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1、专业英语八级( MINI-LECTURE)强化练习试卷 3及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after th

2、e mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Some Aspects of the Research Need to Balance I. The problem A. What kind of problem: both

3、interesting and (1) _ B. How to find the balance; the experience helps find the balance between (2)_and payoff II. Persistence and (3)_ A. Working hard or giving up B. How to judge; recognize ones (4)_and try to resist it III. Confidence and doubt A. (5)_yourself B. Doubt things reasonably in your r

4、esearch IV. Independence and (6)_ A. The reason for being independent professors are not always with you B. What should be done in a team (7)_others work communicate with others take direction from supervisor V. Things in life A. Things in life involve; work, personal relationships, (8) _, hobbies a

5、nd rest B. Reasons for finding balance; things after you work are much more than in school only hard work makes things (9)_ C. Time for thinking; a study shows that good students take (10) _ to read a problem than poor students 10 Understanding Types of Poems I. Epic poems A. Definition; a narrative

6、 concentrating on (1)_ and events that are significant to a particular culture B. Examples; 2000 B. C. ; Gilgamesh recorded on (2)_ Greek; Homers Iliad and Odyssey Roman: Virgils Aeneid and Ovids Metamorphoses Medieval period; Beowulf recent times; Dantes The Divine Comedy, John Miltons Paradise Los

7、t C. Characteristics; an imposing, significant (3) _; a vast setting; courageous, even superhuman actions; supernatural forces; an objective point of view; II. Lyrical poems A. Definition; short poems expressing deep feelings, set to (4) _and performed to audience B. Examples; the Greeks; Sappho and

8、 Pindar the Romans; Catullus and Horace the middle ages; Omar Khayyam from Persia later centuries; John Donne and Ben Jonson the 19th and 20th centuries; Wordsworth, Keats, Byron and Shelley C. Characteristics; depending on (5) _ III. Dramatic poems A. Definition; derived from theatrical drama, writ

9、ten in the form of a dialogue or a monologue B. Examples; (6)_, Indian drama, Chinese opera, and Japanese Noh theatre IV. The (7) _: sonnets, ballads, odes, epigrams, and so on A. Sonnets 1) English sonnets; written by Shakespeare length; 14 lines rhyme; abab, cdcd, efef, gg rhythm; five two-syllabl

10、e feet 2) Petrarchan or Italian sonnet; named after Francesco Petrarch rhyme; 8 line; abbaabba 6 line; xyzxyz 3) theme; love and affection with (8) _ B. Ballads; presents a dramatic or exciting episode from real life form; four lines per stanza and a refrain rhyme; abab C. Odes; a poem with a seriou

11、s subject matter, elevated style, an elaborate structure 1) uniform stanzas and a regular rhythm pattern 2) three sections of stanza; describing the (9)_ or situation presenting the problem presenting an insight D. Epigrams; short poems ending with a wise point functions (10)_in different traditions

12、 20 How to Be Effective Readers I. Introduction of reading and how to be effective readers A. Introduction of reading The meaning of reading: a method of absorbing (1) _ Factors influencing our reading ability: vocabulary cultural background knowledge -(2)_ B. How to be effective readers Developing

13、a love of reading: making reading a regular and enjoyable activity Having a clear purpose in reading; why improve the reading speed the use of different strategies for (3) _ Developing good reading habits: concentrating on the important parts skimming the rest skipping the insignificant parts II. Th

14、e types of reading A. Intensive reading; reading carefully for an (4) _ of text Benefits: achieving fluency and competence in vocabulary recognition developing critical thinking skills B. Extensive reading; reading a lot for pleasure with emphasis on (5) _ Benefits; increasing language proficiency,

15、especially reading level and speed promoting our own reading development encouraging us to be (6) _readers developing the habit of reading for pleasure III. The skills of effective reading A. Skill focuses for different levels of readers Programs for beginners; developing a basic reading vocabulary

16、(7)_skills reading for meaning Programs for intermediate or advanced readers; expanding vocabulary (8) _comprehension skills mastering skills B. Skills for quick and efficient reading Skimming: finding the (9) _of the passage only trying to locate specific information Scanning; searching for (10) _o

17、r ideas moving your eyes quickly down the page 30 The Influence of Rome Empire on Todays Society I. Overall Introduction: Many aspects of todays society have been affected by ancient Rome. II. Fields of Influence: A. Creation of law 1) Developing division between public law the state directly-involv

