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1、笔译二级实务模拟试卷 24及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 When I saw the notice “Women film extras wanted“ in a local newspaper, I jumped at the chance. Since childhood, I had dreamt of being a film star. The casting interview went well, and two days later I was told that I had been chosen.

2、 I was to lose some of my enthusiasm for the idea, however extras are often left in the dark for some time as to which role they will play. Finally , the nature of my role was revealed: I was asked to play a mental hospital patient. Despite my disappointment, I agreed to participate. Then, barely a

3、week later, the day of filming dawned. An 13 of us extras, mainly housewives, were driven to an old hospital. The coffee and tea they served us looked and tasted like cement. Then we were rushed off to make-up. My hair was pinned back and make-up was applied that gave me a pale appearance. Then we j

4、ust sat in a minibus for a few hours, as the cameras rolled elsewhere. After the second hour had passed I was becoming bored. I bet stars are never treated like this, I thought. I had expected to be so busy that I hadnt come prepared for a long wait. Many of the others had brought a book or knitting

5、. Three hours had now passed. Then at last we were called to do our scenes. When the director came in, we were instructed where to stand and what to do. Along with a few others, I was told to sit at a table and weave baskets. This was not an easy task. The cane(藤条 )we had to use was very long. On se

6、veral occasions my basket fell apart in front of my very eyes. On others I only succeeded in hitting a cameraman in the eye. Life for the other extras was far from easy. Jean, who was barefoot, had to circle the floor. Poor Alice was asked to pretend to bang her head against the wall. Meanwhile, Ver

7、onica swept the floor. Thankfully, after just a few attempts, the scenes were done. And so my first taste of this“glorious“ career was over. Although I found the experience quite interesting. My first screen role will almost certainly be my last. 2 Libraries form a vital part of the worlds systems o

8、f communication and education. They make available knowledge accumulated through the ages. People in all walks of life use library resources in their work. People also turn to libraries to satisfy a desire for knowledge or to obtain material for leisure-time activity. In addition, many people enjoy

9、book discussions, concerts, film programs, lectures, story hours, and a variety of other activities provided by libraries. Libraries also play an important role in preserving a societys cultural heritage(遗产 ). The library ranks as one of societys most useful service institutions. The contents of lib

10、raries have changed so much through the years that the word library itself is, in a sense, inaccurate. The word comes from the Latin word liber, which means book. Todays libraries house many books, of course. However, they also have a wide variety of other materials that communicate, educate, and en

11、tertain. These materials include magazines, manuscripts(手稿 ), newspapers, and computer documents. Audio and visual materials include CDs, audiocassette tapes, videotapes, films, maps, paintings, and photographs. In addition to regular books, a library may have large-type books, books for the blind,

12、and tape recordings of books, called talking books. Librarians keep pace with the changing contents of libraries to serve as many people as possible. Their efforts have turned libraries into multimedia resource centers. The expansion of library contents greatly increases the librarys ability to comm

13、unicate and educate. For example, people interested in classical music can listen to CDs and read books on the topic. Students of agriculture can read magazines and watch videotapes on farming methods. Many people use magazines and newspapers to find the most up-to-date material on current events. I

14、n addition to expanding contents, librarians have developed many kinds of libraries to serve the needs of different people. The materials of each kind of library are selected to meet the needs of a specific group of patrons. School libraries have collections that provide the information needed by el

15、ementary and high school students. Public libraries tailor their collections to the general public. Government library collections are geared chiefly toward serving the needs of government officials. Thousands of special libraries provide information for professional people, such as advertising spec

16、ialists, bankers, editors, engineers, lawyers, physicians, and scientists. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 平常谈起幽默家,讲得最多的是: “幽默家其实是很伤感的人,是心已破碎的丑角。 ”这种说法有些道理。生活中的悲哀和忧郁,人皆有之。幽默家对此可能比平常人更敏感,于是就积极主动地去补偿。幽默可以使人不失面子,不伤感情地重建信心;可以用来表示道歉、拒绝、进行批评和让别人照你说的去办。幽默常常是防止小的误会升级形成隔阂的好办法,也是讨论敏感性问题时不至于引起冲突

