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1、国家公共英语一级 B练习试卷 1及答案与解析 第二节 短文理解 2 阅读短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。 0 It was a beautiful spring morning. and file sun was warnl but not too hot. Mr. Green saw an old man at the bus stop with a big. strong. black umbrella (伞 ) in his hand. Mr. Green said to him. “Do you thlnk were going to have rain today?“ “N

2、o. “ said the old man. “I dont Ihink so. “ “Then am you carrying the umbrella because the sun is too hot ?“ “No. the sun is not very hot in spring. “ Mr. Green looked at the big umbrella again. and the man said. “l am an old man. and my legs me not very strong. I must have a walking-stick (手杖 ). But

3、 people will say. Look Tttat man is so old. and I dont like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather. people only say. Look at that stupid (傻的 ) man. “ 1 This story took place (发生 ) _ ( A) at night ( B) on a cold winter day ( C) on a spring morning 2 What was Ihe wealher like that day ?_ ( A)

4、It was sunny and the sun was warm bul not too hot ( B) The sun was too hot ( C) It was windy and there were some clouds in to tsky 3 Mr. Green saw the old man _ ( A) in the strue ( B) in the park ( C) at the bus stop 4 The old man had _ in his hand. ( A) a bus ( B) all umbrella ( C) an old walk-stlc

5、k 5 Which of the following (下面 ) is right ? _ ( A) Tile old man carded an umbrella instead of (代替 ) his walking stick ( B) Mr. Green abd the old man were good friends ( C) The old man boowed an umbrella from Mr. Green 5 A few weeks ago we decided Io paint (油漆 ) the outside of our house. To save mone

6、y we decided Id do it ourselves. One Saturday morning. we went to tile shop and bought some paint and a number of brushes. We alrmdy had a ladder (梯子 ). so we were then ready Io start. We began that afternoon with the back of the house. The next Saturday I went to a foothall malch while my wife pain

7、ted the front of the house. On Sunday we found that we could not open any of tile front windows. We got them all open in tile end but I broke three and they were very expensive to repair. Next gme when we try to save money. I shall certainly pay somne to do the work. 6 Why did the writer and his wif

8、c decide to paint the house themsclves ? Because_. ( A) no one else could do the work ( B) they didnt want to spend much money ( C) they only needed to buy some paint 7 Why will they pay sonleone to work for them next time ? Because they_. ( A) ware to save money ( B) have no paint and brushes left

9、( C) want to go to the football match together 8 “So we were then ready to start. “ means we _ ( A) had already started the work ( B) had everything we needed to begin the job ( C) were always ready to do file work 9 On Sunday riley could not open _ of the front windows. ( A) both ( B) some ( C) any

10、 10 Tile writer broke _ in the end. ( A) three windows ( B) three glasses ( C) two windows 第三节 词语配伍 从上边一栏中找出一个与下边一栏的含义相符的选项。 10 A. conversation or talk B. number of persons united for business C. come face to face with sb. or sth. D. person who controls a comply. a hotel. etc. E. let sb. else see F.

11、 sth. done to help or benefit another or other G. about; round; here and them 11 manager 12 show 13 aound 14 dialogue 15 meet 15 Yesterday I got up later than usual I had breakfast in a burry and almost! Missed the bus. At school. Mr. Green was absent because be was iii and we studied by ourselves.

12、On my way home from school. met Tom. an old friend of mine. He was going to his aunts with bus brother. After supper I began to water TV. After finishing my homework in madl. I was going to bed. when Mr. Smith called me up. He asked me to return tile novel(小说 ). lie lenl me tile book the other day.

13、I went to bed at eleven. 16 I got up very eaely that morning. ( A) True. ( B) False. 17 I went to school after breakfast by bus in a great hurry. ( A) True. ( B) False. 18 The teacher. Mr. Green was ill. He didnt come to give his lesson. ( A) True. ( B) False. 19 Tom and his brother were to see thei

14、r aunt. ( A) Tme. ( B) False. 20 I finished my homework in math soon after my supper. ( A) True. ( B) False. 20 One day one of them said to the king. “After much thought and study. I have found out that Ihert. is only one way for you to get well. You must wear the shirt of a happy nail. “ So Ihe kin

15、g sent his men to every part of his land to look for a happy man. First they visited me rich They asked all thesepeoplethesamequostion. “Arc you happy?“ Bul every one of them answcred. “No. 1 dont know what real happiness means. “ One day nile of the kings men mci a woodcutter (伐木工 ) “Are you happy?

