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1、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PUBLI CATIONS ORDNANCE CORPS ORD-M608-19. - Procedures and Tables for Continuous Sampling by Attributes. IEL-7155570 - Enden of Snspectlon Equipment Lists, (Copies of specf isations o standards o drawfn

2、gs required by contractors in eonneetion with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer), and publications 3. REQUIREMENTS 3,l Materialo-Materfals and parts shall be In accordance with applicable rawnga and specif icatons

3、GPO 822880-I 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-uay ut,;r=z rrAv UWII UL- airj UUAJ=A Ypyuuvir ALLWA.AVA- -I- - necessitate changing

4、the lot number. Each lot shall contain t manufacturer o manufbc turer , following classifications of defects shall be in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105 except that inspection for critical defects, when listed, shall be 100 percent. plma in accordance wth Handbook ORD-M608-11 may be used if app

5、roved by the procuring activity, procuring activity, AQLBs and sampling plans may be applied to the individual chsracteristics listed using an AQL of 0.25 percent for each major defect and an AQL of 0,40 percent for each m2nor defect. of the inspections listed shall be in accordance with 4,3.4. a. p

6、ats of one Interfix lot number from one manufacturer1 bo detonators of one interfix lot number from one c. tetryl of one interfix lot number from one 4,3,2 ExaminatLon,-Sampling plans and procedures for the Continuous sampling Also, at the option of the Equipment necessary for the performance 6 Prov

7、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-HILM-13693

8、A (Ord) Mfnar o AQL 400 percent -01, Total heght, max, o o o o o o o o o o o Gage 202. Either eokd mfssing OP damaged worn, frayed OF deteriorated) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Visual 04007 03,0 Ether cord ncorreetly aasembed or improperly I Visual 04008 04. Cement

9、 mfssng ola inadequate at Jolnt of mine body-fuze bodyOOOOOoOOO.oOO.oOoooooooooo Visual 04009 205, Grease mfrang fmm fTtl)iYisc O4006 I- I - - - 206. Shipping plug gasket mfusfngooo Visual 04011 207, Evidence of poor workmanship 0403.2 208. Markrng msleadfran or (res 3,70 o o o o o 0 o e a o o 0 0 o

10、 Q.0 o o 0 0 visual I - uraPdnGff“fabcooooo.uoo.ooooooooVfiual 04013 209- Assembly damaged (cracked, I - chipped OP deep t)OOo.OOOOOaa VfSunl 4.302,5 Coaf.%om, sealed (seo dwg. 88611851) Categorcrr Mef.hnA nP I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

11、 IHS-,-,-Minor : AQL 1,5 percent 201, Contents move when carton is M I . incorrect color code . 4,3.2,6 Bag, barrier, sealed (see dwg. 8861851) 05005 Categories Defects Method of Inspection Critical: None defined. Major: AQL 0.25 percent 101, Waterproofness of bag dexstroyed by separation of punccur

12、e. Minor: None dof ined, Box, packing, wooden, unsealed (see dwg. 8861849) Categories Defects Method of Code Noe Inspection Critical: None defined. Major : AQL 0.25 percent 101. Carton of mines, box of detonator holder assemblies, or wrenches missing,o Visual 07001 Minor: None defined. 4.3.2

13、.8 BOX, packing, wooden, sealed (see dwg. 8861849-) Categores Defacta Critical: None defined. Code No. Method of Inspection Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MaJor : 101 . 102 . 103 . 104 . 105 . Minor : 201 0 202. 203. 204. 205 . 206.

14、MIEM-13693A (Ord) AQL 0.65 percent Hardware missing, broken or 100se Visual- Manual Strapping missing, broken or 10ose Visual- Manual Contents eosed.o.c. Visual Board broken or splft., Visual DOD symbol misleading or unidntifiable. Visual AQL 2.5 percent Hardware improperly engaged Visual- Manlual H

15、andle missing, insecure, or damaged (deterioration, cut, frayed, etc.).OO.*. Visual- Manual Contents loose (when box is Strapping improperly assmbledVisuai Car seal missing, unsealed. tilted) Manual or improperly positioned:. . Visual Mmking misleading or unidentifiable, including incorrect color co

16、deo.4 Visual 4.3.3 Testing. Binder-lubricant content of tetryl (see dwg. 75-14-652 covering a detail of dwg. 82-15-55) Major defect.-The binder-lubricant content of the tetryl shall be determined for each Pot of tetryl at the time of loading. A sample of five grama shall be selected just pri

