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1、2012年厦门大学考博英语真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 The weather wasnt favorable and both teams had to_icy rain and a strong wind during the match. ( A) pin down ( B) get stuck in ( C) take control of ( D) contend with 2 People planning to travel by car to North Dakota in the winter are advised to_

2、 their cars with snow tires and warm clothing. ( A) install ( B) purchase ( C) provide ( D) equip 3 The consumer_in recent years has led to an explosion of shopping center development in big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Canton. ( A) boom ( B) volume ( C) summit ( D) pressure 4 After a number of

3、 disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to _his present job. ( A) retire ( B) resign ( C) retreat ( D) withdraw 5 Obviously, no teacher has_ patience. Even Larry, who is always kind and tolerant, lost his temper on that particular occasion. ( A) definite ( B) spectacular ( C) infinit

4、e ( D) composed 6 Scientists use observation and experimentation to examine a specific concept_ existing theories and principles. ( A) in the light of ( B) in view of ( C) as to ( D) in the interest of 7 As the ship is loaded, it will sink deeper and deeper into the water, but only sink deep enough

5、to_an amount of water equal to the weight of the ship and its cargo. ( A) dismiss ( B) offset ( C) displace ( D) squeeze 8 Among other things the Town Council is responsible for parks, fire services, _collection and libraries. ( A) refuse ( B) plague ( C) robbery ( D) insect 9 On leaving school he b

6、ecame an office-boy and having no_to rise higher, he only wasted his time. ( A) ambition ( B) determination ( C) success ( D) purpose 10 A feeling of tiredness almost_the soldier on duty and he had to struggle hard to keep awake. ( A) overcame ( B) defeated ( C) conquered ( D) overtook 11 The “forma

7、l learning“ refers to all learning which takes place in the classroom, regardless of whether such learning is_by conservative or progressive ideologies. ( A) secured ( B) attained ( C) manifest ( D) informed 12 Formal learning is separated from daily life and may actually promote ways of learning an

8、d thinking which often run_to those obtained from practical daily life. ( A) parallel ( B) contradictory ( C) opposite ( D) counter 13 We were_by the extent to which teachers decisions served the interests of the school rather than those of the students. ( A) struck ( B) puzzled ( C) attracted ( D)

9、misled 14 The findings of the two archaeologists_ the burial customs of the ancient Egyptians. ( A) paid attention to ( B) gained access to ( C) threw light upon ( D) keep track of 15 In recent years, business schools_the masters degree in business administration enjoy great popularity among the man

10、agement in big companies. ( A) representing ( B) offering ( C) presenting ( D) supplying 16 The scheme for rebuilding the city center_, owing to the refusal of a Council to sanction the expenditure of the money it would have required. ( A) fell down ( B) fell out ( C) fell off ( D) fell flat 17 The

11、changing image of the family on television provides_into changing attitudes toward the family in society. ( A) presentations ( B) revelations ( C) specifications ( D) insights 18 According to Plato, the most important idea is the idea of “good“. Knowledge of “good“ is the object of all inquiry, a go

12、al to which all other things are_. ( A) approximate ( B) crucial ( C) subordinate ( D) detached 19 If children who cannot write are asked to write the story they have been told orally, they tend to scribble in_across a page. ( A) patterns ( B) designs ( C) models ( D) scratches 20 Travelling like th

13、is is really an adventure. Very often, youre doing something strange where you dont know whats going to_around the next bend. ( A) turn off ( B) turn on ( C) turn away ( D) turn up 21 Nuclear power plants are some of the largest producers of_ wastes, with each plant producing barrels of radioactive

14、material that must be stored in special protective containers. ( A) biodegradable ( B) hazardous ( C) reasonable ( D) durable 22 The scientific community was_when a living specimen of the coelacanth, long thought to be_was discovered by deep-sea fisherman. ( A) perplexed. common ( B) overjoyed. dang

15、erous ( C) unconcerned. local ( D) astounded. extinct 23 After the governors third trip to overseas, voters complained that he was paying too little attention to_affairs. ( A) intellectual ( B) foreign ( C) professional ( D) domestic 24 The Roman Emperor Claudius was viewed with_by generations of hi

