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1、专业英语八级( INTERVIEW)强化练习试卷 5及答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the

2、following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 A childs relationship with his mother ( A) teaches him how to interact with others. ( B) is not important to his personality development. ( C) is a crucial factor in his personality development. ( D) is more important than his relationship wit

3、h his father. 2 Adopted children may present special problems, such as ( A) delayed motor skills development. ( B) delayed toilet training. ( C) difficulty in interacting with peers. ( D) inability to express affection. 3 According to the interview, adopted children ( A) are as likely to develop sep

4、aration anxiety as those who are not adopted. ( B) will never recover from separation anxiety. ( C) struggle to develop a healthy sense of self. ( D) always experience feelings of protest, despair and detachment. 4 Which of the following is INCORRECT about the negative effects of adoption? ( A) It v

5、aries with the age of the child. ( B) It depends on the adoptive family. ( C) It can be influenced by a foster mother. ( D) It provokes fears about stable independence. 5 A child suffering from separation anxiety may ( A) fear his parents have been injured in a car wreck. ( B) be unable to play with

6、 his peers. ( C) not develop motor skills at appropriate ages. ( D) have an irrational fear of spiders. 6 The interview is mainly a discussion concerning ( A) men and position. ( B) men and property. ( C) women and inheritance. ( D) women and property. 7 According to the interview, what is called pr

7、operty grabbing? ( A) That the husbands property is taken by his relatives. ( B) That the husbands property is taken by the government. ( C) That the husbands property is taken by robbers. ( D) That the husbands property is taken by his wife. 8 The women do nothing to prevent property grabbing becau

8、se ( A) the law is against them. ( B) they dont know that they have rights to keep property. ( C) the law is for them. ( D) they dont want to damage the relationship with their husbands relatives. 9 According to the interview, the way of preventing property grabbing for a woman is to ( A) learn more

9、 about the inheritance law. ( B) quarrel with her husbands relatives for her property fiercely. ( C) ask her relatives to put her husbands relatives into prison. ( D) go to Mrs. Mutwa for assistance. 10 Which of the following is NOT Mrs. Mutwas recommendation? ( A) Making a will with the husband. (

10、B) Registering your home. ( C) Getting legal advice from a lawyer. ( D) Donating the property. 11 What is the most striking feature of Parkers books to the interviewer? ( A) They focus on the future of education. ( B) They mainly talk about education for all. ( C) They require participation of reade

11、rs. ( D) They should be treated as one book. 12 What is Parkers objective according to the interview? ( A) To find ways to establish virtual education system and to provide education for all. ( B) To examine the changes in university in the past and in the future. ( C) To promote the effort to solve

12、 problems of hunger, health and so on through education. ( D) To explore a new way to engage public efforts in writing books via Internet. 13 What is Parkers attitude to university in the future? ( A) Virtual global education system will replace university in the future. ( B) University will continu

13、e to play a key role in the future. ( C) Residential campus will be integrated into the virtual educational system. ( D) Universities should open their doors to every member in a society. 14 Which is NOT the feedback to his books that Parker gets? ( A) Parker has embarked on a too ambitious project.

14、 ( B) His books failed to provide the latest information. ( C) He should pay more attention to modern technology. ( D) His books cannot satisfy people with different backgrounds. 15 Parker hopes that in the future his work can ( A) engage more people from different parts of the world. ( B) attract m

15、ore attention from the educational experts. ( C) response better to the criticism he receives from the world. ( D) develop into resource base for solving educational problems. 16 What does Frank have to do next? ( A) Getting the results of the survey back. ( B) Drawing the results of the survey. ( C

16、) Making some conclusions. ( D) Collecting more information. 17 What is Theresas market research project on? ( A) Violence on television. ( B) Forms of transportation in the city. ( C) The history of transportation. ( D) Bureaucracy in the city. 18 What did the results of Franks survey show? ( A) Ev

17、eryone thinks there is too much violence on TV. ( B) Most people think there is too much violence on TV. ( C) There is no real agreement on the amount of violence. ( D) There is a problem with the survey. 19 How many questionnaires did Frank give out? ( A) 120. ( B) 70. ( C) 50. ( D) 40. 20 Which of

18、 the following is INCORRECT according to the conversation? ( A) Children might see the heroes of violent films as role models. ( B) Theresa says Franks survey results represent public opinion. ( C) Theresa is going to interview her respondents in the shopping mall. ( D) The best type of questions ar

