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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 238及答案与解析 第一节 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1 What does the woman mean? ( A) She can help the man. ( B) The machine was just repaired. ( C) The clerk doesnt like to be troubled. 2 What are the speakers talking ab

2、out? ( A) Flight timetable. ( B) The way to Union Street. ( C) Hiring a taxi. 3 What will John do tomorrow? ( A) He will go picnicking. ( B) He will go to school ( C) He will go skating. 4 Where does the dialogue take place? ( A) In a hotel. ( B) In a restaurant. ( C) In the street. 5 Why does the w

3、oman give up doing gymnastics? ( A) Because she doesnt like gymnastics now. ( B) Because she was ill. ( C) Because she couldnt win any international championship now. 第二节 听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 6 Why d

4、id the man get to sleep so late? ( A) He is doing some medicine research ( B) He talked with his friend ( C) He felt pain 7 What will the woman do for the man? ( A) Call for a doctor ( B) Give him some stronger medicine ( C) Nothing 8 Which bank was robbed last night? ( A) The bank in Green Street.

5、( B) The bank near a police station. ( C) The bank without any security guards. 9 How much money was lost? ( A) All of the money in the bank. ( B) No a penny. ( C) Some of the money in the bank. 10 How many robbers were shot dead? ( A) Three. ( B) Two. ( C) One. 11 Whats the main reason the man does

6、nt like watching plays? ( A) Because they are expensive. ( B) Because theyre not well-written. ( C) Because the theatre is too far away. 12 What kind of music does the mail like best? ( A) Light music. ( B) English songs. ( C) American songs. 13 Which of the following does the man like most? ( A) Fi

7、lms. ( B) Music. ( C) Reading. 14 What does the speaker do most probably? ( A) Hes a teacher. ( B) Hes a tour guide. ( C) Hes a shop-assistant. 15 What does Larps sell? ( A) Bags. ( B) Shoes. ( C) Clothes. 16 What does the bookshop sell? ( A) Chinese books. ( B) English books. ( C) English-Chinese d

8、ictionaries. 17 Which shop is NOT in the shopping centre? ( A) The Larps. ( B) The Li-Ning. ( C) The Splend Tea Shop. 单项填空 18 Parents have to accept their children for _ they are and not _ they want them to be. ( A) who; what ( B) where; who ( C) what; why ( D) how; when 19 Enough of it! Nobody here

9、 thinks what are saying should make any _. ( A) excuse ( B) sense ( C) use ( D) value 20 No one helped me. I did it all _ myself. ( A) for ( B) from ( C) by ( D) to 21 Some of the crops failed. _, the cotton did pretty well. ( A) Then ( B) Besides ( C) Therefore ( D) However 22 The speaker raised hi

10、s voice but still couldnt make himself _. ( A) hear ( B) to hear ( C) hearing ( D) heard 23 Those oranges taste _. ( A) good ( B) well ( C) to be good ( D) to be well 24 Careless driving _ a lot of high accidents. ( A) affects ( B) makes ( C) causes ( D) results 25 Why dont you come and play tennis

11、with us this afternoon? _. ( A) Thats a great game ( B) Yes, I think so ( C) Thats a good idea ( D) No, let me see 26 _, but would you mind moving your bag? ( A) Wait a minute ( B) Thank you very much ( C) Excuse me ( D) Nice to meet you 27 600/oo of those _ in the research thought the noise levels

12、of the traffic had increased. ( A) questioning ( B) questioned ( C) question ( D) to question 28 When he was there, he _ go to that coffeehouse at the corner after work every day. ( A) would ( B) should ( C) had to ( D) might 29 I didnt hear the phone. I _ asleep. ( A) must be ( B) must have been (

13、C) should be ( D) should have been 30 Without someone to _ for advice, making the best choice can be difficult for Torn. ( A) turn to ( B) turn up ( C) turn over ( D) turn on 31 The spy was caught _ though he died from wounds the next day. ( A) living ( B) alive ( C) live ( D) lived 32 We were ahead

14、 during the first half of the match, but we _ in the last ten minutes. ( A) lost ( B) have lost ( C) were losing ( D) had lost 完形填空 32 Do you know insurance (保险 )? Buying insurance is a (36) by which people can protect themselves (37) large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. L

15、arge numbers of people pay (38) sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only (39) will lose their homes by fire. The insurance company will pay for these homes out of the sums of money it has (40) . The first modern fire insurance company was

16、 (41) in London, England, in 1666. A great fire had just (42) most of the cities, and people wanted protection against (43) losses. The first company (44) rapidly. Soon other companies were founded in other areas. Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance company in America in 1752. He

