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1、2014 年华东师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 trade term2 indicative price3 customs valuation4 AFT A(ASEAN free trade area)5 special preferences6 Commit No Nuisance7 No Angling8 caravansary9 high comfort hotel10 deluxe hotel11 concourse12 sleeper with couchettes13 film industry cinematograph14 board of census15

2、distributor汉译英16 社会的道德和心理底线17 宏观调控体系18 农村扶贫标准19 衣食住行用条件20 基层民主21 人民的精神文化生活22 有利的国际环境23 现代文化市场体系24 财税体系25 中华文化走出去26 社会核心价值体系27 各类市场主体28 利率和汇率市场化29 双边、多边开放合作30 国家法制统一、尊严、权威英译汉31 Students(and others)often, as I said earlier, talk about “using“ this or that approach“I think Ill use Durkheim“as though th

3、ey had a free choice of theories. In fact, by the time they begin to write about their research, they have made many seemingly unimportant choices of details that have foreclosed their choice of a theoretical approach. They decided what questions to investigate. They picked a way of gathering inform

4、ation. They chose between a variety of minor technical and procedural alternatives: who to interview, how to code their data, when to stop. As they made these choices from day to day, they increasingly committed themselves to one way of thinking, more or less firmly answering the theoretical questio

5、ns they thought were still up for grabs.But sociologists, and especially students, fuss about choosing a theory for a practical reason. They have toat least they think they dodeal with the “literature“ on their topic. Scholars learn to fear the literature in graduate school. I remember Professor Lou

6、is Wirth, one of the distinguished members of the Chicago school, putting Erving Goffman, then a fellow graduate student of mine, in his place with the literature gambit. It was just what we all feared. Believing Wirth had not given sufficiently serious attention to some influential ideas about oper

7、ationalism, Goffman challenged him in class with quotations from Percy Bridgemans book on the subject. Wirth smiled and asked sadistically, “Which edition is that, Mr. Goffman?“ Maybe there was an important difference between editions, though none of us believed that. We thought, instead, that wed b

8、etter be careful about the literature or They Could Get You. “They“ included not only teachers but peers, who might welcome an opportunity to show how well they knew the literature at your expenses.-Excerpts of Chapter 8 “Terrorized by the Literature“, from Writing for Social Scientists: How to Star

9、t and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article汉译英32 明代绘画明代(1368 1644) 社会政治经济稳定,文化艺术更加发达,出现了一些以地区为中心的名家与流派,各成体系,各个画科都得到全面发展。明代中期(15061620) ,随着工商业的发展,作为纺织业中心的苏州逐渐成为江南富庶的大都市,文化繁荣,文人荟萃,此地区画家逐渐成为画坛的主力。许多游山玩水的文人士大夫以画自娱,继承和发展了崇尚笔墨意趣的文人画传统,其中较为著名的画家有沈周、文征明、唐寅、仇英等。明代绘画以传统的山水、花鸟画为盛,人物画较少,一般只描绘帝后的肖像和行乐生活。但到了明代后期(约

10、 16281644),绘画领域出现了新的转机。徐渭进一步完善了水墨写意花鸟画的变革,其画风直抒胸臆,能产生动人心弦的艺术感染力。选自中国画2014 年华东师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 贸易术语2 【正确答案】 指示性价格3 【正确答案】 海关估价4 【正确答案】 东盟自由贸易区5 【正确答案】 特惠6 【正确答案】 禁止小便7 【正确答案】 禁止垂钓8 【正确答案】 商队旅馆9 【正确答案】 高级饭店10 【正确答案】 豪华酒店11 【正确答案】 大厅12 【正确答案】 双层卧铺车13 【正确答案】 电影摄影机14 【正确答案】 人口普查委员会15 【正确答案】

11、 经销商汉译英16 【正确答案】 social mentality and baseline of psychology17 【正确答案】 macro-control system18 【正确答案】 standard of rural poverty alleviation project19 【正确答案】 basic necessities20 【正确答案】 democracy at the grassroots level21 【正确答案】 the spiritual and cultural life of the people22 【正确答案】 favorable internatio

12、nal environment23 【正确答案】 modern cultural market system24 【正确答案】 financial system25 【正确答案】 the Chinese cultures“going abroad”26 【正确答案】 social core value system27 【正确答案】 various market entities28 【正确答案】 marketization of interest rate and exchange rate29 【正确答案】 bilateral and multi-lateral open cooperat

13、ion30 【正确答案】 unity,dignity and authority of national legal system英译汉31 【正确答案】 学生们(以及其他人)经常就像我之前说的,会谈到要“引用” 这个或那个理论“ 我想引用涂尔干的理论 ”貌似他们可以在各种理论之间自由选择。实际上,到了他们开始写研究报告的时候,他们已经太过于纠结种种细节,从而妨碍了对理论的选择。他们决定要调查的问题,选择收集信息的方式,他们在许多细小的技术和程序问题上要做选择,比如采访的对象、给数据编码的方式以及研究截止的时间。他们天天都要做出一些选择,慢慢地就投入到了一种思维方式,而这种思维方式或多或少回答

14、了他们原先争先使用某些理论来解决的那些问题。但是许多社会学家,特别是学社会学的学生为解决实际问题选择理论而手足无措。他们不得不至少他们这么认为的应付研究主题涉及的“文献” 问题。研究生院的学者们对参考文献唯恐避之不及。我想起了路易斯?维尔斯教授,他是芝加哥学院一个杰出的老师,他在谈论文献话题的时候,提到一个和我同级的研究生,叫欧文-高夫曼。说的正是我们担心的事情。高夫曼认为维尔斯没有足够注意到操作理论一些有影响的观点,于是就在课上引用珀西?布里奇曼关于这个理论的书籍,向维尔斯发难。维尔斯面带微笑,施虐式地问道:“高夫曼,你说的是哪个版本的书?”虽然没有人这么想,但两个不同版本之间可能会有很重要

15、的差别。相反,我们最好对文献还是要审慎些,否则他们可能会把你占为己有。“他们” 不仅包括老师也包括同辈的人,他们可能会以牺牲你为代价,抓住机会来展示自己对文献很了解。摘自第八章“ 文献的威胁 ”,选自写给社会科学家的文章:怎样开始以及完成你的论文、书籍或者文章?汉译英32 【正确答案】 Paintings of Ming DynastyIn the dynasty of Ming(13681644), thanks to its social, political and economic stability, culture and art were so advanced that the

16、re appeared some region-centered celebrated painters and schools with distinct painting systems. During that period, all the painting categories have got all-round development.In the mid-term of Ming dynasty(15061620), with the development of industry and commerce, Suzhou, a textile industry center,

17、 gradually developed into a prosperous metropolis in the regions south of the Yangtze River. The culture was flourishing and there was also a galaxy of scholars. The painters here became the main force of the painting circles. Many literati and officialdom travelling around entertained themselves wi

18、th painting and inherited and developed the tradition of literati painting with focus on interest and significance of ink and wash. Among some well-known painters are Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin and Qiu Yin.The painting in Ming Dynasty concentrated on traditional landscape, flowers and birds

19、while there were scarce figure paintings which only depicted portrait and funny life of emperor and empress. Till the late Ming dynasty(approximately 1628 1644), some fresh changes were around the corner. Xu Wei further improved the ink painting, freehand brush work, bird-and-flower painting. His painting characterized by directly expressing his feelings thus producing inspiring artistic appeal.-Excerpts from Chinese Painting


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