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1、硕士研究生英语学位真题 2006 年 1 月及答案解析(总分:80.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part I Vocabulary(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.These figures boil down to no significance as they are statistically imperfect.A. amount to B. conform to C. contribute to D. attach to(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.2.The researchers are working hard t

2、o find the optimal concentration of this drug.A. most poisonous B. most likely C. most famous D. most desirable(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.3.This young lawyer dares to take on the powerful on behalf of the poor and weak.A. with the favor of B. find good jobs for C. assume the responsibility for D. accept the c

3、hallenge of(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.4.The last traces of respectability had vanished by the time he was convicted and imprisoned.A. collapsed B. disappeared C. perished D. scattered(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.5.Fearful of losing her job for good, this lady decided to talk to the manager directly.A. for benefits B. by

4、luck C. for ever D. at hand.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.6.An important innovation in this college was the introduction of the seminary method for advanced students.A. idea B. change C. matter D. policy(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.7.This archaeologist made a study of the vast area through which the Roman civilization has b

5、een propaqated.A. extended B. terminated C. speculated D. restricted(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.8.The investor would suffer a lot from a television series that was heavily invested in but never came off.A. was released B. proved satisfactory C. failed completely D. won awards(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.9.Given the gravit

6、y of the situation, the best thing we can do is to declare the company bankrupt.A. gravitation B. fascination C. seriousness D. incurability(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.10.When the symptom occurs, she finds it difficult to manipulate a pencil despite her young age.A. utilize B. handle C. master D. dominate(分数:1

7、.00)A.B.C.D.三、Section B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)11.The country once threatened to _ diplomatic relations with its neighbor if the latter was too friendly to the rebels.A. show off B. keep off C. break off D. call off(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.12.In English leaning, a _ circle occurs when a student makes more errors a

8、fter being scolded.A. vicious B. vigorous C. vertical D. voluntary(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.13.Some ancient people were able to tell the time by the shadow _ by the sun on the slate.A. thrown B. flung C. cast D. tossed(upward)(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.14.Competition compels districts to devote their limited resources

9、 to achieving results that compare _ with other local districts.A. significantly B. favorably C. dramatically D. superficially(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.15.If you dont know how to _ your achievements, your parting from this world is going to be a nightmare.A. take hold of B. get rid of C. let go of D. make fu

10、n of(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.16.This country could have as many as 10 million cases of AIDS in 2010 if the _ is not taken seriously.A. episode B. epidemic C. equivalent D. eruption(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.17.With a wide variety of fresh fruit _ available, canner fruit is no longer so popular as before.A. willingly

11、B. appropriately C. confidently D. readily=easily(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.18.The crisis over parliamentary election illustrated the unpredictable _ that events could take once the coalition troops are withdrawn.A. process B. line C. way D. course(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.19.Decades of _ might have been partially res

12、ponsible for our ignorance of development abroad.A. insulation B. irrigation C. integration D. isolation(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.20.There have been some insensible people who attempt to end their pains _ through suicide.A. by and large B. once for all=forever C. heart and soul D. on the whole(分数:1.00)A.B.C.

13、D.四、Part Cloze(总题数:1,分数:10.00)There is now a new keychain device that lets people turn off most TVs anywhere from airports to restaurants. And it is selling faster than 21 . “1 thought there would just be a few sales, but we cant 22 demand,“ said inventor Mitch Altman of San Francisco, U.S. “1 didnt

14、 know there were so many people who wanted to turn TVs off.“Hundreds of orders for Altmans US $14.99 TV-B-Gone device poured in last week. The tiny remote control device had been 23 in Wired magazine and other online media outlets. 24 , the unexpected attention overloaded the website of his company.

