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1、遗传学-10 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、名词解释(总题数:5,分数:15.00)1.Synaptonemal complex(SC)(分数:3.00)_2.Penetrance(分数:3.00)_3.Gene conversion(分数:3.00)_4.Transposon(or transposable element)(分数:3.00)_5.Interrupted mating experiment(分数:3.00)_二、选择题(总题数:10,分数:20.00)6.对于双因子杂交试验而言,F 1代产生 4 种配子,比例为 1:1:1:1,F 2代基因型比和表

2、现型分离比分别为_。A(1:2:1) 2和(2:1) 2 B(1:2:1) 2和(3:1) 2C(1:2:1) 3和(3:1) 2 D(1:2:1) 2和(3:1) 3(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.7.The inheritance pattern of dimple is dominant. A man with dimples who was married by a woman without dimples gave birth to 8 children, and interestingly, all the eight children have dimples in thei

3、r faces. The most possible genotype of this man is_AAa BAACaa Dunable to be inferred(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.8.家猫中有一位于常染色体上的基因杂合时,呈无尾性状;而在纯合体时,又造成致死结果。当一只无尾猫跟另一只无尾猫杂交时,子代表现型为:_。A全部无尾 B无尾:有尾=3:1C无尾:有尾=2:1 D无尾:有尾=1:2(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.9.A female-male mosaic fruit fly may be formed, if there is chromosome loss o

4、r_Aequal division during sperm generationBabnormal mitosis during merogenesis(fertilized egg cleavage)Cmeiosis in embryoDmeiosis when sperm is tailed(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.10.性连锁基因的剂量补偿效应:_。A在人类,通过 Lyon 化机制实现,正常女性个体细胞中的两条 X 染色体必有一条随即失活B在果蝇,通过特殊的 Lyon 化机制实现:正常雄性个体细胞中的 X 染色体基因超表达C在人类,通过女性细胞中一条 X 染色体失活实现;在果蝇

5、,通过 X 染色体数目变化实现D上述选项中 A 和 B 正确(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.11.The vector of sexduction is_Athe chromosome of a high frequency recombination bacteriumBan episome of a conjugated bacteriumCthe episome of F bacteriumDF factor or a transductable bacteriophage(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.12.HfrF-中断杂交试验,结果如下图。af 是基因位点,X 坐标为时间,Y

6、坐标为重组率。可以推测Hfr 菌株的连锁图为_。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.13.A commonplace in genetics is the relationship between recombination frequency and crossover value. Generally speaking, _.Arecombination frequency may be directly obtained according to phenotypic ratios, but crossover value cannot be directly obtained accor

7、ding to phenotypic ratiosBcrossover value may be replaced by recombination frequency or chiasm frequency you get from the observation under microscope when genetic distance is considerably shortCcrossover value may be replaced by recombination frequency when genetic distance is as a medium value, no

8、t too long and not too shortDrecombination frequency will be very different from crossover value when there is a third locus in between the two loci you analysed(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.14.下面是关于红色脉孢霉(Neurospora crassa)遗传分析的陈述,请选择最佳选项。_A由于红色脉孢霉的子囊狭窄,减数分裂后的 4 个同源染色体在子囊中顺序排列B作为细菌遗传分析的模式物种,红色脉孢霉可以利用着丝粒作图法进行基因定位

9、C在红色脉孢霉中,减数分裂第二次分裂(M)的比例可用于计算某基因位点与着丝粒的重组率D由于红色脉孢霉的子囊狭窄,减数分裂后的 4 个染色单体在子囊中顺序排列(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.15.Extranuclear inheritance related analysis is very different from that for nuclear inheritance, _Aextranuclear genes usually express uniparental inheritanceBmaternal effect is an inheritance phenomenon t

10、hat offspring only express maternal traitsCmaternal inheritance is an inheritance phenomenon that offspring only express maternal nuclear genotypeDcytoplasmic inheritance only happens in eukaryotes(organisms whose cells contain nucleus)(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.三、简述题(总题数:2,分数:30.00)16.解释互补实验,并以曲霉菌的腺嘌呤突变体 1、2

11、 和 3 为例,设计实验说明三种突变体是否属于同一个基因的突变。(分数:15.00)_17.In an inversion heterozygote. one of its chromosomes shows the following linkage relationship:In the homologous chromosome, there exists an inversion in the region(分数:15.00)_四、分析计算题(总题数:2,分数:35.00)18.两个已知作物品种 P1 和 P2 作为亲本进行杂交,测得后代的抽穗期年平均值及方差如下表:(1)不考虑互作遗

12、传方差。请你写出关系式、计算抽穗期的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力。(2)在可遗传的部分,有多大比例是可以稳定遗传的?抽穗期遗传的平均显性程度是多大?世代 抽穗期平均值 方差值P1 45.47 38.57P2 96.64 36.12F1 64.58 18.41F2(F1F1后代) 74.20 141.23B1(F1P1后代) 54.60 60.73B1(F1P2后代) 81.90 120.02(分数:17.00)_19.In a fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)family, alleles aer, brt and cts are all homozygous

