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1、2012 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、名词解释1 Symbol2 Tragedy3 Aesthetic distance4 Ambiguity5 Paradox二、翻译题6 Translate the following English into Chinese.No woman can be too rich or too thin. This saying often attributed to the late Duchess of Windsor embodies much of the odd spirit of our times. Being t

2、hin is deemed as such a virtue. The problem with such a view is that some people actually attempt to live by it. I myself have fantasies of slipping into narrow designer clothes. Consequently, I have been on a diet for the betteror worsepart of my life. Being rich wouldnt be bad either, but that won

3、t happen unless an unknown relative dies suddenly in some distant land, leaving me millions of dollars.7 Translate the following Chinese into English.人有时非常矛盾。本来活得好好的,各方面的环境都不错,然而当事者却常常心存厌倦.对人类这种因生命的平淡和缺少激情而苦恼的心态,有时是不能用不知足来解释的。我曾对件在森林的一对夫妻羡慕不已,因为森林里有清新的空气,有大片的杉树、竹林,有幽静的林间小道,有鸟语和花香。然而,当这对夫妇知道有人羡慕他们的住所

4、时,却神情诧异。他们认为这儿没有多少值得观光和留恋的景致,远不如城市丰富有趣。三、分析题8 In Shakespeares Hamlet, the tragic hero Hamlet seems to be delaying his revenge. Why? Please give your explanations by in-depth analysis with textual evidences.9 How do you understand the Enlightenment Spirit? Please illustrate your points by analyzing a

5、t least two literary works from the English eighteenth century.10 How do you understand the nature of the American Dream? Please analyze the theme of American Dream as revealed in literary works with at least two examples.10 When the sweet showers of April fall and shoot,Down throw the drought of Ma

6、rch to pierce the root,Bathing every vein in liquid powerFrom which there springs the endangering of the flower,When also Zephyrus with his sweet breathExhales an air in every grove and heathUpon the tender shoots, and the young sunHis half-course in the sign of the Ram has run,And the small fowl ar

7、e making melodyThat sleep away the night with open eyeThen people long to go on pilgrimages.11 Identify the author and the work from which the passage is selected.12 Why is the work regarded as a masterpiece?13 Comment on the language style of the writer.13 And yet nothing had changed since the mome

8、nts when he had been kissing her; or rather, nothing in the substance of things. But the essence of things had changed.These and other of his words were nothing but the perfunctory babble of the surface while the depths remained paralyzed. He turned away, and bent over a chair.Shefollowed him to the

9、 middle of the room where he was, and stood there staring at him with eyes that did not weep. Presently she slid down upon her knees beside his foot, and from this position she crouched in a heap.“In the name of our love, forgive me!“ she whispered with a dry mouth. “I have forgiven you for the same

10、 ! “And, as he did not answer, she said again“Forgive me as you are forgiven! I forgive you, Angel. “Youyes, you do. “But you do not forgive me?“O., forgiveness does not apply to the case! You were one person; now you are another. My Godhow can forgiveness meet such a grotesqueprestidigitation as th

11、at!“He paused, contemplating this definition; then suddenly broke into horrible laughteras unnatural and ghastly as a laugh in hell.“Dontdont! It kills me quite, that!“ she shrieked. “O have mercy upon mehave mercy!“He did not answer; and, sickly white, she jumped up.14 Identify the author and the w

12、ork from which the passage is selected.15 Analyze the significance of the books subtitle.16 Analyze the personality of the heroine and hero.16 She became aware of something about her. With an effort she roused herself to see what it was that penetrated her consciousness. The tall white lilies were r

13、eeling in the moonlight, and the air was charged with their perfume, as with a presence. Mrs. Morel gasped slightly in fear. She touched the big, pallid flowers on their petals, then shivered. They seemed to be stretching in the moonlight. She put her hand into one white bin: the gold scarcely showe

14、d on her fingers by moonlight. She bent down to look at the binful of yellow pollen; but it only appeared dusky. Then she drank a deep draught of the scent. It almost made her dizzy.Mrs. Morel leaned on the garden gate,looking out,and she lost herself awhile. She did not know what she thought. Excep

15、t for a slight feeling of sickness, and her consciousness in the child, herself melted out like scent into the shiny, pale air. After a time the child, too, melted with her in the mixing-pot of moonlight, and she rested with the hills and lilies and houses, all swum together in a kind of swoon.17 Id