17、的办法。中国人几千年来受到 “孝悌 ”和 “敬重 ”的教育和熏陶,缺乏上述意义的幽默感。按照中国的传统:国王、官吏、领导、父母以及任何比自己年长、资格高、 有名望的人都应该而且必须受到尊重 这些窒息了幽默感。此外,不同民族有各自不同的幽默方式,中国人也不例外,因此,按照字面意义直译未必能保留原文中的幽默。 4 每个人一生中都该有个志向,否则他的精力便会浪费掉。每个青年人都力求成为一个有成就的人物。一个青年人只期望富有是不明智的,或只专心于求得权利与名望也是不对的。一个青年人希望做个有成就者,结果常常会实现。狄斯累里(Disraeli)的故事是个例证。狄斯累里开始过公众生活时渴望能成为一个学者及

18、演说家。他在文学方面的成就比演说方面更为成功。起初他作 为一个演说家时是完全失败的。不过,他认为有把握克服障碍,遂以不屈不挠的精神致力于这个目标的实现。他的一些朋友认为他这个念头是蠢的,甚至是古怪的,但他坚持目标不舍,最后终于成功,成为英国曾经产生的最有丰富知识的学者与最雄辩的演说家之一。这个故事并不是引来说明:只是大学者或演说家,或二者兼而有之者才是有成就的人物。除了做学者或演说家之外,还有许多同样高尚与可敬的事业。它只是用来说明一个青年人须志向高远,因为 “宁可志高而达不到目标,也不要志低而达到 ” 笔译二级实务模拟试卷 24答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Trans

19、lation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 当我在当地的一张报纸上看到一则 “招聘女临时演员 ”的消息的时候,我高兴地跳了起来。从孩提时代开始,我就梦想着当一名电影明星。外形面试很顺利,两天以后就有人通知我,我被选上了。在等待的过程中,我几乎失去了所有的热情。然而临时演员通常都被放在背后,以便将来的某个时间有角色要扮演。最后,我所扮演的角色类型被敲定了:他们叫我扮演一个精神病患者。虽然我很失望,但是我还是同意参与这个角色。然后,仅仅一周之后,也就是影 片开拍的那天,我们 13个临时演员 (大部分都是家庭主妇 )被拉到了一所旧医院。他们给我们喝的咖啡和茶就像水泥一样,然后他们又催促我

20、们去化妆。我的头发被别在了后面,化了妆之后脸色苍白。然后我们就坐在一个迷你公共汽车上开始等着,只见摄像机在别处转着。 两小时过去后,我开始无聊起来。我敢打赌明星从来就不会遭到这样的待遇。我希望自己能够忙一点,而不是在这等这么久的时间。其他许多人不是在看书就是在织东西。 三小时过去了,最后我们终于被叫去试镜。当导演进来的时候,他告诉我们应该站在哪里,做些什么。他告诉我和 其他几个人坐在一张桌子上编织篮子。这不是一个容易的事,因为我们所使用的藤条很长。在好几场场景中,我的篮子都正好在我的眼前土崩瓦解了。在其他的场景中,我的成功只是我的藤条打中了一个摄影师的眼睛。 其他的临时演员工作也不轻松。琼不得

21、不赤着脚在地板上打转;可怜的爱丽丝还得假装往墙上撞;维罗妮卡扫地。 谢天谢地,尝试了几次之后,我们的场景就拍完了。我第一次尝试的这个 “光荣的 ”职业就这样结束了。虽然这次经历很有趣,但是我第一次的银幕表演也注定是我人生中最后一次表演。 2 【 正确答案】 图书馆在世界信息和教育系统中起着很重要的作用。 人类长年累月地通过图书馆积累有用的知识。各行各业的人都会在工作中用到图书馆资源。为了满足对知识的渴望或者打发业余时间,人们也会选择图书馆。此外,人们还喜欢由图书馆提供的各种各样的活动,比如说图书讨论、音乐会、电影节目、演讲、故事时间等。图书馆在保护社会文化遗产方面也起了非常重要的作用。图书馆被

