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1、2013 年四川大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷及答案与解析一、名词解释1 descriptive adequacy2 textual function3 illocutionary act4 arbitrariness vs. motivation5 ideal speaker6 bound morpheme7 blending8 stylistic meaning9 loanword10 homonymy二、简答题11 Translate the following sentences into Chinese and state briefly the features of Englis

2、h idioms:1. He likes to let on that he is an expert in electronics.2. As soon as they realized that there was likely to be trouble, his companions deserted him and left him to carry the can.3. We doubt whether our plan will pass muster.12 What are the three types of homonyms?13 What does pragmatic r

3、easoning mean?14 Please briefly answer the following question IN ABOUT 500 WORDS:(10 points)Some people claim that the Chinese language is a primitive language, too unclear to express ideas in a logical way, while the European languages are much more advanced, able to express clear ideas with their

4、complex inflectional syntactic structures. Do you agree with their ideas? Why or why not?2013 年四川大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷答案与解析一、名词解释1 【正确答案】 Descriptive adequacy is achieved when a grammar not only produces correct explanations for raw linguistic data, but also produces correct explanations for the linguisti

5、c competence of the speaker and hearer.【试题解析】 (考查描述充分性)2 【正确答案】 Textual function refers to the fact that language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and unified text.【试题解析】 (考查语篇功能)3 【正确答案】 Illocutionary act refers to an utterance that accomplishes some

6、thing in the act of speaking something.【试题解析】 (考查行事行为)4 【正确答案】 Arbitrariness refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs have no natural relationship, while motivation refers to the extent to which the individual works or strives to learn the language because of a desire to do so and the s

7、atisfaction experienced in this activity.【试题解析】 (考查语言的任意性和二语习得的动机)5 【正确答案】 Ideal speaker refers to the speaker who has mastered and internalized the linguistic rules of his native language, or in other words, a speaker of a language who has the ability to speak and understand the language in a gramm

8、atically-correct manner.【试题解析】 (考查理想说话者的定义)6 【正确答案】 Bound morpheme refers to those morphemes which cannot occur alone, such as the plural morpheme“-s“in “cats“ and the negative morpheme “dis-“ in “dislike“.【试题解析】 (考查粘着语素)7 【正确答案】 Blending is a relatively complex form of compounding, in which two wor

9、ds are blended by joining the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word, or by only joining the initial parts of the two words. For example, “breakfast“ + “lunch“brunch“ , “smoke“ + “fog“smog“.【试题解析】 (考查混成法)8 【正确答案】 Language use can be formal, neutral and casual in style.

10、The stylistic features of words, which make words appropriate for appropriate situations, constitute stylistic meanings of words. For example, “father“ is more formal than “dad“ and “friend“ is more formal than “buddy“.【试题解析】 (考查文体含义)9 【正确答案】 Loanword refers to the process in which both form and mea

11、ning of the words are borrowed from other languages, with only a slight adaptation. For example, English borrowed “tea“ from Chinese, “sputnik“ from Russian.【试题解析】 (考查借词)10 【正确答案】 Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form. For example, different words

12、may be identical in sound or spelling, or both. Such as “meet“meat“, “pupil“(student)“pupil“(the small round black area at the center of the eye).【试题解析】 (考查同音同形异义现象)二、简答题11 【正确答案】 1他喜欢假装自己是电子方面的专家。(1 point)2他的同伴一意识到可能会有麻烦,就离开了他,让他一个人承担责任。(1 point)3我们怀疑我们的计划是否能行得通。(1 point)Idiom refers to the express

13、ion unique to a language, or in other words, the use of common words with special sense.(2 points)English idiom may have four characteristics, namely, idiomaticity, syntactic frozenness, semantic unit and semantic opacity.(1 point)Idiomaticity means that English idioms are vigorously and widely used

14、 in western countries. Syntactic frozenness refers to the phenomenon that the structures of idioms are relatively fixed. Semantic unit means that each idiom should be understood as a whole, and semantic opacity indicates that an idioms sense is not predictable from the surface meaning and the arrang

15、ement of elements.(4 points)【试题解析】 考查英语习语的含义及特点。英语习语有四个特点:习用性(idiomaticity)、定型性(syntactic frozenness) 、整体性 (semantic unity)和不透明性(semantic opacity)。12 【正确答案】 Homonymy refers to the phenomenon that words of different meanings have the same form, i. e. different words are identical in sound or spelling

16、, or both.(1 point)It contains the following three types; homophones, homographs and complete homonyms.(1 point)When two words with different meanings are pronounced alike, they are homophones, such as “meat“meet“. Homographs refer to two words with different meanings but are spelled alike, such as

