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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 212及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Their personal life. ( B) Educational opportunities. ( C) Political development. ( D) Their views on international issues. ( A) In Morocco, both satisfaction and optimism have doubled. ( B) Optimism grows generally in the Arab world in recent years. ( C) M

2、any Arab countries have improved the income of their citizens. ( D) There is an acceleration of the economic growth in the Arab world. ( A) To arrest the leader of the opposition party. ( B) To prepare for the presidential elections. ( C) To answer his charges at home. ( D) To protect his supporters

3、. ( A) Ugandas multi-party elections were darkened. ( B) Economic support from western nations was cut off. ( C) Ugandas role model in the region was canceled. ( D) Ugandas relationship with its donors felt strained. ( A) It was wet and cold. ( B) It was hot and dry. ( C) It was cold and terrible. (

4、 D) It was hot and terrible. ( A) All the extreme weather events. ( B) El Nino and a warmer climate. ( C) Light snows and record rain. ( D) The lands surrounded by ocean. ( A) There was record-breaking snowfall. ( B) There was recording-breaking rainfall. ( C) It were the warmest months ever recorde

5、d. ( D) It were the wettest months ever recorded. Section B ( A) Bacon and chicken. ( B) Mushrooms and beef. ( C) Pineapple and ham. ( D) Onions and pork. ( A) Pineapple and mushrooms on one half and green peppers and Italian sausage on the other. ( B) Pineapple and green peppers on one half and mus

6、hrooms and Italian sausage on the other. ( C) Pineapple and mushrooms on one half and red peppers and Italian sausage on the other. ( D) Pineapple and red peppers on one half and mushrooms and Italian sausage on the other. ( A) The total of his order is $15.90. ( B) The phone number is 340-1807. ( C

7、) The address is 1304 South 16 East. ( D) The customer wants a half-and-half pizza ( A) Three orders of bread sticks for free. ( B) A three-dollar deduction on the next pizza you order. ( C) A three-dollar coupon for use this time you order a large pizza ( D) A free order of steak. ( A) Friends. ( B

8、) Coworkers. ( C) Interviewer and interviewee. ( D) Doctor and patient. ( A) He thought Art was useless. ( B) He was offered a job in a big accounting firm. ( C) He wanted to go to London to study Art. ( D) He wanted to do some interesting things. ( A) Nearly a year. ( B) Four years. ( C) Three year

9、s. ( D) Nine months. ( A) Doing a lot of photography. ( B) Going to concerts frequently. ( C) Playing traditional jazz and folk music. ( D) Traveling in Africa. Section C ( A) They described it as a complete failure. ( B) They described it as wildly successful. ( C) They described it as adventurous.

10、 ( D) They described it as highly fortunate. ( A) A world ban on nuclear weapons. ( B) Japans development of nuclear weapons. ( C) Suspending nuclear research in Japan. ( D) A world ban on nuclear technology research. ( A) Plotting to kill the president. ( B) Plotting to kill the Vice-president. ( C

11、) Plotting to bombard the capital city. ( D) Plotting to overthrow the government. ( A) March 20 through April 2. ( B) March 21 through April 1. ( C) March 25 through April 1. ( D) March 26 through April 2. ( A) In the 19th century. ( B) In the 18th century. ( C) In the 17th century. ( D) In the 16t

12、h century. ( A) People must play jokes on friends on April Fools Day. ( B) Sometimes jokes last until the end of April Fools Day. ( C) People usually buy interesting gifts for each other on April Fools Day. ( D) Young lovers often eat out for fun on April Fools Day. ( A) The development of jazz musi

13、c. ( B) The musician named Charlie Parker. ( C) The new style of jazz called bebop. ( D) The death of Charlie Parker. ( A) It has a fixed rhythm. ( B) It is similar to the traditional jazz. ( C) It is free and spontaneous. ( D) It is typically an electronic music style. ( A) 1943. ( B) 1945. ( C) 19

14、40. ( D) 1948. ( A) Europe. ( B) America. ( C) Africa. ( D) Asia. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 212答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 Two months ago, Zogby International, a Washington-based research organization, conducted a public opinion poll in six Arab countries: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and the

