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1、考博英语模拟试卷 249及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 The unfortunate death of the genius poet caused_ loss to this country. ( A) priceless ( B) countless ( C) incalculable ( D) imaginable 2 If you take a(n) _ course like her you can learn English in less than two years. ( A) intensive ( B) extensive ( C

2、) expansive ( D) retentive 3 The language experts believe that the _ age for learning a foreign language is 6 years old. ( A) conceptual ( B) considerate ( C) optimal ( D) component 4 Yet beyond that tragic picture, there is a revolution at work in world literature and art. ( A) reflective ( B) grie

3、vous ( C) intolerable ( D) illusive 5 The travel agency has a full program of _ , if tourists wish to visit local places of interest. ( A) expeditions ( B) excursions ( C) explorations ( D) propositions 6 I asked my mother if I could go out, and she _. ( A) descended ( B) contented ( C) consented (

4、D) ascended 7 The English language contains a (n)_of words which are comparative seldom used in ordinary conversation. ( A) altitude ( B) latitude ( C) multitude ( D) attitude 8 Regional planning deals with proposals concerning outlying communities and highways as well as with urban affairs. ( A) ou

5、tlandish ( B) exclusive ( C) exempted ( D) remote 9 Whenever he comes across a serious problem, he likes to _ it, namely, to think it about carefully and for a long time. ( A) contend ( B) contempt ( C) content ( D) contemplate 10 The day was breaking and people began to go to work so the murderer w

6、as unable to _ of the body. ( A) dispense ( B) dispose ( C) discard ( D) discharge 11 Researchers at Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh announced they had discovered _ evidence that a virus is involved in what used to be called juvenile diabetes. ( A) incessant ( B) compelling ( C) identical ( D) prob

7、lematic 12 Usually he managed to find plenty of work to _ him over hard times, I think it is a good idea. ( A) chew ( B) blow ( C) flip ( D) tide 13 This can help to_something that the students may not have comprehended. ( A) signify ( B) specify ( C) testify ( D) clarify 14 The policeman tried to _

8、 the teenage driver to obey the traffic laws rather than fine him directly. ( A) induce ( B) abduct ( C) indulge ( D) lure 15 Tony is very disappointed _ the results of the exam. ( A) with ( B) for ( C) toward ( D) on 16 A young man sees a sunset and, unable to understand or express the emotion that

9、 it _ in him, concludes that it must be the gateway to a world that lies beyond. ( A) reflects ( B) retains ( C) rouses ( D) radiates 17 Children are (among) the most frequent victims of violent, (drug-related) crimes (that) have nothing (doing with) the cost of acquiring the drugs. ( A) among ( B)

10、drug-related ( C) that ( D) doing with 18 Knowing that the cruel criminal has done a lot of unlawful things, I feel sure that I have no _ but to report him to the local police. ( A) time ( B) chance ( C) authority ( D) alternative 19 He was easily hurt because his feelings were very _. ( A) sensible

11、 ( B) sensational ( C) sensitive ( D) senseless 20 There are not many teachers who are strong _ of traditional methods in English teaching. ( A) sponsors ( B) contributors ( C) advocates ( D) performers 21 The children like to_the new English teacher, who has a noticeable manner of walking. ( A) tak

12、e out ( B) take over ( C) take down ( D) take off 22 The simplest animals are those whose bodies are simplest in structure and which do the things done by all living animals, such as eating, breathing, moving and feeling, in the most_way. ( A) bizarre ( B) primitive ( C) advantageous ( D) unique 23

13、In this age, education is considered an important key to success and minority groups especially are _ to better themselves by going to college. ( A) encouraging ( B) persuading ( C) persisting ( D) striving 24 The people living in these apartments have free _ to that swimming pool. ( A) excess ( B)

14、access ( C) excursion ( D) recreation 25 You are exposed to obtrusive ads that _ seemingly from nowhere even when you are disconnected from the Net, and your personal information gathered and sent off without you being aware of it. ( A) size up ( B) dwindle away ( C) conjure up ( D) pop up 26 As an

15、_ part of China, Kongkong returned to the embrace of its motherland in July, 199. ( A) explicit ( B) oriented ( C) integral ( D) optimal 27 They applied for a _ of 40,000 to buy a house. ( A) module ( B) momentum ( C) monopoly ( D) mortgage 28 The Americans and the British not only speak the same la

16、nguage but also a large number of social customs. ( A) join ( B) take ( C) share ( D) have 29 The rebel army is attempting to _ the government. ( A) christen ( B) subvert ( C) concoct ( D) harrow 30 The public might well sanction a wider range of programming than would strictly be implied by the “ga

17、p-filling “approach, but this is not certain. ( A) view ( B) approve ( C) coerce ( D) insist 二、 Cloze 30 Brazil has become one of the developing world s great successes at reducing population growth but more by accident than design. While countries such as India have made joint efforts to【 61】 birth

