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1、2015 年对外经济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷及答案与解析英译汉1 value added tax(VAT)2 annual financial report3 bull market4 law of diminishing marginal returns5 angel investment6 capital turnover7 butterfly effect8 call center9 SWOT analysis10 business model汉译英11 联合国贸发会议12 普惠制13 北美自由贸易协定14 口碑15 汇票16 倾销17 利基营销18 特许经营19 市场细分20 对等

2、贸易英译汉21 When You Move, I Move: Increasing Synchronization Among Asias EconomiesIn recent decades, trade integration within Asia has increased more than in other regions. In valued-added terms, intraregional trade grew on average by over 10 percent a year from 1990 to 2012, twice the pace seen outsid

3、e of Asia. Likewise, financial integration within the region has started to catch up, although it still lags behind trade integration. Concomitantly, business cycles in Asia have become steadily more synchronized over the past two decades, with the correlation between ASEAN economiesgrowth rates alm

4、ost reaching the very high levels seen within the Euro Area.As outlined in the IMF Asia and Pacific Departments latest Regional Economic Outlook, these facts are related. Namely, increases in trade and financial integration have strengthened the propagation of growth shocks between regional partners

5、, leading Asian economies to move more in lockstep. One driver of this synchronization of business cycles has been the increase in size and connectedness of Chinas economy. Looking ahead, we expect regional integration agenda and a bigger China to further increase spillovers and growth co-movement a

6、cross the region. Greater international cooperation, particularly regional and global financial safety nets, can help countries respond to the associated risk of more synchronized , sharper downturns, and thereby help Asia make the most of greater regional integration. Trade integration has been an

7、important synchronizing force for Asian business cyclesOn the trade side, our study brings a novel finding: what makes two economies co-moveby propagating shocks across bordersis the intensity of their bilateral trade in value-added terms, not in gross terms. The iPhone supply chain example illustra

8、tes why this makes sense; although China exports the product to the US, its domestic firms add only a small fraction of the overall value added, so that gross exports vastly over-estimate the dependence of the Chinese economy on final demand from American consumers. The reverse holds for Korea or Ta

9、iwan of China POC, which reap sizeable value added through exports of components to China mainland even though they dont export any iPhones to the US. Overall, the trend increase in the value-added traded between Asian economies over the past two decades has accounted for around one-quarter of the c

10、oncomitant increase in business cycle synchronization across the region.Financial integration has been a more ambivalent force. Across the world, it has magnified the impact on business cycle synchronization of large global shocks like the global financial crisis, as global banks pulled funds back a

11、cross the board. But in normal times, it has lowered synchronization somewhat , possibly by facilitating international reallocation of capital when a shock hits one country. However, this has been less of a factor in Asia, where cross-border financial claims and flows have so far been comparatively

12、small.汉译英22 我国人口老龄化对经济增长的潜在影响理论研究认为,老龄化会减少劳动力供给,降低社会储蓄率,导致产出和资本形成能力下降,最终影响经济增长。同时,发达国家的实际表明,随着人口老龄化,养老费用及人均医疗费用均会大幅上升,从而加重政府财政负担。与发达国家“ 富老同步”或者“先富后老”相比,我国人均收入水平仍然较低,属于明显的“未富先老 ”,对经济增长的影响日益明显。一是未来劳动力供给减少和成本上升,将不利于企业尤其是劳动密集型企业发展。二是老年抚养比上升将影响居民储蓄数量和储蓄倾向,并通过降低企业利润间接影响企业储蓄行为。储蓄下降将减少投资资金来源,并影响资金价格。三是加重财政支

13、出负担。与发达国家相比,我国社会保障水平较低,养老保险和医疗保险面临资金紧张、覆盖面窄等问题,许多地方存在养老金缺口。随着我国社会保障体系逐渐完善,养老金水平不断提高,医疗保障覆盖面扩大,未来老龄化所带来的财政支出将大幅增长,财政压力随之增大。人口老龄化将是我国需要面对的一个长期问题,应加快采取相关应对措施,继续推进新型城镇化建设和区域经济协调发展,进一步推动农村剩余劳动力的转移和就业。加大人力资本投入,提高劳动者素质。大力促进科技创新,实现产业结构优化升级,通过技术进步来弥补劳动力优势的逐步丧失。加快健全社会保障体系,继续扩大养老保险和医疗保险覆盖面,逐步提高社会保障水平。2015 年对外经

14、济贸易大学英语翻译基础真题试卷答案与解析英译汉1 【正确答案】 增值税:增值税是以商品(含应税劳务)在流转过程中产生的增值额作为计税依据而征收的一种流转税。从计税原理上说,增值税是对商品生产、流通、劳务服务中多个环节的新增价值或商品的附加值征收的一种流转税。2 【正确答案】 年度财务会计报告:年度财务会计报告是指年终对外提供的财务会计报告,通常将半年度、季度和月度财务报告统称为中期财务会计报告。年度财务会计报告作为综合反映企业单位年末财务状况、全年经营成果和现金流量的报告,在沟通企业单位管理层与财务会计报告使用者之间起着十分重要的桥梁作用。3 【正确答案】 牛市,旺市:牛市,所谓“牛市” ,也