13、in recessive somatic cells. The 3 loci of aer. brt and cts are linked in order. Crossing the female flies of this family with male wild-type fruit flies, and make F1 heterozygous individuals intercross, the F2 are produced as follows:+ + + 4365aer brt cts 1168aer brt + 278+ + cts 269aer + + 150+ brt

14、 cts 141aer + cts 16+ brt + 13(1)Please analyse and calculate the recombination frequency between aer and brt and that between brt and cts.(2)How much is the coefficient of interference?(分数:18.00)_遗传学-10 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、名词解释(总题数:5,分数:15.00)1.Synaptonemal complex(SC)(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(同源染色体的

15、两个成员侧向连接,像拉链一样并排配对(联会)过程中现成的一种独特的非永久性亚显微复合结构。在适当的时候可以激活染色体交换。)解析:2.Penetrance(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(具有一定基因型的个体在特定环境条件下形成预期表现型的比率,一般用百分率表示。)解析:3.Gene conversion(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(正常杂合体经减数分裂后产生不对等分离的异常现象,它实际上是异源双链 DNA 错配的核苷酸对在修复校正过程中,所发生的由一个基因转变为它的等位基因的现象。)解析:4.Transposon(or transposable element)(分数:3.00)_正确答案:

16、(在基因组中存在的一种特殊 DNA 序列,可以移动到基因组内的其他位置上去(转座)。)解析:5.Interrupted mating experiment(分数:3.00)_正确答案:(把接合中的细菌在不同时期取样并通过猛烈搅拌等中断其接合过程,然后分析杂交后受体细菌基因型的实验方法。)解析:二、选择题(总题数:10,分数:20.00)6.对于双因子杂交试验而言,F 1代产生 4 种配子,比例为 1:1:1:1,F 2代基因型比和表现型分离比分别为_。A(1:2:1) 2和(2:1) 2 B(1:2:1) 2和(3:1) 2C(1:2:1) 3和(3:1) 2 D(1:2:1) 2和(3:1)

17、 3(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:7.The inheritance pattern of dimple is dominant. A man with dimples who was married by a woman without dimples gave birth to 8 children, and interestingly, all the eight children have dimples in their faces. The most possible genotype of this man is_AAa BAACaa Dunable to be in

18、ferred(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:8.家猫中有一位于常染色体上的基因杂合时,呈无尾性状;而在纯合体时,又造成致死结果。当一只无尾猫跟另一只无尾猫杂交时,子代表现型为:_。A全部无尾 B无尾:有尾=3:1C无尾:有尾=2:1 D无尾:有尾=1:2(分数:2.00)A.B.C. D.解析:9.A female-male mosaic fruit fly may be formed, if there is chromosome loss or_Aequal division during sperm generationBabnormal mitosis during mero

19、genesis(fertilized egg cleavage)Cmeiosis in embryoDmeiosis when sperm is tailed(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:10.性连锁基因的剂量补偿效应:_。A在人类,通过 Lyon 化机制实现,正常女性个体细胞中的两条 X 染色体必有一条随即失活B在果蝇,通过特殊的 Lyon 化机制实现:正常雄性个体细胞中的 X 染色体基因超表达C在人类,通过女性细胞中一条 X 染色体失活实现;在果蝇,通过 X 染色体数目变化实现D上述选项中 A 和 B 正确(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:11.The vector o

20、f sexduction is_Athe chromosome of a high frequency recombination bacteriumBan episome of a conjugated bacteriumCthe episome of F bacteriumDF factor or a transductable bacteriophage(分数:2.00)A.B.C. D.解析:12.HfrF-中断杂交试验,结果如下图。af 是基因位点,X 坐标为时间,Y 坐标为重组率。可以推测Hfr 菌株的连锁图为_。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:13.A commonpl

21、ace in genetics is the relationship between recombination frequency and crossover value. Generally speaking, _.Arecombination frequency may be directly obtained according to phenotypic ratios, but crossover value cannot be directly obtained according to phenotypic ratiosBcrossover value may be repla

22、ced by recombination frequency or chiasm frequency you get from the observation under microscope when genetic distance is considerably shortCcrossover value may be replaced by recombination frequency when genetic distance is as a medium value, not too long and not too shortDrecombination frequency w

23、ill be very different from crossover value when there is a third locus in between the two loci you analysed(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:14.下面是关于红色脉孢霉(Neurospora crassa)遗传分析的陈述,请选择最佳选项。_A由于红色脉孢霉的子囊狭窄,减数分裂后的 4 个同源染色体在子囊中顺序排列B作为细菌遗传分析的模式物种,红色脉孢霉可以利用着丝粒作图法进行基因定位C在红色脉孢霉中,减数分裂第二次分裂(M)的比例可用于计算某基因位点与着丝粒的重组率D由于红色脉孢霉