16、storians until newly discovered evidence showed him to be_administrator. ( A) suspicion.a clever ( B) disdain.a capable ( C) antagonism.an eager ( D) indignation.an incompetent 25 Communities in primitive areas where natural_is scarce must be resourceful in order to secure adequate nutrition. ( A) e

17、ducation ( B) competition ( C) sustenance ( D) agriculture 26 Anthonys_expression masked an essential cheerful nature. ( A) jubilant ( B) inevitable ( C) dour ( D) pert 27 Her shrewd campaign managers were responsible for the fact that her political slogans were actually forgotten cliches revived an

18、d_with new meaning. ( A) fathomed ( B) instilled ( C) foreclosed ( D) instigated 28 The stoic former general led his civilian life as he had his military life, with simplicity and_dignity. ( A) benevolent ( B) informal ( C) austere ( D) aggressive 29 Although bound to impose the law, a judge is free

19、 to use his discretion to_ the anachronistic barbarity of some criminal penalties. ( A) mitigate ( B) understand ( C) condone ( D) provoke 30 Henry viewed Melissa as_; she seemed to be against any position regardless of its merits. ( A) heretical ( B) disobedient ( C) contrary ( D) inattentive 二、 Re

20、ading Comprehension 30 The world seems to be going diet crazy, and yet our nations obesity rate has shot up year after year. And, its not only the over 20 population that has to worry about their weight anymore. Children from kindergarten to twelfth grade are also experiencing the problems of an ove

21、rweight lifestyle. According to the website cosmiverse. com, 11% of adolescents are categorized as being overweight, and another 16% are in danger of becoming overweight. This is a 60% jump from the 1980s. Some of the blame is being put on schools wanting to fit more academic classes into the childr

22、ens schedule rather than waste time on physical education. This new take on education has left us with physical activity at an all-time national low, resulting in obesity and poor physical conditioning at an all-time national high. The schools have tried a few solutions, the most recent in the news

23、has been taking soda out of schools and increasing the required time children must be active during school. Will those methods help at all? Education is important at school, but starts at home. I believe students are getting their bad habits from watching their parents and how they eat and exercise.

24、 The school system only helps to hinder the childs dietary eating. I know there are studies showing genes that determine how a child will be built. That does not explain, however, why the rate continues to increase at such a rapid rate each year. It seems more likely that more and more families have

25、 both parents working, leaving their children to their own means for a meal. “Nintendo, TV, Playstation and the like,“ are what Physical Education teacher, Sue Arostegui, attributes the inactiveness to, “parents are either gone or too scared with todays society to let them out and play“. Classes on

26、health need to become more regular and sports need to be encouraged. At Live Oak High School, the staff does good job of teaching how to eat and exercise to stay healthy. The freshmen study health every Wednesday in P. E. , and Pam James teaches healthy eating and food preparation in Home Economics

27、for the first few weeks of every school year. “Kids have no idea how many calories they are eating,“ said James of the overweight problems facing students. “Fast food is becoming more popular, its easier and parents are busy. They are only setting their kids up to gain weight with that diet however“

28、. School cafeterias are also getting blamed for the students eating habits. “Healthy eating should start at home,“ said L. O. H. S. cafeteria cook, Brenda Myers. “Too many kids are being raised on fast food. After eating so much fast food they dont have any tastes for real home cooked food. I always

29、 have healthy foods for students, but they are less likely to eat them. “ Other schools do not even have the type of programs Live Oak offers and are suffering even worse consequences. Sports keep students fit and healthy. There need to be more readily available sports programs for anyone who would

30、like to join. Many students when they feel they do not meet the standards for a team will admit defeat and drop off the team. There needs to be a program that all students will be interested in and continue through for the entire season. Schools can only do and be blamed for so much however, and it

31、will be up to the parents to become more aware of what activities their children are participating in and how healthy they are eating. Until that happens, I foresee the obesity rate continuing on its uphill curve. 31 Which of the following is similar in meaning to the word “obesity“? ( A) Extremely

