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1、专业英语八级( INTERVIEW)强化练习试卷 2及答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the

2、following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 What is the womans main purpose to see the man? ( A) To get information about the literature lectures. ( B) To make clear how the grading system works. ( C) To inquire how she prepares for the quizzes. ( D) To find out about the American autho

3、rs to be taught. 2 How much of the final grade can a student get if he/she passes all the fifteen quizzes? ( A) 15%. ( B) 20%. ( C) 30%. ( D) 10%. 3 What is TRUE about the final exam? ( A) It accounts for 60% of the final grade. ( B) It covers Founding Fathers and Mark Twain. ( C) It contains writin

4、g and objective questions. ( D) It only covers the second half of the course. 4 Concerning the essays, which of the following falls into the mans recommendation? ( A) A mainstream author who talked about in the lectures. ( B) A contemporary author yet to find a place in literary history. ( C) An obs

5、cure author that is known to very few people. ( D) A British author who is releated to American literature. 5 What will the woman probably do after this conversation? ( A) To drop this literature course. ( B) To buy a new typewriter. ( C) To skip some quizzes. ( D) To get ready for the course. 6 Acc

6、ording to Deirdre Imus, why is it important to raise green kids? ( A) Because the air, the soil and our water are seriously polluted. ( B) Because most of the products in food chain contain harmful ingredients. ( C) Because our children will definitely use almost everything at home. ( D) Because chi

7、ldren can hardly contact toxicity when staying with adults. 7 According to the interview, which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( A) Children and adults are all hypersensitive to harsh smells. ( B) Children may inhale the harsh smells without noticing them. ( C) Children are immune to the ha

8、rsh smells. ( D) Harsh smells are hardly able to be breathed by kids. 8 Which of the following is (are) mentioned as the biggest threat to little babies? ( A) Bleach. ( B) Plastic bottles. ( C) All the synthetic chemicals. ( D) Pesticides. 9 Deirdre Imus indicates that ( A) no pesticides could be fo

9、und in organic food. ( B) conventional baby food costs more than the organic one. ( C) organic food is beneficial to childrens intelligence. ( D) conventional baby food caused a panic in public. 10 Which of the following is NOT mentioned resulting from eating food containing pesticides? ( A) Cancer.

10、 ( B) Asthma. ( C) Allergies. ( D) Influenza. 11 What is the main topic of the interview? ( A) Personal income and taxes. ( B) Real estate and inheritances. ( C) Retirement accounts and pensions. ( D) Money marriage and finances. 12 According to Jean Chatzky, which of the following statements is COR

11、RECT? ( A) It is easy to talk about money problem before a marriage. ( B) It is wise to show your entire property status before a marriage. ( C) Money conversations are necessary before a marriage. ( D) Marriage may end up with a big damage in your life. 13 According to the interview, Jean Chatzky i

12、ndicates that ( A) marriage can increase your household income. ( B) an agreement before marriage is required by many people. ( C) your taxes can be lowered by marriage. ( D) marriage will destroy your financial situation. 14 In what aspect should a person consider before a marriage related to kids?

13、 ( A) Tuition fees. ( B) Food and lodging. ( C) Inheritances. ( D) Characters. 15 According to the interview, a marriage ( A) is beneficial to all of your insurances. ( B) is sustained by the money you owned. ( C) is more economical than you are single. ( D) is based on mutual understanding. 16 Acco

14、rding to the conversation, which of the following statements is CORRECT about Rachel? ( A) She still has two exams to take this term. ( B) She is an Economics major. ( C) She can get all As in her exams. ( D) She is pretty good at math. 17 According to the conversation, which of the following statem

15、ents is INCORRECT about David? ( A) He has no more exams this term. ( B) He is going to buy some tickets for Homecoming. ( C) He behaves not well enough in campus. ( D) He advises Rachel to work hard at her exam. 18 Rachel has the following reasons for not going with David EXCEPT that ( A) she doesn

16、t like being splattered by beer and catsup. ( B) she doesnt like staying in a noisy place. ( C) she has gotten to collect her luggage. ( D) she will go back home this evening. 19 How does David feel about his finals? ( A) Awful. ( B) Pretty good. ( C) Just so so. ( D) He doesnt know. 20 What can we

17、infer from the conversation? ( A) David hates math because it is dangerous. ( B) Rachel may fail in Political Systems. ( C) Dr. West has a crush on Rachel. ( D) Rachel has carefully researched her essay. 专业英语八级( INTERVIEW)强化练习试卷 2答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear ev

18、erything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 【听力原文】 Mr. Fitch (M) Mary Jane (W) M: Ye

19、s? Come in. W: Excuse me, are you Mr. Fitch? Dr Addlestones assistant? M: Hi. Yes. Can I help you? W: Yes, please, if you have time. Im Mary Jane Turner and Im signed up for Literature Two-twenty? (1)1 just wanted to get clear on the grading system. Im still not sure how it works. M: Hi, Mary Jane.

