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1、2011-2012学年辽宁省鞍山 26中初一 4月月考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 补全对话 A: Excuse me._1_ B: No, there isnt._ _2_ A: How can I get there B: _3_ A: Is it next to the bank B: No, it isnt. . _4_ A: Thank you very much. B: _5_ A Its between the hotel and the library. B You can take a bus. C Is there a restaurant near here D The

2、re is one on Bridge Street. E Youre welcome. 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 E 【小题 1】从后面的 No, there isnt.可知是 Is there a restaurant near here 选 C。 【小题 2】从后面的句子: How can I get there 可知是 There is one on Bridge Street. 可知是 D 【小题 3】从前面的句子: How can I get there 可知是 You can take a bus.选 B 【小题

3、 4】从前面的句子: Is it next to the bank 可知是 Its between the hotel and the library.选 A 【小题 5】从前面的句子: Thank you very much.可知 是回答 E 单项选择 * I dont like _. Please take it away. A fruits B vegetables C drinks D meat 答案: D There _ any money in my school bag. A is B are C arent D isnt 答案: D Lucy with her mother o

4、ften _ the zoo on Sundays. A go B go to C goes D goes to 答案: D What _ subjects do you like A others B another C the others D other 答案: D Walk _ the river, then go _ the trees, you can see a new zoo. A cross, pass B across, through C across, over D cross, through 答案: B _ is a capital city. A New York

5、 B Sydney C Toronto D Tokyo 答案: D _ city does she _ A Where, live B Where, in C Which, live in D Which, live 答案: C Therere _ fish in the pond( 池塘 ). Theyre very lovely. A a little B little C few of D a lot 答案: B French is _ difficult to learn. A kind of B a bit of C a lot of D kinds of 答案: A Im a te

6、acher. Im always very _ with my work. A free B busy C lazy D boring 答案: B Most doctors and nurses _ white clothes when theyre at work. A wear B in C put on D dress 答案: A The tiger is _ so many children love it. A scary B interesting C boring D dirty 答案: B The old man is _ please keep quiet. A sleep,

7、 and B asleep, so C sleepy, but D sleeping, but 答案: B - _ - Hes a doctor. A Who is he B Where is he C How old is he D What does he do 答案: D A reporter likes _ to people and _ stories. A to talk, write B to talk, writing C talking, write D talk, talk 答案: A Tell the students _ soccer on the street. A

8、not play B not to play C dont play D to not play 答案: B Are you _ A English B from Chinese C come from England D come from China 答案: A Do you know the man _ A between Tom B in Toms left C next Tom D next to Tom 答案: D Dave is a reporter. He works _. A in a bank B in a police station C in a TV station

9、D in a hospital 答案: C Im _ years old and its my _ birthday today. A fifteen, fifteen B fifteen, fifteenth C fifteenth, fifteen D fifteenth, fifteenth 答案: B 完型填空 The Cowboy without a Horse A cowboy rides into a town and stops at a caf for a drink. _1_ he finishes his drink, he finds his horse is stol

10、en(偷窃 ). He _2_ back into the caf, holds his gun up into the air and fires a shot (开枪 ) _3_ even looking. ”Which one of you stole _4_ horse ” he shouts loudly. _5_ answers. “Alright, Im going to have _6_ beer, and if my horse isnt back outside by the time I finish, Im going to do _7_ I did in Texas!

11、 And I dont like to have to do it.” Some of the people in the town are very _8_. After the cowboy has one more beer, he walks outside. His horse is back! He _9_ his horse and starts to ride off. The waiter goes _10_ the caf in a hurry and asks, “Say, before you go, what happened in Texas ” The cowbo

12、y turns back and says,” I had to walk home.” 【小题1】 A Because B When C While D If A goes B rides C flies D drives A with B for C without D of A his B my C her D your A Somebody B Everybody C Anybody D Nobody A other B another C none D no A that B which C what D when A happy B excited C relaxed D afra

