AGMA ISO 17485-A08 SUPP-2008 Bevel Gears - ISO System of Accuracy - Tolerance Tables.pdf

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1、Supplemental Tables forANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08AGMA Information SheetBevel Gears - ISO System ofAccuracy - Tolerance TablesSupplementalTablesforANSI/AGMAISO17485-A08iiBevel Gears - ISO System of Accuracy - Tolerance TablesSupplemental Tables for ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08CAUTION NOTICE: AGMA technical p

2、ublications are subject to constant improvement,revision, or withdrawal as dictated by experience. Any person who refers to any AGMAtechnicalpublicationshouldbesurethatthepublicationisthelatestavailablefromtheAs-sociation on the subject matter.Tablesorotherself-supportingsectionsmaybereferenced. Cit

3、ationsshouldread: SeeSupplemental Tables for ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08, Bevel Gears - ISO System ofAccuracy -ToleranceTablespublishedbytheAmericanGearManufacturersAssociation,500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, http:/ January 6, 2009ABSTRACTThis informati

4、on sheet provides tolerance tables as a supplement to ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08, BevelGears - ISO System of Accuracy.Published byAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association500 Montgomery Street, Suite 350, Alexandria, Virginia 22314Copyright 2009 by American Gear Manufacturers AssociationAll rights reserv

5、ed.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronicretrieval system or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher.Printed in the United States of AmericaISBN: 978-1-55589-950-9American GearManufacturersAssociationAMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONSup

6、plemental Tables forANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08iii AGMA 2009 - All rights reservedContentsPageForeword iv.1 Scope 12 References 1.3 Symbols and corresponding terms 1.Tables1 Symbols and definitions 1Table sequence for each accuracy grade:Single pitch tolerance, fptTTotal cumulative pitch tolerance, FpTR

7、unout tolerance, FrTTooth mesh component single flank composite tolerance, fisTMetric tables (micrometers, mm)2-4 Tables for grade 2 2.5-7 Tables for grade 3 3.8-11 Tables for grade 4 5.12-15Tables for grade 5 7.16-19Tables for grade 6 9.20-23Tables for grade 7 1124-27Tables for grade 8 1328-31Table

8、s for grade 9 1523-35Tables for grade 10 17.36-39Tables for grade 11 19.Inch tables (ten thousandths of an inch, 0.0001 inch)40-42Tables for grade 2 2143-45Tables for grade 3 2246-49Tables for grade 4 2450-53Tables for grade 5 2654-57Tables for grade 6 2858-61Tables for grade 7 3062-65Tables for gra

9、de 8 3266-69Tables for grade 9 3470-73Tables for grade 10 36.74-77Tables for grade 11 38.AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONSupplemental Tables forANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08iv AGMA 2009 - All rights reservedForewordThis Information Sheet (supplement) is provided for informational purposes only, and

10、should notbe construed to be part ofAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association StandardANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08.This supplement provides tables of tolerances for all the different gear accuracy grades.Whilethetablesmaybeusedtoestimatethetolerances,theactualtolerancesareprovidedin ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08

11、.The range of gear sizes covered by the standard is generally shown in the tables. Thetolerancesarecalculatedatconvenientcombinationsofmoduleandtolerancediameter,dT.Thetablesarelimitedtotherangeof5to400teeth,usingthesimplespurgearrelationshipthat tolerance diameter is approximately equal to the numb

12、er of teeth times the module.Some combinations of module and diameter that are beyond the range shown in thesetables may be valid. Therefore, limits of application implied by these tables should not berelied upon; the actual limits given in ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08 should be used.Theinchtablelimitsar

13、ewithinthepermissiblerangegiveninANSI/AGMAISO17485-A08,sotheycoveraslightlynarrowerrangethanthosegiveninthemetrictables.Thediameterof98inchesisusedtobejustwithinthetolerancediameterlimitof2500mm(98.425inches).The first draft of the Supplemental Tables for ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08 was made inApril, 20