17、also (45) a new kind of insurance for (46) . The new insurance would offer protection against the loss of crops (47) storms. In 1775, Benjamin Franklin helped start (48) new insurance company in America. This company, (49) offered life insurance, collected some money (50) from many different men. (5

18、1) a man died, his family was given a large sum of money. Today, this company is (52) in business. Over the years, people have (53) from many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from (54) accidents as ear and plane crashes. (55) ,almost everyone has some kinds of insurance. ( A) way ( B)

19、company ( C) thought ( D) means ( A) between ( B) to ( C) from ( D) on ( A) small ( B) large ( C) little ( D) few ( A) few ( B) quite a few ( C) a few ( D) many ( A) robbed ( B) taken ( C) collected ( D) borrowed ( A) organized ( B) found ( C) built ( D) formed ( A) injured ( B) hurt ( C) destroyed

20、( D) harmed ( A) longer ( B) farther ( C) further ( D) deeper ( A) grew ( B) went ( C) existed ( D) raised ( A) insisted ( B) suggested ( C) advised ( D) wanted ( A) workers ( B) salesmen ( C) farmers ( D) people ( A) by ( B) from ( C) for ( D) with ( A) other ( B) some ( C) certain ( D) another ( A

21、) which ( B) that ( C) who ( D) where ( A) regularly ( B) often ( C) usually ( D) always ( A) Although ( B) Until ( C) If ( D) Unless ( A) still ( B) also ( C) already ( D) always ( A) heard ( B) paid ( C) benefited ( D) offered ( A) such ( B) many ( C) the ( D) more ( A) Gradually ( B) Today ( C) T

22、omorrow ( D) Lately 短文理解 52 Mr. Wilmot was born in a little village near the coast and had gone to school in the nearest seaside town, but he was not a lover of the sea. Even when walking along the sands, he was afraid of being cut off by the tide. Mr. Wilmot was not a very good swimmer, so perhaps

23、this was why he disliked the sea. After working for some years in London, Mr. Wilmot was transferred (调动 ) to a town near the coast and, of course, the family often made trips to the beach. One day his children asked him to take them out into the bay in a boat. The sun shone brightly. There was litt

24、le wind and the water was calm. So Mr. Wilmot hired a boat and with his two children rowed out into the bay. At first all went well, but when they decided to turn back they found themselves faced with difficulties. A strong wind had sprung up (突然起来 ) and the currents (海浪 ) were rather dangerous. Mr.

25、 Wilmot rowed hard, but it seemed they were making little progress. The children were waving to attract the attention of the people on the beach. Just then a motor-boat appeared from the direction of the bay. Their trouble had been noticed and the motor-boat had come to their rescue. A rope was soon

26、 attached (系上,栓上 ) and their boat was pulled back to the shore. Mr. Wilmots dislike of the sea became even stronger after this experience. 53 What seemed to be the reason for Mr. Wilmots dislike of the sea? ( A) He was tired of the sea, having lived near it for years. ( B) He had had some terrifying

27、 experiences on the sea. ( C) He knew the sea too well to like it. ( D) He couldnt swim well. 54 Why did Mr. Wilmot agree to take his children out into the bay? ( A) The weather was nice and the sea was calm. ( B) He wanted to humor his children. ( C) He was in a very good mood that day. ( D) The ba

28、y looked exceptionally beautiful that day. 55 What CANNOT be inferred from the story? ( A) The sea can hardly be trusted even on a fine day. ( B) It is not safe for people to go boating in the open sea. ( C) People who know the sea well do not like it. ( D) Mr. Wilmot wouldnt want to go to the sea a

29、ny more. 55 Ian Johnstone missed his girlfriend so much that he flew back to Britain from Australia to ask her to marry him. The problem is she did the same in the opposite direction. He and Amy Dolby even managed to miss each other when they sat in the same airport waiting room in Singapore at the

30、same time to wait for connecting flights. After an 11000-mile flight across the globe, Dolby was greeted by Johnstones astonished flatmate asking what she was doing there “It was as though someone was playing a cruel joke on us,“ she told The Times. “He is the most romantic(浪漫的 ) person I have ever

31、known. I think our problem is that we are both quite impulsive(易冲动的 ) people. We are always trying to surprise each other. “ Johnstone, a 27-year-old construction worker, had taken a year off to travel round Australia. But he was missing Dolby, a 26-year-old secretary, so much that he got a job on a

32、 Sydney building site and started saving for a surprise. He then flew home to Britain and went to her apartment armed with an engagement(订婚 ) ring and flowers. “I really missed Amy and Id been thinking about her all the time. I thought she was winding me up when she phoned me from Australia,“ he sai

33、d. Johnstone then asked Dolby to marry him on the phone. “I didnt know whether to laugh or cry, but I accepted,“ she said. 56 Where are Johnstone and Dolby from? ( A) Both are from Britain. ( B) Both are from Australia. ( C) Johnstones from Britain, Dolby Australia. ( D) Johnstones from Australia, D

