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1、2012-2013学年江苏扬州江都区麾村中学八年级上第一次月考英语试卷与答案(带解析) 其他 We are all busy talking about and using the Internet (互联网 ), but how many of us know the h_【小题 1】 _ of the Internet Many people are surprised when they find that the I_【小题 2】 _ was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and e_【小题 3】 _ .

2、 Computer networks (网络 ) didnt work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good e_【小题 4】 _ to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent throug

3、h a_【小题 5】 _ part. In this way computer network system would keep on w_【小题 6】 _ all the time. At f_【小题 7】 _ the Internet was only used by the government, but, in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. H【小题 8】 _, computers were still very expensive and the Inte

4、rnet was d_【小题 9】 _ to use. By the start of the 1990s, c_【小题 10】 _ became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made surfing (浏览 ) the Internet more convenient. Today it is easy to get on-line (上网 ) and it is said that m_【小题 11】 _ of people use the Internet everyday.

5、 Sending e-mail is more and more p_【小题 12】 _ among students. The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of peoples life. 答案: 【小题 1】 History 【小题 2】 Internet 【小题 3】 expensive 【小题 4】 enough 【小题 5】 another 【小题 6】 working 【小题 7】 first 【小题 8】 However 【小题 9】 difficult 【小题 10】 computers 【小题

6、 11】 millions 【小题 12】 popular 试题分析: 【小题 1】此题考查名词,根据语境可 知很多人都不了解互联网的历史故填history。 【小题 2】此题考查名词,根据语境可知互联网在 20世纪 60年代建立的,故填 Internet。 【小题 3】此题考查形容词,根据语境可知在那个时候电脑又大又贵,故填expensive。 【小题 4】此题考查副词,根据语境可知互联网必须足够好才能使每台电脑正常工作,故填 enough。 【小题 5】此题考查不定代词, another表示另一部分。 【小题 6】此题考查固定短语 keep on doing sth表示一直做某事,故填 w

7、orking,意思是网络系统必须一直工作。 【 小题 7】此题考查固定短语 at first表示起初,开始。起初电脑只是政府部门使用。 【小题 8】此题考查连词,表示转折,故用 however。 【小题 9】此题考查形容词,根据语境可知当时的网络很难利用,故填 difficult。 【小题 10】此题考查名词,根据语境可知到了 20世纪 90年代电脑变小了,故填 computer。 【小题 11】此题考查形容词,表示很多人在利用网络,故用 millions或 most 【小题 12】此题考查形容词,利用网络发电子邮件越来越流行,故填 popular。 考点:网络的发展史 点评:本文主 要介绍了

8、网络的发展史从上个世纪的六十年代到现在的发展历史。做题中要善于从上下文分析猜测句子含义,然后结合首字母推测出所填单词的含义。注意从该单词与上下文的关系中判断所填单词的词性 ,然后采用适当形式的单词 .平时牢记一些固定短语 ,习惯搭配等惯用方法 单项选择 * You get up so early this morning because its Sunday today . A not need to B dont need C neednt D neednt do 答案: C 试题分析: need作为情态动词,其后常跟动词原形,并常用在否定句中;作为实义动词,其后可跟名词,动词不定式和动名词

9、,并且其否定句要借助助动词do的形式。根据题干的字面意思来看此句的含义是今天早晨你没有必要起这么早,因为今天是星期天。根据谓语动词 get up可知是动词原形故选 C。 考点: need的基本用法。 点评:做此题的关键就是要分析句子的基本结构,分清到底是需要实义动词还是情态动词。实义动词的否定形式要借助助动词 do的形式,而情态动词的否定形式在其后直接加 not即可。 Helen spent _ time studying English than I did. A more little B a little C very less D much less 答案: D 试题分析:此句的含义是

10、海伦在学习英语上比我用的时间要多或要少。因是比较意义所以要用比较级,故把 A和 B排除,又因比较级的前面常用 much或 bit来修饰,很少用 very故选 D。 考点:形容词的比较级 点评:有些题考查的不仅仅是某一个知识点,所以应该考虑的全面一些,审题要细心,这样才能选择正确的答案:。 I like riding fast .its very exciting . Oh , You mustnt do it like that , it may have an accident . A and B or C so D but 答案: B 试题分析:根据语境可知,此句的含义是你不能再那样做了,

