ASTM C966-1998(2008) Standard Guide for Installing Asbestos-Cement Nonpressure Pipe《石棉水泥无压管道的安装标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM C966-1998(2008) Standard Guide for Installing Asbestos-Cement Nonpressure Pipe《石棉水泥无压管道的安装标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM C966-1998(2008) Standard Guide for Installing Asbestos-Cement Nonpressure Pipe《石棉水泥无压管道的安装标准指南》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: C 966 98 (Reapproved 2008)Standard Guide forInstalling Asbestos-Cement Nonpressure Pipe1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 966; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revisi

2、on. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This guide covers the methods of installing asbe

3、stos-cement (A-C) nonpressure sewer and storm drain pipe andfittings covered by Specification C 428 and Specification C 663to utilize the materials performance properties to the fullestadvantage. Included are recommendations and directives forstoring, handling, and transporting pipe, trench excavati

4、on,pipe embedment, recommended work practices, assembly andinstallation, backfill placement, and field testing of installedpipe and fittings in pipelines.1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded asstandard. The values stated in parentheses are provided forinformation only.1.3 WarningBrea

5、thing of asbestos dust is hazardous.Asbestos and asbestos products present demonstrated healthrisks for users and for those with whom they come into contact.In addition to other precautions, when working with asbestos-cement products, minimize the dust that results. For informa-tion on the safe use

6、of chrysotile asbestos, refer to “Safe Use ofChrysotile: A Manual on Preventive and Control Measures.”21.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and h

7、ealth practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 This guide references the following documents. Theyform a part of this guide to the extent specified herein. In anycase of conflict, the directives of this guide shall prevail.2.2 ASTM

8、Standards:3C 428 Specification for Asbestos-Cement NonpressureSewer PipeC 663 Specification for Asbestos-Cement Storm Drain PipeD 1869 Specification for Rubber Rings for Asbestos-Cement PipeD 2946 Terminology for Asbestos and AsbestosCementProducts2.3 ANSI Standard:4C 111 Rubber Gasket Joints for Ca

9、st Iron and Ductile IronPipe and Fittings2.4 Other Standards:AASHTO T-99: Method of Test for Moisture-Density Rela-tionships for Soils5AWWA M-16: Work Practice for Asbestos-Cement Pipe6AWWA A21.11: Rubber Gasket Joints for Cast Iron andDuctile Iron, Pipe, and Fittings6OSHA: Construction Standards an

10、d Regulations, U.S. Dept.of Labor, Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration7WPCF FD-5 Manual Practice No. 60 ASCE Manuals andReports on Engineering Practice8Method T-99 Compaction and Density of Soils53. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsRefer to Terminology D 2946 for addi-tional definitions.3.1.1 comp

11、acted backfillbackfill material that has beencompacted to a density as specified by the engineer.3.1.2 constructor, nthe party that furnishes the work andmaterials for placement or installation.3.1.3 crushing strength, n for pipes, a property of solidmaterial that indicates its ability to withstand

12、collapse fromexternal, compressive loads.3.1.4 engineer, nthe person, firm, corporation or govern-ment agency acting for the purchaser as a duly authorized agentin the designing and engineering of the project.1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C17 on Fiber-Reinforced Cement Prod

13、ucts and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeC17.03 on Asbestos - Cement Sheet Products and Accessories.Current edition approved May 1, 2008. Published July 2008. Originally approvedin 1992. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as C 966-98(2003)1.2Available from The Asbestos Institute, htt

14、p:/ referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.4Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 4

15、2nd St., 13thFloor, New York, NY 10036.5American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 444 N.Capitol St., NW, Ste. 225, Washington, DC 20001.6Available from American Water Works Association, 6666 W. Quincy Ave.,Denver, CO 80235.7OSHA Construction Standards and Regulations, avail

16、able from U.S. Dept. ofLabor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration.8Available from Water Pollution Control Federation, 2626 Pennsylvania Ave.NW, Washington, DC 20037.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.1.5 fitt

17、ing, nfor pipes, component such as wyes, teesand adaptors for use in laying asbestos-cement pipe, such that,when properly installed, yields an assembly equivalent inserviceability and strength to the pipe sections.3.1.6 inspector, nin pipe laying, an authorized represen-tative of the engineer, or pu

18、rchaser, assigned to make anyinspections of the work performed, including materials andequipment furnished.3.1.7 lot, nin asbestos-cement nonpressure sewer pipe,for pipe sizes 150 mm (6 in.) and smaller, those lengths of pipeof that size, class, and type manufactured during the same workshift. For p