16、entify the author and the work from which the passage is selected.18 Define the authors realism with the analysis of the above text.19 What is theme of his work? Also explain the authors understanding of sexuality.19 The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they mi

17、ght originally project, have invariably recognised it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery, and another portion as the site of a prison. In accordance with this rule, it may safely be assumed that the forefathers of Boston had built the first

18、 prison-house somewhere in the vicinity of Cornhill, almost as seasonably as they marked out the first burial-ground, on Isaac Johnsons lot, and round about his grave, which subsequently became the nucleus of all the congregated sepulchres in the old churchyard of Kings Chapel. Certain it is that, s

19、ome fifteen or twenty years after the settlement of the town, the wooden jail was already marked with weather-stains and other indications of age, which gave a yet darker aspect to its beetle-browed and gloomy front. The rust on the ponderous iron-work of its oaken door looked more antique than anyt

20、hing else in the New World. Like all that pertains to crime, it seemed never to have known a youthful era. Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street,was a grass-plot, much overgrown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-peru, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently fo

21、und something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilised society, a prison. But, on one side of the portal, and rooted almost at the threshold, was a wild rose-bush, covered, in this month of June, with its delicate gems, which might be imagined to offer their fragra

22、nce and fragile beauty to the prisoner as he went in, and to the condemned criminal as he came forth to his doom, in token that the deep heart of Nature could pity and be kind to him.This rose-bush,by a strange chance, has been kept alive in history; but whether it had merely survived out of the ste

23、rn old wilderness, so long after the fall of the gigantic pines and oaks that originally overshadowed itor whether, as there is fair authority for believing, it had sprung up under the footsteps of the sainted Ann Hutchinson, as she entered the prison-door, we shall not take upon us to determine. Fi

24、nding it so directly on the threshold of our narrative, which is now about to issue from that inauspicious portal, we could hardly do otherwise than pluck one of its flowers, and present it to the reader. It may serve, let us hope, to symbolise some sweet moral blossom, that may be found along the t

25、rack, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow.But the point which drew all eyes, and, as it were, transfigured the wearer, so that both men and women, who had been familiarly acquainted with Hester Prynne, were now impressed as if they beheld her for the first time, was

26、that scarlet letter, so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom. It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and inclosing her in a sphere by herself.20 Identify the author of the work from which the passage is selected.21 What is the struct

27、ure of the story?22 What are the symbolic meanings of the letter borne by the heroine?23 What are the symbolic meanings of the four major protagonists?24 Comment on the selected passages.24 There was, of course, a catch.“Catch-22?“ inquired Yossarian.“Of course,“ Colonel Korn answered pleasantly, af

28、ter he had chased the mighty M. P. s out with an insouciant flick of his hand and a slightly contemptuousmost relaxed, as always, when he could he most cynical. His rimless square eyeglasses glinted with sly amusement as he gazed at Yossarian. “After all, we cant simply send you home for refusing to

29、 fly more missions and keep the rest of the men here, can we? That would hardly be fair to them.25 Identify the author from which the passage is selected.26 What is the absurd rule or regulation in the novel?27 What writing technique is the novel famous for?27 The Apparition of these faces in the cr

30、owd; Petals on a wet, black bough.28 Identify the author and the work from which the passage is selected.29 What literary school does the poet belong to? Please give a definition of that school.30 Please analyze the poem.2012 年北京航空航天大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析一、名词解释1 【正确答案】 Symbol, in literary sense, is a

31、 specially evocative kind of image, that is, a word or phrase referring to a concrete object, scene, or action which also has some further significance associated with it. For example, the white whale in Melvilles Moby Dick is a symbol.2 【正确答案】 Tragedy is a serious play or by extension a novel that

32、represents the disastrous downfall of a central character. For example, Shakespeares King Lear and Macbeth are tragedies.3 【正确答案】 Aesthetic distance refers to the gap between a viewers conscious reality and the fictional reality presented in a work of art. William Faulkner tends to invoke a close ae

33、sthetic distance by using the first person narrative and stream of consciousness, while Ernest Hemingway tends to invoke a greater aesthetic distance from the readers by using the third person narrative.4 【正确答案】 Ambiguity is the openness to different interpretations, or an instance in which some use

34、 of language may be understood in diverse ways. The simplest kind of ambiguity is achieved by the use of pun, such as “The peasants are revolting“ , which can be interpreted as “The peasants are fighting against authority“, or “They are disgusting“.5 【正确答案】 Paradox is a statement or expression so su