11、否则你会出事的。A表示并列, B表示选择, C表示结构, D表示转折,根据语义可知选择 B。 考点:连词的用法。 点评:对于连词的考查,有时在语法上选择很难判断,必须从语义上来分析才能得出正确答案:。 The number of pandas(熊猫 ) becoming . A is more and more B are less and less C is smaller and smaller D are fewer and fewer 答案: C 试题分析:此题重点考查 the number of和 a number of的区别。前者表示 的数量作主语时谓语动词要用单数形式,后者表示许

12、多,大量做主语时谓语动词要用复数。此句的含义是熊猫的数量越来越少了。此句的主语是 the number of,它作主语时谓语动词要用单数形式。修饰数量多少要用 small或 big。故选 C。 考点: the number of的含义及用法 点评: the number of+名词的复数形式,其主语是 number,故谓语要用单数; a number of+名词的复数形式,其主语是名词,故谓语动词要用复数。切记。 You look nice this fur , but I dont think it looks everyone. A on , nice on B in , lovely i

13、n C in , lovely on D in , beautifully on 答案: C 试题分析:此句的含义是你穿上这件皮毛衣真漂亮,但是我认为并不是每个人穿上它都那么漂亮。 In+衣服表示穿着什么衣服, look 是性动词其后要跟形容词,根据语境可知选择 C。 考点:介词的用法 点评:介词的固定用法是中考的考点,要求学生在平常学习时要加强记忆。 The lake looks in the moonlight and we can hear insects (昆虫 ) sing . A beautifully beautiful B beautiful beautifully C bea

14、utifully beautifully D beautiful beautiful 答案: B 试题分析:此句的含义是这眼湖在月光下看上去非常漂亮,我们还能听到昆虫美妙的歌声。根据句式结构 look 是系动词其后跟形容词, sing是动词,应用副词来修饰,故选 B 考点:形容词或副词的基本用法。 点评:分清句式结构,准确判断各种词性的语法功能。 Do you think necessary to do a bird count Yes , we must count them at least once a year A it B that C we D they 答案: A 试题分析: i

15、t 是人称代词,代替前面提到的物,而 it 还有一个特殊的用法就是充当形式主语或宾语,真正的宾语或主语是动词不定式,这个知识点是考试的重点。此句的含义是你认为数鸟必要吗?其中 to do a bird count是真正的宾语,形式宾语是 it,故选 A。 考点: it 的特殊用法。 点评:此题需要提醒学生的是,此句是简单句,不能把它当做复合句来对待,这 是很多同学犯的错误。因为 think的后面是短语而不是句子。若在 it 的后面加上系动词 be这个结构就是复合句。 Remember this ,children , careful you are , mistakes you will ma

16、ke . We know ,Miss Gao . A The more the fewer B The more the more C The more the less D The less the fewer 答案: A 试题分析:形容词词的比较级连用表示越 越 ,这是其特殊用法之一。此句的含义是请记住,孩子们,你越细心,你犯的错误就越小。 Careful的比较级是more careful, mistake是可数名词,要用 few来修饰表示否定意义,其比较级是fewer,故选 A。 考点:形容词的比较级 点评:形容词的比较级连用表示越来越怎样。切记要有 the。 Do you enjoy

17、the meal I cooked for you ,Tom Yes ,it cant be A good B better C best D worse 答案: B 试题分析:此题重点考查对语境的正确理解,此句的含义是 Tom你喜欢吃我给你做的饭吗?喜欢,没有比这更好的了,用比较级表示最高级的意义,故选 B 考点:形容词的比较级。 点评:这是固定表达方式,需要加强识记。 Can you give me to eat A something good enough B something enough good C enough good something D enough somethin

