ASTM E829-2016 5426 Standard Practice for Preparing Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Laboratory Samples for Analysis《制备分析用废弃物衍生燃料 (RDF) 实验室样品的标准实施规程》.pdf

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ASTM E829-2016 5426 Standard Practice for Preparing Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Laboratory Samples for Analysis《制备分析用废弃物衍生燃料 (RDF) 实验室样品的标准实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E829-2016 5426 Standard Practice for Preparing Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Laboratory Samples for Analysis《制备分析用废弃物衍生燃料 (RDF) 实验室样品的标准实施规程》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM E829-2016 5426 Standard Practice for Preparing Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Laboratory Samples for Analysis《制备分析用废弃物衍生燃料 (RDF) 实验室样品的标准实施规程》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E829-2016 5426 Standard Practice for Preparing Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Laboratory Samples for Analysis《制备分析用废弃物衍生燃料 (RDF) 实验室样品的标准实施规程》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: E829 16Standard Practice forPreparing Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Laboratory Samplesfor Analysis1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E829; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last

2、revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers the preparation of RDF laboratorysamples for analysis, the laboratory samples having beenpreviously ob

3、tained from representative RDF samples.1.2 The determination of the air-dry loss of the RDF is partof this preparation procedure and must be performed prior tothe particle size reduction.1.3 The practice given may also be used for other RDFtypes but additional sample preparation steps may be necessa

4、ryprior to the application of this method.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulator

5、y limitations prior to use. Specific hazardstatements are given in Section 7.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D5681 Terminology for Waste and Waste ManagementD6044 Guide for Representative Sampling for Managementof Waste and Contaminated MediaE180 Practice for Determining the Precision of

6、ASTMMethods for Analysis and Testing of Industrial and Spe-cialty Chemicals (Withdrawn 2009)3E790 Test Method for Residual Moisture in Refuse-DerivedFuel Analysis SamplesE791 Test Method for Calculating Refuse-Derived FuelAnalysis Data from As-Determined to Different Bases3. Terminology3.1 Definitio

7、nsFor definitions of terms common to wasteand waste management used in this practice, refer to Termi-nology D5681 and ASTM STP 832.43.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 air-dryinga process of partially drying RDF to bringits moisture content to near equilibrium with the ambientat

8、mosphere in which further reduction, division, and charac-terization of the sample are to take place. In order to bringabout this equilibrium, the RDF is usually subjected to dryingunder controlled temperature conditions ranging from 30 to40C.3.2.2 analysis samplefinal subsample prepared from theair

9、-dried laboratory sample but reduced by passing through amill with a 0.5-mm (0.02-in.) size or smaller final screen.3.2.3 biasa constant or systematic error in the test results.The error is a persistent positive or negative deviation from theaccepted reference value.3.2.4 gross samplea sample repres

10、enting one lot andcomposed of a number of increments on which neither reduc-tion nor division has been performed.3.2.5 laboratory samplea representative portion of thegross sample received by the laboratory for further analysis.3.2.6 lota large designated quantity (greater than thequantity of the fi

11、nal sample) of RDF that can be represented bya properly selected gross sample.3.2.7 precisiona term used to indicate the capability of aperson, an instrument, or a method to obtain reproducibleresults; specifically, a measure of the random error as ex-pressed by the variance, the standard error, or

12、a multiple of thestandard error.3.2.8 refuse-derived fuelsolid forms of refuse-derived fu-els from which appropriate analytical samples may be prepareddefined as follows in ASTM STP 832:4RDF1Waste used as a fuel in as-discarded form withonly bulky wastes removedRDF2Waste processed to coarse particle

13、 size with or1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D34 on WasteManagementand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D34.01.06 on Ana-lytical Methods.Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2016. Published February 2016. Originallyapproved in 1981. Last previous edition approved i

14、n 2002 as E816 02, which waswithdrawn December 2002 and reinstated in February 2016. DOI: 10.1520/E0829-16.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the stand

15、ards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced, H.I. Thesaurus on resource recovery terminology. Philadelphia:American Society for Testing and Materials, 1983Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Dr

16、ive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1without ferrous metal separation.RDF3combustible waste fraction processed to particlesizes, 95 % weight passing 2-in. screening.RDF4Combustible waste processed into powder form,95 weight % passing 10-mesh screening.RDF5Combustible was

17、te densified (compressed) into theform of pellets, slugs, cubettes, or briquettes.3.2.9 representative samplea sample collected in such amanner that it has characteristics equivalent to the lot sample.3.2.10 sample divisionthe process of extracting a smallersample from a sample so that the represent

