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1、硕士研究生英语学位-19 及答案解析(总分:104.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPART LISTENIN(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BSection A/B(总题数:2,分数:9.00)(分数:4.00)(1).What will they do next? A. Wait for Mike. B. Call Mike to come. C. Pick Mike up in the morning. D. Stop working for the day.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).What does the woman mean? A. She doesnt li

2、ke playing tennis. B. She was thinking the same as the man. C. She had something else in mind. D. She had suggested the same thing earlier.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).What does the woman mean? A. Matt wants to be cheered up. B. Matt has lost himself. C. Matt worries little about the game. D. Matt feels a l

3、ittle depressed.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).What does the woman mean? A. The man is a coward. B. The man is too careful. C. Martha likes chicken very much. D. Martha is not the right person for him.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(分数:5.00)(1).What does the woman mean? A. Composition is her favorite course. B. She prefers

4、 other courses to composition. C. She enjoys most of the courses. D. She doesnt like any course.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).What does the woman mean? A. She hasnt read the passage. B. She doesnt understand it either. C. She cannot read it in darkness. D. She suggests that the man read it.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(

5、3).What does the man advise the woman to do? A. To guard her money. B. Not to go shopping downtown. C. To look for a new wallet. D. Not to take the train.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).Why did Jerry refuse to take the job? A. The working hours were too long. B. The job was not well-paid. C. He didnt like work

6、ing in a company. D. The job was quite difficult.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).What can we learn about Steven? A. Steven is satisfied with his experiment. B. Steven couldnt enjoy the parties any more C. Steven is a pleasure-seeker. D. Steven is worried about his experiments.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.三、BSection B/B(总题

7、数:2,分数:6.00)(分数:3.00)(1).What is the name of the study on peoples happiness in different countries? A. Social Research. B. World Values Survey. C. The Worlds Happiest Country. D. Perspectives on Psychological Science.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).What does the study show? A. Happiness levels around the world

8、 do not really change. B. Many people around the world like to talk about happiness. C. Many people around the world are happier now than in the past. D. Many people around the world are less happy now than in the past.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Why was Denmark found to be the worlds happiest country? A.

9、The health-care system in the country is good. B. People in the country share strong family ties. C. There is no hunger in the country. D. There is no political and social unrest.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(分数:3.00)(1).What did the speaker comment the past when he heard his students complain about their bad m

10、emories? A. They neednt have repeated earlier materials. B. They have bad habits rather than bad memories. C. They should make continuous effort to train memory. D. They can improve their memory by working hard.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).What does the speaker suggest about language learning? A. We should

11、adopt some methods of unconscious learning. B. Slow as it is, adopt some methods of unconscious learning. C. Our working memory can be improved by doing a lot of reading. D. It is necessary to learn consciously by trying word lists.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Which word, according to the speaker, can descr

12、ibe the process of language use? A. Laborious B. Conscious. C. Appropriate. D. Effortless(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.四、BSection C/B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).It is estimated that at least one million people die every year because of complications _.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_(2).The program used by the United Nations ag

13、ency to reduce mistakes is around a new _.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_(3).In 2004, the death rate that surgical complications led to in developing countries was _.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_(4).The very first step for the checklist is to confirm the _ and the operation to be performed.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_(5).Surgical equipmen

14、t is counted to make sure _ stays in the patient.(分数:1.00)填空项 1:_五、BPART VOCABULA(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、BSection A/B(总题数:10,分数:5.00)1.Some scientists are trying to Ueliminate/U malaria by developing a GM mosquito that cant transmit the disease. A. remove B. fabricate C. enhance D. utilize(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.