35、rprisingly self-contradictory as to provoke us into seeking another sense or context in which it would be true. Shakespeares “the truest poetry is the most feigning“ is a notable literary example of paradox.二、翻译题6 【正确答案】 女人的钱再多也不嫌多,女人再瘦也不嫌瘦。这句经常被认为是已故温莎公爵夫人说的话体现了我们时代的独特精神。瘦被视为这样一种美德。持这种观点的问题在于一些人实际上

36、企图以此为生。我自己就幻想很快能套上瘦小的时装。结果,我一生中的大部分时间都在为了变得更好而节食或许是更糟。有钱也不会是坏事,但除非在某个遥远的国度一个不知名的亲戚突然死了,给我留下了数百万美元,否则这种事不会发生。7 【正确答案】 People are always in a dilemma. They live a fairly good life and their circumstances are as good as it can be, but from time to time they grow tired of all this. One can hardly attrib

37、ute this mentality, arising from lifes monotony and lack of passion, to insatiability on the part of humans. I used to envy a married couple who lived in a forest, where groves of fir trees and bamboos flourished, with quiet and secluded paths meandering through the woods, birds chirping beautifully

38、 and flowers permeating fragrance. Yet when they realized that they had unwittingly become an object of admiration owing to the unique location of their house, they were truly perplexed. In their eyes, there was little in the forest which deserved to be seen or made such a fuss about when compared t

39、o the fun and abundant life in the city.三、分析题8 【正确答案】 Hamlet delayed in killing Claudius when he saw Claudius praying as he passed by the Kings chamber. If Hamlet killed Claudius when he was praying for his guilt, then he would help Claudius to enter the heaven. Readers views differ about the reason

40、 for the delay. Some consider the delay as Hamlets flaw in personality. But I think he delays because of his social and political ideal. Because Hamlet engages himself in a personal revenge and at the same time attempts to set the right “time“ that is “out of joint“. He is an idealist and what he wa

41、nts is not a secret revenge but an open punishment to the killer.9 【正确答案】 The Enlightenment is the movement of intellectual liberation that developed in Western Europe from the late 17th century to the late 18th century. Its central idea is the need for human reason to clear away the ancient superst

42、ition, prejudice, dogma and injustice. I think the Enlightenment spirit encourages the rational inquiry, humanitarian tolerance and the idea of universal human right. This spirit is found in the poems of Alexander Pope, such as Essays of Criticism and Essays on Man that upholds the principles of rat

43、ionality, morality, balance, unity and order. It is also found in Henry Fieldings The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling and The Life and Death of Jonathan Wild, the Great, which give a realistic presentation of life of the common people with flaws.10 【正确答案】 American Dream is a phrase connoting hope

44、for equality, prosperity and happiness, symbolized particularly by having a house of ones own. Possibly applied at first to the hopes of immigrants, the phrase now applies to all except the very rich and suggests a confident hope that ones childrens economic and social condition will be better than

45、ones own.Writers in the early time give much thought to the issue and even glorify the dream, as in the works of Whitman. In Leaves of Grass, Whitman interprets the dream as full of energy, optimism, romance, and excitement. The self-made man spirit deeply rooted in American Dream is rather evident

46、in Frederick Douglass semi-biography Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave.However, some critics also question American materialism and concomitant lack of serious morality. Writers of this kind include F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck. Disillusion throws a rowdy block

47、 party throughout Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby while the tragedy in Steinbecks of Mice and Men leaves the reader feeling hollowed and thoroughly un-dreamy.The interesting thing about The Great Gatsby is that Gatsby, the protagonist and the embodiment of all that the American Dream is, himself, remai

48、ns static. As the novel moves forward, he doesnt become more perverse; he doesnt become richer or poorer, nor does he impoverish those around him. In fact, were it not for the innovative use of the narrator, Nick Caraway, as a literary device, Jay Gatsby would seem to be a vivid illustration of how

49、the American Dream can succeed. Its the limited perspective of Nick and those at a distance from Gatsby that preserves his mystique and, by extension, the mystique of the American Dream. When this mystery is removed, when ignorance of Gatsbys character is removed, we feel, with Fitzgerald, that the Dream has been removed too.Then you read of Mice and Men and you find yourself plunged into a world of even deeper despair and pitch-black hardship. The barren lives of the ranch hands George and Lenny are sustained by the American Delusion, Len


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