes to establish a European Research Council (ERC) that would spend a maximum

40、of 12 billion ( $14 billion) over seven years on“ blue skies“ research. While the plans are being generally welcomed by Europes member states, their details are problematic. The proposed ERC is intended to make Europe more competitive. Europe has some first-class universities, scientific institution

41、s and research organisations. But, the ERCs proponents argue, their activities are fragmented, so they are not reaching their full potential.In America, teams from across the country compete with each other for grants from the National Science Foundation. The proposed ERC is modelled on this scheme.

42、 It would award grants to individual research teams for a specific project, solely on the basis of scientific merit judged by peer review. If the ERC were created, scientists from across Europe would compete with each other for funds, rather than merely competing with their fellow countrymen, as hap

43、pens at present.This compares with the limited funding for basic research that currently exists in the EU, which places its emphasis on collaboration between researchers. It is open only to researchers in a narrow range of disciplines chosen by the European Parliament and the commission. The ERC wou

44、ld be quite different, placing its emphasis on competition between researchers and leaving scientists themselves to decide which areas of science to pursue. Helga Nowotny, who chairs the European Research Advisory Board-an advisory body to the commission-says that winning a grant from the ERC could

45、come to be seen as unmistakable recognition of research excellence.The quality of European research needs to be stepped up a notch. Between 1980 and 2003, Europe had 68 Nobel laureates in medicine, physics and chemistry compared with 154 in America. With competition from China and India, Europes sha

46、re could fall further.One of the reasons for Europes relatively weak performance is thought to be a lack of genuine competition between Europes researchers. Another is its poor ability to attract young people into a research career. Recent estimates suggest that Europe needs an extra 700,000 researc

47、hers if it is to meet its overall target of raising spending (private, national and EU) on research and development to 3% of GDP by 2010. Many young scientists leave Europe for America once they have finished their training. Dr Nowotny says the ERC could help here too. It could establish a scheme to

48、 give young researchers the opportunity to follow their own ideas and become independent at an earlier stage in their careers, encouraging talent to stay in Europe.The crucial issue now is whether the ERC will be able to set its own research agenda, free from the interference and bureaucracy of the

49、commission and influence of member states. Last month,22 leading European scientists charged with shaping the ERCs scientific strategy met for the first time to start hammering out a charter and constitution. Serious concerns remain over the legal structure of the body.The final decision on the ERCs legal form, on a date yet unspecified, rests with the European Parliament and member states in the European Council. If both are genuine in their support for the ERC and Europes aim of becoming more competitive, then they must find a way of keeping the E


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