20、Sure. Its pretty straightforward, really. After each lecture, we prepare a short quiz on that material, and you take it at the beginning of the next lecture period. It only takes about ten minutes and its pretty simple if youve taken good notes and studied them a bit beforehand, that is, there are f

21、ifteen lectures, so thats fifteen quizzes. W: And theyre part of our final grade, right? M: Right. One percent each or fifteen percent for all fifteen of them. W: Each ones only one percent of my grade? That doesnt seem like much. Missing one or two of them wouldnt make much difference, would it? M:

22、 Not really, no but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Theyre not worth much individually because theyre very short and sweet just to check that youve been coming to class, really. (2 - 1) But students who pass all fifteen quizzes earn a five percent, um, bonus for effort. W: Dont our i

23、ndividual quiz scores count? M: No, sorry. Theyre just pass-fail quizzes. W: So, (2-2) pass them all and its twenty percent of my final grade? M: Thats right. W: That sounds good. M: And sixty percent are your mid-term and final exams. W: Are they short and sweet, too? M: (laughs) No, Im afraid not.

24、 Theyre not like the quizzes. (3) Theyre ninety-minute tests and require a good bit of writing in addition to the objective questions. The mid-term covers the first eight lectures, the Founding Fathers to Mark Twain. The final mainly covers World War I to the present, from Lecture Nine on. W: So fir

25、st-half authors wont be on the final? M: Thats not what I said. I said its MAINLY on the second half of the course. Professor Addlestone will be keeping you honest with a few questions about American literature before the first World War, too. W: I see. And theyre thirty-thirty? M: Yes, thirty perce

26、nt for the mid-term, thirty percent for the final, and up to twenty percent for the weekly quizzes. And then up to ten percent for each of your essays. Youll need at least ninety percent for an A, eighty percent for a B, and seventy percent for a C. W: Well, I see. Could you tell me something about

27、what is expected with our essays? Therere two of them, right? M: Yes. (4-1) Youre required to write two short critical essays on American authors of your choice. from anywhere in American literary history, and well be looking carefully at your writing style and ability as much as at the content of y

28、our essays. The Professors a real stickler for overall literacy. W: So I can choose any author in the syllabus? M: Yes, (4-2) but I can tell you that we often like it when a student picks an author out of the mainstream perhaps a lesser writer that we havent been able to include in the lectures. or

29、a contemporary author who hasnt found a place in literary history yet. W: Someone really obscure? M: Not a good idea. (4-3) The author you choose should have some relevance to the course of American literature. And if you can demonstrate that relevance clearly in four to five typewritten pages, then

30、 youll have a good essay. W: For each essay? Ooh. M: This is a university, Mary Jane, not a high school. Now, youve got almost four months to write eight to ten pages. You should be able to manage that. W: Yes, OK. Youre right. When are they due? M: Your first essays due in late October. It must be

31、handed in by Lecture Eight, but wed be happy to see it anytime before that. And the second is due at the last lecture in December. It must be turned in before the winter break. W: Oh should the first essay be about somebody in the first halfs material then, and the same for the second? M: No, not at

32、 all. Any author you like. It would be smart to choose ones that interest you, though. Papers that reflect some enthusiasm always turn out better. W: (5) Oh, Ive got that I Im really looking forward to this course I love reading! M: Thats good, because youll be doing a lot of that. W: Thanks for you

33、r help, Mr. Fitch I really appreciate it. M: And dont be shy if you have any more concerns, Mary Jane. My doors always open. Goodbye. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据句 (1)可知, Mary来见 Mr Fitch是要弄清楚该课程的评分体系,因此 B为答案。 【知识模块】 会话 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据句 (2一 1)和句 (22)可知,如果学生 15次随堂测验都通过的话会得到 5的奖励分,两者加起来在期末考成绩中能占到 20的分数,所以

