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1、考研英语(完形填空)模拟试卷 148 及答案解析(总分:120.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Use of English(总题数:3,分数:120.00)1.Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D.(分数:40.00)_I wont be modest. I am gratified to discover that a paper I penned on inequal

2、ity made its way into Matt Millers Washington Post column last week. Mr Miller asks why rising inequality has not【C1】_Americas least-favored classes to agitate for a【C2】_He agrees with my verdict: that access to【C3】_goods among the least well-off has ensured that material inequality is not as【C4】_as

3、 income inequality. 【C5】_modem conveniences have taken some of the【C6】_out of a relatively small income. This in turn has【C7】_the drive to seek causes of and cures for【C8】_s discomfort. So the gap between rich and poor is sometimes less【C9】_, even if it is great and growing. Day-to-day experience is

4、 mostly a matter of our【C10】_circumstances, and if those are【C11】_enough, a widening gap in income, consumption or wealth is【C12】_to come often to our attention. Even if the abstract fact of rising inequality does come across our radar, it may【C13】_our sense of justice only if weve become convinced

5、that inequality itself is【C14】_, or if we face related catastrophes. When I wrote the paper, official measures of income inequality had increased a good deal over the past few decades【C15】_consumption inequality seemed to have remained【C16】_New research suggests that consumption inequality has been

6、increasing with income inequality【C17】_This may be true, but it seems【C18】_to the question of why Americas poor arent storming the barriers. The consumption data concerns how much we【C19】_, not how we experience what we buy, and thats the real issue. Even if we could agree that inequality in real st

7、andards of living is rising, this is not something we actually experience unless we are hungry, or【C20】_with the entertainments of our leisure.(分数:40.00)(1).【C1】(分数:2.00)A.excitedB.irritatedC.encouragedD.provoked(2).【C2】(分数:2.00)A.remedyB.reliefC.rescueD.release(3).【C3】(分数:2.00)A.inferiorB.moreC.bet



10、justB.fairC.unreasonableD.unjust(15).【C15】(分数:2.00)A.whileB.asC.sinceD.until(16).【C16】(分数:2.00)A.roundB.straightC.flatD.smooth(17).【C17】(分数:2.00)A.all aloneB.all alongC.all aroundD.all through(18).【C18】(分数:2.00)A.relevantB.closeC.linkedD.irrelevant(19).【C19】(分数:2.00)A.reflectB.spendC.saveD.waste(20)

11、.【C20】(分数:2.00)A.dissatisfiedB.satisfiedC.contentedD.confused“Before the operation, I would look at someone and all I could see for their face was jelly,“ says Jonathan Wyatt “Now, I can see peoples faces.“ The 65-year-old is one of six people in the world to receive gene therapy for a【C1】_type of i

12、nherited eye disease【C2】_choroideremia(an eye disease). The first published【C3】_of the trial, released today, suggest that【C4】_peoples genes can stop the disease from causing blindnessand【C5】_sight in those whose vision has become【C6】_. Choroideremia is caused by【C7】_in the CHM gene. In those who ha

13、ve the disease, a【C8】_of REP-1 means that cells in the eyes stop working and slowly begin to【C9】_causing blindness. Enter gene therapy, which uses a virus to insert a【C10】_copy of a gene into cells with a gene defect and could【C11】_be used to treat many genetic conditions. Robert MacLaren of the Uni

14、versity of Oxford and his colleagues decided to see if it could【C12】_choroideremia. Starting two years ago with Wyatt, they【C13】_a virus carrying a corrective copy of the CHM gene into the eyes of people with choroideremia. Today the team【C14】_that of the six people who received the treatment six mo

15、nths【C15】_or longer, all have described【C16】_in their vision. Still, the long-lasting effects of the treatment remain【C17】_Wyatt had the treatment first, so can【C18】_that the benefits seem to last two years,【C19】_hes just one case. The treatment also cant replace cells that have been【C20】_destroyed.


17、.00)A.clearB.vagueC.impairedD.poor(7).【C7】(分数:2.00)A.associationsB.responsesC.defectsD.conditions(8).【C8】(分数:2.00)A.typeB.supplyC.needD.lack(9).【C9】(分数:2.00)A.die offB.end offC.trail offD.work off(10).【C10】(分数:2.00)A.persistingB.functioningC.recognizingD.stabilizing(11).【C11】(分数:2.00)A.on averageB.a

18、bove allC.in principleD.for example(12).【C12】(分数:2.00)A.influenceB.suppressC.reviseD.correct(13).【C13】(分数:2.00)A.introducedB.injectedC.providedD.guided(14).【C14】(分数:2.00)A.decidesB.createsC.releasesD.reports(15).【C15】(分数:2.00)A.agoB.aheadC.laterD.on(16).【C16】(分数:2.00)A.complimentsB.settlementsC.impr

19、ovementsD.fragments(17).【C17】(分数:2.00)A.identicalB.unknownC.objectiveD.invaluable(18).【C18】(分数:2.00)A.regardB.adviseC.predictD.reveal(19).【C19】(分数:2.00)A.butB.soC.thenD.and(20).【C20】(分数:2.00)A.rarelyB.similarlyC.completelyD.partly考研英语(完形填空)模拟试卷 148 答案解析(总分:120.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Use of English(总题数:3,分数

20、:120.00)1.Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D.(分数:40.00)_解析:I wont be modest. I am gratified to discover that a paper I penned on inequality made its way into Matt Millers Washington Post column last week.

