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1、FEDERAL SPECIETWE.ON PACKAGING AlEl PACING OF !CPEWRI!EEE TNS specificatton was approved by the Cornmissloner, Federal Supply Service, General Services Administration, for the me of ali Federal agencies. 1. SCOPE AND CLFJSIFICATION 1.1 Scope. 1.2 CJ.assification. This specification covers xq-menhs f

2、or packaging and packing of typewriters. 1.2.1 options. Option I - 17etailrzd requirements. optton IA - Detailed requirements (general). Option I - Perf ormance requfrements , 2. APPLCCABLJ3 DOCllNiXCS 2.1 The follmg specifications and siandars, of the issues in effkat .on date of. invitation for bi

3、ds or request far propsal, fonn a pBs - Boxes, Wood, *i.Jirebourrd. PPF-B-591 - Boxes, Fibe Wood, NaTled and Lock-Corner. PPP-B-636 - Box, Fiberboard. PPP-B-640 - Boxes, Fiberboar$, Corrugated, Triple-Wail. PPP-C-843 - Cushioning MaCerial, Cellulosic. 9PP-p-600 - Porcelain Enamel Products and Househ

4、old .Appliances, Electrioal and Nechanical - Requirements for Packaging and Packing. - Tape, PressureeSensitive Adhesive, Masking, Paper - Lubricating Oil,. General Puqose, Preservatkve, (Water-Disacing, Lmr Temperature) ._ Federa1 Standard: Fed. Std. No. 123 - Harking for DomestSc Shipment (Civilia

5、n Agencies). (Acttvities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Federal Specfficakions, Standards, and Handbooks as outlined under General Infomation in tb Tdex of Federa1 Specifications and Standards- and at the prices indicated in the Mex The Index, whfch includes cumulative rnantfily

6、.supplement8 as issued, is for sale on a subscription basis by the Supe;rinendenL of Documents, U. S, Government Prlnting OfTice, Tkhl.ngton,. R. C. 20402. Sinpie copies of this specification an other product specifIcxbions reqiiireit actidties out- side the Federal Gomrnment for bidding purposes ar

7、e wailahle without charge at the General Services AdminstraOion Regional Offices. In Boston, New York, Washington2 il. C., AtJanta,. Chicaga, Kansas City, Ma., Ft. Wort othernise, carriage shall be securely tied to main frame to prevent movement. Feed roll. Feed roll release lever shall

8、be tied down and feed rolls released from contact with platen. material conforming to PPP-C-843, type II, class A or B, placed in the type bar nest. Type bars. Type bars shall be held in place with a wad of cellulosic cushioning Protrusions, All sharp protruding points on the

9、 machine which may puncture the water- vaporproof barrier material shall be protected by padding with the same type cushioning material specified in, held securely in place with tape specified in 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

10、license from IHS-,-,-PPP-P-LL4A 74 I 9999974 004L893 O W Cover. The standard typewriter cover supplied with the machine shall be placed over the machine and tiedsecurely in position or, at the option of the supplier, folded, and placed in a plastic bag which shall be sealed.

11、 bkthod II procedure. To accomplish the method IIa pack (see Ia-P-ll6), the machine shall be securely bolted through the barrier material to the base of the box, through 3/4 inch by 3 inch interior battens which have been previously attached by clinched nails to the base of the box (see

12、The machine may either be held in an inverted position in a special packing fixture, and the water-vaporproof barrier bag placed in position over the base in order to simplify the align- ment of the holes %n the gaskets with the mounting points in the base of the machine, or the machiiie may be lowe

13、red into the barrier which has been previously laid on the cmss battened wood base. The machine shall be secured by either of the methods described in or Bolt securing. The bolts securing the machine to wooden base shall be screwed into the mounting poin

14、ts on the machine base through metal washers, the holes in the woodenbase and battens and also through shock absorbers consisting of either metal cup and spring devices, or rubber washers of 40 Duroirieter hardness, minimum 1f2-inch thick by 1-1/2 inches in diameter. be screxed up tight. The bolts s

15、hall The netal washers and heads of bolts shall be countersunk into the base of the box. Shock mount. Rubber shock absorbers may be used which instead of having a bolt pass through the rubber body, have threaded sections laminated to the rubber body of the shock absorber. The rubber b

16、ody of the shock absorber shall be of the same material as the rubber washers. One threaded section shalbe securely screwed into the typewriter frame and the opposite end securely fastened to the base of container with a flat washer, lockwasher and a hex head nut. The base of the box will be counter

