1、 3 (EN 1010-3:2002, IDT) , ()INTERSTATE COUNCIL FOR STANDARDIZATION, METROLOGY AND CERTIFICATION(ISC) EN1010-32011, 1.092 . 1.22009 . , - . , , -, 1 - ()2 3 , (- 29.11.2011 . 40) : ( 3166) 00497 ( 3166) 00497 AZAMBYGEKZKGMDRUTJTMUZUA - 4 13 2011 . 960- EN 1010-32011 1 2013 .5 EN 1010-3:2002+1:2009 S
2、afety of machinery Safety requirements for the design and construction ofprinting and paper converting machines Part 3: Cutting machines ( . - . 3. ). (en). - . (IDT). 1010-320096 ( ) - . , - . - C, 2013 -, II N 1010-32011C1 .12 13 24 .35 / 45.1 .45.2 .45.3 .85.4 105.5 , 115.6 .115.7 125.8 .126 / .1
3、37 157.1 15 A () 17 () 1819III N 1010-32011 , E 1010-3:2002+1:2009, 98/37/ (E), , - , - , 98/37/EC. EN 1010-3:2002+1:2009 CE/T 198 , DIN (). EN 10702003. - / N 1010-1., c, -,.,:,- , - .IV N 1010-32011 3 rinting trades machinery. Safety requirements for the design and construction. Part 3. Cutting ma
4、chines1 1.1 , :- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- ;- . EN 1010-1. , , - , (. 4). - EN 1010-3 EN 1010-1. , , .1.2 (.N 1034-1:2000 2, N 1034-3:1999 3, N 1034-5:2005 4).2 - . - ( ), . , , , () , , - .N 292-1 (N ISO 12100-1) Safety of machinery; basic concepts, general principles for design; part 1:basicterminology,metho
5、dology(;,-; 1: , )EN 294 (N ISO 13857:2008) Safety of machinery Safety distances to prevent danger zones beingreached by the upper limb ( )EN 953 Safetyof machinery Guards General requirements for the design and construction of fixedand movable guards ( - )1 EN 1010-32011 20130101N 1010-1:2004 Safet
6、y of machinery Safety requirements for the design and construction of printingandpaper convertingmachines Part1:Commonrequirements (. 1: )EN 1050:1996 (N IS 14121-1:2007) Safety of machinery Principles of risk assessment (- )EN 1070* Safety of machinery Terminology ( -)EN 1088 Safety of machinery In
7、terlocking devices associated with guards Principles for designand selection ( , )3 * , N 1010-1, EN 1070,N ISO 12100-1, :3.1 (knive; messer): .3.2 (rotaryknive;rotierendeMesser):.3.3 (dynamic forces; dynamische Krc64fte): , 6.3.4 (guilliotines; planshneidemaschinen): - .3.5 ( ) (feeding table; bela
8、detische): (,-) .3.6 , (three-knife trimmer,trimmer; dreischneider, trimmer): , , , .3.7 (rotary cutters; rotationsschneider): , , .3.8 (index cutting machines; registersschneidemaschinen): - , , .3.9 (round cornering machines; eckenrundstoc56maschinen): .3.10 (label punching machines; etikettenstan
9、zen): .3.11 ; (electrosensitiveprotective device; ESPD; berc104hrungslos wirkende Schutzeinrichtung; BWS): () ( - ) , , , /- . ISO 138552006, 3.3; IEC 61496-1, 3.53.12 ( ); T (overallsystem stopping performance (totalresponsetimeofthemachine;gesamtansprechzeitder Maschine): , - . ISO 138552006, 3.2;
10、 IEC 61496-1, 3.203.13 ( ) (detection capability (resolutioncapability); auflc96sung): , (), c -.IEC 61496-1, 3.3* .* - .2 N 1010-320114 4.1 , - . , ,1,.4.2 , , . . , , N IS 14121-1 :- , (), , ;- , . 1 , (), () : :N IS 12100-1N IS 14121-1 -:- (-);- ;- ;- ;- ;- :- , ;- - ;- ;- , - () :- ();- ;- ;- :-
11、 () ;- ;- :- ;- ();- :- :- , :- ;-,,, 5.3.4,,, 5.5.3, 1 - . :- ;- 8, - . :- , - - :- N 1010-320115 / 5.1 / , . , , N IS 12100 ,