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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 127及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 Major-choosing has long been a hot issue for university students. Some people believe that it is not proper to ask students to choose a major before they go to university and they should be given at least one year to take different courses so as to find

2、their field of interest. Others, however, do not think so. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should Students Decide on Majors Before University Studies? Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language qualit

3、y. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 2 Recently a newspaper has reported that salaries for college students are equivalent to wages for migrant workers. Apparently this comparison is too simple and superficial. However, job-hunting is much more difficult for col

4、lege students but may be easier for migrant workers. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Main Factors Influencing Salaries for College Graduates Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Fai

5、lure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 3 The protection of Chinas intangible cultural heritage is facing a grim situation, particularly in terms of those passed down by storytellers, which are rapidly disappearing. Intangible cultural heritage in China has also fallen i

6、nto the battle against urbanization and globalization. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: My View on the Protection of Chinas Intangible Cultural Heritage Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follo

7、w the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 4 With the rapid development of network, network literature, as a new literary form, has been rising in contemporary literature. This form of literature allows everybody to be a writer if he wants and some net literary works by ordinary people

8、win a lot of support. Some support the development of network literature while others think otherwise. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Is Network Literature Influencing Modern Literature in a Good Way? Marks will be awarded for content relevance, co

9、ntent sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 5 China has launched a series of activities recently to promote book reading habit among its citizens. The activities include book discounts, prize contests for book reports,

10、 opening of new libraries in rural areas and urban communities, etc. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Benefits of Book Reading Today Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above inst

11、ructions may result in a loss of marks. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 127答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 Should Students Decide on Majors Before University Studies? Chinese students have to choose majors when applying for universities and most of them have no opportunity to change that decision. Many people, how

12、ever, begin to question whether it is the best practice. I would argue that students should be allowed at least a year to find majors they are really fond of. For one thing, high school students have little knowledge of majors in universities, since they only learn fundamental knowledge of basic sub

13、jects. They may choose astronautics just because of the Shenzhou VII, only to find that the basic skills involved in this major are just what they are not good at. If they are allowed to make that decision in the second year of university, they can get more advice from professors and those juniors a

14、nd seniors. For another, choices of high school students may be largely swayed by their parents, who tend to choose those so-called lucrative majors in the hope that their children can get jobs with decent salaries, disregarding whether they are interested in them or not. In the meantime, during the

15、 first year, they can develop varieties of skills by learning different disciplines. The problem-solving skill and analytical capability acquired in this process will prove invaluable in their future learning. In conclusion, students should be given chances to make a wise decision on their majors, w

16、hich may determine their careers in the future. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,提出了两种观点:学生应该在上大学前选定专业和学生应该在入学后用一定的时间考虑选什么专业。要求考生用自己的想法或经历对此问题进行分析比较,然后选择其中一个观点,给出理由进行论证。 思路 1:学生应该在上大学前选定专业 首先,这样可以让学生一入学就有一个明确的目标,不至于漫无目的地学习,浪费时间。其次,如果给学生一学期或一年的时间随意选课,然后考虑专业的话,可能会给教学管理带来很大麻烦。 思路 2:学生应该在入学一段时间后再考虑选专业。 首先,高中 生学习的只是基

17、础学科的基础知识,对大学的专业并无了解,因此选择专业的时候没有很好的依据,可能所选的专业并不适合自己。其次,学生的专业选择也常受到父母的左右,所选专业往往并不是自己喜欢的。最后,花一些时间学习各门学科而非主攻一门,能拓展思路,培养各种能力。 范文选取思路 2,在解释原因的同时提出一些具体可行的解决方案。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The Main Factors Influencing Salaries for College Graduates Recently, salaries for college graduates are very low, and there has

18、 been a heated argument about whether they should have high salaries. Some people are for it; however, others are against it. As for me, I think we should view this problem rationally. Salaries for college graduates depend on many factors, and the main factors come from themselves. First of all, mos

19、t of graduates dont master the professional skills. Most college students dont learn professional knowledge diligently, and what they have done in university are focusing on passing various exams. Still, others are obsessed with surfing the Internet and seldom attend regular classes. Anyway, being u

20、nskilled in their speciality is the most important factor influencing their salaries. Secondly, many students overestimate themselves. Some college graduates think that they are superior to others and they always prefer higher salaries. But the fact is that they learn a lot of theoretical things whi