34、olby Britain. 57 What happened to Johnstone and Dolby at a Singapore airport? ( A) They went into the wrong waiting rooms. ( B) They failed to see each other. ( C) They took the wrong flights. ( D) They ran into their flatmates. 58 Why did Johnstone get a job in Sydney? ( A) The job could help him f

35、ly round Australia. ( B) He wanted to save money for his wedding. ( C) The job there was easy and well-paid. ( D) He needed the money to see Dolby. 59 The phrase “winding me up“ in Paragraph 5 probably means _. ( A) getting anxious to see me ( B) saying goodbye to me ( C) playing a joke on me ( D) t

36、rying to cheer me up 59 I find it annoying and funny when I think about how we use protective or decorative wrappings (装饰性包装 ) in this country. When I come home from the supermarket and start to unpack, I am always shocked at the layers of wrappings we cover our food with. There is hardly anything w

37、e buy that doesnt come in at least two wrappings, and then several of them are gathered by the shop assistant and put into a small bag. Then several of the small bags are grouped together and put into a big bag. If you have several big bags with small bags in them, they give you a cardboard box to p

38、ut the packages-in-the-little-bags-in-the-big-bags in. A lot of things we buy wouldnt really need any protective wrapping at all. The skin of an orange protects an orange pretty well for most of its natural life, but we arent satisfied with what nature has given it. We wrap them in plastic or put th

39、em in a net bag, and then in a paper bag. The orange inside the skin, inside the plastic which is in the paper bag, must wonder where it is. A box of biscuits often has waxed paper (蜡纸 ) next to the biscuits, a cardboard box holding the food and then a decorative wrapping around it. A relative of ou

40、rs bought a new sofa recently because she liked the fine leather(皮革 ) it was covered with. She liked it so much that she didnt want it to get dirty, so she bought a cloth cover to put over it. We may never again see the leather shes protecting. 60 According to the author, the use of protective wrapp

41、ings _. ( A) can be wasteful and unnecessary ( B) makes everything look funny ( C) gives people more work to do ( D) is a practice against natural life 61 What can be the best protective wrapping for the orange? ( A) Plastic. ( B) A net bag. ( C) Its own skim ( D) A paper bag. 62 The underlined word

42、 “it“ in Paragraph 5 refers to _. ( A) the food ( B) the waxed paper ( C) the cardboard box ( D) the decorative wrapping 63 What does the author think of his relative who bought a sofa? ( A) She should not buy a leather sofa. ( B) She should not cover her sofa with a cloth. ( C) She should not forbi

43、d the visitors to see the leather. ( D) She should not allow the leather cover to get dirty. 63 When word got out that Doug Beardsley was introducing a new course this spring “Hockey(冰球 ) Literature and the Canadian Psyche(精神 )“ the 40 seats in the class were quickly taken. ESPN offered to fly him t

44、o New York for a TV chat show, and e-mail arrived from hockey fans and researchers from as far away as Texas and China. “They think they can learn something about us as a nation by learning about the game, about Canadian people. Theyre right,“ says Beardsley. Students in Beardsleys class completed t

45、hree research papers related to hockey. The reading Iist included famous works like The Divine Ryans by Wayne Johnston, The Good Body by Bill Gaston and Les Canadiells by Rick Salutin. They are the kind of books that get at the true meaning of being Canadian. In Beardsleys words, hockey shows the ve

46、ry nature of the polite Canadian. “I think that along with this peace-sharing, gentle image comes a need for mayhem(混乱 ). So we invent the game and whammo! you get on the ice and it serves as a way of letting out those energies that we dont allow ourselves elsewhere,“ says Beardsley, who added that

47、the reason the game needs to be played in winter is our form of saying. “Look, even up here in the frozen north we can turn this around and make it work for us. “ “Im talking about something larger than what happens on the ice and so is the course.“ 64 What is the main purpose of the text? ( A) To t

48、each how to play hockey. ( B) To introduce an English teacher. ( C) To introduce a book by Beardsley. ( D) To talk about hockey and the Canadians. 65 We learn from Paragraph 1 that _. ( A) ESPN has its offices around the world ( B) aI1 chairs in Beardsleys class were taken away ( C) hockey is a popu

49、lar sport in New York ( D) Beardsleys course on hockey is very popular 66 What does the underlined word “they“ in Paragraph 2 refer to? ( A) Hockey fans and researchers. ( B) Students in Beardsleys class. ( C) Producers of the TV program. ( D) Viewers of the ESPN program. 67 Hockey was invented in Canada because _. ( A) people can get a chance to fight and let out energy ( B) the weather of the country


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