18、g good 答案: A 试题分析:此句的含义是你能给我很好的东西吃吗?在这句话中涉及到了something, good,和 enough。 Something是不定代词,形容词修饰时要放在后面, enough是副词修饰形容词或副词时也要放在后面,故选 A。 考点:此题考查形容词或副词在句子中的位置。 点评: enough adj.足够的 ,修饰可数名词或不可数名词 ,可以放在名词前面 ,也可以放在名词后面 ;adv.足够地 ,修饰形容词、副词、动词 ,并放在其后。切记1.enough+n. 2.adj+enough 3.不定代词 +enough;形容词修饰 不定代词时要放在不定代词的后面。

19、He always tells us stories to make us . A interested to laugh B interesting laughing C interesting laugh D interested to laugh 答案: C 试题分析:他总是给我们讲一些有趣的故事,让我们开心大笑。有趣的故事要用形容词 interesting story,让我们大笑是 make us laugh,考查的固定短语是Make sb do sth表示让某 人做某事。故选 C。 考点:分词作定语,固定短语 点评:对于 interest, interesting和 interest

20、ed应熟练掌握。 interest是名词,表示“兴趣 interesting是形容词,表示 “有趣的 ”;经常用来修饰物; interested是形容词,表示 “感兴趣的 ”,一般用于 be interested in中。 Im very lonely .Id like to find someone A to play B playing C to play with D playing with 答案: C 试题分析:我非常孤独,我想找个人玩。 Someone是不定代词,动词不定式修饰 someone时要放在 someone的后面。 Play with是固定短语, with不能省略,故选

21、C。 考点:动词不定式做宾语补足语。 点评:此题的关键是介词 with不能拉掉。 great fun it is to have a trip to the park ! A How B What C How a D What a 答案: B 试题分析:此题重点考查感叹句的结构。以 what引导的感叹句的基本句型结构为 what a/an +adj+可数名词单数 +主语 +谓语!; what+adj+可数名词的复数 /不可数名词 +主语 +谓语!以 how引导的感叹句的基本句型结构为 how+adj/adv+主语+谓语! 此句的中心词是 fun是个名词,故感叹句的引导词是 what, fun是

22、不可数名词故what的后面不能加不定冠词,故选 B。 考点:感叹句的结构。 点评:辨别感叹句的基本结构首先要分析句子结构确定其中心词是名词还是形容词或副词;如果是名词就要用 what来引导,并且还要注意名词的数,单数名词还要区分用不 定冠词;中心词是形容词或副词就要用 how来引导。 ,Can you tell me over there A what are you doing B what to do it C what they are doing D what they doing 答案: C 试题分析:此题考查宾语从句的语序,无论何种句式充当宾语从句都要用陈述句语序从句要用陈述句语序

23、,根据 A, B, C和 D四个选项来看只有 C和 D是陈述句语序,而 D的结构不完整,用进行时态却少了系动词 be,故选 C。 考点:宾语从句的语序问题。 点评:此题的关键就是区分何种句式是陈述句语序。 His father hoped a doctor when he was a child . A him to be B to be C himself to be D he will be 答案: B 试题分析:此题重点考查 hope的基本用法和结构。 Hope常用的句型结构有hope to do sth表示希望做某事, hope+that从句,其中 that可以省略。此句的含义是当爸爸

24、还是个孩子的时候,他希望自己成为一名医生,因 hope没有 hope sb to do sth这一句型排除 A和 C,又因 D的时态和主句的时态不一致,故选 B。 考点: hope的固定用法。 点评:本题考查的是学生掌握固定词组的搭配,所以平时识记相应的动词词组,尤其是动词短语后面跟动词的非谓语形式是考查的重点。 完型填空 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并填写在答题纸上。 Mrs Green opened the door so hard that the door nearly broke. Then she looked 1 the

25、window at her neighbour across the yard.(院子) “ She is in my _2_ again.” Those are my strawberries(草莓 ), not_3_. Maybe I should call the police.” Her friend, Alice was sitting at the table_4_ a cup of coffee in her hands. “ You want to call the police because she picks your strawberries ” she asked.