18、ed issues, such as treason and (1)_ Private law; disputes between people, such as over contracts Significance; basis for (2)_ 2) Other aspects: Influence on development of private international law Similar practices as todays: indictments and jury trials, defense techniques, the idea of “innocent (3

19、) “_“ , and the idea of written law B. Development of democratic government practices The key: all laws going through (4) _ legislative bodies Modeling Countries; many, including the United States C. The spread of the Latin Language Significance: forming the basis for Western languages, such as Engl

20、ish, the majority of which was formed by (5)_ D. Literature and art 1) Literature: Great authors influenced; Shakespeare (Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra), Robert Graves (/ Claudius) , (6) _ (Paradise Lost) , Dante (Inferno) and James Joyce (Ulysses) 2) Art Example; use of pictures of Emperors o

21、n coins and (7)_ E. Infrastructure Example; road, numbered (8) _, extensive networks of underground lead pipe, concepts of parks, public libraries, and plazas F. Modern city planning Example: military and colonial towns, architecture of fortification, discovery of (9) _, theatres -Influenced cities;

22、 many European cities, like London and Paris, and Washington D. C. G. Religion the spread of Christianity; a split between the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics Origin of belief; Constantinople, its Emperor and its bishop VS (10) _sent by Rome and the Holy Father of Rome Liturgical life; lavish V

23、S simple and sober H. Other aspects; components of language, architecture, art, and Western government 专业英语八级( MINI-LECTURE)强化练习试卷 3答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important

24、 points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for not

25、e-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Some Aspects of the Research Need to Balance Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the research writing class. As you may know that successful research cannot really be broken down into a formula, or a one-size-fits-all rule. Successful researchers have had many different approaches.

26、 The key to successful research, like the key to many things in life, is balance. In this lecture well discuss some aspects of the research that you need to balance in order to be successful. The first aspect is to balance the problem. Before you can be successful in research, you need to find the r

27、ight problem to solve. (1) You need to find a problem that is both interesting and challenging. When I say it has to be interesting, I primarily mean that it has to be interesting to both you and other people. The problem also has to be challenging. If you solve an easy problem then, again, no one w

28、ill care. But the problem cannot be too challenging. It has to be solvable. So again it comes down to balance you need to find a problem that is hard enough to be interesting, but not so hard that it is impossible. Then how will you find that balance? First, the experience helps. When you have read

29、a lot and done a lot of research, you learn to recognize what problems are too easy and what problems are too hard. Another way of looking at this is that (2) you need to find the optimum balance between difficulty and likely payoff. You want to choose a problem that you can solve, but if you choose

30、 a problem that clearly has a simple solution, then your solution will be unimpressive and the payoff will be low. There is an optimum point on this difficulty and payoff curve. Choose a problem that has a moderate level of difficulty so that the likely payoff is optimized. The second aspect is to b

31、alance persistence and flexibility. Successful research requires hard work. It can make up for your lack of skills in many areas. Part of hard work is persistence. Thomas Edison tried 10, 000 different designs for the light bulb before he found one that worked well. He wrote, “ The electric light bu

32、lb has caused me the greatest amount of study and has required the most elaborate experiments. “ The same will hold true for you in your research. You may spend months trying to solve a problem. Finally your efforts will pay off and you will experience a moment when you will suddenly understand the

33、problem that youve been studying for so long, a moment when you will suddenly achieve success in your experiment. On the other hand, you also need to know when to give up, or rather, when to change your approach. This is flexibility. Then how do you judge this? One guideline might be to recognize yo

34、ur natural tendency and make a conscious effort to resist it. For example, your natural tendency is stubbornness. If you recognize this tendency in yourself, then make a conscious effort to move on to the next problem when you find yourself spinning your wheels. The third aspect is to balance confid

35、ence and doubt. On the one hand, you have to believe in what you are doing. You have to believe that you are on the right track to finding a solution to your research problem. Thomas Edison would never have persisted for so long in his light bulb research if he wasnt confident that he was on the rig

36、ht track. On the other hand, you need to inject a healthy amount of doubt into your research. Others have said that a certain method is the best way to solve some problem, but they might be wrong. You need to be willing to learn from the work of others, but you also need to take everything you read

37、with a grain of salt. The fourth aspect is to balance the ability to work independently, and the ability to work as part of a team. First, you need to learn to work independently. That means you need to be able to learn on your own. If you dont know something, you wont always have a professor to go

38、to for the answers. You need to develop enough initiative so that you can solve problems on your own. But it is possible to be too independent. You also need to learn to work in a team. For example, (7) you need to learn to build on the work of others, and you need to communicate your failures and y

