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1、雅思(学术类)模拟 75 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Module(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、SECTION 1(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Notes on Adult Education ClassesNumber of classes per week: 7 Tuesday: _1_ 6-7.30 pm Limited space:

2、no more than _2_ participants Book Club Must read _3_ books _4_ Group Learn about local events last century Wednesday: Scrabble Club _5_ popular Thursday: Chess Night serious _6_ For special occasions(分数:0.50)(7).Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Adult Learner

3、s“ WeekNo cost but must make _7_ September 1-8 Techno Expo Learn how to use _8_ Learn about online security issues and online entertainment Monday, 1-4.30 pm _9_ - Consider values - Learn how to attain harmony - Wednesday, I-4.30 pm Venue: _10_(分数:0.50)三、SECTION 2(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).Choose t

4、he correct letter, A, B or C. Most infants are hurt(分数:0.50)A.at the supermarket.B.at home.C.in car accidents.(2).Children should learn good safety habits from(分数:0.50)A.their pre-school teachers.B.television programmes.C.their parents.(3).Why are kitchens more dangerous for infants than adults?(分数:

5、0.50)A.They may get stood on.B.They may get burnt.C.They may cut themselves.(4).Poisons should never be kept(分数:0.50)A.in glass drink bottles.B.within reach of adults.C.in their original containers.(5).Which TWO items of playground equipment pose the most danger for children? A. Roundabouts B. Slide

6、s C. Swings D. Seesaws E. Climbing frames(分数:0.50)(7).Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. If you are bathing the baby and the phone rings, what should you do?(分数:0.50)(8).What can you install to stop a child from poking things into a power point?(分数:0.50)(9).Where should a parent go to s

7、moke a cigarette?(分数:0.50)(10).When can a parent leave a young child alone in a room with a heater?(分数:0.50)四、SECTION 3(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).Complete the summary below. Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-N next to questions 21-26. A wetland is an area where the soil is ty

8、pically water-logged. Plants and animals living there depend on the wetness for their _1_ . Draining swamps is a widespread occurrence which kills off wildlife and, consequently, wetlands are _2_ worldwide. It is a feature of wetlands that conditions vary according to _3_ . Water-tolerant plants gro

9、w both in and out of the water and water levels are usually _4_ . Wetlands naturally occur between land and water and become _5_ for various wildlife during very dry periods. They also act as nurseries for different kinds of animal life. Wetlands are known to upgrade _6_ by removing pollutants. A. w

10、ater quality B. seasonal change C. saturated soil D. safe places E. quite low F. quite high G. nutrients H. nurseries I. international recognition J. farming activity K. extinct L. continued existence M. commercial development N. at risk(分数:0.50)(7).Complete the diagram below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO

11、 WORDS for each answer. (分数:0.50)五、SECTION 4(总题数:1,分数:5.00)(分数:5.00)(1).Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. Name TWO elements which produce weather: 1(分数:0.50)(2). 1(分数:0.50)(3).Label the diagram below. Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-E next to questions 33-37. (分数:0.50)(8)

12、.Complete the flow chart below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Old assumption: Large dust particles _8_ more rain New research: More dust less rain (because water too dispersed to form _9_ ) Conclusion: Loss of topsoil in nearby areas progressive _10_ of deserts(分数:0.50)六、Reading Modu

13、le(总题数:0,分数:0.00)七、READING PASSAGE 1(总题数:1,分数:6.50)The SunA Mixed BlessingA. People in Western countries have very mixed feelings about the sun. On the one hand it evokes memories of beaches, summer holidays and playful times. Children“s books often personify the sun as a smiling, happy facetypicall

14、y contrasted with angry, moody rain clouds. In fact, the sun has such positive connotations that the descriptor “sunny“ refers not only to a state of weather but also to “cheery, cheerful, or joyous“ moods and dispositions amongst humans. On the other hand, many people fear the sun because of its as

15、sociation with cosmetic degeneration that can cause people to look much older than they actually are. Even more seriously, many people see the sun as a killerthis is because excessive sun exposure can lead to skin cancer which has a very high mortality rate. So is the sun our friend or a foe? The an

16、swers are complex and contradictory. B. Let“s start with the worst news about the sun. It is a carcinogen. As the National Toxicology Program Report on Carcinogens from the Department of Health and Human Services reports, broad-spectrum UV radiation and solar radiation (what is known as “sun rays“)