26、“ Of course,” Mrs Green answered _5_. “ What would you do if your neighbour walked into your yard_6_ your permission(允许 ) and picked your strawberries ” “ I would say, better her than bees(蜜蜂 ).” “ The bees dont take my strawberries.” “ But the _7_ do,” Alice continued. “ That old lady only picks a

27、few strawberries every year, and the only ones she picks are those you leave to the birds. Why _8_ you pick some of your good strawberries and give _9_ to her ” “ Are you crazy What are you thinking ” “ I dont think so. Do you remember when you were ill in _10_ last year She went to see you with som

28、e chicken soup. If you give her the strawberries, you can tell her you still _11_that.” Mrs Green was shocked(震惊 ). She almost _12_that little kindness because she was too angry. Then she 13_ a basket of good strawberries and went to her _14_. Through the window, Alice could see that anger on Mrs Gr

29、eens face changed into a bright _15_. 【小题1】 A through B out C on D past A house B garden C kitchen D room A yours B his C mine D hers A have B in C with D on A luckily B sadly C angrily D happily A with B without C in D under A bees B birds C children D the old lady A dont B not C do D couldnt A the

30、irs B money C it D them A home B hospital C hurry D house 【小题 11】 A. hate B. know C remember D. forget 【小题12】 A forgot B remembered C missed D left A brought B took C bought D picked A sister B house C friend D neighbour A anger B laugh C smile D honest 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 D 【小题 4】 C 【小题 5】

31、 C 【小题 6】 B 【小题 7】 B 【小题 8】 A 【小题 9】 D 【小题 10】 B 【小题 11】 C 【小题 12】 A 【小题 13】 B 【小题 14】 D 【小题 15】 C 试题分析: 【小题 1】此题考查固定短语 look through the window表示透过窗户看。故选 A。 【小题 2】此题考查名词,根据下文的提示他的邻居在他的院子里,故选 B。 【小题 3】此题考查名词性的物主代词,根据上文的 She is in my _37_ again.可知,他的邻居是个女性故选 D。 【小题 4】此题考查介词,此句的含义是 Alice手里端着一杯牛奶坐在桌旁,表示

32、伴随,故选 C。 【小题 5】此题考查副词,根据语境可知, Green非常生气,他的邻居到她的院子里,故选 C。 【小题 6】此题考查介词,此句表示的是一种假设, Green在质问 Alice,故选without, 【小题 7】此题考查名词,根据下文的内容可知,蜜蜂不吃草莓,但小鸟吃,故选 B。 【小题 8】此题考查固定短语 why dont you do表示为什么不 故选 A。 【小题 9】此题考查人称代词,此句的意思你为什么不把那些好的草莓送给那个老太太呢,故 选 D。 【小题 10】此题考查固定短语 in hospital表示住院的意思,故选 B, 【小题 11】此题考查动词,根据语境可

33、知 Alice告诉 Green应该记住老太太对他的关心,故选 C。 【小题 12】此题考查动词,此句的含义是因为生气,她竟然忘记了老太太的善举,故选 A。 【小题 13】此题考查动词,表示她拿了一篮子好的草莓,故选 B。 【小题 14】此题考查名词,根据语境可知 Green 那草莓的目的是送给她的邻居,故选 D。 【小题 15】此题考查名词,根据语境可知 Green夫人脸上的怒气已变成了灿烂的微笑,故选 C。 考点: 一则感人的故事,告诉人们要善待我们身边的每个人 点评:本文通过 Green夫人前后的心理和行为的变化告诉我们,要善待我们身边的每个人,只有这样我们整个社会才会充满了爱。答题中,一

34、定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系。对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案:可以从下文内容体现出来。答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯。 阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。 There was a big drought(干旱 ) in southwest China in May, 2010. Most places got less rain than usual in Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Chongqing. People do n

35、ot have enough water to live. Crops(庄稼 ) die before the harvest(收获 ). People from other places in China are giving help. Kids in different places give them water and money. Students at Yingcai Primary School in Haikou donate 2,512 bottles of water. Li Jiahang is a 2nd grade student at Huang Cheng Ge

