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1、专业英语八级( INTERVIEW)强化练习试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the

2、following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 In which kind of conversation style do people take turns to give opinions? ( A) Bowling style. ( B) Rugby style. ( C) Basketball style. ( D) NBA style. 2 Which of the following places does NOT often use the rugby style of conversation? ( A) So

3、uthern Europe. ( B) Northern Europe. ( C) African cultures. ( D) Latin America. 3 Which is NOT recommended by Susan Iannuzzi as a means to avoid culture shock? ( A) To understand people from different styles. ( B) Not to judge people from different styles. ( C) The instructors point out the styles t

4、o students. ( D) To use the basketball style of conversation. 4 Why does the interviewee mention the MBA schools? ( A) To show that students have to do a lot of project work. ( B) To show that the basketball style is not always apparent. ( C) To show that it is difficult for students to take notes.

5、( D) To show MBA classes are mostly teacher-led classes. 5 What do Americans mean by saying “T like table?“ in the example? ( A) To make sure the letter is “T“ instead of “D“. ( B) To tell the physician he needs a table. ( C) To indicate the physician is like a table. ( D) To make fun of the physici

6、an. 6 According to Richard, what was the concept of health before the 1940s? ( A) Mechanical operation of the body. ( B) Absence of disease or illness. ( C) Physical, mental and social well-being. ( D) Clean water, improved sanitation and housing. 7 When did the WHO define health in terms of the hol

7、istic operation of a persons mind, body and spirit? ( A) In the late 1940s. ( B) In the 1970s. ( C) In the 1980s. ( D) In the 1990s. 8 What attitude does Richard hold toward individualistic lifestyles approach? ( A) Supportive. ( B) Prejudiced. ( C) Negative. ( D) Confused. 9 According to the socio-

8、ecological view of health, all of the following are related to peoples health EXCEPT ( A) society. ( B) gender. ( C) economy. ( D) environment. 10 According to the interview, how many stages has the concept of health undergone? ( A) Two. ( B) Three. ( C) Four. ( D) Five. 11 What is the interview abo

9、ut? ( A) Online education in China. ( B) Digital gap in China. ( C) Good courseware in China. ( D) Credible exams in China. 12 According to Professor Gu.the greatest advantage of E-education is that ( A) students can overcome barriers of space and time. ( B) students can get much easier access to th

10、e Internet. ( C) students can obtain the optimized educational resources. ( D) the Internet technology makes mass education possible. 13 When did the Internet education start in China? ( A) Nine years ago. ( B) Eight years ago. ( C) Seven years ago. ( D) Six years ago. 14 Which of the following stat

11、ements is INCORRECT? ( A) Establishing online education project is something like building a supermarket. ( B) Internet technology can broaden digital gap between the poor and the rich. ( C) The biggest problem of online education in China is the human mind. ( D) In online courseware development, we

12、 have to humanize technology. 15 Which of the following is CORRECT about online testing at the moment? ( A) The third party policy makes no sense on testing online. ( B) Results of all testing online are unbelievable. ( C) Safe monitoring testing online is credible. ( D) Testing online is quite wide

13、ly used in China. 16 What is the man going to skip today? ( A) His 360 class. ( B) Beef curry. ( C) The cover letter. ( D) The submission deadline. 17 What does the woman mean by saying “It is a fine line to walk“? ( A) It is necessary to sound like the man is eager to study there. ( B) It is necess

14、ary to cut the clause out and right into the point. ( C) It is necessary to show the man gets the background to do it well. ( D) It is necessary to carefully show them the man is sincere. 18 Which of the following languages can NOT the man speak? ( A) Japanese. ( B) German. ( C) Spanish. ( D) Russia

15、n. 19 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a purpose for writing the letter? ( A) To show who you are and what you want from USC. ( B) To tell them that you want to attend its grad school. ( C) To inform them of your abilities and goals in life. ( D) To balance the mans eagerness and effusiven

16、ess. 20 Where will the man meet the woman to have his letter checked by her? ( A) Where they will have the 360 class. ( B) Where they are right now. ( C) In USC grad school. ( D) In another university. 专业英语八级( INTERVIEW)强化练习试卷 1答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear ever