17、or to loading and the etermination male as specified ln 4.4.4. Composite samples shall not be used in khis determination. If the binder-lubricant content exceeds the requirement specified, the tetryl shall be rejected, determination is made after loading of ring pelleta has begun, components loaded

18、therewith shall be rejected. used in this determination shall be in accordance with 4.3.4. If this Equipment 11 08001 08002 08003 08004 08005 08006 08007 08008 08009 08010 08011 O9001 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-13693A (Ora)

19、 4.3,3,2 Jolt and jumble (aee 3.3) Major defect- 04016 initial production.-Beginning with the first lot produced and continuing until three consecutive lot6 have complied with the acceptance criteria specified, twenty-four loaded mine assemblies shall be selected from each lot far them tests, The te

20、stri shall be performed as specified in 4,4.1 using equipment in accordance with 4.3,4. If any mine assembly fails to comply with the specified requirements, the lot shall be rejected, producton,-After three conseoutlve lots have met the criteria of 4.363e2, twelve loaded mine aaaemblieer shall be s

21、elected from each 1st for these tests. The miner selected irhall be subjected to both test80 0303.S.1 Jolt and jumble (see 3.3) Major defect-normal 43.3.3 External air pressure (see 3,4) Major 04017 defect-initial production,-Beginning ,with the first lot produced nd continuing until three consecuti

22、ve lots have complied with the acceptance criteria specified, the sampling plan for this test shall be in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105 using code letter N and an AQL of 0,25 percent. The test ehall be performed as speclfied in 4.4.2 using equipment in accordance with 4,3.4, to comply with th

23、e specified requirements shall be classed defective. Any loaded mine assembly which fail8 External.air pms8ure (see 3.4) Mador defect- normal prQduCtIon,-After three consecutive lots have met the crltera of 403.3e3, the sampling plan for this test shall be in accordance with Standard MIL-S

24、TD-105 using code letter L and an AQL of 0.25 percent. production,-Beginning with the first lot produced and continuing until three consecutive lots have complied with the acceptance criteria specified, the sampling plan for this test shall be in accordance with Standard PIIL-STD-105 4.3,3.4 Functio

25、ning (see 3.5) MaJor defect-initiai 04018 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-13693A (Ord) using code letter J and an AQL of 1,s percent. shall be performed as specified in 4.4.3 using equipment in accordance with 4,3,4, to compl

26、y with the specified requirements shall be classed defective. The teat Any loaded mine assembly which fails,l Functioning (me 3.5) Major defect-normal production.-After three consecutive lots have met the criteria of, the sampling plan for this test shall be in aCCOPdanC with Standar

27、d MaESTD-PO5 using code letter H and an AQL of 1,s peren5, Check test for deterioratton of detonators OSO08 (see Military Specification MILD-45483 9 Major defect o -If the total time between orlgfna accep+,ance of any detonator lot and the assembly of that Pot into the holders exceeds two ye

28、ars, or if the detonators have been subjected to adverse conditions, however brief, at any tme since previous tests, the detonator lot shall be aubJectcd to and muit satisfactorily pass, the check teat for deterioration specified in Military Specification PUL-D-45483 immediately before the detonator

29、 lot ls assembled into the holders. the contractor on detonators selected by the Government inspector at the facility assembling the detonators into the holders (see 6,4). This test shall be performed by 4.3.4 Inspection equ%pment.-%ndex of inspection equipment lists number 7155570 identifies availa

30、ble approved inspection equipment designs. inspection equipment in order to facilitate his operation, Designs of any acceptance nspectiun equipment prepared by the contractor tio suppart hfs approved inspection plan (sec 4*1.1) shall be approved by the Government prion, to fabrication or procuring

31、of such egufprnent (see 6,2), All acceptance inspection equtpment shall be certfflsd by the Government as complying wth the apy;sovc esign prior to ita use. Supply and maintenance of inspection cquipmcrtt shall bo in accordance with Speefficatfon MIL-1-45607. The contractor may, however, design alte

32、rnate 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-M-13693A (Oyd) 4.4 Test rnathos an procedures. 4,4,1 Jolt and jmbl.e,-The loaded mine assen les shall bo assembled into a speefied test fixture and subjected to the jolt test in aceordance

