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1、在职艺术硕士(MFA)全国联考(十月联考)入学资格考试模拟试卷 1及答案与解析一、单项选择填空题1 贝多芬的第五交响曲是( )。(A)英雄交响曲(B) 命运交响曲(C) 田园交响曲(D)巴黎交响曲2 隋唐音乐文化成就以宫廷燕乐为最高代表,代表作品是成曲于唐天宝年间的( )。(A)霓裳羽衣曲(B) 高山流水 (C) 兰陵王(D)阳关三叠3 交响诗的创始人是匈牙利作曲家( ),他在 19 世纪下半叶先后创作了十三首交响诗。(A)海顿(B)李斯特(C)莫扎特(D)巴赫4 ( )音乐是其他类型传统音乐的基础。(A)民间(B)文人(C)宗教(D)宫廷5 话剧有着悠久的传统,它由( )创造。(A)罗马人(

2、B)希腊人(C)古埃及人(D)古巴比伦人6 ( )是朝鲜的一种传统说唱体裁,以粗砺的发声为特色,讲述传统的长篇故事。(A)甘美兰(B)歌舞伎(C)盘索里(D)民谣7 中国传统音乐类型不包含( )。(A)宫廷音乐(B)文人音乐(C)词调音乐(D)民间音乐8 ( )是一系列戏剧矛盾酝酿发展而导致不可避免地摊牌的结果。(A)戏剧情境(B)悬念(C)冲突(D)假定性9 中国戏剧主要包括( ) 。(A)戏曲和话剧(B)京剧和昆剧(C)京剧和话剧(D)戏曲和京剧10 中国戏剧奖由“ 梅花奖 ”和“( )”合并而成。(A)百花奖(B)优秀戏剧奖(C)金鸡奖(D)曹禺戏剧奖11 角抵戏渊源于上古祭祀战神蚩尤的

3、舞蹈“( )” 。(A)傩戏(B)蚩尤戏(C)百兽率舞戏(D)歌舞戏12 三一律指剧中( ) 三者必须完整单一。(A)人物、故事、地点(B)故事情节、时间、地点(C)人物、性格塑造、时间(D)故事情节、人物、地点13 明代前期四大戏曲声腔是指( )。(A)昆山腔、秦腔、皮黄腔、余姚腔(B)海盐腔、余姚腔、茂腔、昆山腔(C)昆山腔、弋阳腔、海盐腔、余姚腔(D)板腔、茂腔、皮黄腔、海盐腔14 ( )一并成为元杂剧中历史悲剧的“ 双璧”。(A)西厢记与丽春堂(B) 墙头马上与梧桐雨(C) 倩女离魂与王粲登楼(D)汉宫秋与梧桐雨15 被誉为“ 一出戏救活一个剧种 ”的作品是( )。(A)桃花扇(B)

4、十五贯(C) 雷峰塔(D)长生殿16 学者( ) 在其 宋元戏曲考等著作中,才把“戏曲” 一词作为包含宋金杂剧、宋元南戏、元明杂剧、明清传奇以至清代以来的各种地方戏在内的中国传统戏剧的通称。(A)王国维(B)郭沫若(C)曹禺(D)洪深17 黄土地的导演者是( )。(A)张军钊(B)田壮壮(C)吴子牛(D)陈凯歌18 德国第一部具有表现主义风格的代表作是( )。(A)卡里加里博士(B) 大都会(C) 拿破仑传(D)车轮19 ( )(谢尔曼.杜拉克拍摄) 是印象派的第一部作品。(A)流浪女(B) 黄金国(C) 忠实的心(D)西班牙的节日20 画面景深由摄像机的焦距、光圈以及( )三方面关系决定。(

5、A)角度(B)物距(C)构图(D)景别21 梅兰芳主演的彩色戏曲片( )是中国摄制彩色影片的第一次尝试。(A)生死恨(B) 木兰从军(C) 祥林嫂(D)艳阳天22 在电影的片种中,( )是最常见、影响最大的片种,也是电影产业的经济支柱。(A)故事片(B)美术片(C)纪录片(含新闻片)(D)科学教育片(简称科教片)23 广播电视中声音的三大类是语言、音乐、( )。(A)音调(B)响度(C)音响(D)音色24 广播电视在现代的音乐传播上体现了强大的( )。(A)媒介功能(B)传播功能(C)宣传功能(D)沟通功能25 我国最早的广播剧是( )。(A)红岩(B) “七.二八” 的那一天(C) 恐怖的回