13、id A gets on B gets off C gets up D gets down A out of B into C in front of D behind 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 A 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 D 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 C 【小题 8】 D 【小题 9】 A 【小题 10】 A 【小题 1】根据上下文的内容可知答案:为 B,表示当 时候,故选 B 【小题 2】 go back to sp,表示回到某个地方,符合语境,故选 A 【小题 3】根据后文中动词的 looking形式,可知答案:为介词 without,故选

14、C 【小题 4】根据上下文的内容,可知答案:为 B,表示自己的的马,故选 B 【小题 5】根据下文内容可知在这个人问的时候,没有人回答,故选 D 【小题 6】 another 表示再要一些东西,故选 B。符合题意。 【小题 7】本题缺少的特殊疑问词 +to do 作为宾语,故选 B 【小题 8】根据上下文的内容,可知是害怕的意思,符合题意。 【小题 9】 get on 表示上车的意思,在此表示上马的意思,故选 A 【小题 10】 go out of sp,表示从某地出来的意思。故选 A,符合题意。 阅读理解 Come and see the Indian elephants and the t

15、iger from America. The koalas are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from Thailand(泰国 ) are waiting to throw (扔 ) things at you. The cute dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia(赞比亚 ) are waitig to look down on you. Tickets: Adults: (成人 ) 60 yuan each Children

16、: free Time: June 1 June 2 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Keep the zoo clean! Do not touch, give food or go near the animals! 【小题 1】 How many kinds of animals are talked about in the poster A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7 【小题 2】 Mr. and Mrs. King will take their twins aged 6 to the park. How much will the tickets be together

17、A 60 B 120 C 180 D 240 【小题 3】 Visitors can do the following things EXCEPT (除了 ) _. A give some food to the tigers B watching the elephants dancing C laughing at the dogs from Australia D taking some photos 【小题 4】 From the poster we can guess the giraffe must be _. A long B fat C tall D strong 【小题 5】

18、 The poster may be made just _. A on New Years Day B on Christmas Day C after Childrens Day D before Childrens Day 答案: 【小题 1】 C 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】 D 【小题 1】根据文章内容可知答案:为 C,即 elephants, the tiger, The koalas,the monkeys, The cute dogs and the giraffes,故选 C 【小题 2】根据文章内容 Tickets: Adults: (

19、成人 ) 60 yuan each Children: free,可知答案:为 B 【小题 3】根据文章内容大意,可知答案:为 A 【小题 4】根据文章内容 the giraffes from Zambia(赞比亚 ) are waitig to look down on you.可知答案:为 C 【小题 5】根据动物园地点和具体文章内容可知答案:为 D Imagine one day the water taps (水龙头 ) in your house stop running. You have to pay a lot of money to buy water from shops.

20、 And still there isnt enough water for everyone. Your mother has to save the familys shower water to use for washing clothes. Would you be able to stand that kind of life Probably not. But that is what kids in Yemen (也门 ) are experiencing (经历 ). According to a report, the capital, Sana, will run out

21、 of drinking water as early as 2025. Because of the water shortage (短缺 ), the Yemen government often cuts the water supply (供应 ). Hannan, an 18-year-girl, tells the Teens, “In a good week well have a water supply all week. But then the next week there will be water only for a day or two.” Hannan say

22、s only rich people have enough water to use. They can buy water from the shops or from the water trucks. Private (私人 的 ) companies own the trucks, They travel around the city every day to sell water- at very high prices. “ A lot of people cant pay for it,” she says. The government is thinking of mak

23、ing use of seawater. But it will cost a lot and it may not happen soon enough to help the people of Yemen. 【小题 1】 How old is Hannan A She is eight. B She is eighteen. C She is seventeen. D She is seven. 【小题 2】 The underlined word “that” means_. A buying water from shops B having enough drinking wate

24、r C suffering(忍受 ) from water shortage D washing clothes with used water 【小题 3】 From the passage, we know that _. A the people of Yemen dont have to worry about water B people in Yemen have no water to use during a bad week C Sanna will have no drinking water in 10 years D private companies make muc

