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1、专业英语八级( INTERVIEW)强化练习试卷 3及答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the

2、following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 According to Kelly Grant, gift for purchase is acceptable only when ( A) you want to save some money. ( B) you want to get a discount. ( C) the gift is on your shopping list. ( D) the gift is worth the money. 2 Which of the following purchase

3、limit would most attract people to buy? ( A) Limit 1. ( B) Limit 3. ( C) Omit 5. ( D) Limit 6. 3 The trick of sales e-mails takes advantage of peoples psychology that ( A) if I buy the goods, I will save more money. ( B) if I dont buy the goods, there will be no such goods. ( C) if I buy the goods,

4、I will get a free gift. ( D) if I dont buy the goods, they will raise the price. 4 What is the purpose of the savings in the deals according to Kelly Grant? ( A) To let you compare prices when buying. ( B) To let you ignore the high price. ( C) To let you buy things in advance. ( D) To let you wait

5、to buy some better things. 5 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT according to the interview? ( A) Stay focused are the key words when shopping. ( B) Kelly Grant tells you to make a shopping list and check it twice when shopping. ( C) Kelly Grant recommends the “shop now, save later“ shopp

6、ing way. ( D) Coupons are the things that the stores want you to come back again. 6 Which of the following statements about Robert is CORRECT? ( A) He never learns hard on his studies. ( B) He thinks Cost Accounting is easy for him. ( C) He meets Cecille in the classroom at about 3 pm. ( D) He knows

7、 more details about the demonstration. 7 What does Cecille mean by saying “the last straw“? ( A) Students really need to have more classes at school. ( B) Its the last time for the university to raise the tuition fee. ( C) Its not a big deal to raise the tuition fee. ( D) Students cant afford the tu

8、ition raise any more. 8 For a full-time learner, he should pay_extra dollars in a semester. ( A) 100 ( B) 500 ( C) 1, 000 ( D) 1, 500 9 The reason why Cecille has no economic problem is that ( A) she is from a well-off family. ( B) her father saved an education trust for her. ( C) she only takes two

9、 classes every week. ( D) she has a part-time job. 10 What will Cecille plan to do on Friday? ( A) Review the Financial Management lesson. ( B) Go to the demonstration with Robert. ( C) Make some masks and headbands. ( D) Have no plan yet. 11 According to the dialogue, what class is Prof. Green teac

10、hing? ( A) Literature. ( B) History. ( C) Economics. ( D) Psychology. 12 The assignment in week three should ( A) focus on the change of peasants lifestyle from 1930 to 1940. ( B) be one to two pages long. ( C) be a brief response to Stephens novel. ( D) focus on the living conditions of peasants du

11、ring the 1930s. 13 What does Prof. Green say about the bibliography? ( A) It is unnecessary at all. ( B) It is necessary if the essay is a long one. ( C) He says nothing about it. ( D) It is definitely necessary if students quote an author. 14 When is the third writing assignment due? ( A) By the en

12、d of the third week. ( B) By the end of the fifth week, ( C) By the end of the seventh week. ( D) By the end of the ninth week. 15 How many chapters does the class have to read each week? ( A) Five. ( B) Ten. ( C) Fifteen. ( D) Eight. 16 According to the interviewer, what attitude do most young peop

13、le hold towards keeping healthy? ( A) They dont think much of being healthy. ( B) They think regular exercise might improve their health. ( C) They think they could stay healthy without any exercise. ( D) They find outdoor activities benefit them most. 17 A person who is inactive may suffer from all

14、 of the following EXCEPT ( A) mental diseases. ( B) sleep problems. ( C) high blood pressure. ( D) heart problems. 18 The interviewee takes “brisk walking“ as an example of ( A) endurance exercise. ( B) flexibility exercise. ( C) cardiovascular exercise. ( D) strength training. 19 Which of the follo

15、wing is CORRECT about muscle-building? ( A) It can help control stress, anxiety, and depression. ( B) It takes time to increase ones muscles size and strength. ( C) It reduces the risk of heart attack, cancer, and high blood pressure. ( D) It can be classified as a kind of endurance exercise. 20 How

16、 is “exercise“ defined in the interview? ( A) It is just about any amount of physical activity that will improve fitness. ( B) It is just anything that you need to exert yourself to do to burn calories. ( C) It means all forms of vigorous activities or deliberate workouts. ( D) It includes every exe

17、rcise which keeps your muscles long and supple. 专业英语八级( INTERVIEW)强化练习试卷 3答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you

18、will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 【听力原文】 Interviewer (M) Kelly Grant (W) M: The Christmas is coming, and the stores are going to try to keep you spending, so theyre relying on some psychological triggers to get your business. So h