22、列为社会最有用的服务机构。 许多年以来,从某种意义上来说,图书馆的内容改变得如此之多以至于文字图书馆本身变得不准确了。图书馆这个词来自 于拉丁词 “liber”,它的意思是 “书 ”。当然,如今的图书馆里收藏有许多书,不过,也有好多种关于交流、教育和娱乐的材料。这些材料包括杂志、手稿、报纸,以及电脑文件。 声音和视频材料包括光盘、磁带、录像带、影片、地图、油画和照片。 除了正常的书,图书馆还可能有为盲人准备的大的活字书,以及书的附带录音带,叫做会 “说话 ”的书。为了给尽可能多的人提供服务,图书馆员的工作也随着图书馆内容的改变而改变。他们努力使图书馆变成多媒体资源中心。 图书馆内容的扩充使其交

23、流和教育的能力大大提高。比如说,对 古典音乐感兴趣的人可以听光盘也可以阅读这类书籍。研究农业的学生可以看报纸也可以看关于农业知识的录像带。许多人在最近的杂志和报纸上寻找最新的材料。 为了满足不同的人的需要,除了扩充内容之外,图书馆员还发展了许多不同种类的图书馆。每个种类图书馆的材料都是为了满足某一个特定的读者团体的要求。学校图书馆里收藏的都是给初、高中生阅读的书;大众图书馆里收藏的都是给大众人民阅读的书;政府图书馆里收藏的主要是满足政府官员的需要的书。数千个专门图书馆都是用来给专业人士提供信息的。比如说广告精英、银行家、编辑、工程师、律师、医师,科学家,等等。 SECTION 1 Compul

24、sory Translation (20 points) 3 【正确答案】 Funsters are usually referred to as very sentimental or clowns with a broken heart. It sounds reasonable. Everyone has his/her own melancholy and gloom. To them, funsters may be more sensitive than ordinary people, and thereafter more willing to compensate them

25、positively. Humor may retain others face, and may rebuild ones confidence without hurting them. It could be used in a-pology and rejection, in criticizing others and even in making people do what you tell them. Furthermore, it could also prevent misunderstanding from upgrading to estrangement and av

26、oid conflict when people talk about sensitive issues. Influenced by thousands of years traditional education-“filial piety“ and “respect for authority“. Chinese lack such kind of sense of humor. According to traditional Chinese culture, emperor, officials, leaders, parents, elders, seniors are all t

27、he ones who should be respected all these oppress the sense of humor. However, different nations have different senses of human; with no exception of the Chinese. Therefore, literal translation may ruin the humors in the original text. 4 【正确答案】 Everyone should has an ambition in his lifetime, otherw

28、ise his energy will be wasted. Each young man endeavors to be a person with achievements. It is unwise for a young man who merely looks forward to becoming wealthy, or only to attend to pursue power and fame is also incorrect, a young man wishes to be an achiever, which is often actualized in the en

29、d. Here is an example about the story of Disraeli. When Disraeli began his public life, he was eager to become a scholar and speechmaker. He was more successful in the aspect of literature than in the aspect of speech. Initially he entirely failed as a speechmaker. However, he deemed that he was sur

30、e to surmount the obstacle, therefore he committed himself to the aims realization with persevering spirit. Some of his friends considered what he thought was stupid, even whimsical. But he persisted in his aim and finally succeeded. He became one of the most knowledgeable and eloquent speechmakers

31、who have ever appeared in Britain. The cited story is not to illustrate that only being a scholar or a speechmaker, or being both of them can be person with achievements. Apart from being scholar or speechmaker , there are a lot of same magnificent and worshipful career. The story is just used to illustrate that a young man needs to have lofty ambition, for “ we would rather have high ambition even not be able to obtain our aims than have low ambition in order to obtain them “.


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