17、are thought to contribute to most of the estimated 1.5 million skin cancers diagnosed in the United States each year. This gives the sun the unfavourable distinction of being the leading carcinogen in the United Statesahead of genetic mutations, bad diets, cigarettes, alcohol, chemical exposure and

18、other lifestyle factors. Of these diagnoses, 8,000 sufferers will perish from the condition. The primary cause of this mortality is metastic melanomamoles that become cancerous and then spread mutated cells into the lymph nodes and eventually through the rest of the body. C. Even if you are lucky en

19、ough to avoid skin cancer, the sun can still have damaging effects on your skin. This is known as premature aging, so-called because sun damage mimics the skin“s natural aging process, but does so at a much earlier age. The sun causes premature aging by breaking down and mutating collagena fibrous,

20、“glue“-like substance that supports and connects tissue and is responsible for the firmness, suppleness, elasticity and overall appearance of the skin. Skin“s collagen production slows and eventually stops due to aging anyway, but sun exposure accelerates this process. It also mutates collagen cells

21、, producing visible abnormalities on the skin. The slowing collagen production appears as wrinkles, sagging and fine lines, while the mutated cells can take the form of a leathery skin texture, facial ruddiness and blemishes known as liver spots. Together these can dissolve signs of youth and vitali

22、ty from a person“s looksan image that contrasts starkly with the smooth, tanned and youthful-looking models we often associate with summer! D. The sun does have a lot of positive things to offer humans, however. Firstly, it staves off Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), an appropriate acronym for a m

23、ood disorder caused by insufficient exposure to lightas such, it is typically associated with winters and is sometimes called “winter blues“ or “winter depression“. SAD, once treated with scepticism by health experts but now widely acknowledged to be a legitimate condition, can create a number of di

24、stressing problems. Sufferers may oversleep and find it difficult to be roused in the morning, crave “comfort foods“ high in carbohydrates, lack energy, find it difficult to concentrate and may withdraw from social exposure. Together these symptoms can lead to depression, pessimistic feelings of hop

25、elessness and an inability to find pleasurable activities. Researchers are not yet sure of the exact physical mechanism that causes SAD, but they do know that exposure to bright life is an effective remedy. The sun definitely has a palliative effect here. E. In other ways, the health-improving effec

26、ts of the sun can be even more powerful. These effects typically relate to Vitamin D, of which the sun is a great source for two reasons. Firstly, it is completely free, and secondly, our bodies have natural mechanisms that prevent an overdose from internally-generated Vitamin D from the sun. Althou

27、gh this vitamin can be sourced from milk, cod liver oil and supplements, solar radiation is still the primary source for most humans. It“s preventative role is important: Vitamin D seems to protect against prostate, breast, colon, kidney and ovarian cancers, benefit bone health, as well as reduce ov

28、erall mortality and the occurrence of cardiovascular eventsmortality from strokes and heart attacks is up to forty percent higher in some countries during winter months, a connection linked to lack of sun exposure. In fact, skin cancer rates rise with proximity to the equator amongst light-skinned p

29、eople, but the prognosis of most other cancers is exactly the opposite. Indeed, the overall benefits of sun exposure outweigh the risks when it comes to cancer, even though the sun is a well-documented carcinogen. F. Ultimately, moderation and protection may be the key when it comes to sun exposure.

30、 This is true of other carcinogens such as alcohol as wellstudies suggest that binge drinkers and teetotallers experience higher levels of many health problems than people who drink moderate amounts of alcohol on social occasions. Healthy access to the sun involves wearing broad-spectrum sunscreen b

31、efore every exposure (even in winter)and not staying in the sun any longer than is necessary, which is about five minutes for adequate Vitamin D exposure. With these simple steps, the sun once again becomes our friend and not our foe.(分数:6.50)(1).Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs, A-F. Which para

32、graph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet. A description of the physical process that makes someone look older(分数:0.50)(2).Recommendations for how to be safe in the sun(分数:0.50)(3).Examples of emotional ailments that contact with the s

33、un can treat(分数:0.50)(4).Evidence that the sun can lower death rates(分数:0.50)(5).An explanation of how a single word can have contrasting connotations(分数:0.50)(6).Several causes of cancer(分数:0.50)(7).Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write your answer in box 7 on your answer sheet. Which of t

34、he following is NOT given as a symptom of premature aging?(分数:0.50)A.Loose skinB.Organ problemsC.Redness on faceD.Rough, dry feel to skin(8).Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet, write TRUE if the statement agrees with

35、the information FALSE if the statement contradicts the information NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this Sun exposure can result in SAD.(分数:0.50)(9).Experts no longer consider SAD to be a health problem.(分数:0.50)(10).Artificial sources of light are not very good at treating SAD.(分数:0.50)(11).