15、称多头市场,指市场行情普遍看涨,延续时间较长的大升市,和“熊市,淡市” 相对。4 【正确答案】 边际收益递减规律:边际收益递减规律又称边际效益递减规律或边际产量递减规律,指在短期生产过程中,在其他条件(如技术水平)不变的前提下,增加某种生产要素的投入,当该生产要素投入数量增加到一定程度以后,增加一单位该要素所带来的效益增加量是递减的,边际收益递减规律是以技术水平和其他生产要素的投入数量保持不变的条件下进行讨论的一种规律。5 【正确答案】 天使投资:天使投资是权益资本投资的一种形式,是指富有的个人出资协助具有专门技术或独特概念的原创项目或小型初创企业,进行一次性的前期投资。它是风险投资的一种形式

16、,根据天使投资人的投资数量以及对被投资企业可能提供的综合资源进行投资。6 【正确答案】 资本周转:资本周转指不断重复、周而复始的资本循环过程。资本必须在运动中才能实现增值,这种运动不能孤立地循环一次便停下来,而必须持续不断地周期性地进行。7 【正确答案】 蝴蝶效应:蝴蝶效应是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的、巨大的连锁反应,是一种混沌现象。任何事物的发展均存在定数与变数,事物在发展过程中其发展轨迹有规律可循,同时也存在不可测的“变数”,一个微小的变化能影响事物的发展,说明事物的发展具有复杂性。8 【正确答案】 呼叫中心:呼叫中心是充分利用现代通信与计算机技术,可以

17、自动灵活地处理大量各种不同的电话呼人和呼出业务和服务的运营操作场所。呼叫中心在企业应用中已经逐渐从电话营销中心向着 CTI(计算机通信集成)综合呼叫中心转变,已经将电话、计算机、互联网等多种媒介综合应用于营销、服务等多项工作当中。9 【正确答案】 四点(优势、劣势、机会、威胁)分析:SWOT 分析方法是一种企业内部的分析方法,即根据企业自身的既定内在条件进行分析,找出企业的优势、劣势及核心竞争力之所在,从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机结合。其中,S 代表 strength(优势),W 代表 weakness(弱势 ),O 代表 opportunity(机会),T 代表 threat

18、(威胁),其中,S、W 是内部因素,O 、T 是外部因素。10 【正确答案】 商业模式:商业模式是管理学的重要研究对象之一,是一种包含了一系列要素及其关系的概念性工具,用以阐明某个特定实体的商业逻辑。它描述了公司所能为客户提供的价值以及公司的内部结构、合作伙伴网络和关系资本(Relationship Capital)等借以实现(创造、推销和交付 )这一价值并产生可持续盈利收入的要素。汉译英11 【正确答案】 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD): Established in 1964 as a permanent

19、 intergovernmental body, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development(UNCTAD)is the principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly dealing with trade, investment , and development issues. The organizations goals are to maximize the trade, investment and development opportunities of

20、 developing countries and assist them in their efforts to integrate into the world economy on an equitable basis. The primary objective of UNCTAD is to formulate policies relating to all aspects of development including trade, aid, transport, finance and technology. The conference ordinarily meets o

21、nce in four years; the permanent secretariat is in Geneva.12 【正确答案】 Generalized System of Preferences(GSP): The Generalized System of Preferences(GSP)is a preferential tariff system which provides for a formal system of exemption from the more general rules of the World Trade Organization(WTO). Spec

22、ifically, its a system of exemption from the most favored nation principle(MFN)that obliges WTO member countries to treat the imports of all other WTO member countries no worse than they treat the imports of their “most favored“ trading partner.13 【正确答案】 North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA): T

23、he North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA)is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral rules-based trade bloc in North America. The agreement came into force on January 1, 1994. It superseded the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement between the U. S.