25、h money by selling water 【小题 4】 The Yemen government _. A may try to make use of seawater B does nothing about the water problem C only cares about rich peoples lives D may solve the problem soon 【小题 5】 The writer wants to tell us _. A not to use seawater B not to waste water C to drink less water D

26、 to sell water to Yemen 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 A 【小题 5】 B 【小题 1】根据文章内容 Hannan, an 18-year-girl, 可知答案:为 B 【小题 2】根据文章内容 Because of the water shortage (短缺 ), the Yemen government often cuts the water supply (供应 )可知答案:为 C 【小题 3】根据文章内容 “In a good week well have a water supply all week. But

27、 then the next week there will be water only for a day or two.”可知答案:为 D 【小题 4】根据文章内容 The government is thinking of making use of seawater. But it will cost a lot and it may not happen soon enough to help the people of Yemen.可知答案:为 A 【小题 5】根据文章内容大意可知答案:为 B India is the home of tigers. Every year many

28、 people are killed by tigers. The tiger, however, doesnt always eat men. It likes wild animals better. It is only when the tiger is old enough or wounded (受伤的 ) that it eats men. But when it tastes the meat of men, it will go on killing men for food. When a man-eater like this is discovered (发现 )peo

29、ple are very afraid. They have to stop working in the fields. There are many ways to put an end to such dangerous animals. One way is that some men with long guns (枪 ) ride on elephants while other men drive the tiger towards them. For a hunter another way is to sit in a tree near the place where a

30、tiger has eaten somebody. If the tiger returns for another meal, the hunter will kill it in the hiding place. A goat may be tied to the tree for the tiger to kill. The most dangerous way is to hunt a tiger on foot. But the man must be brave and can shoot well or he would be killed by the tiger. 【小题

31、1】 Where is the home of tiger _ 【小题 2】 which does the tiger like better to eat, men or wild animals _ 【小题 3】 What will the tiger do when it tastes the meat of men _ 【小题 4】 Are there any ways to put an end to such dangerous animals _ 【 小题 5】 What is the most dangerous way to hunt a tiger _ 答案: 【小题 1】

32、 (In)India 【小题 2】 It likes wild animals 【小题 3】 It will go on killing men for food. 【小题 4】 Yes, there are. 【小题 5】 (The most dangerous way is)to hunt a tiger on foot. 【小题 1】根据 India is the home of tigers. 可知答案:为 :(In)India 【小题 2】根据 The tiger, however, doesnt always eat men. It likes wild animals bette

33、r. 可知答案:为: It likes wild animals 【小题 3】根据 But when it tastes the meat of men, it will go on killing men for food. 可知答案:为: It will go on killing men for food. 【小题 4】根据 There are many ways to put an end to such dangerous animals.可知答案:为肯定。故答: Yes, there are. 【小题 5】根据 The most dangerous way is to hunt a

34、 tiger on foot. 可知答案:为:(The most dangerous way is)to hunt a tiger on foot. 考点:关于老虎的说明文 点评:本题中个别小题本能直接从文中找到答案:,需要自己根据相关内容分析总结。一定要弄懂全文后再动手解答问题。书写答案:时,注意首字母大写,因为是回答问句,即使只有一个单词也是一个句子。为避免不必要的错误,只要能使用原文的就尽量使用原文回答问题,即使自己总结也尽量使用短句。同时并注意人称和数的变化。 书面表达 写一篇 60字的短文来介绍你的笔友,内容包括他或她的名字,国籍,居住城市,所讲语言,家庭成员,喜爱和讨厌的动物及理由

35、,未来想从事的职业及理由等。(请不要出现真 实的个人信息。) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案:略 试题分析:本书面表达,是介绍一个笔友。所以本文的人称应该是第三人称,在完成句子是应特别注意动词的单三形式,如 has 、 is、 comes、 likes等。在写作时,尽量使句型顺畅并符合英语的习惯表达方法。 考点:考查如何介绍他人。 点评:在写书面表达是首先要注意的问题就是人称,不能混淆人称;其次,应注意动词的英语,根据不同的人称确定动词的形式;再次,句型应该符合英语的表达习惯;最后,用自己熟练掌握的句型造句。 句型转换 句型转换 【小题 1】 Jack likes dolphins be