21、le they cannot apply them well into practice. Finally, variety and limitation in majors have an effect on salaries. Different fields have different levels in salaries in a short term. In conclusion, three main factors influence college graduates salaries, including professional skills, self-evaluati

22、on and major, hence college graduates should treat their salaries much more rationally. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点型题目。要求就影响大学毕业生薪水的主要因素展开探讨。既可以从大学生自身角度来分析主要因素,也可以从社会角度分析,还可以结合两方面来综合分析影响大学毕业生薪水的主要因素。 思路 1:从大学生自身来分析主要因素。 影响大学生薪水的主要因素有:有的大学生在大学期间并没有真正掌握专业知识;大学生过于高估自己的能力,理论能力强,但实践能力差;性别因素也是主要因素之一。 思路 2:从社会大背景角度来分

23、析主要因素。 当代社会需要更多有实际经验的从业者 ,而大学生获得更多的是理论知识,无法将理论应用于实际工作中;另外经济危机导致很多中小企业面临破产,因此借由压低薪水降低运营成本。 思路 3:从大学生自身及社会背景两方面来阐述。 结合大学生自身的条件及当代社会大背景两方面来综合阐述影响大学毕业生薪水的主要因素,而不是将责任归于一方。 范文采用了思路 1,着重从大学生自身来分析。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 My View on the Protection of Chinas Intangible Cultural Heritage The Chinese government is

24、now facing a fierce challenge on the protection of its intangible cultural heritage. In my opinion, it is globalization and urbanization that lead to the present dilemma of the protection of Chinas intangible cultural heritage. First, people are more likely to be fascinated by foreign cultures. The

25、trend of globalization has brought Chinese people a totally new world. They are so curious about those things they have never seen or experienced before. When embracing the new, they may often ignore the old passed down from their ancestors. A good example will be those legendaries passed down by st

26、orytellers. Seldom will anybody be aware of the significance of passing these treasures down to our next generation. Second, the rapid expansion of urbanization demolishes our traditional culture. Typical ancient Chinese historical remains and featured buildings are being pulled down and more modern

27、 buildings of steel and cement are taking their place. It is more and more difficult for us to find trace of our traditional civilization, for all the newly built towns and cities are so alike that we could hardly tell one from the other. How could the intangible cultural heritage survive without it

28、s host? In conclusion, the protection of Chinas intangible cultural heritage is very urgent and still has a long way to go. The government should make appropriate policies to realize economic sustainable development and make efforts to raise all the peoples awareness and fund the groups or individua

29、ls who are engaged in the protection of our intangible cultural heritage. 【试题解析】 本题表面上是要求考生给出观点,实际上是一个问题解决型题目,核心问题是对中国非物质文化遗产的看法。写作时,既可以从如何保护非物质文化遗产的角度展开,也可以分析中国非物质文化遗产遭受巨大损失的原因。 思路 1:如何保护非物质文化遗产。 文章开篇应首先提出中国保护非物质文化遗产的必要性和紧迫性,然后指出保护非物质文化遗产需要社会和国家的共同努力。从社会角度来说,要大力提高全民的文化保护意识,加强公众对传统民族文化的认同和珍惜;从国家角度来说

30、,要制定政策和加大投入。保护非物质 文化遗产首先要提高到国家战略角度,因为这些非物质文化遗产是国家的财富。保护工作当然需要国家在人力、物力和财力方面给予支持和投入。 思路 2:造成今天保护非物质文化遗产困境的原因。 文章开篇应首先指出我们国家保护非物质文化遗产的形势不容乐观,然后从两个方面分析造成这一现状的原因。首先是经济全球化过程中外来文化的冲击造成很多人崇洋媚外,从而导致了对本国传统文化的忽视和抛弃。其次在于城市化的发展,在大力进行城市化的同时,一些文化遗址、文化建筑被拆除,相应依附在这些载体上的文化因素也随之消失。 范文选取了思路 2,分析造成今天保护非物质文化遗产困境的两个原因,然后提

31、出自己的建议。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Is Network Literature Influencing Modern Literature in a Good Way? Recent years, network literature has risen quickly with the popularization of the network. Various network literary works are exhibited to readers, which bring vitality to modern literature and also bring c