19、ere to expose a few tricks is Kelly Grant. Shes a senior consumer reporter for SmartMoney. com. Thanks for being with us. W: Hi! M: All right. Ive fallen for a lot of these, so help us now. W: Yeah. M: First one, gifts with purchase. So many times I think Im getting such a good deal, because by spen

20、ding a little bit more, I get a gift. W: And thats exactly what the stores want you to think right now. Studies have shown that consumers are after-think of the gift with purchase, not just as you are spending extra money for something that you might not even want, but we also quit with the discount

21、. You feel like if the gift is worth about 40 dollars, youre saving 40 dollars. Even that really isnt the case. So to avoid this trick, you need to make sure that youre really sure the gift is just on your list and youre still spending in budget. M: There are a lot of psychological tricks here. For

22、example, the purchase limits. Sometimes, I just want one and I see a good deal but it says; limit 5. Maybe I should get more than just one. This is such a good deal, isnt it? W: Thats exactly the trick. They want you to see that limit and think, wow, this wasnt here. Then people would just be fillin

23、g their carts with this and its so amazing. And their studies have shown that if theres a limit in pleasure more like a little, the higher the limit, the more likely youre to buy. So you should really be thinking about how many of something you need, and try to ignore the fact that theres stacking l

24、imit on everything. M: How can you ignore those e-mails that you keep getting about this sale and that sale? W: Dont open your e-mail. Close your eyes. Thats really the best advice. (3)I mean the stores really know what were hard-wired to think about, that is the scarcity. If you know the sale is en

25、ding, they want you to act on impulse, and start running out and buying something. But this time of year, the fact is the sales just keep coming, so you dont actually need to do that. So when youre looking through your e-mails, try to avoid opening any of the ones, unless youre going to make a purch

26、ase from that store anyway, otherwise just delete it on red. M: Got it. You know, its really a numbers game. Because a lot of times when youre looking at these different deals, its like; save 30% , save 50%. But are you really saving that much money when youre looking at your purchase? W: Thats what

27、 their purpose is for. Youll see a lot of times in the advertising that theyll type out the savings, and the interest is in the fine print. Almost youll see what the new price is on something and when they do that. Its basically a visible trick. Whatever you see, first, youre more likely to become a

28、ttached to the deal. And the price in comparison is not going to look such a big deal. I mean if youre saving $500, it does not really matter if the TV is still $1, 500. The advertising works in such a tricky way that (4) you might think youre getting that much a better price, because the sayings ar

29、e significant. M: Right. Sometimes the purchase really isnt that large of a purchase, so you know 30% is not that big of a deal. But when you see 30% , you think; wow, Im getting a really good deal here. Its funny how the numbers are working there, and they know that. W: They do, and they want us ju

30、st to splash around this time of a year. So really you should make sure youre looking for the items that are between your price range and then start to see if therere sales that are abroad, something even better and a little bit cheaper for you. M: Yeah, I got it. And shop now, save later. Is that a

31、 trick? W: Well. You see a lot of these, especially with closing stores at this time of year and this is a way that consumers tried to think they are going to game a system, because they are going to buy something a little bit today and get todays sale, and they are going to get coupons to come back

32、 in two weeks and buy a little bit more than even with better prices. (5) So for this one, you know somebodys sales are there right now, just try to focus on what deals they are currently and they are not trying to play games. M: So I think the key words here is just “stay focused“. You know you hav

33、e a list, you have your budget. Try not to be fond of them if you dont have to. W: Exactly. Make that list and check it twice. And just make sure you are not deviating from it, or if you feel imposed to do so and you really look at it, make sure thats as smart as it looks. M: Well, thats what we are

34、 going to set out to do. W: Yeah. M: Thanks Kelly for helping us adults out in knowing what the shopping is really for. W: Its my pleasure. 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 访谈一开始提到商家惯用的一个小伎俩是 “gift with purchase”,即“购物送礼 ”, Kelly Grant告诫大家要避免这种小把戏,根据句 (1)可知,当消费者碰到 “购物送礼 ”这种活动时,要确定这个礼物是否是你所需要的,而且是在预算之内的,因此答案为 C。 【知识

35、模块】 会话 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 访谈中提到商家会利用 “the purchase limits”抓住顾客的心理,诱使他 们消费。根据句 (2)可知,限制购买的数量越多,越能吸引消费者购买,故答案为 D。 【知识模块】 会话 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 在谈到如何处理那些发布促销信息的邮件时, Kelly Grant建议大家不要打开那些邮件,根据句 (3)可知,商家是利用消费者生怕打折促销会稍纵即逝的心理,从而促进消费,故答案为 B。 【知识模块】 会话 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 在被问及商家搞活动说省多少是否真的省钱时, Kelly Grant指出商家真正的

