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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 244及答案与解析 Section A ( A) The misbehavior of pupils in school. ( B) The school bus crash last year. ( C) The new school transport behaviour policy. ( D) The power of schools and local authorities. ( A) To encourage pupils responsible behaviors. ( B) To resist the rules and transpor

2、t operators. ( C) To remember Stuart died in a school bus crash. ( D) To reject schools and local authorities. ( A) By being installed in moving vehicles. ( B) By restraining some signals in the brain. ( C) By being plugged into a smart phone. ( D) By being attached to the head. ( A) Signals in the

3、brain. ( B) Signals that affect vehicles. ( C) Some electrodes. ( D) A weak electrical current. ( A) The day after Thanksgiving. ( B) On Thanksgiving Day. ( C) During Christmas. ( D) During the holiday. ( A) 20 percent. ( B) 30 percent. ( C) 18.38 million. ( D) 183.8 million. ( A) Half of the online

4、 shopping is made on the phones. ( B) All holiday purchases will be made online. ( C) It is less comfortable than crowded malls. ( D) It has a big impact on shopping malls. Section B ( A) The election for senator. ( B) The election for president of the Students Union. ( C) The election for monitor.

5、( D) The election for secretary. ( A) Writing a speech for the man. ( B) Competing against the man. ( C) Interviewing the man. ( D) Helping plan the mans campaign. ( A) Giving a speech during dinner tomorrow. ( B) Hanging campaign posters in the classroom. ( C) Outlining his accomplishments on the c

6、ampus radio station. ( D) Coming up with a speech immediately. ( A) Write a campaign speech. ( B) Make campaign posters. ( C) Answer questions. ( D) Attend the English class. ( A) She has no time to study. ( B) She is short of money. ( C) She has lost her money. ( D) She has to lend money to her fri

7、end. ( A) $800. ( B) $850. ( C) $1000. ( D) $1050. ( A) She is the mans girlfriend. ( B) She wants to borrow some money from the man. ( C) She earns little as a student. ( D) She has a poor head for economy. ( A) Work in bank. ( B) Lend some money to the woman. ( C) Help the woman make a budget. ( D

8、) Study economics. Section C ( A) Its customs vary from one country to another. ( B) It is arranged by parents in some countries. ( C) It has nothing to do with religion. ( D) It requires equal status in many countries. ( A) To show his wealth. ( B) To make an agreement on loyalty. ( C) To express h

9、is love. ( D) To make the girl happy. ( A) Accept a ring from the groom. ( B) Prepare something old. ( C) Meet the groom. ( D) Send invitations to friends. ( A) The present condition of the job market. ( B) Suggestions on how to increase chances for a job. ( C) Why students should do an internship.

10、( D) How to increase hourly wage. ( A) The job market needs more graduates this year. ( B) More students dont want to work after graduation. ( C) It is more difficult to find a job for graduates this year. ( D) The employers dont want to hire fresh graduates. ( A) Students can know about job opening

11、s by doing an internship. ( B) Students are seldom paid when taking an internship. ( C) Students can get a job after they have completed an internship. ( D) Students who have completed an internship benefit a lot. ( A) Skin is the largest organ. ( B) Skin keeps out harmful things. ( C) Skin is very

12、important to human beings. ( D) Skin helps control body temperature. ( A) Improper foods. ( B) Strong cleaning products. ( C) Nervous tension. ( D) Not mentioned in the passage. ( A) Touch our skin as much as possible. ( B) Wash our skin gently. ( C) Burst pimples as soon as they come out. ( D) Use

13、good facial cream. ( A) Other skin problems and treatments. ( B) What causes acne. ( C) How to keep a smooth skin. ( D) Scientists new discovery on skin. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 244答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 (1)Pupils are warned they could even be excluded(开除 )from school if they do not follow the rules, s

14、tarting in January. It aims to improve the behaviour and safety of young people travelling to school or college. David Cunningham-Jones, father of 12-year-old Stuart, who was killed in a school bus crash in the Vale of Glamorgan, welcomed the code but said more work was needed. The assembly governme

15、nt said schools and local authorities would have the power to take action against young people who misbehaved on their way to and from school or college. (2)An awareness campaign will start in January to encourage pupils to behave responsibly and help head teachers, teachers, parents and transport o

16、perators to understand their role. The code, which includes all methods of transport, will be incorporated into schools existing behaviour policies. 1. What is this news item mainly about? 2. What is the aim of the awareness campaign? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻第一句提及学校新规则的施行,下文点明了该规则针对学生的交通问题,并对该项新规则的内容以及实

17、施的原因进行了具体分析,由此可知新闻的主题是学校新交通规则的施行。 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,这一运动的目的之一是鼓励学生负责任的行为。 3 【听力原文】 Some people can get motion sickness from being in moving vehicles such as cars or airplanes.(3)A new device could stop motion sickness by suppressing some signals in the brain. Now, scientists at Imperial Colleg

18、e London are working on a device to counteract motion sickness.(4)The device sends a weak electrical current through electrodes placed on a persons head. The electric current appears to cause the brain to suppress signals that affect the inner ear. The scientists found “that it took longer for the i

