1、Union internationale des tlcommunications Place des Nations 1211 GENEVE 20 Suisse Switzerland Suiza 瑞士 COVERING NOTE GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF THE INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION Geneva, 30 October 2013 ITU TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR Subject: Erratum 1 (10/2013) to Recommendation IT
2、U-T Y.2063 (07/2012), Framework of the web of things. Figure 9-2 in the published text mistakenly shows a reproduction of Figure 9-1. Replace Figure 9-2 with the following figure: Figure 9-2 Functional architecture of the WoT broker Ser vice Pr ofil eM an ag emen t FEW eb in t erf ac eSer vice Acce
3、ss C on t r ol FER es our ce Manag emen t FEA g en tR eg is tr a tionF un ctio nA g en tC on tr olF un ctio nA g en t Pr ofil e M an ag emen t F un ctio nR es our ce IDM an ag emen tFESer vice C on t r ol FESer vice la y erAd ap t a tio n la y e rW oT ag e n t NW oT a g en t 1 W oT a g en t 3W oT ag en t 2Ser viceC ompos it ion FEApp l i c a ti onsW oT Br ok e r