32、heavy. ( B) Quite plump. ( C) Unhealthily fat. ( D) Rather stout. 32 What is the trend in education that has led to an increase in obesity? ( A) Banning all types of soda drinks in schools. ( B) Adding more academic classes at the expense of physical education. ( C) No readily available sports progr

33、ams for everyone. ( D) The tendency to neglect courses on healthy eating. 33 What is the chief reason for the increase in obese students? ( A) The genes of the students. ( B) The poor quality of school cafeteria food. ( C) Inactiveness due to playing computer games. ( D) The negative example of thei

34、r parents. 34 What should be done to improve students awareness of the importance of a healthy diet? ( A) Inform the students of the calorie content of the food they eat. ( B) Help students foster a taste for home cooked food. ( C) Stop the cafeterias from selling fast food. ( D) Provide programs li

35、ke those offered at Live Oak High School. 35 According to the passage, the obesity rate of students will continue to grow unless_. ( A) all schools increase the time for students to be physically active ( B) parents are more alert to what their children do and eat ( C) schools increase the number of

36、 sports programs and activities ( D) students are taught to change their eating habits 35 The collaboration among scientists, universities and industry is not new. Both the university administration and the industry play a role in developing the scientific knowledge in the academic environment. The

37、university is usually responsible for obtaining patents and for licensing the rights for its professors inventions. The company, having licensed the product, must provide the considerable financial backing required for its development and marketing. In the best of all possible worlds, the inventors,

38、 the university administrators and the company executives work as a well-oiled machine that creates a beneficial product and generates capital to support the academic lab, the scientist, the university and the companys shareholders. In the real world, however, each of these component parts has its o

39、wn agenda. The goal may not entirely overlap. When a university stands to gain financially from the commercialization of one of its professors inventions, for example, the professor may hesitate, out of conflict-of-interest issues, to participate in the trials of the new product. Such a policy cause

40、s friction and frustration in the relationship between the university administration and the faculty members. Universities themselves have faced the frustration of licensing their inventions to companies that have then sublicensed them to other firms for enormous fees. Because these “fees“ can be di

41、sguised by a variety of accounting procedures, there is no way for the university or the inventor to participate in the profits of the sublicensing agreement. Thus, unless the invention becomes a product, the profits made by the company are not shared by the university or the inventor. Meanwhile it

42、is the company who writes the checks. Of the three parties involved, it compromises the least. As a rule, the company shows more concern over new ideas and new products which can be used to benefit itself and the public good as well. So the scientist, the university and the industry find themselves

43、on a three-way street where ideas from the academic laboratory move into the realm of application. Because the use of this highway has increased dramatically in recent years, traffic jams and collisions have been unavoidable. And, increasingly, basic research is diverted from its path. Inevitably, s

44、uch sidetracking will slow the movement of basic science discoveries into technical products. Preventing this slowdown requires some new rules of the road. Increased government funding for research is necessary to restore order by redirecting lab efforts back toward basic research the well spring of

45、 all applied technologies. The scientist and the university must cease regarding companies as money-providers with deep pockets and learn from the business world how economic realities are integrated into idealistic goals. And the companys attitude that “the scientist has done the easy work“ has to

46、give way to adapting to a more inclusive approach that permits participation by the scientist and the university in deciding on the best road to development. Without these accommodations on all sides, the flow of idea into products will be slowed, and all parties, including society at large, will su

47、ffer from the gridlock. 36 Before the invention becomes a product, universities mostly worry that_. ( A) whether the product would be beneficial to themselves ( B) they cant share the profits if the invention is sublicensed to other firms ( C) financial support required for its development cant be f

48、ound ( D) there will be conflict-of-interest issues between them and the faculty 37 Slowdown of basic science discoveries into technical products is directly due to_. ( A) the profit orientation of industry ( B) traffic jams and collisions on “this highway“ ( C) diversion of basic research from its

49、path ( D) dramatic increase in the use of “this highway“ 38 According to the author, what should be the function of the government? ( A) Providing financial support to the basic scientific research. ( B) Laying down new traffic rules of the road. ( C) Setting new “game rules“ for the three parts concerned. ( D) Stimulating the transference of basic scientific discoveries to applied technologie


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