17、lead/li:d/lead/led/. Complete homonyms refer to two words with different meanings are pronounced and spelled alike at the same time, such as “bank“(the financial institution)“bank“(the side of a river).(3 points)【试题解析】 考查同音同形异义现象。同音同形异义现象指不同词语的发音拼写相同而意义不同,或发音和拼写都相同而意义不同。它包括以下三种情况:同音异义词、同形异义词和完全同音同形异

18、义词。13 【正确答案】 As one of the focuses of pragmatics, pragmatic reasoning is defined as the process of finding the intended meanings of the given contexts.(2 points)Language communication is composed of expression and comprehension, and the continual rotation of the two makes the communication possible.

19、(1 point)In a specific communication case, the speaker should try to convey his meanings in proper language, and then the hearer is expected to interpret the speakers intended meaning out of the utterance. Pragmatic reasoning serves as the bridge connecting the two parts.(2 points)【试题解析】 考查语用推论的含义。作

20、为语用学领域研究的焦点之一,语用推论是指通过语言的表面含义推出其隐含意义。言语交际包含表达和理解两个方面,二者不断交替。在具体的交际过程中,语用推论表现为说话人将逻辑思维用恰当的语言表达出来,听话人又通过说话人的语言表达去正确地领会其中的逻辑含义。语用推论就是连接二者的桥梁。14 【正确答案】 As a means of verbal communication, language is essential to human beings. There are some design features which are able to distinguish human language f

21、rom the languages of other species, such as arbitrariness, duality, creativity and displacement. Both Chinese and the European languages share these design features and serve effective roles in human communication. There is no sense considering the European languages as more advanced than Chinese.(3

22、 points)It can not be denied that Chinese and the European languages are quite different from each other. Take English for example, the variations can be found at morphological, syntactic and discourse levels. The details are as follows; first, as a branch in Sino-Tibetan family, Chinese is agglutin

23、ative, and the morphemes are jointed together to form vocabulary, while English belongs to Indo-European family, and the inflection is widely used in the word formation; second, Chinese is parataxis at the syntactic level, the understanding of the sentences depends at the internal logical relation b

24、etween sentences. As for English, which is a hypotaxis language, the connection of sentences mainly relies on the connection words or the linguistic forms of the language; third, English is subject-prominent at the discourse level, which lays emphasis on the subject, although the subject is not alwa

25、ys the topic of the sentence; while Chinese is topic-prominent, which emphasizes the topic rather than the subject and thus shows much more flexibility in discourse arrangement. What should also be noticed is that English is just one of the European languages. There are lots of other subcategories s

26、uch as French, German and so on. Different European languages bear different features; to compare one specific language, such as Chinese, with a group of other languages is not reasonable in the first place.(4 points)As one of the most widely used languages in the world, Chinese bears a history of a

27、bout 5, 000 years. It is not reasonable to consider Chinese as “a primitive language“ just because of its long history, and in the same way the Chinese linguistic features, which are different from European languages, should not be labeled as “ too unclear to express ideas in a logical way. “ “ Comp

28、lex inflectional syntactic structures“are not the necessary quality of a so-called advanced language, and European languages are not the model against which we make all the comparisons. Linguistic issues should be examined from a universal perspective, and any ill-conceived classification will hinde

29、r the development of the linguistics as a science.(2 points)To summarize, although linguistic differences do exist between Chinese and the European languages, both of them are effective in communication for the respective native speakers. The linguistic features, as well as social, economic and cult

30、ural factors can not serve as the criterion to make a judgment on whether a particular language is more advanced than others. Linguistics is a descriptive science, and linguistic studies should be carried out in an objective manner. In this process, we should always bear in mind that one human langu

31、age is neither superior nor inferior to another.(1 point)【试题解析】 汉语和欧洲语言都具备人类语言的本质特征,能够有效达到交际目的,不存在孰优孰劣之分。不可否认,汉语和一些欧洲语言(以英语为例)在词、句、语篇上都存在不同之处。例如,汉语属于粘着型语言,词素粘合在一起组成词,英语同汇中则存在屈折变化;汉语重意合,句子结构简洁明快,主要依靠句子内部逻辑关系进行连接,英语重形合,句子结构紧凑严密,主要依靠语法手段进行连接;汉语为主题显著型语言,突出主题而非主语,英语是主语显著型语言,要求句子有主语,而且主题往往并非句子的主语。社会、经济、文化因素以及语言本身的特点都不能作为判断语言优劣的标准,人类语言没有高低之分,因此,语言学研究应当客观。

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