34、答案为 B。 【知识模块】 会话 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据句 (3)可知,期中和期末考试都包括客观性试题和写作,因此答案为 C。 【知识模块】 会话 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据句 (41)和句 (42)可知, Mr Fitch报考的老师是暂时还没有在文学史上确立一席之地的现代作家,答案为 B,而根据句 (4一 1)句 (43)可排除其他三个选项。 【知识模块】 会话 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据句 (5)可知, Mary非常期待这门课,她很喜欢阅读,因此她最有可能做的是为该课程做好准备,因此,正确答案为 D。 【知识模块】 会话 6 【听力原文】 In

35、terviewer (M) Deirdre Imus (W) M: Now Earth Day is approaching. We are showing you how to be green in every aspect of your life, how to go green. And we are kicking off this series this morning with Deirdre Imus, the author of Growing Up Green! Baby and Child Care. Her book leads us to raise all of

36、our children in a healthy and environmentally friendly way. Its packed with really wonderful tips. What are those great ideas? Today we are honored to have Deirdre Imus here. Welcome, Deirdre Imus! W: Thank you, Sam. M: Tell me why it is even important for us to be thinking about raising a child env

37、ironmentally friendly from day one. Why is that important? W: (1) Its important because our children are being exposed in all directions from their food, everyday products, cleaning products, everything in the home. The air, our soil, our water is polluted. Many of these products in our food chain h

38、as harmful ingredients, so its possible to use at least some of toxicity with everything you do with your children for alive. M: And reading this, it starts to make sense to me because we have somebody crying in the studio. (2) It starts to make sense to me because you smell the product-when you spr

39、ay, it smells harsh to you, but the kids are on the floor, they have their mouth on the table, they are actually taking in all these stuffy not being aware of them at all. Lets start with the house cleaning products. Do we get the chemicals out of these products? W: Yes, these products are all non-t

40、oxic products, the great example here is hand dish, distilled white vinegar which has been around for years, and then non-toxical purpose cleaners. The difference with the green and non-toxic cleaning products is that they do not contain any synthetic chemicals. M: (3) Those are what we are really w

41、orried about, the synthetic chemicals. W: Really. Especially the bleach for moms that have little babies and pets. Its a low-lying chemical, which means its at around our knees. It stays at that level where your childs mouth is breathing, a young child. So its much more harmful to children. M: I lov

42、e your tip that cleaning products should look like water because if they dont, then they have chemicals and false colorings and anything else, sort of. So they should look clear like that. I didnt think about that. W: Unless they use vegetable dye for their colorings, they are naturally going to be

43、clear. Otherwise they have synthetic chemicals that are very harmful. M: Now glass bottles. This was the biggest news yesterday with the plastic bottles, glass bottles and baby food, organic baby food. Tell me why organic food is important. W: (4) Organic food is important because organic means that

44、 all the food that you are feeding your child does not have pesticides. Again, pesticides are known to contain harmful things and are totally in links from studies with all the childrens illnesses that will happen. It smells good, right? M: It does smell good. W: “EARTHS BEST“, the trademark of an o

45、rganic food for children, has been around, and this is what I fed my nine-year-old son and Ive even eaten this baby food. Theres a study that was done where over 16 different pesticides were found in just a jar of conventional baby food. M: That really shocked me a lot when I read this in newspapers

46、 this morning. W: How terrible it is! (5) And pesticides are known as certain chemicals and are linked to everything from cancer, learning disabilities, allergies and asthma. M: Well, lets be fair, this costs more money than regular baby food right now, but about how much? W: Well it does cost a lit

47、tle more, but also you can buy them in bulk. You can go to certain stores, health food stores now that they are more cost-competitive and of course now Gerber has an organic line as well. M: OK, thats helpful. W: And theres alternative. You can make your own baby food. I did that when my child was a

48、 baby, its easy to make, just mashing up the potatoes and the green vegetables. Its easy. M: So in that way, it isnt more expensive. W: No, its not. M: Are there other important factors we should pay attention to? W: Well, the baby bottles are big things, too; glass bottles are the gold standard for

49、 baby bottles. I highly recommend glass. For whatever reason, if someone doesnt want glass and there are healthier plastic bottles, but still theyre plastic. Theyve taken out the major chemicals in them but they are still toxic. M: So, in order to raise a green child we need to put much effort in it! W: Yeah, thats true. M: Well, thank you very much for coming on the show and sharing your ideas with us! W: My pleasure. 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 访谈首先谈到 raise a green child,根据句 (1)可知,小孩接触到的很多东西都含有害成分,因此


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