36、n Primary School in Beijing. “There are 47 students in my class. We give our pocket money. We hope we can help the kids to drink clean water and buy things they need.” In China, there are 669 cities. But more than 400 cities are in great need of water. Water is important in our life. Everyone has th

37、e duty to save water in our everyday lives. I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference. Title 1 Is in Great Need Problems * There is 2 rain than usual in southwest China. * There isnt 3 water for people to live. * Crops 4 before harvest. Actions * People 5 6 China are

38、giving help. * Students 7 them water and money. Lessons * Its 8 for us to save water in our 9 lives. * Everyone does his best, and well make a big 10 . 答案: 【小题 1】 Water 【小题 2】 less 【小题 3】 enough 【小题 4】 die 【小题 5】 all 【小题 6】 over 【小题 7】 give 【小题 8】 necessary/important 【小题 9】 daily/everyday 【小题 10】 di

39、fference 试题分析: 【小题 1】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “There was a big drought(干旱 ) in southwest China in May, 2010. Most places got less rain than usual in Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Chongqing.”理解可知。很多地方需要大量的水,故填 water。 【小题 2】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Most places got less rain than usual in Guangxi”理解可知。在中国的西南地区雨水稀少,故填

40、 less。 【小题 3】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “People do not have enough water to live.理解可知。人们没有足够的生活用水,故填 enough。 【小题 4】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Crops(庄稼 ) die before the harvest(收获 ).”理解可知。很多庄家因干旱而死,故填 die。 【 小题 5】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “People from other places in China are giving help.”理解可知全国各地的人们给予了帮助,故填 all over。 【小题 6】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “

41、People from other places in China are giving help.”理解可知全国各地的人们给予了帮助,故填 all over。 【小题 7】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Kids in different places give them water and money.”理解可知。孩子们也在捐赠钱和水,故选 give。 【小题 8】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Everyone has the duty to save water in our everyday lives.”理解可知。节约用水是非常重要的,故填 important 或 necessary。 【

42、小题 9】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “Everyone has the duty to save water in our everyday lives.”理解可知。在我们日常生活中节约用水非常重要,故填 daily或everyday。 【小题 10】细节理解题,根据文中语句 “I believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference.”理解可知。每个人都能节约用水的话,世界会有很大的变化,故用 difference 考点:通过西南地区的干旱状况倡导人们要节约用水。 点评:阅读中要善于从短文信息中总结推测

43、出所需答案: ,注意所填答案:与短文中相关语句的关系 ,与相关单词短语的关系 . British English and American English A student is studying British English. He wonders: Can I have a talk with Americans Can they catch me Learners of English often ask-what are the differences between British English and American English How important are th

44、ese differences Certainly, there are some differences between British English and American English. There are a few differences in grammar(语法) . For example, speakers of British English say “in hospital” and “Have you a pen ” Americans “in the hospital” and “Do you have a pen ” Pronunciation (发音 ) i

45、s sometimes different. Americans usually sound the “r” in words like “car”and “farm”. Some speakers of British English do not sound the “r” in these words. There are differences between British English and American English in spelling and vocabulary. For example, “colour”and “honour” are British Eng

46、lish spellings. “Color” and “honor” are American English spellings. These differences are in grammar, pronunciation, spelling and vocabulary. However, they are not important. For the most part, British English and American English are the same language. 【小题 1】 In American English, we can say, “ ” A

47、Have you a new book B Do you have a new book C Are you have a new book D Can you to have a new book 【小题 2】 Between British English and American English, sometimes pronunciation is . A poor B different C high D short 【小题 3】 In American English, the word “favourite”can be spelt . A favoruite B favurit

48、e C favorite D favrite 【小题 4】 Englishmen say “in hospital”, while Americans say . A at the hospital B in the hospital C by hospital D to hospital 【小题 5】 The main idea of the passage is that . A there are no differences between British English and American English B British English and American English are two different languages C speakers of British English and American English speak the same language D we shouldnt speak English 答案: 【小题 1】 B 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 C 【小题 4】 B 【小题 5】 C 试题分析


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