15、2.If a country turned inward and Uinsulated/U itself, the result would be a diminished standard of living. A. worshiped B. split C. innovated D. isolated(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.3.The preserved food should retain Upalatable/U appearance, flavor, and texture, as well as its original nutritional value. A. tas

16、ty B. stylish C. delicate D. notable(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.4.The trade fair is designed to Ufacilitate/U further cooperation between Chinese auto industries and overseas auto industries. A. promote B. protect C. preserve D. prolong(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.5.I didnt know it then, but this Udisruptive/U way of read

17、ing started with the very first novel I ever picked up. A. harmful B. persistent C. interruptive D. characteristic(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.6.These machines have Ubeen idle/U for the past months. A. been working well B. been working badly C. not been in service D. not been running at all(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.7.Mr

18、. Carson thought he Uwas entitled to/U more assistance from the government. A. had received B. had a right to C. would D. might apply for(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.8.Residents in big cities in China tend to Udispose of/U some old furniture when moving. A. get possession of B. get rid of C. hold on to D. keep

19、track of(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.9.It is generally believed that money can always bring happiness, but studies and surveys have proved that this is a Umyth/U. A. fairy tale B. absolute truth C. mistaken idea D. big controversy(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.10.Beta-endorphin is a natural opiate which increases pain tolera

20、nce, counters stress and Uimparts/U a feeling of well-being. A. destroys B. suppresses C. gives D. secretes(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.七、BSection B/B(总题数:10,分数:5.00)11.Nowadays, our government advocates credit to whatever we do or whoever we contact with. Once you _ your words, you will lose your social status

21、 and personal reputation. A. keep up with B. give away from C. go back on D. lose sight of(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.12.A person can explain his professional goals _ position, prestige or income. A. in terms of B. in case of C. in view of D. in honor of(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.13.To test his theory, the chemist _ an

22、experiment. A. set up B. set out C. set forth D. set in(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.14.The hospital, though very new or young in its age, was somehow able to _ the severe medicine shortage. A. sustain B. suspend C. tolerate D. detain(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.15.These papers have helped to _ the causes of depression and

23、ways out of depression. A. catch sight of B. take advantage of C. shed light on D. get along with(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.16.She is_a musician than her brother. A. much of B. more of C. much as D. more as(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.17.Some stories bring a smile, because they _ some officials who care nothing but their

24、 own position. A. make sense of B. poke fun at C. give rise to D. let go of(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.18.Malaria is an infectious parasitic disease that can be either acute or chronic and is frequently _. A. repeating B. terminal C. debilitating D. recurrent(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.19.A loan refers to anything given

25、on condition of its return or repayment of its _. A. excess B. debt C. currency D. equivalent(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.20.Although in her teens, the eldest daughter had to quit school to help _ the family. A. provide for B. head for C. fall for D. go for(分数:0.50)A.B.C.D.八、BPART CLOZE/(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Many peo

26、ple invest in the stock market hoping to find the next Microsoft and Dell. However, I know from personal experience how difficult this really is. For more than a year, I was U U 1 /U /Uhundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars a day investing in the market. It seemed so easy, I dreamed of U U 2 /U

27、 /Umy job at the end of the year, of buying a small apartment in Paris, of traveling around the world. But these dreams came to a sudden and dramatic end when a stock I U U 3 /U /U, Texas cellular pone wholesaler, fell by more than 75 percent U U 4 /U /Ua one year period. On the worst day, it plunge

28、d by more than $15 a share. There was a rumor the company was exaggerating sales figures. That was when I learned how quickly Wall Street punishes companies that misrepresent the U U 5 /U /UIn a panic, I sold all my stock in the company, paying off margin debt with cash advances from my credit card.

29、 Because I owned so many shares, I U U 6 /U /Ua small fortune, half of it from money I borrowed from the brokerage company. One month, I am a winner, the next, a loser. This one big loss was my first lesson in the market.My father was a stockbroker, as was my grandfather U U 7 /U /Uhim.(In fact, he

30、founded one of Chicagos earliest brokerage firms.) But like so many things in life, we dont learn anything until we experience it for ourselves. The only way to really understand the inner U U 8 /U /Uof the stock market is to invest your own hard-earned money. When all your stocks are doing U U 9 /U

31、 /Uand you feel like a winner, you learn very little. Its when all your stocks are losing and everyone is questioning your stock-picking U U 10 /U /Uthat you find out if you have what it takes to invest in the market.(分数:10.00)(1). A. after B. before C. for D. and(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2). A. workings B.