19、ipe sizes 200 mm (8 in.) through 525 mm (21 in.),each 300 lengths of pipe or less, of identical size, class, andtype manufactured on each machine during a 24-h period. Forpipe sizes larger than 525 mm (21 in.) each 300 lengths of pipeor less, of identical size, class, and type manufactured on eachma

20、chine during a period of consecutive working days notexceeding 7 days.3.1.8 lot, nin asbestos-cement storm drain pipe, for pipesizes 525 mm (21 in.) in diameter and smaller, each 300lengths of pipe or less, of identical class and size manufacturedon each machine during a 24-h period. For pipe larger

21、 than 525mm (21 in.), each 300 lengths of pipe or less, of identical classand size manufactured on each machine during a period ofconsecutive working days not exceeding 7 days.3.1.9 manufacturer, nthe party that manufactures, fabri-cates, or produces materials or products.3.1.10 package unit, n in p

22、ipe laying, several units ofasbestos-cement pipe bound together for the purpose of beingtransported and, when desired, unloaded at the job site.3.1.11 plans and specifications, nin pipe laying, docu-ments prepared by the engineer or purchaser, or both, stipulat-ing work to be done and materials to b

23、e used which, combinedwith other contract documents and this guide, form the basisfor a comprehensive contract between the purchaser and theconstructor.3.1.12 purchaser, nthe person, company or organizationthat purchases any materials or work to be performed.3.1.13 supplier, nthe party who supplies

24、material orservices. A supplier may or may not be the manufacturer.4. Significance and Use4.1 This guide is not intended to supply design informationnor to assume the responsibility of the engineer in establishingprocedures to attain satisfactory performance best suited toindividual job conditions.

25、A review of this guide is recom-mended prior to supplementing it, as appropriate, with theconditions and requirements of the owner and engineer.5. Material Selection, Acceptance, Storage and Handling5.1 Acceptance:5.1.1 Rejection of Damaged or Defective PipeAt the timeof delivery, all material shall

26、 be examined for defects anddamage. Any material that is defective or damaged shall berejected and removed from the job site.5.1.2 Replacement of Damaged PipeMaterial that is sup-plied by the purchaser and rejected at the point of deliverybecause of defects or damage shall be replaced by thepurchase

27、r. Material that is supplied by the contractor andrejected at the point of delivery because of defects or damageshall be replaced by the constructor. Material damaged afteracceptance by the constructor shall be replaced by the con-structor.5.2 StorageSafe storage shall be provided for all materialun

28、til it has been incorporated into the completed project. Theinterior of all pipe, couplings, rings, fittings, and other acces-sories shall be kept free from dirt and other foreign matter at alltimes. Fittings shall be drained and stored in a manner that willkeep them from damage by freezing.5.3 Hand

29、lingAt all times material shall be handled withcare to avoid damage. Whether moved by hand, skidways, orhoists, material shall not be dropped, bumped, or allowed toimpact on itself.5.4 RehandlingAll materials which are to be supplied bythe purchaser shall be claimed at the locations designated in th

30、epurchasers specifications and hauled to and distributed at thework site by the constructor.5.5 Unloading at Work SiteWhen distributing the materialat the work site, it shall be unloaded adjacent to or near thelocation where it is to be installed.6. General and Detailed Work to be Performed6.1 Align

31、ment and GradeAll pipe shall be laid to andmaintained at the lines and grades required by the purchaser.Fittings shall be installed at the required locations with jointscentered and plumb. No deviation shall be made from therequired line or grade without the approval of the purchaser orthe purchaser

32、s agent.6.2 Excavation and Preparation of Trench:6.2.1 The trench shall be excavated to the required align-ment and depth shown on the purchasers drawings or assubsequently approved in writing by the purchaser, and only sofar in advance of pipe laying as permitted by the purchasersspecifications.6.2

33、.2 Excavation MethodsWhen necessary to preventcaving, trench excavations shall be sheeted and braced orsloped according to applicable laws and ordinances. Whensheeting and bracing are used, the trench width shall not be lessthan that specified in 6.2.3. As backfill is placed and sheetingis withdrawn

34、, it shall be withdrawn vertically in increments ofnot more than 0.3 m (1 ft), and the void left by the withdrawnsheeting shall be filled and compacted before withdrawing thenext increment. All excavated material shall be piled in amanner that will not endanger the work or obstruct sidewalksand driv