32、hallenges to traditional literary value. Many people question the negative influence of network literature on modern literature, while in my view, it benefits modern literature a lot. Network literature, as a social phenomenon, benefits modern literature in the following aspects. Firstly, the openne

33、ss of the Internet gives network literature a free space, which provides more chances for young writers and potential writers. Everyone can easily give vent to their emotions and be a writer if he wants. Besides, network literature provides various genres of writing modes and contents for modern lit

34、erature. Distinct from traditional literature, network literature makes good use of daily expressions, gives rise to new and free writing modes, and takes advantage of current social situation and daily life. Furthermore, network literature also reforms the traditional reading habits. People who plu

35、nge into reading network literature are always reading faster and more frequently, which makes them easily get familiar with modern literature. In a word, network literature enriches the existing modes and contents of modern literature. Above all, we should not deny the positive influence of network

36、 literature and should encourage its development. Despite the fact that the aesthetic quality of network literature still needs strict examination, network literature has been a newcomer that can not be neglected. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,核心问题是网络文学对现代文学的影响是好还是坏。可根据以下思路进行写作: 思路 1:网络文学有利于现代文学的发展。 作为新的文学形式,

37、网络文学十分方便而又大 众。任何人都可以在网络上发表文字,畅所欲言。更为重要的是,网络文学为整个现代文学的发展提供了诸多可能性。它能够根据当代人的精神理想和现实追求,调整创作实践和故事情节发展的方向,以新潮的语言模式和构思撑起文学的新天地。这也是网络文学区别于传统文学所在。此外,网络文学推动了阅读方式的变革,我们可以在手机上、电脑上随时进行阅读,方便快捷,在任何时候都可以提升自我,由此带来的是文学时代大众化与娱乐性的崛起。 思路 2:网络文学不有利于现代文学的发展。 网络文学是传统文学的改革与创新,但是网络文学的水平 良莠不齐,部分网络文学污染了纯正的文学气氛,各种不良信息在取悦大众的同时消磨

38、掉了文学创作,违背了文学应该坚持的价值取向以及其反映社会现实的功能。 范文选取了思路 1,先是简要介绍了网络文学的发展现状,然后阐述了网络文学对现代文学的正面影响,最后表达了对网络文学未来的期许。 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 The Benefits of Book Reading Today We are entering an era in which technological products constantly dazzle our senses with fascinating pictures and sounds. In a leisure-loving socie

39、ty, reading books seems to be the most boring activity. However, I would argue that books are still benefiting us enormously, even more than we could imagine. First, books help to cultivate our mind. Reading a book requires more intellectual efforts than watching TV, because with less visual and aud

40、itory aids we have broader scope of imagination. Second, our critical thinking skills will be developed while reading. This is especially important for children since it helps their brain function at a higher cognitive level. Third, reading books extends the attention span and helps us concentrate.

41、When we are surfing the Internet or watching TV, we tend to become aimless. Switching channels or changing web pages frequently, we seldom focus on information that is worth reading. The nature of such media distracts our attention. However, books can just make up for this limitation by giving us op

42、portunities to focus on limited information and think deeply. In conclusion, books, as a traditional means of acquiring information, are usually associated with dedication and discipline. It is worthwhile for people, especially children, to retrieve the habit of reading books. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点型题目。要求

43、考生论述当今读书的益处。可根据以下两种思路展开写作: 思路 1:直接阐述读书给当代人带来的益处。 读书的益处是多方面的。比如,读书能增长知识,是享受生活的一种方式;书籍可以成为永不背叛我们的伙伴;多读书能够使人更有内涵等。 思路 2:结合当今经济社会经济发展状况,对比分析读书的益处。 随着经济和信息技术的进步,我们可以获取信息的媒介日益增多,人们更喜欢通过看电视、上网等方式来获取知识和信息。重点讨论在这样的背景下为 什么读书仍旧是重要的。比如,和看电视相比,读书所要付诸的脑力活动更多,能让人发挥更多的想象力;读书也能锻炼人的注意力和独立思考能力。 本文选取了思路 2,讨论在当今社会人们越来越适应电视和网络等新媒体的大背景下读书的益处。 【知识模块】 作文


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