GOST R ISO TS 10303-1166-2013 Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1166 Application module Composition of individual product《.pdf

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GOST R ISO TS 10303-1166-2013 Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1166 Application module Composition of individual product《.pdf_第1页
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1、 /10303-1166 2013 1166 . ISO/TS 10303-1166:2005 Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1166: Application module: Composition of individual product (IDT) / 10303-1166 2013 II 1 - - , 4 2 459 3 28 2013 . 1238- 4 / 10303-1166:2005 . . 1166. . (ISO/TS

2、 10303-1166:2005 Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1166: Application module: Composition of individual product). , 5 1.02012 ( 8). ( 1 ) , . () . , (gost.ru) , 2014 , / 10303-1166 2013 III 10303 . , . , . 10303 (). : , , , , , , , . 10303 htt

3、p:/www.tc184-sc4.org/titles/STEP_Titles.htm. . SC4 184 . , . , . 1 XYZ_1234 ABC_2345 . XYZ_1234 ABC_2345, , , . 2 S_1004 P_1004A . S_1004 P_1004A, , , . 1 , . 3 , 10303 . 4 . , (), C. , . (). , 5.1, . , 5.2, . D. EXPRESS . . , () . (“) , () . / 10303-1166 2013 1 1166 . Industrial automation systems

4、and integration. Product data representation and exchange. Part 1166. Application module. Composition of individual product 20140801 1 . , , . : - . ; - . ; - . . 2 ( , , ): / 8824-1:2002 . 1 (.1). 1. (ISO/IEC 8824-1:2002, Information technology Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) Part 1: Specifica

5、tion of basic notation) 10303-1:1994 . . 1. (ISO 10303-1:1994, Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles) 10303-11:2004 . . 11. . EXPRESS (ISO 10303-11:2004, Industrial automation systems and integration Product

6、 data representation and exchange Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual) 10303-21:2002 . . 21. . (ISO 10303-21:2002, Industrial automation systems and integration Product . / 8824-1:2008. , , . / 10303-1166 2013 2 data representation and exchange Part 21: Implementation

7、 methods: Clear text encoding of the exchange structure) 10303-202:1996 . . 202. . (ISO 10303-202:1996, Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 202: Application protocol: Associative draughting) / 10303-1001:2004 . . 1001. . (ISO/TS 10303-1001:2004

8、, Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1001: Application module: Appearance assignment) / 10303-1017:2004 . . 1017. . (ISO/TS 10303-1017:2004, Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1017: Appl

9、ication module: Product identification) / 10303-1020:2004 . . 1020. . (ISO 10303-1020:2004, Industrial automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1020: Application module: Product version relationship) / 10303-1164:2004 . . 1164. . (ISO 10303-1164:2004, Industri

10、al automation systems and integration Product data representation and exchange Part 1164: Application module: Product as individual) , 1 , , , . , , (). , , , , , . , , , , . 3 3.1 , 10303-1 : - (application); - (application object); - (application protocol); - (application reference model); - (data

11、); . / 10303-1001:2010. , , . . / 10303-1017:2010. , , . . / 10303-1020:2006. , , . . / 10303-1164:2010. , , . / 10303-1166 2013 3 - (information); - (integrated resource); - (product); - (product data). 3.2 , 10303-202 : - (application interpreted construct). 3.3 , / 10303-1001 : - (application module); - (module interpreted model). 3.4 , / 10303-1017 : - (common resources). 3.5 : (application module; AM); (application reference model; ARM); (module interpreted model; MIM); URL (uniform resource locator). 4 , . 1 . 2


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