6、忆(D)减去十岁26 我国早期比较具备广播特点的广播剧是( )。(A)开船哕(B) 超越生命(C) 蘑菇的故事(D)皇帝的新装27 无线电广播发明于( )。(A)1903 年(B) 1904 年(C) 1905 年(D)1906 年28 国民党官办中央广播电台于( )开始在南京播音。(A)1928 年 8 月 1 日(B) 1927 年 8 月 1 日(C) 1928 年 9 月 1 日 (D)1927 年 9 月 1 日29 代表作有安魂曲、逍遥游、三个浪漫的中国人、龙谣、神话.中国、鸟之歌的是( )。(A)戴爱莲(B)吴晓邦(C)曹诚渊(D)王玫30 代表作有我心中的钗头凤、潮汐、两个身体

7、、红扇儿、也许是要飞翔、雷和雨的是( )。(A)戴爱莲(B)吴晓邦(C)曹诚渊(D)王玫31 撰写了论舞蹈艺术、从生活中捕捉舞蹈形象、生活、创作、技巧等论文,总结了“ 稳准敏洁轻、柔健韵美情 ”十字经的是 ( )。(A)白淑湘(B)王玫(C)莫德格玛(D)贾作光32 ( )被誉为巴西的 “国舞”。(A)伦(B)探戈(C)桑(D)狐步33 1956 年北京舞蹈学校上演了第一部外国舞剧( )。(A)天鹅湖(B) 阿波罗(C) 仙女们(D)无益的谨慎34 ( )是建筑艺术最直接、最鲜明的体现。(A)建筑形式(B)实际功能(C)建筑风格(D)材料技术35 中国传统人物画中,主要描写仙佛僧道的又被称为(

8、 )绘画。(A)道释(B)风俗(C)写真(D)仕女36 中国传统山水画中,以勾勒设色为主,金碧辉煌且富装饰意味的是( )。(A)没骨山水(B)水墨山水(C)浅绛山水(D)青绿山水37 ( )是现代设计理论和实践的发源地,对世界现代设计的发展作出了重大的贡献。(A)英国(B)法国(C)德国(D)美国38 对包豪斯、国际主义风格作人情化改良的是( )。(A)阿尔瓦.阿尔托(B)贝伦斯(C)米斯 .凡.德.罗(D)沃尔特.格罗皮乌斯39 后现代建筑语言的作者是( )。(A)查尔斯.詹克斯(B)文丘里(C)索特萨斯(D)斯特恩40 四灵纹中的朱雀在方位上指的是( )方。(A)东(B)南(C)西(D)北

9、41 下列类型属于彩陶属仰韶文化的是( )。(A)半坡型(B)半山型(C)马厂型(D)齐家42 中国现今发现最早的漆器出自( )文化。(A)河姆渡文化(B)半坡文化(C)周口店文化(D)庙底沟文化43 设计思维是一种( ) 。(A)创造性思维(B)科学思维(C)突破式思维(D)形象思维44 环境设计的中心课题是:协调( )的相互关系,使其和谐统一,形成完整、美好、舒适宜人的人类活动空间。(A)“人一产品一环境一社会”(B) “信息发送者一符号一信息接受者”(C) “人建筑一环境”(D)以上都不是二、多项选择填空题45 法国印象主义作曲家德彪西的代表作品有( )。(A)大海(B) 意象集(C)

10、牧神午后(D)版画集(E)佩里亚斯与梅丽桑德46 洛可可艺术的代表画家有( )。(A)华托(B)布歇(C)安格尔(D)卡拉瓦乔(E)梵高47 设计的功能要素包括( )。(A)象征功能(B)审美功能(C)享受功能(D)实用功能(E)认识功能48 总括地说,戏剧具有( )。这几种功能相互作用、互相渗透。(A)审美功能(B)娱乐功能(C)交流功能(D)教育功能(E)叙事功能49 明代徐渭所做的杂剧四声猿是( )的合称。(A)狂鼓史 (B) 玉禅师(C) 雌木兰(D)连环记(E)女状元50 在形式类型上可以把声画关系分为( )。(A)声画同一(B)声画合一(C)声画分立(D)声画对位(E)声画混合51

11、 就运动主体而言,电影的运动可以划分为( )的运动。(A)声音(B)图像(C)摄影师(D)被摄体(E)摄影机52 ( )是马里乌斯 .彼季帕与其俄国弟子列夫.伊万诺夫创作的。(A)睡美人(B) 天鹅湖(C) 胡桃夹子(D)阿波罗(E)马赛曲三、英文阅读理解题52 In 1 999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner decided to have children,they tackled the next big is sue:Should they try to have a girl?It was no small matterMiShelS brother ha