36、cause theyre smart and interesting.(划线提问) _ _ Jack like dolphins 【小题 2】 Our school is near here in front of a big park.(划线提问) _ _ your school 【小题 3】 My pen pal is from Canada.(同意转换) My pen pal _ _ Canada. 【小题 4】 They speak English and French.(划线提问) _ _ do they speak 【小题 5】 Jean likes dogs and cats b

37、est. (同意转换) Jeans _ _ are dogs and cats. 答案: 【小题 1】 Why does 【小题 2】 Where is 【小题 3】 comes from 【小题 4】 What languages 【小题 5】 favorite animals 【小题 1】对于原因提问的用 why,后跟一般疑问句,本题用主动词 does,故本题空格处填 Why does。 【小题 2】对地点提问的用 where,后跟一般疑问句, be动词 is 直接提前,故本题空格处填 Where is。 【小题 3】表示来自于可 用 come from,主语为单数第三人称,故本题空格处填

38、comes from。 【小题 4】对语言提问的用 what languages,故本题空格处填 What languages。 【小题 5】表示最喜欢除了 like best之外,可用 favorite来表示,故本题空格处填 favorite animals。 单词拼写 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词 【小题 1】 His father works in a h_ as a doctor. 【小题 2】 We have to wear a u_, so we dont have to worry about out clothes every day. 【小题 3】 Dont play nea

39、r the street, its too d_. 【小题 4】 At the b_ of this month, my cousin starts to work in a bank. 【小题 5】 Jim wants mort meat and bread, because he feels pretty h_. 【小题 6】 Hainan and Guangdong are s_ of our country. 【小题 7】 Mr. Lee is new here, so we need to meet him at the a_ tomorrow. 【小题 8】 Tom is much

40、 taller than me and he sits b_ me in class. 【小题 9】 Many people go to the r_ to have dinner. The food there is so nice . 【小题 10】 The old man likes walking in the park near by d_ the day. 答案: 【小题 1】 hospital 【小题 2】 uniform 【小题 3】 dangerous 【小题 4】 beginning 【小题 5】 hungry 【小题 6】 south 【小题 7】 airport 【小题

41、 8】 behind 【小题 9】 restaurant 【小题 10】 during 【小题 1】根据 as a doctor.和首字母,应该是医院: hospital 【小题 2】根据后面的 clothes可知是穿制服: uniform 【小题 3】根据句意和首字母提示:不要在街道附近玩,很危险: dangerous 【小题 4】考查词组: at the beginning of在 开始的时候 【小题 5】根据句意和首字母:从前面的 meat and bread 可知是饿了: hungry 【小题 6】根据句意和首字母:海南和广州在中国的南部: south 【小题 7】 at the ai

42、rport 在机场 【小题 8】根据句意和首字母:汤姆比我高多了,坐在我后面: behind 【小题 9】从后面的 have dinner 可知是在饭店: restaurant 【小题 10】 during the day在白天 用所给词的适当形式填空 【小题 1】 Ms Ba sometimes watches her students having fun _ (play) on the playground. 【小题 2】 Go _ (cross) the bridge, you can see a tall tree with many flowers on it . 【小题 3】 C

43、hildren often enjoy _ (they) at school . 【小题 4】 Sheep like to eat grass and _ (leaf). 【小题 5】 Please _(be) quiet when you are with pandas in the zoo. 【小题 6】 We sometimes listen to some _(relax) music when were tired. 【小题 7】 Hunan Street is a good place _ (have) fun. 【小题 8】 I like elephants because they are so _(beauty). 【小题 9】 Are _(thief) afraid of the police Yes, very much. 【小题 10】 Do you think koalas are very _(friend) to people 答案: 【小题 1】 playing 【小题 2】 across 【小题 3】 themselves 【小题 4】 leaves 【小题 5】 be 【小题 6】 relaxing 【小题 7】 to have 【小题 8】 beautiful 【小题 9】 thieves 【小题 10】 friendly n


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