36、目的是利用这种方式来促 销,根据句 (4)可知,节省后折算的价格也许仍然很高,但这种手段往往会让顾客觉得自己捡到了便宜,从而忽视了商品原本的价格,故答案为 B。 【知识模块】 会话 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 在被问及 “shop now, save later Is that a trick?”时, Kelly Grant指出商家的目的是利用购物返券吸引顾客再次消费,根据句 (5)可知, Kelly Grant建议消费者应关注当前的交易,而不要被商家购物返券的小伎俩欺骗了,故答案为 C。 【知识模块】 会话 6 【听力原文】 Cecille (W) Robert (M) M: Oh,

37、 hi, Cecille. What are you doing here so early? W: Hi, Robert. Oh, I got tired of sitting in the cafeteria, thats all. I have an hours break before this class, and I usually spend it there. but its so noisy today! Why are you here early? M: Oh, (1-1) I always come in the classroom about now its a qu

38、iet place to go over my notes before class. W: Gee, arent you the eager beaver! M: I just find its a good way to review and at the same time try to keep up with where this course is going. Cost Accounting is pretty difficult for me. Whys the cafeteria so noisy? (1-2) There shouldnt be many people th

39、ere at three in the afternoon. Lunch is done. W: Theres a sort of rally going on for the demonstration. M: Demonstration? W: Yeah, Friday. M: Really? Against what? W: Tuition. Its about the tuition increase. M: Oh, yeah, the tuition increases. Theyre holding a demonstration? W: You dont get around c

40、ampus much, do you? Theyve got posters plastered up all over the place. M: No, I guess I dont. I just come in for this class and for Financial Management Thursday nights. I didnt think this fee rise was such a big thing, though. It seems to happen every couple of years or so, regular as clockwork. W

41、: Well, I guess this one was just the last straw. M: Whys that? W: Because the economys so bad. Students dont have any money. Their parents dont have any money. (2) They just cant afford to pay any more for school right now. M: I suppose thats so. I manage, but I havent had a raise in more than four

42、 years myself. W: Youre working? M: Yeah. Thats why Im taking only two classes. Im a bookkeeper. W: A bookkeeper? At where? M: Lightsey Furniture, downtown. Ive been working there part-time since I started Accounting School, three days a week. Its enough to pay my expenses, even the tuition boost if

43、 Im careful with my money. W: You dont have such big fees to pay, though, if youre just taking those two classes. (3) With a full load, most of us are having to fork out close to five hundred dollars more a term! M: Ouch! Id protest at that too, I guess. Are you going? W: To the demonstration? I don

44、t know. Ive been thinking about it, but, well, I do not really want to climb on the bandwagon. M: Its turning into that, is it? W: Seems to be. Theres a lot of people over the cafeteria anyway, and they seem pretty enthusiastic about this thing. M: Dont you think this might be just a “ college thing

45、“ , though? Students getting raged just for the sake of getting raged? Were so righteous, or sensitive to injustices. UBC must have a good reason for raising its tuition. Im sure its a non-profit institution, for heavens sake! W: Oh, no doubt, no doubt. Student idealism? Some of that too, I guess, b

46、ut. M: But its hard times. I get it. And hows your economy? W: Oh, Im OK. (4) My money comes from Daddys education trust. M: Trust? You must be rich! W: I wish. No, this isnt a trust like a Rockefeller trust! This is a fancy savings account Daddy started when I was born. He put a little money into i

47、t every month, and over eighteen years, that grew enough to get me through university. And God bless Daddy! M: Amen! Good for you! W: Yeah, Im lucky and Ive got enough to finish out my last year now, no problem. But a lot of others, theyre not so lucky. Some of them arent going to be able to finish

48、school; they just dont have another five hundred or a thousand dollars in their budget. M: What time is that protest on Friday? W: I think it starts at four, why? Thinking of going? M: (sighs) Yeah, I am, actually. Id like to get a few more details first, though. Do you know where? W: Therere some f

49、lyers in the cafeteria and over at the Student Union, and at some other places on campus, I guess. You could pick one of those up. M: Yes, I think I will. After class. W: (5) Tell you what, Ill go with you. And if you decide to participate on Friday, Ill meet you there. M: Or we could meet somewhere else first. W: And make masks and headbands? M: Maybe. Anyway, it would be easier than trying to find you in the crowd. And we could plan our escape if it gets too ro


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