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1、硕士研究生英语学位-38 及答案解析(总分:30.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、PART VOCABULARY(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:10,分数:5.00)1.The number of hours that have intervened between the accident and operation is a crucial factor.(分数:0.50)A.interferedB.interlacedC.interposedD.interlinked2.This honor recognizes the work done by these

2、 private enterprises on behalf of charity.(分数:0.50)A.in the face ofB.in the process ofC.in the course ofD.in the interests of3.This old man had trouble expressing the attachment he felt when arriving at his native town.(分数:0.50)A.hospitalityB.affectionC.appealD.frustration4.Even if you possess these

3、 qualities, you will not achieve your goal without uncompromising effort.(分数:0.50)A.unyieldingB.uninhabitableC.unproductiveD.unsubstantial5.A careful screening of the disease will lessen the patients“ anxiety.(分数:0.50)A.showingB.hidingC.investigationD.projection6.The prodigal son spent his money eco

4、nomically and soon after he left home he was reduced to a beggar.(分数:0.50)A.lavishlyB.economicallyC.thriftilyD.extrovertly7.Moderate and regular exercise can boost the rate of blood circulation and metabolism.(分数:0.50)A.restrictB.reduceC.increaseD.stabilize8.In spite of the taxing business schedule,

5、 he managed to take some time off for exercise.(分数:0.50)A.imposingB.demandingC.compulsoryD.temporary9.Most of the 33 newly discovered planets“ giant gas bags swing so erratically that they create havoc on any smaller, nearby, life-friendly planets.(分数:0.50)A.destructionB.benefitsC.chaosD.violence10.

6、Many people came to donate blood of their own accord .(分数:0.50)A.willinglyB.for their own sakeC.of their ownD.without the help of others三、Section B(总题数:10,分数:5.00)11.When asked to disclose financial ties to drug companies, many doctors will _ such information.(分数:0.50)A.withdrawB.withstandC.witherD.

7、withhold12.Russia is _ the largest country in the world, covering more than a ninth of the Earth“s land area.(分数:0.50)A.far fromB.by farC.at firstD.other than13.An overseas market with a great growth potential is not easy to_.(分数:0.50)A.break downB.break upC.break throughD.break into14.Eight badmint

8、on players were charged with trying to _ the outcome of preliminary matches.(分数:0.50)A.dominateB.manipulateC.eliminateD.simulate15.He was easily hurt because his feelings were very _.(分数:0.50)A.sensibleB.sensationalC.sensitiveD.senseless16.Light levels are carefully controlled to fall within an acce

9、ptable level for _ reading convenience.(分数:0.50)A.intentionalB.idealC.obligatoryD.standard17.PM2.5 particles are thought particularly damaging to health because they can _ deep into the lungs.(分数:0.50)A.diveB.penetrateC.elevateD.dig18.These researchers intend to _ this research until there is some s

10、ubstantial finding.(分数:0.50)A.insist onB.call onC.live onD.carry on19.Visitors to this war museum are _ to see photos of mass massacre by Japanese soldiers.(分数:0.50)A.amazedB.startledC.wonderedD.started20.Bill Clinton rose to prominence after he was elected _ of Arkansas at age 32 in 1978.(分数:0.50)A

11、.presidentB.secretaryC.governorD.premier四、PART CLOZE(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Researchers produced evidence to support what most of us already knew-that a cup of tea is the answer to any crisis. Dr. Malcolm Cross, a psychologist at City University London, tested the anxiety levels of a group of people followi

12、ng a 1 situation and revealed that even a single cup of tea has a 2 calming effect. His team gave 42 volunteers a mental arithmetic exam and 3 offered half of them a cup of tea and the other half a glass of water. The water group“s anxiety levels soared 4 25 percent compared to before the task, 5 th

13、e tea group actually reported a four percent reduction in anxiety-despite the difficult test, they were more relaxed than when they started. According to a survey carried out for the research, 68 percent of Britons 6 tea in a dilemma, making it the nation“s most common response to trouble of 7 kind.

14、 About 60 percent said the promise of comfort and warmth was the main reason for putting the kettle on. “The 8 of making and drinking tea-particularly during times of stress-is at the very 9 of British culture,“ Cross said. This study shows that the social psychological 10 of tea enhance the effects

15、 of its chemical make-up on our bodies and brains.(分数:10.00)A.light-heartedB.seriousC.comfortableD.stressfulA.onB.inC.byD.atA.whileB.howeverC.meanwhileD.neverthelessA.give upB.owe toC.look onD.turn toA.whicheverB.whateverC.howeverD.whoeverA.ceremonyB.functionC.ritualD.observanceA.beginningB.momentC.