24、的子囊狭窄,减数分裂后的 4 个染色单体在子囊中顺序排列(分数:2.00)A.B.C. D.解析:15.Extranuclear inheritance related analysis is very different from that for nuclear inheritance, _Aextranuclear genes usually express uniparental inheritanceBmaternal effect is an inheritance phenomenon that offspring only express maternal traitsCmat

25、ernal inheritance is an inheritance phenomenon that offspring only express maternal nuclear genotypeDcytoplasmic inheritance only happens in eukaryotes(organisms whose cells contain nucleus)(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:三、简述题(总题数:2,分数:30.00)16.解释互补实验,并以曲霉菌的腺嘌呤突变体 1、2 和 3 为例,设计实验说明三种突变体是否属于同一个基因的突变。(分数:15.00)

26、_正确答案:(检测两个突变体的突变基因作用方式的试验。同一表型的不同突变体的杂交后代,突变基因杂合的顺式结构都能互补。而反式结构不能互补说明两个突变型是属于同一个基因的突变,反式能互补说明是不同基因的突变。实验设计:设计三个杂交,突变 1 与 2(ad1ad2)杂交,突变 1 与 3(ad1ad2)杂交;然后突变 2 与3(ad1ad2)再杂交分析:突变 1 与 2 杂交如果没有互补,但是与突变 3 有互补;说明:突变分属于两个基因,基因 1(2)和基因 3。突变 1 与 3 杂交如果没有互补,但是与突变 2 有互补;说明:突变分属于两个基因,基因 1(3)和基因 2。突变 1 与 3 杂交如

27、果没有互补,与突变 2 也没有互补;说明:突变分属于同一个基因。突变 1 与 3 杂交如果有互补,与突变 2 也有互补,而突变 2 与突变 3 也有互补;说明:三个突变分属于三个各自独立的不同基因。)解析:17.In an inversion heterozygote. one of its chromosomes shows the following linkage relationship:In the homologous chromosome, there exists an inversion in the region(分数:15.00)_正确答案:(1)臂内倒位(paracen

28、tric inversion)。(2)这两条染色体的联会图(synaptic scheme)是:)解析:四、分析计算题(总题数:2,分数:35.00)18.两个已知作物品种 P1 和 P2 作为亲本进行杂交,测得后代的抽穗期年平均值及方差如下表:(1)不考虑互作遗传方差。请你写出关系式、计算抽穗期的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力。(2)在可遗传的部分,有多大比例是可以稳定遗传的?抽穗期遗传的平均显性程度是多大?世代抽穗期平均值方差值P1 45.47 38.57P2 96.64 36.12F1 64.58 18.41F2(F1F1后代)74.20141.23B1(F1P1后代)54.6060.73B1(

29、F1P2后代)81.90120.02(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(1)广义遗传力即H2=VG/VP=VF2-1/3(VP1+VP2+VF1)/VF2=141.23-1/3(38.57+36.12+18.41)/141.23=110.18/141.23=0.78狭义遗传力即h2=VA/VP=2VF2-(VB1+VB2)/VF2=2141.23-(60.73+120.02)/141.23=101.71/141.23=0.72(2)加性效应部分可以稳定遗传,体现为 VA,在可遗传的部分(遗传方差)V G中占的比例为VA/VG=101.71/110.18=0.92=92%(或 VA/VG=h2/H

30、2=0.72/0.78=0.92=92%)抽穗期遗传的平均显性程度是(V D/VA)1/2=(VG-VA)/VA1/2=(110.18-101.71)/101.711/2=0.29)解析:19.In a fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)family, alleles aer, brt and cts are all homozygous in recessive somatic cells. The 3 loci of aer. brt and cts are linked in order. Crossing the female flies of th

31、is family with male wild-type fruit flies, and make F1 heterozygous individuals intercross, the F2 are produced as follows:+ + + 4365aer brt cts 1168aer brt + 278+ + cts 269aer + + 150+ brt cts 141aer + cts 16+ brt + 13(1)Please analyse and calculate the recombination frequency between aer and brt a

32、nd that between brt and cts.(2)How much is the coefficient of interference?(分数:18.00)_正确答案:(1)杂交结果,F 1为杂合体(+/aer brt cts)。雄果蝇中同一条染色体上基因百分之百连锁,所以 F1杂合体相互杂交中,雄果蝇只产生两种类型的配子+和 abc。雌果蝇染色体上基因是部分连锁的,可产生 8 种配子。雄果蝇的配子+与雌果蝇的任何配子结合,后代为野生型。雄果蝇的配子 aer brt cts 与雌果蝇的 8 种配子结合,后代的表型比代表着雌果蝇的配子比。F 2代 6400 只果蝇中的 3200 只是雌果蝇染色体亲本型和连锁交换型对应的后代,在重组率的计算中,+应记为 4365-3200=1165。重组率(recombination frequency)计算:(2)理论双交换值=10%18%=1.8%)解析:


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