21、 Mr Miller asks why rising inequality has not【C1】_Americas least-favored classes to agitate for a【C2】_He agrees with my verdict: that access to【C3】_goods among the least well-off has ensured that material inequality is not as【C4】_as income inequality. 【C5】_modem conveniences have taken some of the【C

22、6】_out of a relatively small income. This in turn has【C7】_the drive to seek causes of and cures for【C8】_s discomfort. So the gap between rich and poor is sometimes less【C9】_, even if it is great and growing. Day-to-day experience is mostly a matter of our【C10】_circumstances, and if those are【C11】_en

23、ough, a widening gap in income, consumption or wealth is【C12】_to come often to our attention. Even if the abstract fact of rising inequality does come across our radar, it may【C13】_our sense of justice only if weve become convinced that inequality itself is【C14】_, or if we face related catastrophes.

24、 When I wrote the paper, official measures of income inequality had increased a good deal over the past few decades【C15】_consumption inequality seemed to have remained【C16】_New research suggests that consumption inequality has been increasing with income inequality【C17】_This may be true, but it seem

25、s【C18】_to the question of why Americas poor arent storming the barriers. The consumption data concerns how much we【C19】_, not how we experience what we buy, and thats the real issue. Even if we could agree that inequality in real standards of living is rising, this is not something we actually exper

26、ience unless we are hungry, or【C20】_with the entertainments of our leisure.(分数:40.00)(1).【C1】(分数:2.00)A.excitedB.irritatedC.encouragedD.provoked 解析:解析:此处宾语从句意为“为何日益严重的不平等现象没有处于美国社会最底层的民众去抗议”。按常理不平等现象会引发最底层的抗议,故此处选表“引发”含义的词,D 项 provoked“引起”符合要求。(2).【C2】(分数:2.00)A.remedy B.reliefC.rescueD.release解析:解析

27、:上文提及,不平等令美国社会最底层的民众去抗议。此处需填一个名词,表示“抗议目的”,抗议“不平等现象”的目的当然是“补救”这种不平等现状,故选 A 项 remedy“补救”。(3).【C3】(分数:2.00)A.inferiorB.moreC.better D.finer解析:解析:上文米勒先生的问题暗示了美国社会最底层的民众没有抗议。本句解释了原因:最底层的民众获得的商品的权利。既然不抗议,那就是获得好的商品,故选 C 项 better“更好的”。(4).【C4】(分数:2.00)A.bigB.profound C.similarD.different解析:解析:上文提到“最底层的民众获得的

28、商品的权利”让其不抗议,“获得的商品的权利”对应 material inequality,因此推断“物质上的不平等不如收入上的不平等程度深”,故选 B 项profound“深的”。(5).【C5】(分数:2.00)A.AccessibleB.DurableC.ReliableD.Affordable 解析:解析:上文分析了最底层的民众可以获得各种商品的消费,也即现代社会的各种便利普通民众也消费得起。应选“买得起”含义的形容词 D 项 Affordable,与句末的 income 呼应。(6).【C6】(分数:2.00)A.sting B.moneyC.profitD.panick解析:解析:上

29、文分析了物质上的不平等不及收入上的不平等。最底层民众可享用得起各种现代化商品及各种便利设施,因此推断这会减少收入较少带来的痛苦,故选 A 项 sting 意为“剧痛”,与下一句的discomfort 呼应。(7).【C7】(分数:2.00)A.stirredB.stimulatedC.curbed D.limited解析:解析:本句的 in turn“反过来”提示本句是和前句的意思相对,前句分析了人们消费得起现代化的便利设施减少了收入低带来的痛苦。反过来这就可以抑制人们想要寻求痛苦的原因和其解决之道的积极性,故选 C 项 curb“抑制”。(8).【C8】(分数:2.00)A.poverty

30、B.expenseC.consumptionD.wealth解析:解析:本句是对应上句而言,因此s discomfort 呼应的是上句的 relatively small income“相对较少的收入”,A 项 poverty“贫穷”代入符合要求。(9).【C9】(分数:2.00)A.invisibleB.conspicuous C.wideD.acceptable解析:解析:根据空格后的让步状语从句“尽管贫富差距悬殊且日益扩大”,可知前半句表达的意思与之相反,即贫富差距不那么“明显”,故选 B 项 conspicuous“明显的”。(10).【C10】(分数:2.00)A.livingB.a