24、 and Canada.14 【正确答案】 word of mouth: Word of mouth is the passing of information from person to person by oral communication , which could be as simple as telling someone the time of day. In marketing, word-of-mouth communication(WOM)involves the passing of information between a non-commercial commu

25、nicator and a receiver concerning a brand, a product, or a service.15 【正确答案】 bill of exchange: bill of exchange is also called draft or draught, short-term negotiable financial instrument consisting of an order in writing addressed by one person(the seller of goods)to another(the buyer)requiring the

26、 latter to pay on demand(a sight draft)or at a fixed or determinable future time(a time draft)a certain sum of money to a specified person or to the bearer of the bill.16 【正确答案】 dumping; In economics, dumping is a kind of predatory pricing, especially in the context of international trade. It occurs

27、 when manufacturers export a product to another country at a price either below the price charged in its home market or below its cost of production.17 【正确答案】 niche marketing: Niche marketing, also called micromarketing, concentrates all marketing efforts on a small but specific and well defined seg

28、ment of the population. Niches do not exist but are created by identifying needs, wants, and requirements that are being addressed poorly or not at all by other firms, and developing and delivering goods or services to satisfy them. As a strategy, niche marketing is aimed at being a big fish in a sm

29、all pond instead of being a small fish in a big pond.18 【正确答案】 franchising: Franchising is the practice of the right to use a firms successful business model and brand for a prescribed period of time. Essentially, and in terms of distribution, the franchisor is a supplier who allows an operator, or

30、a franchisee, to use the suppliers trademark and distribute the suppliers goods. In return, the operator pays the supplier a fee.19 【正确答案】 market segmentation; Market segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad target market into subsets of consumers, businesses, or countries

31、 who have common needs and priorities, and then designing and implementing strategies to target them.20 【正确答案】 counter trade; Counter trade means exchanging goods or services which are paid for, in whole or part, with other goods or services, rather than with money.英译汉21 【正确答案】 亦步亦趋:亚洲经济体的同步性不断增强近几十

32、年来,亚洲贸易一体化的步伐大于其他地区。以增加值计算,19902012年,亚洲区域内贸易平均每年增长 10以上,增速是亚洲之外地区的两倍。同样,该地区的金融一体化也开始赶超,但仍落后于贸易一体化。伴随而来的是,过去20 年里,亚洲地区的商业周期的同步性稳步上升,东盟各经济体增长率的关联度几乎达到了欧元区内的极高水平。正如基金组织亚太部最新一期地区经济展望所述,上述情况是相互关联的,即贸易与金融一体化的发展推动了区域伙伴之间增长冲击的传播,导致亚洲经济体的步伐愈发一致。中国经济的规模扩大和对外关联度增强是商业周期同步化的一个驱动因素。展望未来,我们预计区域一体化行动和中国的发展将进一步加强该地区


34、何苹果手机,但可通过向中国大陆出口配件来获取丰厚的增加值。总体上来看,亚洲商业周期同步性的增幅中,约有四分之一是因为过去 20 年里亚洲经济体之间贸易增加值的趋势增长。金融一体化则是一股更具矛盾的力量。在全球范围内,由于危机期间全球性银行全面收回资金,金融一体化加剧了诸如国际金融危机这种大规模全球冲击对商业周期同步性的影响。但在正常时期,金融一体化导致同步性有所下降,其途径可能是:在冲击影响某一国时,金融一体化会促进资本在全球的再分配。然而,金融一体化对亚洲的影响不大,因为该地区跨境金融债权和流动的规模至今相对较小。汉译英22 【正确答案】 The Potential Impact of Ch

35、inas Aging Population on Its Economic GrowthTheoretical studies suggest that aging population will reduce labor supply, reduce the social saving rate, result in reduced output and capital formation, and ultimately affect economic growth. Meantime, the experiences of developed countries show that wit

36、h aging population, expenditure for the elder and per capital health care will rise sharply, adding to the fiscal burden.Compared with “ synchronization of getting rich and becoming an aged society“ or “becoming a rich society before getting older,“ Chinas per capita income is still relatively low,

37、and Chinas situation belongs to “becoming an aged society before getting rich,“ and its impact on economic growth is increasingly evident. First, in the future, declining labor supply and rising labor cost will have a negative impact on the corporate sector, especially labor-intensive enterprises. S

38、econd, the rising elder dependency ratio will affect households saving amount and the propensity to save, and indirectly affect corporate saving behaviors by depressing corporate profits. The decline in savings will reduce the source of investment funds, and in turn affect the price of funds. Third,

39、 aging population will add to fiscal burden. Compared with developed countries, Chinas social security level is relatively low; both the pension funds and medical insurance system face the problems of insufficient funding and inadequate coverage; and there are shortfalls in many localities. As China

40、s social security system is gradually improved, the level of pensions continues to rise, and the health insurance coverage expands, in the future fiscal expenditures resulting from aging population will grew rapidly, increasing fiscal pressures.Since population aging is a long-term issue in China, m

41、easures should be taken quickly to continue to promote urbanization and balanced regional economic development, and to facilitate the transfer and reemployment of surplus labor in the rural area. We are focused on investing in human capital , and improving the quality of workers. We will vigorously

42、promote scientific and technological innovation, to achieve the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, and make up for the gradual loss of labor advantage through technical progress. We will also accelerate the improvement of social security system, continue to expand coverage of pension insurance and health insurance, and gradually improve social security level.

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