33、with Standard MIL-STD-350. Aftel? completion of the jolt test, the mines shall not be disassembled but shall thon be subjected to the jumble test n accordance with Standard MIL-STD-351, Visual examination of %ho nternal parts and the tetryl pellet ring using radiographic procedures shall be made of

34、the mino assemblies upon completion of the jumble test, Tho pictures of each mina shall be taken; one parellel to, and one perpen- dculenr to Its longitudinal axia, In order to determane compliance with 3030 shall be subjected to an external air pressure of not less than three p,s,g. for not less th

35、an 95,O seconds, Observation shall be made for any evdenee of a drop In air prpessure to deterrnne eomplimee with 3,4, L,4.3 Functioning,-The safety clip shall be removed from each loaded mine assembly and the fuze assembly set In the waned postion, a specified aluminum cylinder, 2,O inches in diame

36、ter and 11/2 fnches in heght, safe positLon behind a suitable barricade, By remote means, pressure shall be applied glaadualy to the pressure plate at a rate of 1/2 to 1 Inch pep minute, be not less than 15,O nor more than 40, pounds, Of the aluminum cylinder skia91 be made for satisfactory fsnracti

37、onhX3 to determine complimce with 3,5 (see figure i), 4,4,2 Exteronal air pressure,-The loaded mine assemblies The armed mine shall then be placed on top Pemonnel shall then retreat to a The pressure applfe shall Observation 14 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

38、hout license from IHS-,-,- MIL-M-L3b73A 13 777770b 0275b36 5 = MILM-13693A (3rd) 4.4.4 Binder-lubricant content of tetryl,-An accurately w8ighed portfon of flve grams (gniiar.) of the sample shall be transferred to d tared, medtum porosity, rintered glase, filtering crucible. The sample shall be ext

39、racted with four 10-1111 portions of acetone, mafntalnfrng each portion in c6ntace with the residue for approximately 5 mfnuter before applying suction, Any luinpra which may persist .ahall be broken up, and the sides of the cruolble waahed down with each 1O-nil peri;fon of acetone to inswe camplete

40、 removal of the tetryl, acetone f no longer detectable. The crucible and contents shall be placed in E drying oven maintained at POO degree8 to 105 degPeS C. for 1/2 hew, Cooled fn a desiccator m.d weighf%E, nmber, and date of this speeifYa%tion, DOcmenitation of contractor-developed inspection equi

41、pment designe shall be submitted in duplicate and identified with the associated examination op test required by the speciffa$ion, Picatinmy Arsenal9 dopte?, New Jersey, ATTN: for approvalo equipment deagns m a complete deacrptfon of the use and application of a11 etmdmd deveea, and Set-ups 8s wel a

42、s specfa1 equfpment designa, sign review w1 normaP1y be accomplished wfthin one month afber receipt by Pfcatmy Arsenal, Partial submission of inspection equipment designs is permfmlble0 roeview will. be based on the date of the final, Submission of designa o 603 assigned to the inspection herein are

43、 to facilitate future data csllection and analysis by the Government, Cost of check test,-The contrasting officer will arrange for the contractor to be reimbursed for the expense incurred in the performance of the cheek test for deterioration of ehe detonator asisembliers, The tests shall be conduct

44、ed at Qoverment expense without cost to the contractor who loaded the detonator assemblies or to the contractor asembling the detonator assemblies into the holders, and shall not constitute a basis fox- rejection aga-iast 8 direct result of carelessness in handling, storage, etc, Demttecl while the

45、detonator assembly lot was under the JUX ORDBB-ND, Th.s documentation shall include specfal Howeverp the Arsenal completon date for design Inspection code! nmbePs,-The five-dlgft code numbers 6,4 either contractor except where deterioration has occurred as I Notice,-When Government drawings, speczif

46、ieatona, or others -_ _. awa - a used for any purpoae other than in connection with a dc related Government procurement operation, the Un.Etecl States Govern- ment thereby incurs no respsnsfbifity POP my obllaatfon whatsoever; arad tho fact that the Gavai.mant may have FonamulaZed, rurni in my way s

47、upplied the said drawings, spectficationa, or staieP a8T;a is not to be regarded by fmplfcatlsn OP stherniae as in any manner 94Pna*via *.he hnldep hr finv nther ne-dsc)n op eospopatfon, or conveying I my apfghta or papmission to manufactwe, use, OF sell any pacemea invention that may in my way be related theretoo 16 I Preparing activity: Army-Ordnance Copps Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i .- . GPO 822880-2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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