16、endD.coreA.aspectsB.facesC.sitesD.waysA.previouslyB.afterwardsC.besidesD.latelyA.significantB.rigorousC.severeD.selective五、PART WRITING(总题数:1,分数:10.00)21.1在市场经济中,“适者生存”是非常重要的。 2“适者生存”同样适用于现在社会中的每一个人。 3我应该如何去适应社会的需要? (分数:10.00)_硕士研究生英语学位-38 答案解析(总分:30.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、PART VOCABULARY(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、S

17、ection A(总题数:10,分数:5.00)1.The number of hours that have intervened between the accident and operation is a crucial factor.(分数:0.50)A.interfered B.interlacedC.interposedD.interlinked解析:解析 “介于事故和手术之间的时间长度是个关键因素”,只有 A 项 interfered“干预,干扰,介入”与 intervene 吻合,故选 A。其余选项都不合适,interlace“交织,交错”,interpose“提出”,int

18、erlink“连接,连环”。2.This honor recognizes the work done by these private enterprises on behalf of charity.(分数:0.50)A.in the face ofB.in the process ofC.in the course ofD.in the interests of 解析:解析 on behalf of:代表,为了;in the face of:尽管有,在面前;in the process of:在过程中;in the course of:在期间;in the interests of:为了

19、的利益3.This old man had trouble expressing the attachment he felt when arriving at his native town.(分数:0.50)A.hospitalityB.affection C.appealD.frustration解析:attachment:爱,喜爱;hospitality:热情好客,款待;affection:深情,爱;appeal:魅力,诱惑力;frustration:受挫感,不顺4.Even if you possess these qualities, you will not achieve yo

20、ur goal without uncompromising effort.(分数:0.50)A.unyielding B.uninhabitableC.unproductiveD.unsubstantial解析:uncompromising:不让步的,不妥协的,坚持不懈的;unyielding:不屈服的,不懈的;uninhabitable:不适合居住的;unproductive:低产的,贫瘠的;unsubstantial:不牢固的,无实质内容的,空洞的。5.A careful screening of the disease will lessen the patients“ anxiety

21、.(分数:0.50)A.showingB.hidingC.investigation D.projection解析:investigation“调查,审查”。本题考查在具体语境中词义的辨析和单词的选用。A 项showing“出示,指示”;B 项 hiding“隐匿”D 项 projection“预测,预计”。6.The prodigal son spent his money economically and soon after he left home he was reduced to a beggar.(分数:0.50)A.lavishly B.economicallyC.thrift

22、ilyD.extrovertly解析:划线词 extravagantly“挥霍无度地”;A 项 lavishly“浪费地”,与划线词的意思最接近;B 项economically“经济地,经济学地”;C 项 thriftily“节俭地”;D 项 extrovertly“性格外向地”。7.Moderate and regular exercise can boost the rate of blood circulation and metabolism.(分数:0.50)A.restrictB.reduceC.increase D.stabilize解析:8.In spite of the ta

23、xing business schedule, he managed to take some time off for exercise.(分数:0.50)A.imposingB.demanding C.compulsoryD.temporary解析:taxing:繁重的,负担重的;imposing:给人印象深的,宏伟的;demanding:需要很多精力和时间的,要求高的;compulsory:必须的,义务的;temporary:临时的9.Most of the 33 newly discovered planets“ giant gas bags swing so erratically

24、that they create havoc on any smaller, nearby, life-friendly planets.(分数:0.50)A.destruction B.benefitsC.chaosD.violence解析:havoc“大破坏”。A 项 destruction“破坏”;B 项 benefits“利益”;C 项 chaos“混乱”;D项 violence“暴力,暴行”。10.Many people came to donate blood of their own accord .(分数:0.50)A.willingly B.for their own sak

25、eC.of their ownD.without the help of others解析:解析 of one“s own accord“出于自愿的”,willingly“自动的”,for one“s own sake“为了他们自己的缘故”。三、Section B(总题数:10,分数:5.00)11.When asked to disclose financial ties to drug companies, many doctors will _ such information.(分数:0.50)A.withdrawB.withstandC.witherD.withhold 解析:解析

26、withdraw:撤回,取钱,收回,远离现实;withstand:承受;wither:枯萎,凋谢;withhold:保留,不给别人12.Russia is _ the largest country in the world, covering more than a ninth of the Earth“s land area.(分数:0.50)A.far fromB.by far C.at firstD.other than解析:解析 far from:远非(接形容词),远离;by far:绝对,毫无疑问,确定无疑(常与最高级连用);at first:起初,最初;other than:除之

27、外,不包括13.An overseas market with a great growth potential is not easy to_.(分数:0.50)A.break downB.break upC.break throughD.break into 解析:break down:克服,打破,出毛病,情绪失控,分解;break up:分手,拆散;break through:突破;break into:突然进入某种状态,艰难进入14.Eight badminton players were charged with trying to _ the outcome of prelimin

28、ary matches.(分数:0.50)A.dominateB.manipulate C.eliminateD.simulate解析:dominate:占主导地位,控制;manipulate:控制,操纵,幕后指挥,使用;eliminate:消灭,淘汰;simulate:模拟。15.He was easily hurt because his feelings were very _.(分数:0.50)A.sensibleB.sensationalC.sensitive D.senseless解析:A 项 sensible“明智的”;B 项 sensational“轰动的”;C 项 sensi