18、ative properties ofthe larger sample are retained. During this process it is assumedthat no change in particle size or other characteristics occurs.3.2.11 sample preparationthe process that includesdrying, size reduction, division, and mixing of a laboratorysample for the purpose of obtaining an unb

19、iased analysissample.3.2.12 sample reductionthe process whereby sample par-ticle size is reduced without change in sample weight.3.2.13 significant lossany loss that introduces a bias infinal results that is of appreciable importance to concernedparties.4. Summary of Practice4.1 Sample moisture is r

20、educed by air-drying to allow themechanical reduction of the sample without significant changeto the samples fuel properties. The final sample is in a formsuitable for further analysis.5. Significance and Use5.1 Using this procedure a sample of RDF can be convertedinto a physical form suitable for l

21、aboratory fuel analysis.5.2 As indicated in Test Method E791, air-dry moisture,which is determined by this procedure, is essential to thecalculation of other laboratory results on an as-received basis.The air-dry moisture value is used in conjunction with theresults of the residual moisture determin

22、ation in Test MethodE790 to calculate total sample moisture.6. Apparatus6.1 Air-Drying:6.1.1 Drying OvenAlarge chamber mechanical draft ovencapable of maintaining a controlled temperature in the rangefrom 25 to 40 6 1C. Air changes should be at the rate of oneto four changes per minute. Air flow sho

23、uld be baffled toprevent samples from being blown out of the sample contain-ers.6.1.2 Drying PanA noncorroding pan or mesh basket tobe used for holding the sample during air-drying operations.6.1.3 Balance (Laboratory Sample)Abalance of sufficientcapacity to weigh the sample and container with a sen

24、sitivity of0.1 g.6.2 Sample Reduction:6.2.1 MillA mill operating on the principle of cutting orshearing action shall be used for sample particle size reduction.It shall have the capability to regulate the particle size of thefinal product by means of either interchangeable screens or milladjustments

25、. The mill shall be enclosed and should generate aminimum amount of heat during the milling process tominimize the potential for loss of moisture. The final productshall pass through a 0.5-mm or smaller screen into a receiverintegral with the mill. Access should be provided so that themill can be qu

26、ickly and easily cleaned between samples.6.3 Analysis Sample ContainersHeavy, vapor imperviousbags, properly sealed; or noncorroding cans, glass jars, orplastic bottles with airtight sealing covers may be used to storeRDF samples for analysis. Containers shall be checked forsuitability by measuring

27、weight loss or gain of the sample andcontainer stored for 1 week under ambient laboratory condi-tions. The weight loss or gain should be less than 0.5 % of thesample weight stored in the container.6.4 Drying OvenA drying oven of either the mechanicalor natural circulation type which is capable of co

28、nstant uniformtemperature within the specimen chamber regulated at107 6 3C.6.5 ShredderA laboratory shredder capable of shreddingor cutting larger particle sizes of solid waste. The final productshall pass through a 2-in. or smaller screen into a receiverintegral with the shredder.NOTE 1A garden-typ

29、e shrubbery shredder equipped with a screen andbag for collection of shredded samples is satisfactory.7. Hazards7.1 Due to the origins of RDF in municipal waste, precau-tions should be observed when conducting tests on samples.Recommended practices include use of gloves when handlingRDF; wearing dus

30、t masks (NIOSH-approved), especially whileshredding RDF samples; conducting tests under a negativepressure hood when possible; and washing hands before eating,using the restroom, or smoking.7.2 Laboratory sample handling and reduction shall beperformed by trained personnel. If all precautions regard

31、ingsample preparations are not followed, the error in the prepara-tion may bias some or all of the analyses performed on thesample.7.2.1 All preparative steps shall be done rapidly and in asfew operations as possible, since moisture loss depends onseveral factors other than total moisture content, s

32、uch as timerequired for milling, atmospheric temperature and humidity,and the type of laboratory sample reduction equipment.7.2.2 At all times RDF samples should be protected frommoisture change due to exposure to rain, snow, and sun, orcontact with absorbent materials.7.2.3 Samples should be transp

33、orted to the laboratory andanalyzed as soon as possible. If any sample-handling stepinvolved an extended time period, the sample and containershould be weighed before and after the process to determineany weight gain or loss. This weight gain or loss shall beincluded in the calculation of moisture c

34、ontent.7.2.4 Force-feeding of the sample through the mill canoverload the motor. An overload can cause rapid heating of therotor and mill chamber with possible loss of residual moisture.E829 1628. SamplingNOTE 2See Guide D60448.1 RDF products are frequently inhomogeneous. For thisreason significant