35、eways. Gutters shall be kept clear or other provisionsmade for surface drainage.6.2.3 Trench WidthThe trench width shall be ampled topermit the pipe to be laid and jointed properly and the backfillto be placed and compacted as specified by the purchaser.Trenches shall be of such extra width, when re

36、quired, to permitthe convenient placing of timber supports and sheeting andbracing, as well as the handling of specials.6.2.4 Trench PreparationThe trench shall be prepared forthe direct placement of the pipe. This preparation includesdigging coupling holes in the trench bottom or bedding, orplacing

37、 properly prepared mounds as specified by the pur-chaser. (Illustrations of the various bedding conditions areC 966 98 (2008)2presented in AWWA Standards C 401 and C 403, and also inANSI Standards C 401 and C 403.)6.2.5 Excavation in Poor Soil and Refilling to GradeAnypart of the trench excavated be

38、low grade shall be backfilled tograde with thoroughly compacted material approved by thepurchaser. When an unstable subgrade condition is encoun-tered and, in the opinion of the purchaser, it cannot support thepipe, an additional depth shall be excavated and refilled to pipefoundation grade with cru

39、shed stone or other suitable materialas required by the purchaser to achieve a satisfactory trenchbottom.6.2.6 Pipe laid on trench bottom or bedding. Before the pipeis lowered into the trench, the constructor shall: Excavate a coupling hole having sufficient length,width, and depth to permit

40、assembly and provide a minimumclearance of 50 mm (2 in.) below the coupling, and6.2.6.2 Provide the pipe with continuous support betweencoupling holes.NOTE 1Use of granular material for bedding is recommended as apreferred method of preparing the trench bottom for pipe installation.6.2.7 Pipe Laid o

41、n Earth MoundsPipe shall be laid onearth mounds of backfill material compacted firmly in placeand of a size adequate to hold the pipe in alignment and tomaintain a 50 mm (2 in.) minimum clearance from coupling totrench bottom. Each pipe shall be laid on two mounds with thecentre of each mound placed

42、 approximately one fifth of thepipe length from each end. The trench shall be excavated aminimum of 50 mm (2 in.) below the grade of the bottom of theoutside diameter of the coupling, and high spots betweencouplings shall be leveled in order to maintain a minimum of50 mm (2 in.) under the pipe barre

43、l. The clearance between thetrench bottom and the bottom of the coupling and pipe shall bebackfilled properly, using material approved by the purchaser.The material shall be compacted using appropriate equipmentto provide a firm and uniform bedding along the entire lengthof the pipe.NOTE 2Earth moun

44、ds have been used in some areas with success.However, if this method is to be used, particularly for small pipe sizes,caution should be exercised to ensure that (1) proper clearance ismaintained between the pipe or coupling and the trench bottom, and (2)after pipe placement, the earth beneath the en

45、tire length of the pipeincluding the coupling is properly placed beneath the pipe and iscompacted to a uniform density specified by the purchaser.7. Laying of Pipe7.1 Lowering of Pipe and Accessories into TrenchPipeshall not be lowered into the trench until the pipe bed has beenbrought to grade. All

46、 pipe and accessories shall be inspectedfor defects. Dirt and other foreign matter shall be removedfrom the interior and the machined ends before lowering intothe trench. Pipe and accessories shall be lowered carefully intothe trench by hand or with suitable equipment in a manner thatwill prevent da

47、mage to pipe and fittings or injury to theinstallers. The sealing surfaces of all materials shall be keptclean during installation.7.2 Pipe JointsThe machined ends of pipe to be jointed,coupling grooves, and rubber rings shall be cleaned immedi-ately before assembly, and assembly shall be made as re

48、com-mended by the manufacturer. Care shall be taken not to reversethe gasket when placing it in the coupling. Each pipe joint shallbe sealed with a coupling consisting of an asbestos-cementsleeve and two rubber rings conforming to SpecificationD 1869 or an equivalent coupling or joint of equivalents

49、trength and performance. The pipe joint shall not be deflectedeither vertically or horizontally beyond the limits recom-mended by the manufacturer.7.3 When pipe-laying is not in progress, the open ends ofinstalled pipe shall be closed to prevent entrance of debris.7.4 Whenever water is in the pipe trench, enough backfillshall be placed on the pipe to prevent it from floating.Any pipethat has floated shall be removed from the trench and thebedding corrected to conform to 6.2.4. No pipe shall be laidwhen


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