1、 ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONMaterial Name Specification NumberDate Para. No. Revisions1983-02-10 Revised flash,gates, etc. removed. All visible surfaces shallbe highly polished unless otherwise specified.3.2 METALLIC AND/OR COLOR COAT3.2.1 Metallic CoatingShall be applied by the vacuum vapori
2、zation process overclear lacquered plastic and shall be protected by means ofa pigmented top coat over the metallic coating.3.2.2 PaintShall conform to the Ford Motor company engineeringmaterial specification designated on the drawing orapplicable color chart.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESF-M5
3、P2-APage 2 of 33.2.3 AppearanceColor of the metallic and/or paint coatings shall matchFord Motor company approved color standard samples.3.3 SAMPLING AND TESTINGNine samples of each part shall be submitted by each supplier fortesting. Eight shall be tested, the ninth being held as an “asreceived“ pa
4、rt for comparison. All parts to be tested shall beattached to the assembly, or a portion thereof, to which they are acomponent. This assembly shall be the unit to be cycled throughthe indicated stability tests.3.4 STABILITY TESTS3.4.1 Stability3.4.1.1 During, or as a result of, any of these tests,pa
5、rts shall not warp, crack, craze, check orsustain a dimensional change outside thetolerances specified on the part drawing. Bright metal surfaces shall show no indicationsof oxidizing, peeling, blistering, tarnishing orother discoloration. Painted surfaces shall show no indications ofc
6、hecking, peeling or chalking and no more thanslight fading.3.4.2 Interior Parts3.4.2.1 Resistance to Artificial Weathering(FLTM BO 15-1) Heat Test24 h exposure in a mechanical convection ovenmaintained at 80 +/- 2 C or as specified onengineering drawing.3.4.3 Exterior Parts3.4.3.1 Resistance
7、to Cycling(FLTM BO 15-1) Heat Test24 h exposure in a mechanical convection ovenmaintained at 80 +/- 2 C or as specified onengineering drawing. High Humidity400 h exposure in a humidity cabinet maintainedat 98 +/- 2 % R.H. and 38 +/- 1 C.ENGINEERING MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONESF-M5P2-APage
8、3 of Weatherometer, min 400 h(FLTM BO 1-1) Scratch and Adhesion TestScratch the finished surface with a sharpinstrument about 16 lines/in (25 mm) in onedirection. Scratch at right angles to the firstlines forming complete squares. A 3/4 in (19 mm)wide strip of adhesive cellophane tap
9、e(ESB-M3G68-A) shall be applied to the scratchedsurface. Upon quick removal of the tape, none ofthe finish shall adhere to the tape.3.5 LIGHT REFLECTIONThe mirror bright non-colored metal surfaces shall reflect not lessthan 40 % of the measured intensity of any light source.Test Method: A beam of li
10、ght of known intensity shall be directedat a given area of any portion of the bright metal surface. Theamount of reflected light shall be measured by means of aphotoelectric cell in combination with a milliammeter. Anycomparable method of measuring this property may be used.3.6 SUPPLIERS RESPONSIBIL
11、ITYMaterial supplied to this specification must be equivalent to thatoriginally approved. Changes in formulation or processing shallnot be made without prior approval as described in SupplierProcedure I-A.4. APPROVAL OF SUPPLIERSSuppliers to this specification must be approved by the affected productengineering office. Procedure for gaining approval of a specificmaterial to a new/existing ES-M specification is contained in SupplierProcedure I-A. Approved new suppliers will be added to the EngineeringMaterials Approved Source List.