15、 United Arab Emirates. The respondents, randomly chosen from different neighborhoods in various cities of each country, were asked to give their opinion on a number of issues, including concerns facing their country and their personal life, economic development, employment opportunities and the like

16、lihood of peace in the Middle East. 0verall, respondents expressed more satisfaction with their lives and more optimism about their future than they did in the poll conducted ten years ago. In Lebanon, both satisfaction and optimism have doubled. This is not surprising, says James Rauch, a professor

17、 at the University of California. “The Lebanese have experienced an enormous change now with the end of the Syrian occupation. They would have good reasons to be optimistic.“ 1. What were the respondents asked to comment on? 2. What do we learn about the result of the poll? 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻提到,被调

18、查者要求就一系列问题,包括对国家及个人生活、经济发展、就业机会、中东和平的可能性发表自己的看法, A与新闻中的concerns facing their personal life对应,故选 A。 B“教育机会 ”、 C“政治发展 ”和D“对国际事务的看法 ”均与新闻所说的内容有偏差。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻提到,总的来说,被调查者对他们的生活感到满意,对未来持乐观态度,这种满意度和乐观度高于 10年前的民意调查,故答案为 B。 A“摩洛哥人民的满意度和乐观度成倍提高 ”中的 Morocco应为 Lebanon。 C“许多阿拉伯国家提高了公民的收入 ”和

19、D“阿拉伯地区的经济加速发展 ”都无法从新闻中推断出。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 In October the Ugandan opposition leader, Kizza Basigye, returned to Kampala to prepare for the presidential elections next year. Three weeks later he was arrested. The Ugandan government says he must answer the charges, but his supporters say its an at

20、tempt by Ugandan President Museveni to prevent Dr. Basigye running against him. The incident is threatening to darken the countrys first multi-party elections in two decades. Western nations which provide essential economic support to Uganda have held up Uganda as a role model in the region, opposit

21、ion leaders are calling on them to take a stand. In this edition of Analysis, Lucy Williamson looks at whether Ugandas relationship with its donors is feeling the strain. 3. Why did Kizza Basigye return to Kampala? 4. What is the consequence of Basigyes incident? 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻一开始就提到, Kizza Ba

22、sigye是乌干达反对党的首领,他返回 Kampala这地方是为了准备明年的总统大选 (for the presidential elections next year)。 B复现原文原词,为答案。新闻是说 Basigye回国后被捕,而他本身就是反对党首领, A“逮捕反对党首领 ”错误。 C“回应对他的指控 ”是执政党要求 Basigye做的事,不是他回国的初衷。 D“保护他的支持者 ”没有在新闻中提到。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 根据新闻可知,题目问的 Basigyes incident指 Basigye被逮捕一事。新闻中提到该事件可能会使得该国 20年来的首次

23、多党选举蒙上阴影 (darken the countrys first multi-party elections in two decades), A将新闻中的动宾结构换成了被动语态 (was darkened),所述意思与新闻一致,故为答案 。 B“西方国家的经济支持力度被减弱 ”、 C“乌干达在该地区的模范地位被取消 ”和 D“乌干达与其捐赠者的关系紧张 ”均复现了新闻个别原词,但所述与新闻意思不符。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 At the end of every year, U.S. weather researchers look back at what the na

24、tions weather was like, and what they saw last year was weird. The year was hot and annoyed by all manner of extreme weather events that did a lot of expensive damage. December, in fact, was a fitting end. “This is the first time in our 121-year period of record that a month has been both the wettes

25、t and the warmest month on record,“ says Jake Crouch, a weather researcher. The rest of the year was very wet and hot too, he says the second-hottest period on record for the U.S. The cause: a warming climate and a super strong El Nino. El Nino is a weather phenomenon out of the ocean that hits ever

26、y few years and affects weather globally. Together, climate and a very strong El Nino pushed the weather in the U.S. as warm as its 20th century average. And even when the atmosphere is only that much warmer, it holds more moisture, leading to record snows in the Northeast last February and March, a

27、nd record rain in the South and Midwest. 5. What was weather in the U.S. like last year? 6. What made last years weather so wired? 7. What happened in the Northwest of the U.S. last February and March? 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻开头提到,美国每年都会回顾过去一年的天气,发现去年的天气十分怪异。接着具体说这一年十分炎热,并且出现很多极端天气,并导致严重的经济损失,可见天气十分糟糕。