12、d become blind from a hereditary condition in his early 20 s,and the Meissners had learned that the condition is a disorder passed from mothers to sonsIf they had a boyhe would have a 50 percent chance of having the conditionA girl would be unaffected.The British coupleS inquiries about sex selectio

13、n led them to Virginia,U S,where a new sperm separation technique,called MicroSort,was experimental at the time When MiShel became pregnant she gave birth to a daughterNow they will try to have a second daughter using the same technique The technique separates sperm into two groups-those that carry

14、the Xchromosome producing a female babv and those that carry the Y chromosome producing a male babyThe techn010gy was developed in 1 990s,but the opening of a laboratory in January 2003 in California marked the companys first expansion“We believe the number of people who want this technology is grea

15、ter than those who have access to it,”said Keith L Blauer,the companys clinical directorThis is not only a seemingly effective way to select a childs genderIt also brings a host of ethical and pIactical considerations-especially for the majority of families who use the technique for nonmedical reaso

16、nsThe clinic 0fiers sex selection for two purposes:to help couples avoid passing on a sexlinked genetic disease and t0 allow those who already have a child to“balancetheir family by having a baby of the opposite sexBlauer said the company has had an impressive success rate:9 1 percent of the women w

17、ho beccome pregnant after sorting for a girl are successful, while 76 percent who sort for a boy and get pregnant are successfulThe technique separates speitll based on the fact that the X chromosome is larger than the YChromosome A machine is used to distinguish the size differences and sort the sp

18、erm accordingly53 Why did MiShel and Carl decide not to have a boy?_(A)Because they might give birth to a blind baby(B) Because Carl might pass his familys disease to his son(C) Because the boy might become blind when he grows up(D)Because they wanted a daughter to balance their family54 When MiShel

19、 gave birth to her first girl,the new spermseparation technique_(A)had already been welldeveloped(B) had not been declared successful(C) was available to those who wanted it(D)had been widely accepted in the medical world55 Which of the following is the authors primary concern regarding the applicat

20、ion of the new tech nology ?_(A)The expansion of the new technology may not bring profits to the companies(B) Most people whom use the technology will not have a baby as they want(C) The effect of the new technology still needs to be carefully examined(D)Increasing the use of the technology may dist

21、urb the sex balance in the population56 According to MrBlauerby using the new technology,_(A)9 1of the women successfully give birth to girls(B) 76of the women get pregnant with boys(C) it is more successf_ul for those who want to have girls(D)it is more successful for those who want to have boys57

22、The spermseparation technique is based on the fact that the chromosomes responsible for babiessex_(A)are of different shapes(B) are of different sizes(C) can be identified (D)can be reproduced57 It was not“the comet of the century”experts predicted it might be Nevertheless,Kohoutekhas provided a bon

23、anza of scientific informationIt was first spotted 370 million miles from Earth,by an astronomer who was searching the sky for asteroids,and after whom the comet was named Scientists who tracked Kohoutek the ten months before it passed the Earth predicted the comet would be a brilliant spectacle But

24、 Kohoutek fell short of these predictions,disappointing millions of amateursky watchers ,when it proved too pale to be seen with the unaided eye Researchers were delighted nonetheless with the new information they were able to glean from their investigation of the cometPerhaps the most significant d

25、iscovery was the identification of two important chemical compounds methyl cyanide and hydrogen cyanide-never before seen in comets,but found in the far reaches of interstellar space This discovery revealed new clues about the origin of cometsMost astronomers a gree that comets are primordial remnan

26、ts from the formation of the solar system,but whether they were born between Jupiter and Neptune or much farther out toward interstellar space has been the subject of much debate If compounds no more complex than ammonia and methane,key components of Jupiter,were seen in comets,it would suggest that

27、 comets form within the planetary orbits But more complex compounds,such as the methyl cyanide found in Kohoutek,point to formation far beyond the planets; there the deep freeze of space that kept them unchanged58 What is the subject of the passage?_(A)What was leamed from K0houtek(B) What was disap

28、pointing about Kohoutek(C) Where Kohoutek was spotted(D)How Kohoutek was tracked59 Why was Kohoutek referred to as“the comet of the century”?_(A)It was thought to be extremely old(B) It passes the Earth once a century(C) Scientists predicted it would be very bright(D)Scientists have been tracking it

