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1、2015 年华东师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 Chinas vulgar rich; befriended but unloved.2 The Sochi 2014 torch is based on motifs from Russian folklore and ideas of innovation and technological breakthroughs.3 The Chinese garden is primarily not a single wide open space, but is divided into corridors and courts

2、, in which buildings, and not plant life, dominate.4 All writing depends on the generosity of the reader.(Alberto Manguel)5 Calligraphy as writing and as art.6 If I fell through the earth, what would happen in the center?7 Book of the Times: The Invisible Man.8 In 1963, most Americans did not yet be

3、lieve that gender equality was possible or even desirable.9 But the innovation failed to catch the public imagination and sales were painfully slow. Microsoft was on the back foot.10 It is no wonder the island(The Philippine island of Boracay)has been featured in a variety of publications, and its a

4、 top beach destination on the popular Internet travel site tripadvisor. com.汉译英11 打造中国经济的升级版12 转变政府职能13 扩大全方位主动开放14 中国上海自由贸易试验区15 宏观调控方式16 绿水青山17 改革红利18 反腐倡廉19 证券交易所20 增强社会创造力英译汉21 Next, a plea to our friends who are writing in China not to write with foreigners in mind. Now that contemporary Chines

5、e writing is beginning to find more readers abroad, there is a danger that writers will aim at foreign readers instead of domestic ones. The writing we Anglophones will respond to most warmly will generally be precisely the writing that is most clearly intended for Chinese readers.Who, after all, is

6、 the Chinese writer who has made a bigger impact than any other in English-speaking countries these last twenty years? None of those I have mentioned so far, but a politician who died in the 1970s. And his works, apart from a few interviews with foreigners, were nearly all addressed to Chinese probl

7、ems and Chinese readers. His style was clear, strong, and effective, and very Chinese too, being hardly influenced by foreign models. Yet he survived translation to be the idol of 1960s radicals around the world, and put words and expressions into the English language.So please dont write for us, bu

8、t write for your primary reader, leaving us to choose(by criteria that may well seem quite absurd to you)what may be accessible to us ignorant Anglophones. And dont worry in the least about what we think. Few Anglophone authors lose sleep over their standing in China, and that seems a good example t

9、o follow.Take whatever you like from abroad, but only what you need for your own purposes. Blind imitation of foreign models is unlikely to bring foreign recognition. Only what works in your own culture has any chance of surviving the transition to another.From Insuperable Barriers? By W. J. E. Jenn

10、er汉译英22 中国佛教建筑的发展可以追溯到佛教在汉代被引入中国时。佛教的本土化也从此时开始,阐释着中国建筑的美学和文化。佛教建筑主要包括庙宇、佛塔和石窟。佛教建筑被视为一个将书法、雕塑和绘画结合起来的伟大艺术宝库。在中国,佛教始终也没有像基督教在西方那样,获得统率全社会思想的主流地位。中国和西方都宣扬“ 君权神授 ”,但西方更强调的是 “神授”,中国更强调的是“ 君权”。这种区别在建筑上也得以体现:一直以来在西方,庙宇和教堂都是主流建筑;中国则始终以宫殿和都城为重心,宗教寺观处于次要地位。2015 年华东师范大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 中国“ 土豪 ”:人人想友

11、之却不爱之。2 【正确答案】 2014 年索契冬奥会火炬的设计灵感来源于俄罗斯的神话传说,并结合了创新及现代科技突破的理念。3 【正确答案】 中国的园林不是大的开敞空间,而是有廊子有院子,园林里的房子是主体,而花草却不是。4 【正确答案】 所有的文字都离不开慷慨的读者。(阿尔维托曼古埃尔)5 【正确答案】 书法不仅是一种书写技巧,也是一门艺术。6 【正确答案】 假如我坠落到地心,会有什么样的感觉?7 【正确答案】 纽约时报畅销书:隐形人。8 【正确答案】 1963 年,大多数美国人还认为两性平等是不可能的,甚至是不可取的。9 【正确答案】 然而,这种创新未能成功捕捉公众的想象力,销售额极为惨淡

12、。微软陷入了不利境地。10 【正确答案】 难怪这座岛屿(菲律宾的长滩岛)出现在各种出版物的特刊中,它更是旅游网站猫途鹰评出的人气最旺海滩。汉译英11 【正确答案】 updated version of the Chinese economy12 【正确答案】 transformation of government functions13 【正确答案】 to open doors wider to the outside world in all areas14 【正确答案】 China(Shanghai)pilot free trade zone15 【正确答案】 the approache

13、s of macro-control16 【正确答案】 lucid waters and lush mountains17 【正确答案】 dividends of reform18 【正确答案】 to fight corruption and build a clean government19 【正确答案】 stock exchange20 【正确答案】 to enhance the creativity of the society英译汉21 【正确答案】 接下来,我恳请中国的作家朋友创作时,不要总把外国人放在心上。由于越来越多的外国人开始阅读中国当代作品,因此一些作家创作时,可能会将外国

14、而非中国读者,视为主要的读者群。一般来说,最能触动以英语为母语的读者的恰好是那些专为中国读者而创作的作品。过去 20 年间,在说英语国家中影响力最大的中国作家是谁呢?他并非我之前提到的任何一位,而是在 20 世纪 70 年代去世的一位政客。除了接受的几次外国采访之外,他的作品几乎清一色都是针对中国问题,面向中国读者。他的风格简洁、强烈、高效,具有非常鲜明的中国特色,基本没有受到任何外国作品的影响。然而,他的作品经过翻译之后,依然受到 20 世纪 60 年代全球的激进派追捧,书中一些单词和短语经过翻译收录到了英语当中。所以,恳求大家,不要为我们,而应为你们自己的主要读者创作,让我们这些一无所知、

15、以英语为母语的人,自己选择(选择标准或许让你们觉得莫名其妙)能够触动我们的作品。不要顾虑我们的想法。没有几个以英语为母语的作家会因为他们在中国的声望而失眠,这种做法值得遵循。对于外国文学,可以任意借鉴,但借鉴的内容一定要为自己的目的服务。盲目模仿外国作品不太可能得到认可。唯有你自己所在的文化认可的作品,才可能在转化为其他语言后,受到相应文化的认可。无法逾越的鸿沟? W.J.E.詹纳尔汉译英22 【正确答案】 The history of Buddhist architecture in China dates back to Han Dynasty, when Buddhism was fir

16、st introduced into China. The localization of Buddhism began at the same time with its architecture illustrating aesthetics and culture of Chinese architecture. Buddhist architecture mainly consists of the temple, pagoda and grotto. It is deemed as a great art treasure house that integrates calligra

17、phy, sculpture and painting.Buddhism has never developed into a dominant religion that commands social ideology in China as Christianity has done in the west. “Divine right of kings“ is advocated in both China and the west, with “divine“ given more importance in the west and “right of kings“ in China. This difference is also demonstrated in architecture: temples and churches are mainstream architectures in the west, while palaces and capital cities are considered most important in China with temples placed secondary.


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