28、D“天气炎热且糟糕 ”与新闻内容相符。 A和 C都错在 cold,新闻中的确原词这一年十分潮湿 (wet),但也是炎热的。同理, B中的dry与新闻内容 wet不符。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻中间部分提到造成新闻天气情况的原因 (cause):温暖的气候 (a warming climate)和强烈的厄尔尼诺现象 (a super strong El Nino), B与新闻原意相同,故为答案。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻后段提到,美国天气不仅温和,而且湿度较大,导致美国东北部在去年二、三月出现纪录性降雪 (record sn

29、ows),故答案为 A。 B说的 “记录性降雨 ”是发生在美国南部和中西部 (South and Midwest)。 C和 D只是利用新闻末尾中的 much warmer和 more moisture作干扰,都没有实质根据。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 8 【听力原文】 W: Hello. Can I take your order? M: Yes. Id like a large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and green peppers. Uh, can I make that a half-and-half pizza? W: Sure.

30、 What would you like on each half? We have Italian sausage, ham, mushrooms, onions, pineapple, green peppers, bacon and tomatoes. M: Ill have pineapple and mushrooms on one half and green peppers and Italian sausage on the other. Oh, and could I get extra cheese on that pizza? W: Alright. Would you

31、care for any bread sticks or beverage with your order? Actually, we have a Friday night family special going on right now, and if you order any large pizza and drink, well throw in a free order of bread sticks, plus a three-dollar coupon for use with your next pizza order. M: Huh, sure, why not? And

32、 what drink comes with the pizza? W: Either apple or orange juice. M: Ill take orange juice. W: Okay, Your total comes to fifteen nineteen, which includes tax. And could I have your name, address and telephone number? M: Uh, yeah, Jay Smith. Its 1340 South 16 East, and the phone number is 340-1870.

33、8. Which is available from this pizza shop? 9. What pizza does the man finally order? 10. What is true about the conversation? 11. What is offered by the Friday night family special if you order any large pizza and drink? 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对话中女士说: “我们有意大利式香肠、火腿、蘑菇、洋葱、菠萝、青椒、咸肉和西红柿。 ”四个选项中,组合正确的是 C“菠萝

34、和火腿 ”。 A中的chicken“鸡肉 ”、 B中的 beef“牛肉 ”和 D中的 pork“猪肉 ”女士未提及。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说: “我要一个半边是菠萝加蘑菇,半边是青椒加意式香肠的双拼比萨。 ”选项 A是对话的原 词再现,正确。听到什么选什么。各选项之间的差异在各种材料的异同及排列组合上。答题关键在于听清各种组合方式。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话中男士明确提到想要 half-and-half pizza,并且随后还进一步提到每半份披萨上放什么材料,因此 D正确。女士说含税总共是 15 19美元, A项中的

35、 15 90美元与此不符; B错在尾号 1807,应为 1870; C错在 1304,应为1340。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女士说: “如果你现在点任何一款大比萨加饮料,我们都会免费附送一份面包条,外加一张下次点比萨时使用的 3美元抵用券。 ”由此选项 B正确。选项设置上有些迷惑性, A、 D、 C的相关内容对话都有提及,可都有些地方不准确。如 D中, free order照搬原词, steak则利用与 stick发音相近进行干扰。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 W: Good morning, Mr. Pitt. Do sit down. M:

36、Thank you. W: First of all, Mr. Pitt, Id like you to tell me a bit about what youve been doing. M: Well, I took four subjects in school: French, German, Chemistry and, uh, Art. Chemistry wasnt my cup of tea but Art has always been. W: Art? M: Well, I really wanted to study Art. It didnt turn out lik

37、e that because a friend of my fathers offered me a job hes an accountant in London. A quite big firm, you know. W: I see. A firm of accountants. Interesting! In your application, you say that you only spent nine months with this firm of accountants. Why was that? M: It was nearly a year actually. We

38、ll, to be quite honest, I didnt like it I just couldnt seem to get interested in the job although there were fairly good prospects. So I got a place at the Art College to do a three-year diploma course. W: I see. Now, Mr. Pitt, what about hobbies and interests? Uh, what do you do in your spare time?