32、 innings C. price D. shares(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3). A. more B. great C. much D. up(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4). A. facility B. faculty C. ability D. power(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5). A. making B. spending C. selling D. buying(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(6). A. losing B. retiring C. getting D. quitting(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(7). A. ow

33、ned B. owed C. rented D. sold(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(8). A. over B. by C. from D. with(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(9). A. trade B. truth C. lie D. lies(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(10). A. won B. lost C. gained D. found(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.九、BPART READING (总题数:6,分数:34.00)Botany, the study of plants, occupies a peculiar position in

34、the history of human knowledge. For many thousands of years it was the one field of awareness about which humans had anything more than the vaguest of insights. It is impossible to know today just what our Stone Age ancestors knew about plants, but from what we can observe of pre-industrial societie

35、s that still exist, a detailed learning of plants and their properties must be extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants are the basis of the food pyramid for all living things, even for other plants. They have always been enormously important to the welfare of peoples, not only for food, but also

36、for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes, medicines, shelter, and a great many other purposes. Tribes living today in the jungles of the Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants and know many properties of each. To them botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special bra

37、nch of “knowledge“ at all.Unfortunately, the more industrialized we become, the farther away we move from direct contact with plants, and the less distinct our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone comes unconsciously on an amazing amount of botanical knowledge, and few people will fail to recogni

38、ze a rose, an apple, or an orchid. When our Neolithic ancestors, living in the Middle East about 10,000 years ago, discovered that certain grasses could be harvested and their seeds planted for richer yields the next season, the first great step in a new association of plants and humans was taken. G

39、rains were discovered and from them flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated crops. From then on, humans would increasingly take their living from the controlled production of a few plants, rather than get a little here and a little there from many varieties that grew wild and the accumulated kn

40、owledge of tens of thousands of years of experience and intimacy with plants in the wild would begin to fade away.(分数:6.00)(1).Which of the following assumptions about early humans is expressed in the passage? A. They probably had extensive knowledge of plants. B. They thought there was no need to c

41、ultivate crops. C. They did not enjoy the study of botany. D. They placed great importance on the ownership of property.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).What does the comment“ this is logical “in line 5 mean? A. There is no clear way to determine the extent of our ancestors knowledge of plants. B. It is not sur

42、prising that early humans had a detailed knowledge of plants. C. It is reasonable to assume that our ancestors behaved very much like people in pre-industrial societies. D. Human knowledge of plants is well organized and very detailed.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).In line 17, what is the authors purpose in m

43、entioning “a rose, an apple, or an orchid“? A. To make the passage more poetic. B. To cite examples of plants that are attractive. C. To give botanical examples that all readers will recognize. D. To illustrate the diversity of botanical life.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).According to the passage, what was t

44、he first great step toward the practice of agriculture? A. The invention of agricultural implements and machinery. B. The development of a system of names for plants. C. The discovery of grasses that could be harvested and replanted. D. The changing diets of early humans.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).The rel

45、ationship between botany and agriculture is similar to the relationship between zoology (the study of animals) and_. A. deer hunting B. bird watching C. sheep raising D. horseback riding(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(6).Why do tribes living in the jungles of the Amazon recognize so many plants? A. Because plants

46、 have always been enormously important to the welfare of people, especially to those ancient tribes. B. Because their memory are very excellent. C. Because there are many plants growing in the Amazon. D. Because they recognize it as a special branch of knowledge.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.President Bill Clint

47、on is being squeezed on the issue of gays in the military. Gays demand that he lift the ban on them. But the generals and admirals say, please, spare us this massive migraine. If Clinton wants maximum effectiveness from the military, hell try to squirm out of his political promise to end the ban. He cant soothe


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