16、“ asked die kings man. “As happy as the day is long. “ answered Ibc woodcutter. “Oh. goodt“ said the man. “Give me your shirt. “ “Why?“ said Ibe woodculter. “I bevenl got one. “ 21 The king wasnt happy because he wtm ill. ( A) True. ( B) False. 22 The illness made the king look for a happy man. ( A)

17、 True. ( B) False. 23 A doctor told the king that there were many ways for him to get well. ( A) True. ( B) False. 24 The kings men asked the rich people ir Ihey were happy. ( A) True. ( B) False. 25 The woodcutter was very happy and rich. ( A) True. ( B) False. 一、情景对话 26 Nice to meet you. Jim. _ (

18、A) Nice to meet you. too. ( B) Im fine. ( C) How are you. 27 Whats your name. please? _ ( A) My names Jack ( B) This is Jack ( C) Yes. Jack 28 Hello! Is that Bill speaking? Yes. Bill. ( A) Im ( B) This is ( C) My names 29 _. can you help me with my homework? All right. ( A) Im sorry ( B) Excuse me (

19、 C) Good morning 30 Hello! My names Jack Smith. Hello! Mr. _. ( A) Jack ( B) Smith ( C) Jack Smith 31 Look! Thats_orange. Yes. its very big. ( A) a ( B) an ( C) the 32 _ is Miss Black? Shes fine. ( A) How ( B) How old ( C) What 33 Your coat is very beautiful. _ ( A) Oh. no ( B) Thank you ( C) Yes. i

20、t is 34 Good evening. Mrs. White. _ ( A) Good evening ( B) Thanks ( C) Sorry 35 Are you Gao Hui? _ ( A) No. I am ( B) Yes. Im ( C) Yes. I am 36 Ann: Hello. Kate! Kale: Hi. Ann!【 11】 ? Ann: Im fine. thank you. And you? Kate:【 12】 . 38 Jim: Hi. Im Jim.【 13】 ? Li Lei: My names Li Iei. Jim: Nice to meel

21、 you. Li Lei. Li Lei:【 14】 . 40 Jim:【 15】 ! Gao: Good moving! lm Gao Hui. whats your name. please? Jim: Jim Green. Gao: Jim. please sit down. Jim:【 16】 . 二、词汇 42 Ifine see you in Ihe m _ 43 You are always w _ in my home. 44 The s _ in this shop is always slow; the girls are very lazy. 45 This table

22、is small. but that one is b_ 46 They greeted him with many e_ of plenum. 47 I _ my teacher th the sTruet yesterday. ( A) met ( B) watched ( C) looked at 48 Its _ of you to help me with my English. ( A) nceessary ( B) nice ( C) well 49 Inc _ has the right to IcH the lady to write a letter for him in

23、the office. ( A) shop-assislanl ( B) secreteay ( C) manager 50 He is _ a good policeman. ( A) very ( B) quite ( C) quiet 51 I did my homework in my _ book. ( A) exercise ( B) word ( C) passage 国家公共英语一 级 B练习试卷 1答案与解析 第二节 短文理解 2 阅读短文,从各题所给的三个选项中选出最佳答案。 1 【正确答案】 C 2 【正确答案】 A 3 【正确答案】 C 4 【正确答案】 B 5 【正确

24、答案】 A 6 【正确答案】 B 7 【正确答案】 A 8 【正确答案】 B 9 【正确答案】 C 10 【正确答案】 A 第三节 词语配伍 从上边一栏中找出一个与下边一栏的含义相符的选项。 11 【正确答案】 D 12 【正确答案】 E 13 【正确答案】 G 14 【正确答案】 A 15 【正确答案】 C 16 【正确答案】 B 17 【正确答案】 A 18 【正确答案】 A 19 【正确答案】 A 20 【正确答案】 B 21 【正确答案】 B 22 【正确答案】 A 23 【正确答案】 B 24 【正确答案】 A 25 【正确答案】 B 一、情景对话 26 【正确答案】 A 27 【正

25、确答案】 A 28 【正确答案】 B 29 【正确答案】 B 30 【正确答案】 B 31 【正 确答案】 B 32 【正确答案】 A 33 【正确答案】 B 34 【正确答案】 A 35 【正确答案】 C 36 【正确答案】 How are you 37 【正确答案】 Im fine. too 38 【正确答案】 Whats your name 39 【正确答案】 Nice to meet you. too 40 【正确答案】 Good morning 41 【正确答案】 Thank you 二、词汇 42 【正确答案】 morning 43 【正 确答案】 welcome 44 【正确答案】 service 45 【正确答案】 big 46 【正确答案】 expresions 47 【正确答案】 A 48 【正确答案】 B 49 【正确答案】 C 50 【正确答案】 B 51 【正确答案】 A


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