1、 RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS 1997 NOTICE NO. 3 January 2016 The following Rule Changes were approved by the ABS Rules Committee on 10 June 2015 and become EFFECTIVE AS OF 1 JANUARY 2016. Notes - The date in the parentheses means the date that the Rule becomes effective for
2、 new construction based on the contract date for construction, unless otherwise noted. (See 1-1-4/3.3 of the ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification Offshore Units and Structures (Part 1).) PART 1 CLASSIFICATION, TESTING AND SURVEY SECTION 3 SURVEYS AFTER CONSTRUCTION (Add new Subsection 1/3.14 a
3、s follows:) 1/3.14 Crew Habitability on Offshore Installations (2016) See Sections 7-2-10 of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Floating Production Installations for the survey requirements. PART 4 EXTENSION OF USE AND REUSE SECTION 1 EXTENSION OF USE (Revise Subsection 4/1.2 as follows:) 1/3.1
4、4 Crew Habitability on Offshore Installations (2016) The fatigue life can be calculated by means of an analysis as described in 3/4.13. This analysis is sensitive to the waves encountered during the past service and future prediction, therefore the long term environment data are to be properly repre
5、sented. Spectral Fatigue analysis is recommended and in special cases simplified analysis may be considered if long term environmental data is not available. Supporting documents for waiving spectral fatigue analysis are to be submitted to ABS for review. ABSRULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING OFFSHORE INSTALLATIONS .1997 1