35、care should be exercised to obtain a repre-sentative sample from the RDF lot to be characterized.8.2 The sampling method for this procedure should be basedon agreement between involved parties.8.3 For this procedure the laboratory sample size willnormally not exceed 2 kg with some variation possible

36、depending on laboratory equipment availability and samplesize requirements.8.3.1 Due to the heterogeneous nature of RDF, dividing alaboratory sample to a very small size analyses sample mayresult in unrepresentative results. Since milling operations mixthe sample as well as reduce particle size, lab

37、oratory samplesshould not be divided before the initial preparation steps havebeen completed.9. Procedure9.1 Weigh the entire laboratory sample into a tared dryingpan. Sample depth in the drying pan shall be no greater than100 mm (4 in.) and any lumps of sample should be broken up.Use more than one

38、pan if necessary. If a very fine mesh-typedrying pan is used, size the mesh such that the sample will notbe lost.9.2 Air-dry the sample at 10 to 15C above ambienttemperature, but not greater than 40C above ambient tempera-ture until the weight loss is less than 0.1 % of the sampleweight per hour. Sa

39、mples can normally be allowed to air-dryfor a set time period such as overnight or 24 h. To speed thedrying stage the sample may be carefully stirred avoiding lossof sample.NOTE 3The air discharge of the forced draft air-drying oven should befiltered prior to discharge to minimize laboratory contami

40、nation byair-entrained RDF dust.9.3 Separate and weigh the sample millables and nonmill-ables for classification and use, or analysis, if necessary.Calculate the millables and nonmillables as described in Dry a representative portion of the air-dried millablefraction at 107 6 3C to constant

41、 weight as follows:9.4.1 Heat a clean, empty drying pan at a minimum tem-perature of 107 6 3C for at least 1 h. Cool to ambienttemperature, and transfer the millable fraction to a desiccatorand tare weigh to an accuracy of 0.5 g.9.4.2 Place the laboratory sample of RDF in the dryingpan(s). A maximum

42、 sample depth of 50 to 100 mm isrecommended. Weigh the pan and sample to an accuracy of 0.5g. More than one drying pan may be necessary.NOTE 4If a mesh-type pan is used, place a clean sheet of aluminumfoil under the pan to check for any sample fall through. If any occurs, asmaller-mesh drying pan is

43、 required.9.4.3 Place the pan and sample in a drying oven at107 6 3C for a minimum of 1 h.NOTE 5Observe the sample periodically to make certain that thesample does not decompose or ignite at this temperature.9.4.4 After an appropriate drying time, remove the pan andsample from the oven and place in

44、a desiccator to cool. Whencool, weigh the sample and pan to the nearest 0.5 g.9.4.5 Place the sample and pan in the oven for an additional1 h at 107 6 3C.9.4.6 Remove the sample and pan and place in the desicca-tor to cool to ambient temperature. When cool, weigh thesample and pan to the nearest 0.5

45、 g. If the sample weight losswas less than 0.1 % h of the original sample weight, thedetermination is complete; if not, repeat 9.4.5 and 9.4.6.NOTE 6At this point the dried sample can be used for further analysisif desired.9.4.7 Calculate the moisture of the nonmilled millablefraction of the laborat

46、ory sample as described in Reduce the air-dried sample to a smaller particle size byusing a cutting- or shearing-type shredder or mill. The finalproduct should pass through a 0.5-mm or smaller screen.Depending on the specific RDF product, this step may involvemore than one stage or reductio

47、n, that is, passing the samplethrough a shredder or mill with larger size screens first and thenmilling to pass the final screen. Even though the sample hasbeen air dried, minimum atmospheric exposure is recom-mended and the milling process should be conducted such as toavoid significant moisture ch

48、ange. If necessary, the milledsample should be well mixed by either manual or mechanicalmeans to ensure thorough mixing of heavy fine particles andmilled “fluff”.9.6 The mixed, air-dried, finely ground laboratory samplecan then be further subdivided to an analysis-size sample (seeNote 7). Retain a m

49、inimum of 50 g as the analysis sample.Anydivision method used shall ensure that the retained analysissample is representative of the original laboratory sample.NOTE 7If it is possible to riffle the product, a small laboratory rifflecan be used to divide the sample. If it is not possible to riffle the sample,use some other valid method to divide the sample.9.7 Keep the analysis sample in a labeled sample containerhaving a moisture-tight seal.9.8 Determine the residual moisture of the analysis sampleas described in Test Method E790.10.


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