19、ndividual to develop motion sickness and that they also recovered faster. “ The next step is to test the device outside the laboratory. There are no reports of unwanted side effects from the small amounts of electricity released by the device. The researchers hope a device that plugs into a smart ph

20、one and attaches to the head will be available within 10 years. 3. How does the new device stop motion sickness? 4. What does the device send? 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻开头提到,有些人在快速移动的交通工具上会遭受 “晕动病 ”,例如乘坐汽车或飞机时,紧接着说到一种新的设备可以通过抑制大脑信号来有效预防 “晕动病 ”。 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,该设备通过在人体头部安放电极发送微电流来达到预防 “晕动病 ”的目的。 5

21、 【听力原文】 (5)Americas holiday shopping season started on Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. It is the busiest shopping day of the year. Retailers make the most money this time of year, about 20 percent to 30 percent of all revenue all year. In an era of instant information, more and more people

22、 will shop online. Shoppers can use their mobile phones to find deals.(6)Nearly 80 percent of this years holiday shoppers, or about 183.8 million people, will shop on Cyber Monday, says the NRF. More than half of all holiday purchases will be made online, they say. One-in-five Americans will use a t

23、ablet or smart phone.(7)NBC News reported that for many, shopping online was “a more comfortable alternative“ than crowded malls. (7)However, the shift to online shopping has had a big impact on “brick and mortar“ shopping malls. Since 2010, more than 24 shopping malls have closed and an additional

24、60 are struggling, according to Green Street Advisors. 5. When is the busiest shopping day of the year? 6. How many holiday shoppers will shop on Cyber Monday? 7. What does the news say about online shopping? 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻开头提到,黑色星期五标志着美国假日购物的开始,它是感恩节后的第二天,这是一年中最繁忙的购物节日。 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻中提

25、到,美国零售联盟称,今年近 80的消费者,约 1 838亿人将会在 “网络星期一 ”这一天疯狂购物。 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,国家广播公司报道称,对大多数人来说,便利的网上购物比起拥挤的商场更为舒适。然而,网上购物的风潮已经对实体商场造成很大影响。 Section B 8 【听力原文】 M: Come on, Sally. How are we going to convince everybody that Im the best candidate? W: It wont be easy! It seems you dont have any supporters.

26、 M: Thanks a lot! W: Oh, just kidding. Actually, I think once we show everyone how well you did as a class monitor last semester,(8)youre sure to be elected president of the Students Union. M: Well.(9)whats your strategy? W: One thing I was thinking of is to hang campaign posters in all the hallways

27、. M: But everybody puts up posters. We need to do something different. W: Let me finish:(10)The campus radio station is willing to let you have five minutes at 7:00 tomorrow morning to outline your plans for the year. Lots of students will hear you then. M: Great idea! Is that all we should do? W:(1

28、0)Ive also arranged for you to give a speech during dinner tomorrow. Over 100 students will be there. And you can answer questions after you finish speaking. M:(11)That means Id better come up with a speech tonight. How about showing it to you after English class tomorrow? W: Fine. Ill see you then.

29、 M: Youre really good at this.(9)Im glad you agreed to help me out. 8. What are the two speakers talking about? 9. What is the woman doing? 10. What suggestion does the woman give to the man? 11. What will the man do tonight? 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是讲话者在谈论什么。对话中女士说一旦男士向大家表明自己在上学期做班长是多么出色,那他肯定能当选为学生会主

30、席,接下来的内容也都围绕竞选学生会主席展开。因此,他们讨论的是学生会主席的竞选活动。 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士在做什么。男士要竞选学生会主席,向女士征求意见,女士为男士提供了竞选策略。由此可见,女士在帮助男士策划竞选。 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士 给男士的建议是什么。对话中女士给了男士三条建议,一是在走廊张贴海报,二是在校广播站用 5分钟的时间讲讲自己的规划,三是在明天晚饭期间做一个演讲。 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士今天晚上要做什么。对话最后,男士说他今晚要写出一篇演讲稿。 12 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Kate

31、. You look upset. Whats up? W: Well, Im trying to figure out where all my money has gone. M: Youve lost your money? Was it stolen? W: No, no,(12)I seem to have spent all my allowance for this month. Now I dont even have money to go out and eat. M: Hey, I thought you had a good part-time job at the s

32、upermarket. W: I do. I work about 20 hours a week, and the pay is not bad, $ 10 per hour. M: Really? So thats what, $ 200 a week. times four weeks.(13)so thats $ 800 a month. Thats not a bad income for a student! W: I know.(13)And my parents send me $ 250 a month, too. But. M: Wow, thats more than $

33、 1 000 a month. And you cant live on that? W:(14)No, I only manage to save about $ 10 a month. M: It sounds like you have a budget problem. Simple, either work more or spend less. W: Im definitely not going to work more. Ill have no time to study. M: So youd better start spending less. Why dont you

34、make a monthly budget? W: A budget? Hmm, maybe. Hey, you major in economics, right? M: Uh, yeah, why? W:(15)Well, youre the best person to help me make a budget! M:(15)Um, that really needs a lot of time. We need to sit down and talk. 12. Why does Kate look upset? 13. How much does the woman get eve