29、 for a century60 In what respect was Kohoutek a disappointment?(A)It could be seen only through special equipment(B) It did not approach the Earth(C) It did not provide valuable scientific information(D)It was moving too rapidly for scientists to photograph61 Before the investigation of Kohoutekwher

30、e had methyl cyanide been known to exist?(A),In comets(B) On asteroids(C) Between Jupiter and Neptune (D)Beyond the Earths solar system62 Which 0f the foilowing questions is the best answered by information gained form Kohoutek ?(A)Where were comets formed?(B) When were comets formed?(C) When was th

31、e solar system formed?(D)How was the solar system formed?62 The list of“should”is very longYou should give more than 1 00 percent at work You should never stop learning and developingYou should read and keep up with events You should spend time with your family and take care of your myriad of daily

32、choresAt work,its not enough to be qualified for your job You have to have excellent people skills and problemsolving abilitiesYour IQ had better be high ,and you should welcome anything and everything newCommitment and enthusiasm are the bottom line At home,its not enough to have money in the bankT

33、here are children to raise,hobbies to encourage and daily routines to organize Contacts between home and the day care center or school are another priority You have to keep up your friendships and your family relationshipsYou have to have empathy for everyone around youYou have to have time How do w

34、e catch a guilty conscience?Finns in Business asked family counselor Hannu Kuukka from the Helsinki parish services“A bad conscience comes from conflicting pressures,from the feeling that you just cant manage everything that you consider importantFrustration and stress are the result”“Our internaliz

35、ed rolesthe role models that we subconsciously followalso contribute to the problemThroughout our lives,we carry with us the part we played in our own familyThis can be a source of encouragement and support,or the seeds of a bad conscience”What can we do for a bad conscience?“Our failures tend to be

36、come exaggerated in our minds especially if someone close to us verbalizes themYou have to set priorityCouples should decide to gether if one of them is going to concentrate on work and the other on familyThe couple is the foun dation of the home,so they have to find common ground,”comments Hannu Ku

37、ukka At work,you spend your time with adults,and you can excel in your own field Are you more comfortable at work than at home?This is a common feeling-and another source of guilt“It is not unusual for relationships at work to be easier and more straightforward than those at horne The everyday life

38、of a family with children can be exhaustingAnd today,with growing competition and more friction at work,even these relationships have become more difficult”says Kuukka.63 The purpose of the first paragraph is to_(A)itemize what people have to accomplish in their lives(B) brief a real but tough situa

39、tion for couples to cope with(C) explain why some people long for a break of routine(D)show how a full time job goes against a family life64 According to the author,the decisive factor for one to perform well at work is_(A)responsibility and devotion(B) right qualifications(C) “ginality and open-min

40、dedness(D)an IQ at least above 13065 What seems always problematic for ones family life is that _(A)money never seems to be enough(B) friendships and family relationships are hard to keep up(C) one simply cant afford the time(D)itS impossible to share feelings with everyone around66 According to the

41、 passage,the constant cause of a bad conscience lies in the fact that_(A)one attempts to achieve a good balance between work and familylife(B) people have unknowingly played stereotyped sex roles in family(C) our minds are beset with exaggerated information about family problems(D)no couple is capab

42、le of handling more than one thing at a time67 What does the underlined pronounthem(1ine 19)refer to in the context?_(A)Minds(B) Parents(C) Failures (D)Priorities四、论述题68 试述艺术家从事艺术创作应具备的素质和能力。69 试述艺术流派形成需要具备的条件。70 如何理解艺术的世界性与民族性?71 试述艺术与宗教的关系。72 试列举现代美术发展时期的重要人物。73 请结合 12 部影片创作实际论述电影的综合性特点。74 简要说明艺术风

43、格多样性形成的原因。75 简论广场民间舞和剧场民间舞在文化性质上的区别。76 简述电视的含义和类别。77 简述戏剧的功能。78 简述巴洛克时期的音乐成就。79 如何理解中国戏曲的虚拟性?在职艺术硕士(MFA)全国联考(十月联考)入学资格考试模拟试卷 1答案与解析一、单项选择填空题1 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 贝多芬共创作了 9 首编号交响曲,分别是第一交响曲、第二交响曲、第三交响曲(英雄交响曲)、第四交响曲、第五交响曲(命运交响曲)、第六交响曲(田园交响曲)、第七交响曲、第八交响曲、第九交响曲(合唱交响曲) 。2 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 隋唐音乐文化成就以宫廷燕乐为最高代表。当时的宫