19、e short, specific and simple multiple choice or questions. 专业英语八级( INTERVIEW)强化练习试卷 5答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the int

20、erview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 【听力原文】 Interviewer (W) Sean Smith (M) W: Today Id like to welcome Sean Smith, a psychologist from Maryland State Research Institute, who is going to talk to us about the normal and soun

21、d development of self with adopted child. Hello, Sean. M: Hello. W: Now Sean, as we may know, a child is likely to be affected by certain influential factors during his normal development of self. Then what do you think is the most important factor affecting this process? M: Well, (1) actually sever

22、al factors may work together to cultivate the self. Among them, a childs relationship with his mother is ranking on the top of the list, which we may also call, maternal attachment. Infants form an attachment with the mother that must undergo a process of separation and individuation. W: How do we u

23、nderstand the correlation between separation and individuation? M: Good question. Object relations psychology examines this relationship, which depends on the ability of the child to separate himself from his object, the mother, and realize that he is a separate individual. W: All right, then. What

24、are the other factors required to help children realize a sound development of self? Does environment play any role in it? M: Thats exactly what I am going to talk about next. Absolutely, a safe, loving environment is another necessary component for the development of a healthy self-concept. Certain

25、ly, affectionate, caring parents are essential as well. As the child begins to develop his sense of self, he must master certain developmental tasks that are part of growing up. W: “ Developmental tasks“ ? Thats a fresh term. Could you present us some concrete examples of such tasks? M: (2) Developm

26、ental tasks may take different forms, such as acquisition of language and toilet training. Anything that interrupts the development of these important skills may interfere with developing a healthy self-concept. W: What, then, effect does adoption have on the development of a healthy sense of self?

27、Since an infants relationship with his mother is so important, according to many psychologists, what effect does being separated from the biological mother have on the adopted child? M: That depends. For infants adopted at birth, the effect may be minimal, for the infant has often had no opportunity

28、 to bond with the biological mother. W: But what about a child who is older when he is adopted? What effect does adoption have on a toddler? M: Even if a toddler has been in one foster home since birth and has therefore attached himself to his foster mother, he will likely experience a series of rea

29、ctions when separated from this caregiver protest, despair, and detachment unless his experience is monitored to help him handle the change. Consider a toddler adopted at the age of 18 months who has lived in the same foster home since birth. When he is placed with an adoptive family, (3) he is like

30、ly to experience separation anxiety from his foster mother, who can be regarded as symbolically abandoning him as his own biological mother did. W: Its sure to say his transition to living an adoptive home may be difficult, isnt it? M: Yes, it proves difficult as he adjusts to new surroundings and c

31、aregivers because, by the age of 18 months, he has already begun to develop a sense of self in relation to others. On the other hand, he is past the crucial age of 7 to 12 months. W: Why do you call this period the crucial age? M: This period is crucial because at his time an infant may sustain the

32、most severe damage to his mental and physical development if deprived of mothering by one significant individual. Now it seems as though he has to start over; his protesting may give way to despair as he yearns for people who used to be in his life. W: Then it is essential that (4) the adoptive fami

33、ly offer as much affection and security as possible to reassure the child that he is safe, that they are reliable sources of loving care, and that they will help him through this difficult stage. M: One thing we need to note is sometime a child may continue to suffer from separation anxiety in spite

34、 of these actions. Although he may not mind the actual separation“ from his mother when he goes to play school or day care, (5) he may become obsessed about the time when his mother is supposed to pick him up at day care or kindergarten; tardiness may provoke fears about car accidents or death. W: S

35、ome psychologists believe that a child who is given more affection is sometimes more strongly attached and therefore more prone to separation anxiety than are some of those who are treated more roughly. Does such statement hold water? M: That may prove right. Since such “dependence“ in the well-love

36、d child is outgrown and later provides the basis for a stable independence, it would be a mistake to suppose it to be pathological. On the contrary, the capacity to experience separation anxiety can be regarded as a sign of the healthy personality. W: An adopted child, then, has at least an average