35、ry month? 14. What do we know about the woman? 15. What is the man probably going to do? 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是 Kate为什么看起来心烦意乱。对话开始,男士便说女士看起来心烦意乱,并问她发生了什么事;女士说她的钱在不知不觉中就花光了,现在连吃饭的钱都没有了。由此可知,女士因为缺钱感到心烦意乱。 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士每个月总共有多少钱。女士每个月兼职赚 800美元,另外父母寄给她 250美元的零花钱。因此,她每个月生活费是 1 050美元。 14 【

36、正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是我们能得知关于女士的什么信息。根据女士提到的经济情况可知, 她每月收入颇丰,但还是入不敷出。由此可见,她没有经济头脑。 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士有可能做什么。女士想让男士帮自己做经济预算,而男士回答说 “那需要一些时间,我们得坐下来谈。 ”言外之意,男士答应帮女士做预算。 Section C 16 【听力原文】 From the ancient times, marriage has been an important part of mans legal and religious systems.(16)In additi

37、on to the laws governing marriage that each nation establishes, marriage customs have grown up that vary widely from country to country. Anthropologists have studied and written about the numerous marriage ceremonies and customs that exist throughout the world. Lets see some of the customs and the r

38、easons for their existence in the United States. In the United States, once they meet certain legal age and medical requirements, people are free to choose their own mates. Once a couple has decided to get married, the man customarily gives the girl a diamond ring.(17)The use of a ring comes from th

39、e ancient custom of using a ring to seal an important agreement that they will be loyal to each other forever. When the wedding day is decided upon, the girl sends wedding announcements or invitations. Friends then send wedding gifts to the girls home.(18)On the wedding day, its supposed to be bad l

40、uck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding. Another old tradition that many people believe will bring good luck to the marriage is for the bride to wear “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.“ 16. What do we know about marriage according to the pa

41、ssage? 17. Why does a man give a diamond ring to a woman when they decide to get married? 18. What shouldnt a bride do before the wedding in the United States? 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是我们能从短文中了解到关于婚姻的什么信息。短文中提到,不同的国家不仅制定的婚姻法不同,在婚姻习俗方面也存在很大差异。 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是为什么当决定要结婚时男士要送女士钻戒。短文中提到,当决定要结婚时,男

42、士送给女士戒指是一个传统。戒指 代表着约束,女士接受戒指表示两人达成共识要永远对对方忠诚。 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是婚礼前新娘不能做什么。短文中明确提到,新郎新娘在婚礼之前见到对方是不吉利的。由此可以推断,婚礼前新娘不应该见新郎。 19 【听力原文】 The National Association of Colleges and Employers collects information on the college job market. NACEs latest survey in March found that employers expected to h

43、ire 22% fewer graduates this year than last year. It also showed that(20)just 1/5 of those who looked for jobs before graduation have got a job by now, which is compared to half of the students who had looked for a job by this time two years ago. Engineering and Accounting graduates were more likely

44、 to have started their job hunting and to get a job. And these two are among the best-paid professions for people with just a college degree.(19)So how can students increase their chances for a job? Ella at NACE says the most effective tool is a schools career counseling centre. Counselors can help

45、students with job applications and preparing for interviews. They also let students know about job openings and events like job recruitment fairs. They can also help first-year students decide what to study.(19)Another way to look for a job is to do an internship.(21)This is when a student gets expe

46、rience in a position that may or may not be paid. The latest NACE survey found that 73% of the graduates who did get jobs had completed an internship. The group reported in March that employers expected to increase hourly wage offers for college interns by 5% from last year. But, because of the econ

47、omy, employers reduced the number of internships available by 21%. 19. What is the speaker mainly talking about? 20. What can be inferred from NACEs latest survey? 21. What do we know about an internship from the passage? 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是讲话者主要讲了什么。短文开篇通过列举数字描述了求职难的现状,接着在下文中提出了增加就业 机会的两点建议。因此

48、,短文主要讲的是针对增加就业机会提出的建议。 20 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是我们能从 NACE最新的调查中推断出什么。短文中提到, NACE最新调查显示,今年的毕业生需求量比去年少 22,毕业前只有五分之一的学生找到了工作,而两年前的同一时间有:二分之一的人找到了工作。由此可以推断,对毕业生来说,今年找工作更难。 21 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是我们能从短文中了解到关于实习的什么信息。短文中提到,找工作的另一个途径是实习。学生通过实习能获 得工作经验,有时还有报酬,实习后找到工作的机会和加薪的机会比较大。由此可见,学生在实习中会获益匪浅。 22 【听力原文】

49、(22)Skin is the largest organ of the body. It is the bodys first barrier to infection. It keeps out many harmful bacteria and other things. It also keeps all the things we need in our bodies. The skin helps control body temperature. Glands(腺体 )on the skin release fluid to cool the body when it gets too hot. When a person gets too cold, blood passages in the skin become narrow. This helps trap heat inside the body. Like other organs of the body, skin can also have problems. Almost any teenager can tell you the most common disorder:


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