36、The sun cannot give us too much Vitamin D.(分数:0.50)(12).Most people get their Vitamin D from the sun.(分数:0.50)(13).The sun can both cause and prevent cancer.(分数:0.50)八、READING PASSAGE 2(总题数:1,分数:6.50)A New Planet Is Discovered Humans have long been fascinated by the possibility of extra-terrestrial

37、fife. Novels, films and folk-tales have encouraged curiosity and speculation about what might be “out there“ in space. More recently, scientists have joined in on the collective wonderment after the first discovery by astronomers of a new planetGliese 581gthat could almost certainly support such org

38、anisms. In fact, Steven Vogtone of the two astronomers credited with discovering the planethas declared that “ the chances of life on this planet are 100 percent“ and that he has “almost no doubt about it“. A. Although we currently know very little about Gliese 581g, a couple of its features strongl

39、y indicate that this planet might harbour the existence of organisms. Firstly, Gliese 581g is located at almost exactly the right distance from its red dwarf parent star (Gliese 581) in order to sustain liquid water, which is the only known criterion for organic formation. Planets that orbit too clo

40、se to or too far away from their stars do not have a suitable climate; this can only be found in a slender strip of solar space around each star known to astronomers as a “habitable zone“. Around our starthe SunEarth is the only planet that occupies this zone, although it nearly stretches to Venus a

41、nd Mars. Gliese 581g is also the right size for organic life. It is about 3.1 to 4.3 times the size of Earth, and this relatively low mass means it should be made mostly of rock. Planets that grow beyond 10 times the size of Earth tend to become gaseous and uninhabitable, without the solid or liquid

42、 infrastructure necessary for organisms. B. Gliese 581g is part of a string of planets in the Gliese 581 solar system. Two of Gliese 581g“s siblingsGliese 581e and Gliese 581borbit too close to their parent star to support any kind of life on them. Gliese 581c skims the near side of the habitable zo

43、ne, but scientists suggest that it does not have enough of a toehold in this zone to provide a stable infrastructure for organic formationsroughly the same goes for Gliese 581d, which has a stronger presence in the habitable zone on its far side, but may not be hot enough for liquid wateropinion is

44、not “completely settled“ on this matter, says James Kasting of Pennsylvania State University. Kasting, who has studied the two Gliese 581 planets on the outer edges of the habitable zone, suggests that Gliese581g is “smack dab in the middle“ of the zone which, along with its size and composition, ma

45、kes it the most exciting and realistic prospect for extra-terrestrial life yet. C. The comparisons between the Earth and Gliese 581g should not be overstated, however. Even if Gliese 581g can sustain organisms, it would be a very different place to live. The main difference is that Gliese 581g orbit

46、s much closer to its star than the Earth does to the Sun. Because Gliese 581 is only one percent as bright as the Sun, it exudes little warmth, and its habitable zone lies much closer than the Sun“s. At this closer distance, planets in the zone get locked into strong gravitational pulls that tend to

47、 slow their circular movements over time. Eventually, they become stuck with one side constantly facing the starjust as the Moon always shows the Earth the same face. Because of this, it is likely that Gliese 581g experiences permanent daytime on the side facing the star and permanent shadow on the

48、other side. It is estimated therefore that average temperatures on the star side would be about 71 degrees C and average temperatures on the other much chillier: -34. Nevertheless, Steven Vogt suggests that Gliese 581g probably has a comfortable area along the midpoint, known as the terminator. Any

49、life here would always see the star sitting on the horizon and consequently experience eternal sunrise or sunset. D. Even if there is no life on Gliese 581g, its discovery reveals that habitable planets are quite common, with around 10 to 20 percent of red dwarves and sun-like stars boasting them. Gliese 581 is one of just nine stars at that particular distance which astronomers have searched with high enough precision to uncover a planet


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