31、dvertisingC.spiritualD.material 解析:解析:本句意为“每天经历的大多是关于我们环境的问题”。本文主要讲的是关于物质消费及贫富差距的问题,与物质有关,故选 D 项 material“物质的”。(11).【C11】(分数:2.00)A.comprehensibleB.fundamentalC.decent D.plausible解析:解析:本句还是解释“人们为什么不去寻求贫困的原因和解决方法”,上文提到“人们消费得起现代化的便利设施”,那么人们所处的物质环境就应该是还可以的,故选 C 项 decent“像样的”。(12).【C12】(分数:2.00)A.unlike

32、ly B.likelyC.gradualD.inevitable解析:解析:下一句 only if 引导的条件状语从句,表达了人们只在某些极端条件才关注公平问题,因此推断“人们一般不会注意贫富差距问题”,故选 A 项 unlikely“不太可能的”。(13).【C13】(分数:2.00)A.influenceB.offend C.makeD.threaten解析:解析:由下文的“在我们遇到灾难的情况下”,可推断在面临巨大灾难时,就需要钱,而收入不平等就会导致人们对于公正有看法,因而与日俱增的不平等这个抽象的事实会导致我们的正义感受到侵犯,故选 B 项 offend“冒犯”。(14).【C14】

33、(分数:2.00)A.justB.fairC.unreasonableD.unjust 解析:解析:此空所在的条件状语从句与空格后的条件状语从句并列,后者意为“我们遭受大灾难”(大灾之时急需大笔钱,低收入之人自然会觉得不公),空格所在从句的表意应与之相近或相符,故选 D 项unjust“不公平的”。(15).【C15】(分数:2.00)A.while B.asC.sinceD.until解析:解析:本句上半句提及“收入不平等已扩大很多”,下半句却说“消费不平等似乎一直保持”,前后半句存在转折对比关系,故选 A 项 while。(16).【C16】(分数:2.00)A.roundB.straig

34、htC.flat D.smooth解析:解析:下一句是新调查(消费不平等随收人不平等增长),再结合后文的 This may be true,but可以判断出后句也是对以前的调查结果的纠正。那么前句关于消费不平等的调查就应与新调查的结果相反,即维持现状,故选 C 项 flat“水平的”。(17).【C17】(分数:2.00)A.all aloneB.all along C.all aroundD.all through解析:解析:上一句提及收入不平等和消费不平等变化情况不一样,而本句是对上一句调查结果的纠正,那意味着两种变化情况是并行一致的,故选 B 项 all along“一直”。(18).【

35、C18】(分数:2.00)A.relevantB.closeC.linkedD.irrelevant 解析:解析:空格前的 This may be true 为一个肯定的表达,而此处的 but 提示,后半句应表达否定的意思。故选表示否定意义的词,D 项 irrelevant“不相关的”符合要求。(19).【C19】(分数:2.00)A.reflectB.spend C.saveD.waste解析:解析:既然是消费数据,那就是我们花了多少钱的数据,所以选 B 项 spend“花费”。(20).【C20】(分数:2.00)A.dissatisfied B.satisfiedC.contentedD

36、.confused解析:解析:空格通过 or 和前面的 we are hungry“我们饿了”并列,因此推断空格处亦表不好的情况,A 项 dissatisfied“不满意的”代入空格,符合要求。“Before the operation, I would look at someone and all I could see for their face was jelly,“ says Jonathan Wyatt “Now, I can see peoples faces.“ The 65-year-old is one of six people in the world to rece

37、ive gene therapy for a【C1】_type of inherited eye disease【C2】_choroideremia(an eye disease). The first published【C3】_of the trial, released today, suggest that【C4】_peoples genes can stop the disease from causing blindnessand【C5】_sight in those whose vision has become【C6】_. Choroideremia is caused by【

38、C7】_in the CHM gene. In those who have the disease, a【C8】_of REP-1 means that cells in the eyes stop working and slowly begin to【C9】_causing blindness. Enter gene therapy, which uses a virus to insert a【C10】_copy of a gene into cells with a gene defect and could【C11】_be used to treat many genetic co

39、nditions. Robert MacLaren of the University of Oxford and his colleagues decided to see if it could【C12】_choroideremia. Starting two years ago with Wyatt, they【C13】_a virus carrying a corrective copy of the CHM gene into the eyes of people with choroideremia. Today the team【C14】_that of the six peop

40、le who received the treatment six months【C15】_or longer, all have described【C16】_in their vision. Still, the long-lasting effects of the treatment remain【C17】_Wyatt had the treatment first, so can【C18】_that the benefits seem to last two years,【C19】_hes just one case. The treatment also cant replace