39、our successes with others. You also need to take direction from your supervisor, which in your case is your advisor. You have to work as part of a team and under the direction of your supervisor. The last aspect is to find balance in your life. (8) In life, besides work, you need to have personal re

40、lationships, a spiritual life, hobbies and rest. So, normally you need to do more after you work than in school. Hard work is crucially important, as discussed earlier, (9) but if you work so hard that you dont have time for anything else then you will find that your hard work is inefficient. When y

41、ou work, work hard. But dont rush to get your work done. Take time to think. In a study conducted in 1975, it was found that (10) good students tend to take longer to read a problem than poor students. Good students took longer to read the problem because they were thinking about it as they read it.

42、 Then they took less time to actually solve the problem. If you follow this way, in the long run you will be more productive. OK, in todays lecture weve covered a lot of material, but ultimately research boils down to balance. So as long as youve grasped what we should balance, it would be very prob

43、able that your research is half done. Hopefully the ideas in this lecture will assist you in your searching for a global optimum in a life of successful research. In our next lecture, we will ask some students to talk about their problems and lets solve them together. See you next time! 【知识模块】 讲座 1

44、【正确答案】 challenging 【试题解析】 演讲者开篇点名演讲的主题是讨论成功的研究应具备的几个要素,接着,演讲者指出第一个要素是 balance the problem,而关键是要找对问题,根据句 (1)可知,所研究的问题应该是既有趣又富有挑战性,故答案为 challenging. 【知识模块】 讲座 2 【正确答案】 difficulty 【试题解析】 演讲者就第一点要素又提出了 “how will you find that balance?”这一 问题,紧接着给出了两个方法:根据句 (2)可知,这方法就是让研究的问题既有趣又富有挑战性,我们可以通过两个方面找到这种平衡点:一、经

45、验;二、在困难 和预期成果间找到最佳平衡点,故答案为 difficulty。 【知识模块】 讲座 3 【正确答案】 flexibility 【试题解析】 根据句 (3)可知,演讲者指出成功的研究应具备的第二个要素是平衡持续性和灵活性之间的关系,既要努力钻研,也要懂得在适当的时候放弃,故空白处填人 flexibility即可。 【知识模块】 讲座 4 【正确答案 】 natural tendency 【试题解析】 演讲者接下来提出了如何在 persistence和 flexibility之间抉择时,指出一个指导方针。根据句 (4)可知,即认清自己的天性并努力克制这一点,故答案为 natural

46、tendency。 【知识模块】 讲座 5 【正确答案】 confidence/faith 【试题解析】 演讲者指出成功的研究应具备的第三个要素是 balance confidence and doubt,根据句 (5)可知,即要对自己有信心,考虑到空白处需填人一个 表达“相信 ”之意的动词,因此答案为 Believe in或者 Trust。 【知识模块】 讲座 6 【正确答案】 cooperation 【试题解析】 根据句 (6)可知,演讲者指出成功的研究应具备的第四个要素是,成功的研究应该平衡好独立工作和团队协作这两种能力之间的关系,空白处需要填人一个名词,故答案为 cooperation

47、。 【知识模块】 讲座 7 【正确答案】 build on 【试题解析】 在谈到团队协作时,根据句 (7)可知,演讲者指出,好的研究者应该学会将他人的研究作为自 己研究的基础,予以充分利用,故答案为 build on。 【知识模块】 讲座 8 【正确答案】 spiritual life 【试题解析】 演讲者指出成功的研究应具备的最后一个要素是 find balance in your life,并根据句 (8)可知,生活中,除了工作,我们还需要人际关系、精神生活、爱好和休息等,故空格处应填入 spiritual life。 【知识模块】 讲座 9 【正确答案】 inefficient 【试题解

48、析】 根据句 (9)可知,如果你的生活中只有工作,那 么你会发现工作是没有效率的,故答案为 inefficient。 【知识模块】 讲座 10 【正确答案】 longer/more time 【试题解析】 演讲者认为在努力工作的同时,花时间思考是有必要的,根据句(10)可知,研究发现优秀的学生往往会花较长的时间来阅读一个问题,而结果是他们只需较少的时间就能解决问题,故答案为 longer或者 more time。 【知识模块】 讲座 10 【听力原文】 Understanding Types of Poems Good morning, everyone. Welcome to my lecture. Todays topic is about the types of poems. We all know a poem is a created work that uses language to express ideas that ate meaningful and memorable. Several broad types of poems that have been used throughout

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