18、 rates, Brazil has had better result without really trying, says George Martine at Harvard. Brazil s population growth【 62】 has dropped from 2.99% a year between 1951 and 1960【 63】 1.93% a year between 1981 and 1990, and Brazilian women now have only 2.7 children on average. Martine says this【 64】 m

19、ay have fallen still further since 1990, an achievement that makes it the envy of many other Third World countries. Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas (通俗电视连续剧 )and installment (分期付款 ) plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important, although indirect,【 65】 in lowering

20、the birth rate. Brazil is one of the worlds biggest producers of soap operas. Globo, Brazil s most popular television network, shows three hours of soaps six nights a week, while three others show at least one hour a night. Most soaps are based【 66】 wealthy characters living the high life in big cit

21、ies. “Although they have never really tried to work in a message towards the problems of reproduction, they describe middle and upper class values-not many children, different attitudes towards sex, women working,“ says Martine “They sent this image to all parts of Brazil and【 67】 people conscious o

22、f other patterns of behavior and other【 68】 , which were put into a very attractive pack- age. “Meanwhile, the installment plans tried to【 69】 the poor to become consumers. “This led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and【 70】 was incompatible(不相 容的 )with un- limited reproduction,“ says M

23、artine. ( A) increase ( B) reduce ( C) extend ( D) improve ( A) rate ( B) speed ( C) pace ( D) step ( A) on ( B) to ( C) in ( D) at ( A) amount ( B) quantity ( C) deal ( D) figure ( A) role ( B) lead ( C) virtue ( D) roll ( A) in ( B) on ( C) for ( D) with ( A) make ( B) making ( C) made ( D) makes

24、( A) messages ( B) values ( C) ideas ( D) thoughts ( A) force ( B) obey ( C) encourage ( D) discourage ( A) relation ( B) consumption ( C) condition ( D) consideration 40 Predictions of large populations of robots in industry have yet to come true. For a decade or more, manufacturers of big robots h

25、ave explained how their machines can make industry more competitive and productive. The market for【 C1】 _robots is now oversupplied.and the driving force of the robotics (机器人技术 ) revolution is【 C2】 _to be with makers of machines that handle a few kilos at most. “Heavy-robot manufacturers are in some

26、 difficulty【 C3】 _finding customers. They are offering big【 C4】 _just to get in the door. There has been a【 C5】_growth everywhere in the numbers of robots,so we have to admit we are either deceiving【 C6】 _or that the market is slowly growing,“said John Reekie,Chairman of Colne Robotics. “The followi

27、ng things must happen【 C7】_the robotics revolution to occur. We must achieve widespread robot literacy (文化 ), 【 C8】 _there has been a computer literacy program,there must be a robot literacy campaign. We must also【 C9】 _not just a cut in,but a collapse of robot prices. 【 C10】 _,some kind of artifici

28、al intelligence needs to be available“. 41 【 C1】 ( A) small ( B) educational ( C) big ( D) business 42 【 C2】 ( A) claimed ( B) called ( C) said ( D) told 43 【 C3】 ( A) to ( B) with ( C) over ( D) in 44 【 C4】 ( A) money ( B) discounts ( C) prices ( D) costs 45 【 C5】 ( A) exciting ( B) encouraging ( C

29、) despairing ( D) disappointing 46 【 C6】 ( A) ourselves ( B) customers ( C) companies ( D) us 47 【 C7】 ( A) to ( B) for ( C) in ( D) with 48 【 C8】 ( A) as if ( B) even though ( C) just as ( D) although 49 【 C9】 ( A) finish ( B) reach ( C) accomplish ( D) achieve 50 【 C10】 ( A) However ( B) Finally (

30、 C) Whereas ( D) Therefore 51 【 C1】 ( A) attempt ( B) effort ( C) try ( D) endeavor 52 【 C7】 ( A) armchair ( B) throne ( C) altar ( D) couch 52 Motorways are, no doubt the safest roads in Britain. Mile【 41】 mile, vehicle for vehicle, you axe much【 42】 likely to be killed or seriously injured than on

31、 an ordinary road. On【 43】 hand, if you do have a serious accident on a motorway, fatalities are much more likely to【 44】 than in a comparable accident【 45】 on the roads. Motorways have no【 46】 bends, no roundabouts or traffic lights and【 47】 speeds are much greater than on other roads. Though the 7

32、0 mph limit is【 48】 in force, it is often treated with the contempt that most drivers have for the 30 mph limit applying in built up areas in Britain. Added to this is the fact that motorway drivers seem to like traveling in groups with perhaps【 49】 ten meters between each vehicle. The resulting hor