15、 Cornfield Electronics, and caused it to 25 .The keychain device works like a 26 remote control but it only turns TVs on or off. With a push of the button, it goes through a 27 of about 200 infrared codes that control the power of about 1,000 television models. Altman said the majority of TVs should

16、 28 within 17 seconds. It takes a little more than a minute for the device to 29 all the trigger codes.The 47-year-old Altman got the idea for TV-B-Gone a decade ago. He was out with friends at a restaurant and they found themselves all 30 .by the TV, but no one was around to turn it off.(分数:10.00)(

17、1).A. expects B. expectation C. expected D. expecting(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).A. give in to B. hold on to C. make up for D. keep up with(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).A. acknowledged B. announced C. admitted D. applied(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).A. At times B. On time C. Behind time D. At the same time(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(

18、5).A. clash B. crush=smash C. cruise D. crash(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(6).A. commonplace B. universal C. mean D. medium(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(7).A. string B. flock C. school D. fleet(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(8).A. repel B. repeat C. react D. reproach=blame(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(9).A. submit B. permit C. om it D. emit(分数:1.00

19、)A.B.C.D.(10).A. bothered B. haunted C. interrupted D. hindered(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.五、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)七、Part . Reading Comp(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Animals are more like us than we ever imagined. They feel pain, they experience stress, and they show af

20、fection, excitement and love. All these finding have been made by scientists in recent yearsand such results are beginning to change how we view animals.Strangely enough, this research was sponsored by fast food companies like McDonalds and KFC. Pressured by animal rights groups, these companies fel

21、t they had to fund scientists researching the emotional and mental states of animals.McDonalds, for instance, funded studies on pig behaviors at Purdue University, Indiana. This research found that pigs seek affection and easily become depressed if left alone or prevented from playing with each othe

22、r. If they become depressed, they soon become physically ill. Because of this, and other similar studies, the European Union has banned the use of isolating pig stalls from 2012. In Germany, the government is encouraging pig farmers to give each pig 20 seconds of human contact a day, and to provide

23、them with toys to prevent them from fighting.Other scientists have shown that animals think and behave like humans.Koko, the 300-pound gorilla (大猩猩)at the Gorilla Foundation in Northern California, for instance, has been taught sign language. Koko can now understand several thousand English words, m

24、ore than many humans who speak English as a second language. On human IQ tests, she scores between 70 and 95.Before such experiments, humans thought language skills were absent from the animal kingdom. Other myths are also being overturned, like the belief that animals lack self-awareness. Studies h

25、ave also shown that animals mourn their dead, and that they play for pleasure.These striking similarities between animal and human behavior have led some to ask a question: “If you believe in evolution, how cant you believe that animals have feelings that human beings have?“Until recently, scientist

26、s believed that animals behaved by instinct and that what appeared to be learned behavior was merely genetically programmed activity. But as Koko the Gorilla shows, this is not the case. In fact, learning is passed from parents to offspring far more often than not in the animal kingdom.So what impli

27、cations does this knowledge have for humans? Because of this, should we ban hunting and animal testing? Should we close zoos? Such questions are being raised by many academics and politicians. Harvard and 25 other American law schools have introduced courses on animal rights.(分数:6.00)(1).The author

28、feels it strange that the research was sponsored by fast food companies like McDonalds and KFC probably because these companies _.A.are the largest fast food chains in the world. B. have little to do with animals.C. consume a large amount of meat each day. D. are notorious for their ill-treatment to

29、 animals.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(2).The experiment with Koko showsA. gorillas IQ scores are as high as human beings B. animals are much cleverer than we used to believe.C. parent animals can pass learning to their offspring intentionally.D. some gorillas are smarter than many humans.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).W

30、hich of the following is NOT true according to the studies?A. Some animals have developed language skills. B. Some animals can show their feelings.C. Animals enjoy playing with each other. D. Animals become indifferent when one of them dies.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).By citing the question “If you believe

31、 in evolution, how cant you believe that animals have feelings that human beings have?“ the author means _.A. human feelings can trace their origin back to animals. B. animals feelings are as developed as human beings.C. from the point of view of evolution animals should have no feelings.D. we cant

32、believe that animals have feelings that human beings have.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).The studies urge us to _.A. stop killing animals for food. B. bail hunting and animal testingC. close zoos and animal farms D. change our ways to treat animals.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(6).The purpose of this passage is to tell u

33、s that _.A. animals are much smarter than we ever imagined. B. animals rights should be taught in schools.C. we should show greater respect to animals. D. animals rights should be protected worldwide.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.九、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Ties have no practical use at all and most men see them