41、cells that have been【C20】_destroyed.(分数:40.00)(1).【C1】(分数:2.00)A.commonB.ambiguousC.rare D.simple解析:解析:本句是在解释说明第一句中 Wyatt 的疾病,说这是一种类型的遗传眼病。Wyatt 在第一句中说到手术前看人脸看到的是一团果冻,因此判断这不是一种常见的疾病。C 项 rare 有“罕见的,特殊的”的意思,符合语义及搭配,故正确。(2).【C2】(分数:2.00)A.scheduledB.called C.describedD.applied解析:解析:本句是在解释第一句中 Wyatt 所得的

42、病。空格后的 choroideremia(an eye disease)是一个专有名词,空格前是说一种遗传疾病,可知此处是介绍这种病的名称,故选择 B 项 called“叫做,名为”。(3).【C3】(分数:2.00)A.aftermathsB.meaningsC.significancesD.results 解析:解析:空格后的 trial 指的是前一句的 gene therapy“基因疗法”,该疗法还只处于试验性阶段,本句是说该试验治疗表明基因可以防止失明,这是一种结论性的判断,故应选 D 项 results“结果”,The first published results of the t

43、rial 指的是“该试验治疗首次公布的结果”。(4).【C4】(分数:2.00)A.fixing B.managingC.damagingD.substituting解析:解析:第一句中 Wyatt 说以前看人们的脸就是模糊一团,而现在可以看清人们的脸了,所以判断手术肯定是对不好的基因进行了修理或修补。故 A 的 fixing“修补”正确。(5).【C5】(分数:2.00)A.restore B.returnC.improveD.lose解析:解析:空格前的 and 表明前后是并列、顺承的关系,意思相近。空格前是说基因能防止失明,所以空格后就应该是恢复视力了,故选 A 项 restore“恢复

44、”。(6).【C6】(分数:2.00)A.clearB.vagueC.impaired D.poor解析:解析:根据前面的 and 提示的并列关系,可知 whose vision has become对应破折号前的blindness,并且联系第一句中 Wyatt 说以前看人们的脸就是模糊一团,现在能看清人们的脸了,可以判断此处要表达那些视力受损的人通过修补其基因可以恢复视力。故选 C 项 impaired“受损”。(7).【C7】(分数:2.00)A.associationsB.responsesC.defects D.conditions解析:解析:第一段提到 Choroideremia 是

45、一种眼病,空格前的 caused“造成”是一个贬义词,此处需要一个贬义词来表达眼病的根源。故选 C 项 defects“缺陷”。(8).【C8】(分数:2.00)A.typeB.supplyC.needD.lack 解析:解析:空格前的 In those who have the disease 中,the disease 指代前一句的choroideremia“无脉络膜”,本句是解释说明前一句的 choroideremia 形成的原因。空格后的 REP-1 与前一句的 the CHM gene 对应,故此处需要一个与前一个空格 defects 对应的词,选 D 项 lack“缺乏”。(9).

46、【C9】(分数:2.00)A.die off B.end offC.trail offD.work off解析:解析:空格前的 and 表明前后是并列关系,意思相近。and 前说眼睛中的细胞停止发挥作用,空格后又说会导致失明,与此相对应的只有 A 项 die off“相继死去”。本句是说眼睛中的细胞停止发挥作用并开始慢慢死去,最后导致失明。(10).【C10】(分数:2.00)A.persistingB.functioning C.recognizingD.stabilizing解析:解析:上一句提到 choroideremia“无脉络膜”患者眼睛里的细胞会慢慢停止工作,治疗此病得让已经停止工

47、作的细胞重新开始工作,发挥作用,故选 B 项 functioning“正常运作的,起作用的”。(11).【C11】(分数:2.00)A.on averageB.above allC.in principle D.for example解析:解析:该句说“基因疗法的治疗是给有基因缺陷的细胞注入,这种疗法可以用于治疗很多基因方面的疾病”。结合第一段指出的“针对无脉网络膜的基因疗法尚处于试验阶段”,可知基因疗法的疗效都只是在理论阶段,所以推断用此方法去治疗别的基因类疾病也只能是理论上的,故此处选 C 项 in principle,表示“原则上,理论上”。(12).【C12】(分数:2.00)A.influenceB.suppressC.reviseD.correct 解析:解析:空格前的 it 指代上一句的 gene therapy“基因疗法”,而基因疗法是用来治疗choroideremia“无脉络膜”的,意思与“治疗”最接近的只有 D 项 correct,表示“改正,改善”。(13).【C13】(分数:2.00)A.introducedB.injected C.providedD.guided解析:解析:本句是用 Wyatt 来举例说明基因疗法,所以这里需要一个


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