44、廷音乐,除典礼、祭祀所用的雅乐之外,还有用于宴享活动的音乐,称为“燕(宴)乐”或“俗乐”。它的主体部分是歌舞大曲,代表作品是成曲于唐天宝年间的霓裳羽衣曲。3 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 交响诗的创始人是匈牙利作曲家李斯特,他在 19 世纪下半叶先后创作了 13 首交响诗。海顿是维也纳古典乐派的第一位大师,被后人尊称为“交响曲之父”和“弦乐四重奏之父”。莫扎特与海顿、贝多芬被誉为维也纳古典乐派的三大音乐巨匠。巴赫是巴洛克音乐时期的巅峰人物。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 中国传统音乐大致可以分为宫廷音乐、文人音乐、宗教音乐和民间音乐四大类型。其中民间音乐是其他类型传统音乐的基础,主要由民问歌

45、曲、歌舞、说唱、戏曲和器乐五大类组成。5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 话剧是一门综合性艺术,是指以对话为主的戏剧形式,虽然可以使用少量音乐、歌唱等,但主要叙述手段为演员在台上无伴奏的对白或独白,剧作、导演、表演、舞美、灯光、评论缺一不可。它有着悠久的历史传统,由古希腊人所创造,并于 20 世纪初传人中国,由演员按照逼真的审美观念,在舞台上以说话和扮演人物故事表现人类生活的一种艺术形式。6 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 盘索里是朝鲜的一种传统说唱体裁,以粗粝的发声为特色,例如春香传等。甘美兰是印度尼西亚一种以锣为核心、以金属打击乐器为主体的合奏音乐,是在世界范围产生重要影响的东方音乐之一。歌舞

46、伎是日本一种古典市民艺术,是融歌、舞、乐和戏剧于一体的综合性艺术形式。7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 中国传统音乐大致可以分为宫廷音乐、文人音乐、宗教音乐和民间音乐四大类型。其中民间音乐是其他类型传统音乐的基础,主要由民间歌曲、歌舞、说唱、戏曲和器乐五大类组成。8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 冲突使主人公的命运发生逆转,对观演双方都能造成极大的情感冲击。它是一系列戏剧矛盾酝酿发展而导致不可避免的摊牌的结果,逼使观众对于其喜欢或不喜欢的舞台人物倾注自己的强烈的情感,乃至与其同呼吸共命运。9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 中国戏剧主要包括戏曲和话剧,戏曲是中国传统戏剧,话剧则是 20世纪引进的

47、西方戏剧形式。10 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 中国戏剧奖在 2005 年由“梅花奖”和“曹禺戏剧奖”合并而成。“梅花奖”是由中国剧协主持评选的表演奖,奖励优秀的戏剧演员。“曹禺戏剧奖”由中国剧协主持评选,奖励优秀的剧本。11 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 角抵戏渊源于上古祭祀战神蚩尤的舞蹈“蚩尤戏”,最初指两个人徒手搏斗以角力之大小的武术表演,西汉以后逐渐演变成一种有固定内容和情节结构,由角力者装扮人物的故事表演。东海黄公便是当时角抵戏的典型。12 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 三一律是 17 世纪欧洲古典主义戏剧创作的规则,指剧中故事情节、时间、地点三者必须完整单一,每剧限写发生在一天之

48、内、同一地点的单一情节的故事。代表人物有法国的莫里哀。1 8 世纪以后,三一律逐步被打破。13 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 明代前期弋阳腔、余姚腔、海盐腔、昆山腔合称南戏“四大声腔”。其中的昆山腔经过魏良辅等一批音乐家的全面改革,后来发展成为委婉细腻的“水磨调”,被称为 “昆曲”。14 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 敷演王昭君出塞和亲故事的汉宫秋最能代表马致远的艺术成就,与白朴的梧桐雨一并成为元杂剧中历史悲剧的“双璧”。15 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 十五贯,朱素臣作,原为清代传奇,又称双熊梦。该剧在1956 年由浙江昆剧团成功地进行了改编并演出,影响极佳,使濒危的昆曲展现了生机,因此人们将其誉为“一出戏救活一个剧种”。16 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 宋元戏曲考是清末民初时期的国学大师王国维先生研究宋元时期戏曲发展的力作,探讨中国戏曲形成过程、戏剧的渊源及戏剧文学,并以宋元两朝为重点,还兼及曲调的专著,材料丰富,态度严谨,对杂剧的断代更为研究界长期沿用。17 【正确答案】


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