34、 as part of a uniform instead of an independent piece of clothing. But, these small strips of cloth should not be underestimated, fashion experts say.The shirt, suit or jacket are neutral means of expression. But, the tie gives you the final personal touch, experts suggest.In fact, its color also ha

35、s psychological im portance. “Red, for instance, evokes feelings of warmth and intimacy“, according to Axel Venn. Hes a professor of design at the University of Applied Sciences and Art in Germany. “It also stands for energy, dynamism and strength.“Using shades of color requires understanding and se

36、nsitivity. Orange is regarded as a lively color. Blue stands for matter-of-fact, solitude and coolness. Shiny yellow stirs amusement. Green is the color of nature and harmony.Its only when the color fits the personal character that it is viewed as authentic.“A lively orange with a black suit and whi

37、te shirt can look great at a private party or in an artistic environment,“ Venn says. “In a conservative environment such as in a bank such dress is unsuitable.“Imme Vogelsang, a trainer of etiquette in Hamburg, Germany, recommends in business environment how contrasting colors such as wine red, dar

38、k green or dark blue.But feminine colors have also become popular. “Light green and a fine rose color play an increasing role. Such colors express innovation and sensitivity,“ Venn says.Also, patterns that stand out can be an interesting eye catcher in a private environment but are unsuitable in bus

39、iness.“Stripes and small geometric patterns are more appropriate in business,“ Vogelsang says, “but stripes should never run vertically or horizontally.“With diagonal stripes it is important to look at the direction. They should run from the bottom left to the right top. “This symbolizes dynamism. I

40、n the opposite direction it shows fear and escapist thoughts./(分数:6.00)(1).Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. TiesImpractical Pieces of Clothing. B. Psychological Importance of TiesC. What The Colors of Ties Mean D. The Colors of Ties and the Occasions to Wear Them.(分数:1.00)

41、A.B.C.D.(2).According to the passage, ties are more important _.A. than shirts, suits or jackets. B. in colors than in patterns.C. in expressing ones mood than shirts. D. in business than on private occasions.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(3).What color of ties should one wear, if he wants to appear energetic?A.

42、 Green B. Orange C. Shiny yellow D. Red(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(4).The best color for the tie of a judge in a court should be _.A. light green B. lively orange C. fine rose D. dark blue(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(5).What kind of ties is more suitable on an important business occasion?A. Ties without stripes and geom

43、etric patterns. B. Ties with stripes of vertical or horizontal patterns.C. Ties of no bright colors and obvious patterns D. Plain ties without any stripes and patterns(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.(6).1t is implied in the passage that _.A. ties with stripes from the bottom left to the right top are not popular.B

44、. ties with stripes from the bottom right to the left top are not popular.C. ties with stripes of vertical or horizontal patterns are popularD. ties of feminine colors are out of fashion nowadays.(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.十、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:6.00)Musicians are fascinated with the possibility that music

45、may be found in nature; it makes our own desire for art seem all the more essential. Over the past few years no less a bold musical explorer than Peter Gabriel has been getting involved. At the Research Center in Atlanta, Georgia, he has been making music together with Kanzi, one of the bonobo apes

46、(倭黑猩猩) involved in the long-term language acquisition studies of Sue and Duane Savage-Rumbaugh.I have seen the video of Kanzi picking notes out on a piano-like keyboard, with Gabriel and members of his band playing inside the observation booth in the lab. (They did it this way because Kanzi had bitt

47、en one of his trainers a few days previouslyinterspecies communication without its dangers.) The scene is beautiful, the ape trying out the new machine and looking thoughtfully pleased with what comes out. He appears to be listening, playing the right notes. It is tentative but moving, the animal gr

48、oping for something from the human world but remaining isolated from the rest of the band. It is a touching encounter, and a bold move for a musician whose tune Shock the Monkey many years ago openly condemned the horrors of less sensitive animals experiments than this.What is the scientific value o

49、f such a jam session? The business of the Research Center is the forging of greater communication between human and animal. Why not try the fertile and mysterious ground of music in addition to the more testable arena of simple language? The advantage of hearing music in nature and trying to reach out to nature through music is that, though we dont fully understand it, we can easily have access to it. We dont need to explain its working to be touched by it. Two musicians wh


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