14、08. It was approved by the AGMA Technical Division Executive Committee inJanuary, 2009.Suggestions for improvement of this information sheet will be welcome. They should besenttotheAmericanGearManufacturersAssociation,500MontgomeryStreet,Suite350,Alexandria, Virginia 22314.AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURER

15、S ASSOCIATIONSupplemental Tables forANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08v AGMA 2009 - All rights reservedPERSONNEL of the AGMA Gear Accuracy CommitteeChairman: Edward Lawson Gleason-M&M Precision Systems CorporationVice Chairman: Steven Lindley Rexnord Industries Gear OperationsACTIVE MEMBERSW.A. Bradley Consult

16、ant.Z.J. Cichon Innovative Rack & Gear CompanyV. Cochran Sumitomo Drive TechnologiesB.L. Cox BWXTY-12, LLCS. Doubler General Motors Corporation.R. Frazer University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Design UnitD. Hoying Gleason-M&M Precision Systems Corporation.T. Klaves Milwaukee Gear CompanyI. Laskin Consul

17、tant.R. Layland Precision Gage Company, Inc.M. May Gleason Works.C. Norwood Martin Sprocket & Gear, IncR.W. Ott Caterpillar, IncM.J. Pascavis Milwaukee Gear CompanyE. Reiter Web Gear Services Ltd.J.M. Rinaldo Atlas Copco Comptec LLC.R.E. Smith R.E. Smith & Company, IncT. Thompson General Motors Corp

18、oration.AMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONSupplemental Tables forANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08vi AGMA 2009 - All rights reserved(This page is intentionally left blank.)1 AGMA 2009 - All rights reservedAMERICAN GEAR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIONSupplemental Tables forANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08American Gear M

19、anufacturersAssociation -Bevel Gears - ISOSystem of Accuracy -Tolerance Tables1 ScopeThis information sheet contains tolerance tablesdealing with the tangential measurements of bevelgear tooth flanks. While the tables may be used toestimate the tolerances, the actual tolerances areprovided in ANSI/A

20、GMA ISO 17485-A08. Thisinformation sheet supplements standard ANSI/AGMAISO17485-A08,BevelGearsISOSystemOf Accuracy.Information related to measurement methods maybe found in ISO/TR 10064-6:2008.2 ReferencesThe following standards contain provisions whichare referenced in the text of this information

21、sheet.Atthetimeofpublication,theeditionsindicatedwerevalid. All standards are subject to revision, andparties to agreements based on this document areencouraged to investigate thepossibility ofapplyingthe most recent editions of the standards indicated.ANSI/AGMA ISO 17485-A08, Bevel gears - ISOsyste

22、m of accuracy.ISO/TR 10064-6:2008, Code of inspectionpractice - Part 6: Bevel gear measurementmethodsISO 701:1998, International gear notation -Symbols for geometrical data3 Symbols and corresponding termsThe symbols and terms used throughout this docu-ment are in basic agreement with the symbols an

23、dterms given in ISO 701:1998, International gearnotation - Symbols for geometrical data. See table1.NOTE: The symbols and definitions used in this docu-mentmaydifferfromotherAGMAstandards. Theusershould not assume that familiar symbols can be usedwithout a careful study of their definitions.Table 1

24、- Symbols and definitionsSymbols Definition UnitsySI InchdTTolerance diameter mm infisTSingle flank composite tolerance, tooth mesh component mm 0.0001 inFisTSingle flank composite tolerance, total mm 0.0001 infptTSingle pitch tolerance mm 0.0001 inFpTCumulative pitch tolerance, total mm 0.0001 inFr

25、Total runout deviation mm 0.0001 inmmnMean normal module mm - -PndmMean normal diametral pitch - - in- 1AMERICANGEARMANUFACTURERSASSOCIATIONSupplementalTablesforANSI/AGMAISO17485-A082AGMA2009-AllrightsreservedTable2-Grade2Singlepitchtolerance,fptT(micrometers,mm)Module,Tolerancediameter,dT,mm,mmn510


























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