17、ything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 【听力原文】 Will Arditti (M) Susan Iannuzzi (W)

18、 M: Im Will Arditti, and this week were going to talk about what students coming to study in the US can do to avoid culture shock in the classroom. We invite Susan Iannuzzi. Shes an international consultant in English language teaching who lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hi, Susan. Welcome. W: Th

19、anks. M: So tell me what you did about it? W: Well. Actually, one of the things that we did at the University of Pittsburgh was we used the sports equivalence, which, you know, is not something we came up with. Its the three conversational styles of, say, bowling, rugby and basketball. So, for examp

20、le, (1) the bowling style. That would be considered something perhaps highly considerate, which means that people from those countries would use a style where they would take turns and they would, you know, hold back if theyre a junior person and allow the older person or the more senior person to s

21、peak first. And then when they are asked for their opinion they would jump in. M: Just like you would take turns in a bowling game. W: Exactly. You go and roll and Ill wait for you, and now its my turn, and everybody knows that there are going to be turns. M: So thats the high-considerate model. W:

22、Yes. Then theres, you know, the rugby style, which might be the other end. And this is high-involvement. And in this style youre expected to interrupt other people and the other people are fine with that, they expect to be interrupted. So theres a sort of rapid changing of topic, changing of speaker

23、s and overlapping of speech. (2) This is a style thats common in southern Europe, in African cultures. in cultures of Latin America. many voices happening at one time. Its also a style in Russia and Greece. M: And then the basketball model? W: Well, the basketball model is a little bit closer to wha

24、t we have here. So think abofut it as if youre playing basketball. Youre carrying out the conversation, youre just going along. And when you hesitate, other people see that as an opportunity to jump in and steal the ball, to steal the conversation away. Not in a bad way, but just as Oh, its my turn

25、now. M: So what would you recommend, what practical things would you recommend for someone whos coming into this country who really knows nothing about these styles that youre talking about? W: Well, you know, (3 - 1) if theyre in an English language learning situation. I think its really helpful fo

26、r them to realize that the other people that are there learning with them may come from different styles. so not to make judgments about them. you know. as. Oh. youre rude or Youre inconsiderate or Youre just very quiet and you never say anything. Because these things may not be someones true person

27、ality. They may just be the conversation style that theyre accustomed to. M: Yeah. W: So, first of all, awareness, I think, is the number one thing. (3 - 2) It also helps if the instructors point these things out to people, because its not something that most of us are going to reflect on in our own

28、 lives. think about, well, how do I interact in a conversation? I dont know what I do, I just do it. M: Youre saying that the basketball model tends to be maybe more the traditional style in the U. S. classroom. But is that always the case? W: (4) You know, the dynamic of each class is different. I

29、know that in. for example. the MBA schools. the students are expected to do a lot of project work, so the professors may not be as involved in directing classroom interaction. There may be a lot of times when the students are working amongst themselves. I would imagine in teacher-led classes that th

30、is dynamic is much more apparent. I personally remember an instructor, I cant remember where this professor was from, but the topic of the class just seemed to change constantly, as if, you know, And now were going to talk about something completely different. It made for, you know, a challenging ti

31、me in taking notes. M: And then there are the challenges of everyday language. Even a common way that Americans avoid confusion when spelling a name out loud can be confusing if youre not familiar with it. W: I remember a physician who had, you know, very good written English. He was used to writing

32、 papers and he could even present very well because he had presented at international conferences. But when he went to set up phone service, and (5) he was telling them My last name starts with T and they would say T like table? he said No, Im not a table. I dont need a table. Its T. And he didnt un

33、derstand that they were using this strategy, this device of associating, you know, first letter of your name with a common object so that we make sure that we write a T instead of a D. M: Susan lannuzzi is a consultant on English language teaching who also writes textbooks. And thats all for our int

34、erview. Thanks for coming, Susan. Goodbye. W: My pleasure. Goodbye. 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据句 (1)可知,在保龄球风格的讨论中,人们会轮流发言,因此A为答案。 【知识模块】 会话 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据句 (2)可知,橄榄球式的讨论风格在欧洲南部、非洲以及拉美的文化和俄罗斯以及希腊很常见,所以答案为 B。 【知识模块】 会话 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据句 (3一 1)和句 (32)可知,在英语学习环境中,如果他们能意识到每个同学可能都拥有不同风格的文化,所以不可妄加评论,并且,