17、sunk for washers and nut. Portable typemiters. All unpainted or otherwise unfinshed metal surfaces of the type- Cleaned surfaces shall Portable type- writer shall be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with 1m-P-ll6, process C-l. be coated by means of an atomized spray with preservative oil c

18、onforming to W-L-800. writers shall be preserved in accordance with conainer sizes for desk tvuewriters I Inside dimensions of shipping container Description of typewriters Length Width Depth U?mi Inches iO,ll, and 12 inch inch 18 inch 20, 22, and 26 inch cexcept 32 inch 26 inch Underwood) 2142 23 2

19、8 37 - I/ 18-1/2 12 i0 -1/2 12 18-1/2 12 18-1/2 12 1842 12 PPP-B-621, class 2; PPP-B-636, V3c or VS, style optional; PPP-B-640, class 2; or PPP-B-576, class 2. resistant types. in 4 PPP-B-585, class 3; PPP-B-591, class II, style A or B; PPP-B-601, averseas type, All packaging and packin

20、g materials subject to water damage shall be of water- Containers not already waterproofed shall be provided with a case liner as specified Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PPP-P-LL48A 74 = 7779974 0043875 4 W PPP -P -ii48a 3.4.2 Level

21、 B. Packing shall be option II only. The typewriter, packaged as specified in 3.3.1 or 3.3.2, shalle packed in a manner that shall meet the test requirements of 4.2.3. one desk or two portable typewriters in each shipping container. to have satsifactorily passedthe tests if, upon examination, fhe ty

22、pewriter is free from damage and the container and inner packing have only superficial scuffs, scratches, or dents. shall conform to the following: There shall be The unit pack shall be considered Shipping containers a. c. PPP-B-640, class 2. d. PPP-B-601, dmestic type. , e. f. PPP-B-636, class dome

23、stic, variety Ski or DX, type CF or SF. b. PPP-B-591, Class I. PPP-E-576, class 1, style A or B, type 3 load. A molded plastic container of expanded.po1ystyrene or equivalent material. 3.4.3 Level C. Packing shall be or 3.3.2, shallbe packed in a manner one desk or two portable typewriters have sati

24、sfactorily passed the tests, container still affords reasonable and proper protection to the The packing be those materials which are normally used by the supplier for shipment of the product. contents. d- -3; 5 Narking , 3.5.1 . Civil agencies. In addition to any special markings specified in the c

25、ontract or order, marking shall be in accordance with Fed. Std. No. 123. 3.5.2 Hilitary agencies. In addition to any special markings required by the contract or order, marbg shall-be in accordance with NIIIZ-STD-129. -=- h. QI4LITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS h.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless othe

26、rwise specified in the contract or purchase ord r, P the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any commercial labo2atory acceptable to the Goverrment. The Governmen

27、t reserves the right to perform any of the inspectiom! set forth in the specificatton where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure that supplies-qd, services conform to prescribed requirements. NIL-STD-105, except where otherwise indicated herein. shall be inspected and tested in accordance

28、 with all the requirements of referenced specificatiqns, drawings and standards unless otherwise excluded, amended, modified or qualified in this specifgcation or applicable purchase document. sampling procedures, inspec:ion level and acceptable quality levels (AQL) as specified in m-116. 4.2 Sampli

29、ng for inspection. Sampling for inspection shall be performed in accordance with 4.2.1 Component and material inspection. In accordance with 4.1 above, components and mateqials Examination of reservation. Examination of preservation shall be in accordance $th the Examination of the e

30、nd item for packaging packing and marking. The end items hall be examined in accordanee with the classification of defcts in tible II. The sample unit shall be one desk or two portable typewriters as applicable, fully prepared for shipment. The lot shallibe ex- pressed in tern of typ&rriters fullfpr

31、epared-for shipnient. The inspection level shall bdS-2 and the acceptable quality levels (AQLS) shall be 2.5 for major and 10.0 for total defects expks&zas defects per hundred units. TABLE II. Examination for packaging, packing, and marking category Examine Defect $jor tinor +F Packaging y- A, optio

32、ns I and II. 1- * I Desk typerrrite rs Feet Feet not removed nhen required. Feet not placed in cloth bag and securely 5 tied to body of typewriter when required. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TABLF, II. Examination for packaging, pa