39、 M: I like jazz, traditional and folk music. I dont play, of course, but I go to quite a lot of concerts, and I go to the theatre occasionally and act a bit myself. Im in the local dramatic society. I read quite a lot and Ive done a bit of photography. Also, Ive traveled a lot hitchhiked all over Eu

40、rope last year, that was. W: Very interesting, Mr. Pitt. I think thats all I wanted to ask about your background. 12. What might be the relationship between the woman and the man? 13. Why didnt Mr. Pitt study Art immediately after he left school? 14. How long did it take the man to get a diploma at

41、the Art College? 15. Which is one of the things Mr. Pitt does in his spare time? 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 应聘面试对话的一个重要特征是:面试人主要提问,受试人主要回答问题,对话内容以学习背景、工作经历为主,有时提到工作职责与报酬。若了解这些特点即使没有听到对话中的关键词 (我希望你谈谈你目前的工作;你的申请 ),也可以判断出答案。判断人物关系的情景题,准确的答题依据是对话中出现的关键词。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士明确说: “我没有学习艺术是因为我父亲的一个朋友给我

42、提供了一个职位,他是伦敦的一个会计师。 ”It didnt turn out like that中的 that指前一句中的 study Art。故 B正确。由选项可知,本题应当问 “他 ”有什么想法、做了什么事,或想要做什么事。核心词是 study Art, offer a job, accounting firm,interesting。听到对话中的 I really wanted to study Art,可排除 A,并由随后的否定结构和 because引导的内容得到正确答案。 because处出题。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士说他去艺术学院读了一个三年

43、期的课程,以取得艺术文凭,可见选 C。 A“近一年 ”是男士说他在会计事务所工作的时间,故排除。 B“四年 ”在录音并未提到。 D“九个月 ”是女士说男士在会计事务所工作的时间,也不对。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士提到他虽然不演奏乐曲,但是他经常听音乐会,故 B正确。frequently是 quite a lot of的另一 种表达。由动词的现在分词选项可知,本题问动作。 A错在使用了 a lot of,而原文说到拍照片时是说 a bit of; C中的 play与原文说的 I dont play不符; D是地点错误,原文是说欧洲而不是非洲。 【知识模块】

44、听力 Section C 16 【听力原文】 The space shuttle Discovery has safely returned to earth after 2 weeks in earths orbit. Discovery commander Eileen Collins guided the shuttle to an easy landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California early Tuesday. American Space Agency officials described Discoverys trip as

45、wildly successful. But they refused to say when the shuttle may fly again. The Space Agency has suspended all future shuttle flights until it can discover why a piece of hard protective material broke off from Discovery. A similar incident damaged the Columbia space shuttle in 2003. Columbia was des

46、troyed as it reentered earths atmosphere. Japan has marked the 60th anniversary of the atomic bomb attack on the city of Nagasaki. The American bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima ended World War . Nagasaki Mayor Iccho Itoh called for a world ban on nuclear weapons. He urged Americans to ask if the U

47、nited States needs thousands of nuclear arms to guarantee its security. A short time later, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said he would work to keep Japan free of nuclear weapons. In Cambodia, an opposition politician has been sentenced to 7 years in prison for plotting to overthrow the governmen

48、t. Cheam Channy was arrested in February after the National Assembly canceled his parliamentary protection from legal charges. He denies any wrongdoing. A court found Cheam Channy and opposition member Khom Peseth guilty. Khom Peseth received a 5-year prison sentence. Briefly, here again is the majo

49、r news of the hour. The American space shuttle Discovery has safely returned to earth. Japan has marked the 60th anniversary of the atomic bomb attack on Nagasaki. And in Cambodia, an opposition politician has been sentenced to 7 years in prison for plotting to overthrow the government. 16. How did American Space Agency officials describe Discoverys trip? 17. What did Nagasaki Mayor call for? 18. What was the charge against the two opposition politicians? 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原文说, “美国宇航局官员称, 发现号 的旅程获得巨大成功 ”。因此选 B。本题符合 “听到什么选什么 ”的解题原则。 w


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