33、rific pile-ups【 50】 one vehicle stops for some reasonmechanical failure, driver error and so onhave become all【 51】 familiar through pictures in newspapers or on television. How【 52】 of these drivers realize that it takes a car about one hundred meters to brake to a stop【 53】 70 mph? Drivers also se

34、em to think that motorway driving gives them complete protection from the changing weather.【 54】 wet the road, whatever the visibility in mist or fog, they【 55】 at ridiculous speeds oblivious of police warnings or speed restrictions【 56】 their journey comes to a conclusion. Perhaps one remedy【 57】 t

35、his motorway madness would be better driver education. At present, learner drivers are barred【 58】 motorways and are thus as far as this kind of driving is【 59】 , thrown in at the deep end. However, much more efficient policing is required,【 60】 it is the duty of the police not only to enforce the l

36、aw but also to protect the general public from its own foolishness. ( A) for ( B) after ( C) to ( D) by ( A) more ( B) far ( C) less ( D) lesser ( A) another ( B) other ( C) one ( D) the other ( A) come up ( B) occur ( C) be found ( D) arise ( A) everywhere ( B) elsewhere ( C) anywhere ( D) somewher

37、e ( A) pointed ( B) steep ( C) vertical ( D) sharp ( A) thus ( B) then ( C) so ( D) thereupon ( A) yet ( B) even ( C) still ( D) subsequently ( A) utterly ( B) simply ( C) barely ( D) purely ( A) because ( B) since ( C) when ( D) for ( A) too ( B) also ( C) unduly ( D) unreasonably ( A) many ( B) mu

38、ch ( C) deeply ( D) profoundly ( A) to ( B) from ( C) at ( D) for ( A) Whatever ( B) However ( C) Whoever ( D) How ( A) push ( B) rake ( C) till ( D) plough ( A) unless ( B) before ( C) thus ( D) until ( A) to ( B) for ( C) of ( D) on ( A) from ( B) against ( C) away ( D) off ( A) related ( B) consi

39、dered ( C) concerned ( D) touched ( A) but ( B) then ( C) them ( D) for 72 At least since the Industrial Revolution, gender roles have been in a state of transition. As a result, cultural scripts about marriage have undergone change. One of the more obvious【 21】 has occurred in the roles that women【

40、 22】 . Women have moved into the world of work and have become adept at meeting expectations in that arena,【 23】 maintaining their family roles of nurturing and creating a(n)【 24】 that is a haven for all family members.【 25】 many women experience strain from trying to “do it all,“ they often enjoy t

41、he increased【 26】 that can result from playing multiple roles. As womens roles have changed, changing expectations about mens roles have become more【 27】 . Many men are relinquishing their major responsibility【 28】 the family provider. Probably the most significant change in mens roles, however, is

42、in the emotional【 29】of family life. Men are increasingly【 30】 to meet the emotional needs of their families,【 31】 their wives. In fact, expectations about the emotional domain of marriage have become more significant for marriage in general. Research on【 32】 marriage has changed over recent decades

43、 points to the increasing importance of the emotional side of the relationship, and the importance of sharing in the “emotion work“【 33】 to nourish marriages and other family relationships. Men and women want to experience marriages that are interdependent,【 34】 both partners nurture each other, att

44、end and respond to each other, and encourage and promote each other. We are thus seeing marriages in which mens and womens roles are becoming increasingly more【 35】 . ( A) incidents ( B) changes ( C) results ( D) effects ( A) take ( B) do ( C) play ( D) show ( A) by ( B) while ( C) hence ( D) thus (

45、 A) home ( B) garden ( C) arena ( D) paradise ( A) When ( B) Even though ( C) Since ( D) Nevertheless ( A) rewards ( B) profits ( C) privileges ( D) incomes ( A) general ( B) acceptable ( C) popular ( D) apparent ( A) as ( B) of ( C) from ( D) for ( A) section ( B) constituent ( C) domain ( D) point

46、 ( A) encouraged ( B) expected ( C) advised ( D) predicted ( A) not to mention ( B) as well as ( C) including ( D) especially ( A) how ( B) what ( C) why ( D) if ( A) but ( B) only ( C) enough ( D) necessary ( A) unless ( B) although ( C) where ( D) because ( A) pleasant ( B) important ( C) similar

47、( D) manageable 三、 Reading Comprehension 87 Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats there has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biological diversity from the number of species in a particular ecosystem to the health of the Earth and human being. Mu

48、ch has been written about the diversity of terrestrial organisms, particularly the exceptionally rich life associated with tropical rain-forest habitats. Relatively little has been said, however, about diversity of life in the sea even though coral reef systems are comparable to rain forests in term

49、s of richness of life. An alien exploring Earth would probably give priority to the planets dominant, most distinctive featurethe ocean. Humans have a bias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly examining global issues. Seen from far away, it is easy to realize that landmasses occupy one-third of the Earths surface. Given that two-thirds of the Earths surface is water and that marin


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