29、tive“敏感的,容易受伤的”;D 项 senseless“无知觉的”,根据题意,应选 C。16.Light levels are carefully controlled to fall within an acceptable level for _ reading convenience.(分数:0.50)A.intentionalB.ideal C.obligatoryD.standard解析:B 项 ideal“理想的”,为正确答案。A 项 intentional“有意的”;C 项 obligatory“强制性的”;D 项 standard“标准的”。17.PM2.5 particl

30、es are thought particularly damaging to health because they can _ deep into the lungs.(分数:0.50)A.diveB.penetrate C.elevateD.dig解析:dive:潜水,跳入水中;penetrate:进入,艰难地进入;elevate:升高;dig:挖,挖掘。18.These researchers intend to _ this research until there is some substantial finding.(分数:0.50)A.insist onB.call onC.

31、live onD.carry on 解析:解析 insist on:坚持认为,坚决要求(并非“坚持做”);Call on:要求,号召;live on:靠生活;carry on (with):继续19.Visitors to this war museum are _ to see photos of mass massacre by Japanese soldiers.(分数:0.50)A.amazedB.startled C.wonderedD.started解析:amaze:使惊讶(往往有赞叹或佩服含义);startle:使惊恐万分,吓一跳;wonder:感到疑惑,琢磨;start:惊动。

32、另外,表示“又吃惊,又失望”时用 dismay。20.Bill Clinton rose to prominence after he was elected _ of Arkansas at age 32 in 1978.(分数:0.50)A.presidentB.secretaryC.governor D.premier解析:president:总统,董事长,大学校长;secretary:秘书(secretary general 秘书长/general secretary 总书记);governor:州长,总督;premier:总理四、PART CLOZE(总题数:1,分数:10.00)R

33、esearchers produced evidence to support what most of us already knew-that a cup of tea is the answer to any crisis. Dr. Malcolm Cross, a psychologist at City University London, tested the anxiety levels of a group of people following a 1 situation and revealed that even a single cup of tea has a 2 c

34、alming effect. His team gave 42 volunteers a mental arithmetic exam and 3 offered half of them a cup of tea and the other half a glass of water. The water group“s anxiety levels soared 4 25 percent compared to before the task, 5 the tea group actually reported a four percent reduction in anxiety-des

35、pite the difficult test, they were more relaxed than when they started. According to a survey carried out for the research, 68 percent of Britons 6 tea in a dilemma, making it the nation“s most common response to trouble of 7 kind. About 60 percent said the promise of comfort and warmth was the main

36、 reason for putting the kettle on. “The 8 of making and drinking tea-particularly during times of stress-is at the very 9 of British culture,“ Cross said. This study shows that the social psychological 10 of tea enhance the effects of its chemical make-up on our bodies and brains.(分数:10.00)A.light-h

37、eartedB.seriousC.comfortableD.stressful 解析:light-hearted 轻松的;serious 严肃的;comfortable 舒服的;stressful 有压力的,使紧张的。A.onB.inC.by D.at解析:A.while B.howeverC.meanwhileD.nevertheless解析:A.give upB.owe toC.look onD.turn to 解析:give up 放弃;owe to 归功于;look on 观看,旁观;turn to 转向,求助于A.whicheverB.whatever C.howeverD.whoe

38、ver解析:A.ceremonyB.functionC.ritual D.observance解析:ceremony 典礼的仪式等;function 功能;ritual 习惯性的仪式或礼节;observance 庆祝的仪式等A.beginningB.momentC.endD.core 解析:A.aspects B.facesC.sitesD.ways解析:A.previouslyB.afterwards C.besidesD.lately解析:afterwards:之后A.significant B.rigorousC.severeD.selective解析:significant 有意义的,

39、重大的;rigorous 严格的;severe 严厉,严重的;selective 选择的五、PART WRITING(总题数:1,分数:10.00)21.1在市场经济中,“适者生存”是非常重要的。 2“适者生存”同样适用于现在社会中的每一个人。 3我应该如何去适应社会的需要? (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析: Survival of the Fittest At the economy market,it is very important to understand the“Survival of the Fittest”, which tells us that one cann

40、ot keep its position unless he has to meet the changeable needs of the society or the market. For example, if a factory which produces radios fails to know what the customers need, it will not be able to survive at the today“s market. On the contrary, if the factory can constantly change its product

41、s to satisfy customers“ needs, it will develop fast. Therefore, it is obvious that at the economy market, every enterprise should follow the principle, “Survival of the Fittest“. In our daily life, it is also applicable to everyone. We need to adapt ourselves to the changing environment. Otherwise w

42、e could not keep up with the pace of the development. For instance, if you didn“t want to accept the E-mail for communication, you will fall behind others in receiving the information. As a result, you might be ousted. To meet the needs of the social development, I need to study continuously. Also I have to adjust myself from time to time. Learning will help me to catch up with the new tides in the society, and adjustment will help me to make necessary corrections in my personalities and behaviors.


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