33、cking, and marking (contd). Examine Packaging (contd) Level A, options I and IA. ( cont d) Desk typewriters (contid) Ribbon spools Coverplate Carriage rails Rack release lever Carriage Feed roll Type bars Protrusions Cover Bolting method Portable typewriters Level A, option II. Dis assembly Packing

34、Levei A, option 1 Shipping container Box components (cleats, ends, battens) 6 Defect Not tied to spool cup. Not taped securely. Not blocked by one of specified methods. Not tied down. Platen latches not secured. Carriage not centered on machine with stops securing it in place. Lever not tied down. R

35、olls contacting platen. Cellulosic cushioning missing or not properly placed. Cushioningwhen required missing or in- adequate to prevent puncturing. Not taped in place. Missing, not securely tied in position, nor in sealed plastic bag. Bolts not tightened securely. Shock absorbers, washers missing.

36、Bolt heads not countersunk into base of box, Not locked in case with locking mechanism Carriage not adequately blocked to prevent Carrying case not closed by method provided. Fiberboard carton missing. Scored and folded pads missing when required provided. damage to rails. to fill voids. Identificat

37、ion tags missing from disassembled Instruction tags missing when required for Calibrations affected by disassembly. parts. reassembly. Width and thickness less than specified. Cat1 Major 102 103 104 105 i06 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 i15 116 PY Minor 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 Provided by

38、IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-PPP-P-LiqA 7q 777797L1 OOLtL847 8 9. PPP-P-ilh8a TABLE II. Examination for packaging, packing, and marking (contld) Zxdne Packing (cont Id) Leve A, option I: (contld) Shipping container (contid) Bottom (desk typewr

39、iter only) Marking . Defect Not fastened to sides and ends with screws. Screws spaced more than 3 inches apart on end: or 5 inches apart on sides. Not No. 0 x 1-3h soreir. Container sizes not in accordance with Bot individually packed in box (desk type- Not packed two each flat on bottom in box Case

40、 liner missing when specified. table I. writer only). (portable typewriter only). Omitted, incomplete, incorrect, illegible, of improper size, location, sequence or method of application Cati .laJor 117 118 119 120 121 122 12 3 210 Examination of shi i containers. When shipping containers ar

41、e required to be in accordance uith PPP-B-576, PPP%-$5, PPP-B-591, PPP-B-601, PPP-B-621, PPP-B-636, or PPP-B-640, ex- amination for closure and strapping shall be in accordance with the applicable appendix of those specifications. 4.2.2 Level A, option II. Examination and testing shall be in accorda

42、nce with level A requirements of PPP-P-600 for vibration, impact, compressio4 and drop. 4.2.3 Level E, ion II. 4.2.4 Level C, option II. Examination and testing shall be in accordance with level B require- ments of PPP-P-600 for vibration, impact, compression, and drop, Examination and testing shall

43、 be in accordance with level C require- ments of PPP-P-600 for vibration, impact, canpression, and drop. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY (Not applicable) 6. XOTES 6.1 Intended use. The preservation, packaging, and packing requirements of this specification are for the preparation of all types of typewri

44、ters for delivery in accordance 16th any of the following options (see 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, and 3.4.3): and packaging, and option I for packing of typewriters. preservation, packaging, and packing of typewriters. 6.2 Ordering data. Options I and IA - detailed requirements for preservation Option II

45、- performance requirements for Purchasers should select th? prsferred options permitted herein and include the following information in procurement documents : (a) Title, number, and date of this specification. (b) Whether option I, IA, or II is desired (see 3.3.1 and 3.h.i). (c) Level of preservati

46、on and packaging (see 3.3). (d) kvel of packing (see 3.4). (E) Special markings required (see 3.5). 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MILITARY CUSTODIANS : Army - GL Navy - SA Air Force - 69 Review activities: Army - GL, SM Navy - SA

47、Air Force - 69 User activities : Navy - MC Review and user information is current as of the date of this document. For future coordination of changes to this document, draft circulation should be based on the information in the current.Federa1 Supply Classification Listing of DD Documents. U. S. Gov

48、ernment Printing Office: 1967 Orders for this publication are to be placed with General Services Administratpon, actingas an agent See section 2 of this smcification to obtain extra cophsand other for the Suwrtendent of Documents. documents referenced herein. Price 5 cents each. 0 t U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1967 O - 302-502 (257) -y -. / 1- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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