35、如果教员能 把这些点明就更好了。因此,答案为 D。 【知识模块】 会话 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据句 (4)可知, MBA学校的机制与一般学校不同 在教师主导的课堂中,这种篮球式风格会更明显。这里暗示篮球风格并非在所有情况下都明显。因此答案为 B。 【知识模块】 会话 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据句 (5)可知,他们说 “T like table”的目的是将名字的第一个字母与一个常见物体关联,以确保不会把 T写成 D。因此,正确答案为 A。 【知识模块】 会话 6 【听力原文】 Interviewer (W) Richard Johnson (M) W: I am t

36、alking to Richard Johnson, an official of WHO, the World Health Organization. Today he will talk with us about the change of peoples understanding of health. Hello, Richard. M: Hello. W: Now Richard, the concept of health has been changing all the time. And different people and groups hold different

37、 opinions towards it. Would you mind telling us the original concept of health? M: Of course not. (5 - 1) Health has long been viewed in the physical sense only. That is, good health has been connected to the smooth mechanical operation of body, while ill health has been attributed to a breakdown in

38、 this machine. In this sense, (1) health has been defined as the absence of disease or illness and is seen in medical terms. Therefore, creating health for people means providing medical care to treat or prevent disease and illness. W: Then what was the emphasis of the work of the WHO during that pe

39、riod? M: Well, the emphasis was of course on providing clean water, improved sanitation and housing. W: I see. When did the concept begin to change? M: (2) In the late 1940s, the WHO challenged this physically and medically oriented view of health. (5 - 2) They stated that health was a complete stat

40、e of physical. mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease. (2) The mind, body and spirit of a person were seen holistically. W: How long did this concept last? M: It lasted until the 1970s. At that time, people focused their attention on the prevention of disease and illness

41、by emphasizing the importance of the lifestyle and behavior of the individual. Specific behaviors which were seen to increase risk of disease, such as smoking, lack of fitness and unhealthy eating habits, were targeted. (5 - 3) Creating health meant providing not only medical health care, but health

42、 promotion programs and policies which would help people maintain healthy behavior and lifestyles. W: It sounds reasonable. It must have been beneficial to people. M: Unfortunately, not. W: But why? M: (3) You see, this individualistic healthy lifestyles approach did help the wealthy members of the

43、society. But the majority were people experiencing poverty, unemployment or little control over the conditions of their daily lives. How could people afford the program if they lived under unfavorable social and environmental factors? W: Im beginning to see your point. A single lifestyle decides not

44、hing if not integrated with a good environment. M: Thats right. So during the 1980s and 1990s, there has been a growing swing away from seeing lifestyle risks as the root cause of poor health. While lifestyle factors still remain important, (4) health is being viewed also in terms of the social, eco

45、nomic and environmental contexts in which people live. W: This is a new concept of health. And I heard its called the socio-ecological view, isnt it? M: Yes. In 1986, representatives from 38 countries gathered in Ottawa, Canada, to hold the first International Conference of Health Promotion. It was

46、at that conference that (5-4) the broad socio-ecological view of health was endorsed. W: What were the details of the endorsement? M: Well, the representatives declared that the fundamental conditions and resources for health are peace, shelter, education, food, a viable income, a stable ecosystem,

47、sustainable resources, social justice and equity. Moreover, improvement in health requires a secure foundation in these basic requirements. From this statement, we can find that the creation of health is about much more than encouraging healthy individual behaviors and lifestyles and providing appro

48、priate medical care. It must include addressing such issues as poverty, pollution, urbanization, natural resource depletion, social alienation and poor working conditions. W: Oh, I see. But how are they affecting health? M: They do not operate separately. Rather, they are interacting and interdepend

49、ent. The complex interrelationships between them determine the conditions that promote health. A broad socio-ecological view of health suggests that the promotion of health must include a strong social, economic and environmental focus. W: Thats right. M: As we all know, good health is a major source for social, economic and personal development and an important dimension of quality of life. Political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, behavioral and biological factors can all favor health or be


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