37、chance of successful individuation, assuming he is adopted by loving parents. Thank you, Sean, thanks for talking with us. M: My pleasure. 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 访谈中提到孩子在自我的正常发展中容易受到某些因素的影响。在被问及哪一个是影响这一过程的最重要的因素时,根据句 (1)可知,孩子与母亲间的关系是他们自我发展的一个决定性因素,故答案为 C。 【知识模块】 会话 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 受访者指出当小孩开始发展他的自我意识时,他

38、必须掌握成长过程中的某些 “developmental tasks”。在被问及什么是 “developmental tasks”时,根据句 (2)可知,像语言的习得和上厕所 的训练都是孩子发展自我阶段必须掌握的,而被收养的孩子也许没有经历过这个过程,最终可能导致自我不能健康地发展,故答案为 B。 【知识模块】 会话 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 受访者指出孩子对母亲有强烈的依附感,即使是那些出生后就被领养的孩子也一样,一旦与他们的母亲分开,他们可能会出现一系列的反应。假设将一个出生后就被收养长到 18个月大的孩子再放在别的领养家庭中,根据句 (3)可知,这样做会让孩子与养母分离后产生焦虑

39、感,就像被生母抛弃一样,故答案为A。 【知识模块】 会话 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 受访者指出 7至 12个月是每个孩子健康成长的关键年龄段,对于那些被领养的孩子来说,根据句 (4)可知,领养家庭给予孩子的爱和安全感能让他们觉得自己是安全的,能帮助他们度过这一困难阶段。故答案为 D。 【知识模块】 会话 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 受访者指出孩子在长大后可能仍然会有分离焦虑,根据句 (5)可知,如果父母没有按时接孩子,这种时间的延误会让孩子担心父母是否遭遇了不测,这也是一种分离焦虑,故答案为 A。 【知识模块】 会话 6 【听力原文】 Interviewer (M) Mrs.

40、 Elizabeth Mutwa (W) M: Welcome to our show. (1) Today were going to discuss some important questions about women and inheritance. For example, what happens to a woman when her husband dies, and who becomes the rightful owner of his property? Is there anything a woman can do to ensure that she recei

41、ves the property? To help us answer these and other questions, weve invited a lawyer, Mrs. Elizabeth Mutwa, to join us. Welcome to the show, Mrs. Mutwa. W: Thank you. Its a pleasure to be here. M: Mrs. Mutwa, let me start by asking you this. What are some of the concerns you have about women and the

42、 inheritance laws that affect them? W: Every day I meet women whose husbands are dying. These women are afraid that they are going to lose everything their home, their land, their livestock. . . and they believe there is nothing they can do about it. That is a terrible, desperate feeling. M: Yes, to

43、 feel that you are going to lose everything is terrifying. W: Of course it is. And Im sorry to say that often a woman does lose everythingbecause (2) the property is taken by her husbands relatives. We call this property grabbing. M: Is there any way to prevent property grabbing and return property

44、to the woman? W: Yes. (3) Women have legal rights to land and other properties. But unfortunately, most women dont know this. So they dont take any action. M: You mean women think that the law is against them so they dont challenge it? W: Thats right. But again, I want to make this very clear. The l

45、aw is not against women. Women have rights to keep property they just dont know it! M: So, (4) its important for women to understand what rights they have, and how the law works. W: Exactly. Once they know the laws, they can take steps to make sure that they keep their home and their land. M: Okay,

46、so I guess that when women come to you for help, this is one of the things you recommend learn about the local laws. What else can a woman do? W: I always recommend that a woman do three things. (5- 1) First, discuss the importance of making a will with your husband. Encourage him to make a will in

47、the presence of witnesses. (5 - 2) Number two, find out if it is possible to register the home where you live with your husband. If you can, you will remain the owner of the land and house after your husbands death. (5-3) Number three, get legal advice from a lawyer, a paralegal or a local organizat

48、ion that offers this type of assistance. They can help you understand your rights and the law. M: Mrs. Mutwa, I think the advice that youve offered here on the program will help many women. Do you think that this kind of property grabbing will definitely affect womens lives after their husbands deat

49、h? W: Definitely. Some of the women hope that the inheritance given by their husbands would help them out. Well, as a matter of fact, however, the fact proves that they always lose their things left by their husbands as their husbands relatives always ask her to divide the things with them. The relatives put forward that property and asset in her family are mostly produced by the husband. And so the wife should not take all of them away. The women have no idea about what she deserves, some of them even take it for granted that the prop


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