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1、考研英语二(作文)模拟试卷 128 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Write a composition/letter of no less than 100 words on the following information. (10 points)1 Suppose A2. Suggestions about our products manufacturing, selling, promoting, etc.;3. Activities of the staff in their spare time;4. Others.Such contributions are

2、 expected to be within a 1,000 word limit and English contributions are supposed to be typed. Please send the contributions to Li Ming of the Public Relations Department.Looking forward to your contributions!【试题解析】 题目要求写一封征稿启事,呼吁员工向公司的内刊投稿。征稿启事语言应力求简练,信息传递应完整、准确。开头可先交代征稿目的,然后清楚说明对来稿的要求及投递方式,最后表达对员工来

3、稿的期盼。【知识模块】 写作2 【正确答案】 Marketing Assistants WantedABC Company is a fast-growing foreign trade company. In order to develop our business, we now need 3 marketing assistants. The position is responsible for supporting the marketing manager in developing and implementing marketing plans for the company

4、. The qualifications are required as follows:College degree or above with good English (speaking and writing).Basic idea of sales and marketing (related experience is preferred).At least 1 year of full-time work experience.Good communication and presentation skills.Basic computer skills (Excel, Word

5、, PowerPoint, E-mail).Please e-mail or send your resume (both in English and Chinese) and copies of diploma, training certificates to the following address, and the deadline is July, 1.E-mail: Address: Room 203, Pudong Building, Shanghai.【试题解析】 题目要求为一家公司写一份招聘市场助理的招聘广告。招聘广告一般包括以下内容:招聘单位名称及性质、行业领域。 所提

6、供的职位。工作职责和应聘条件,如文化程度、工作经历等。应聘方法,包括面试场所、通信地址、截止日期等。招聘广告的语言应平实、简练,尤其体现在说明工作职责和应聘资格的内容方面。【知识模块】 写作3 【正确答案】 Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to you concerning the quality problem of the mobile phone I bought from your store early last month.This mobile phone costs 2,000 yuan in your store. However, I regret

7、to tell you that it broke down in less than a week. The microphone just did not work. The people I was calling could not hear me no matter how loudly I spoke. I returned it to your store for maintenance twice, but it still could not work properly. I therefore request that you replace it with a new o

8、ne or give me a refund.I would appreciate it if you give me a prompt solution. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely, Li Ming【试题解析】 题目要求写一封投诉信,投诉手机的质量问题。在阐述投诉理由及问题所带来的不便或损失时,表达要客观、得体,说清楚事情的始末,就事论事,不要对责任方的品格等进行评论。据此可谋篇布局如下:第一段:说明写信理由,点明手机存在质量问题。第二段:具体阐明质量问题,并提出解决问题的建议。第三段:表达期待,并表示感

9、谢。【知识模块】 写作4 【正确答案】 Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning!It is my great honor to declare the opening of the Conference of International Trade Cooperation. And on behalf of all the members of the organizing committee, I would like to express my warm congratulations to the Conference and my hearty welcom

10、e to all the guests and delegates.I believe our cooperative efforts are sure to be productive and will contribute directly to further trade expansion to the benefit of our countries.I sincerely wish the conference a complete success.Thank you for your attention!【试题解析】 题目要求写一则会议开幕词。开幕词语言上要求简洁明了、通俗、明快

11、、上口,忌长篇累牍。正文应阐明开幕的事件,对参加开幕式的来宾致以问候,表达对开幕事件的期望或阐述开幕事件的意义,最后对事件的成功表示祝愿。【知识模块】 写作5 【正确答案】 Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon!The Conference of International Trade Cooperation is coming to a successful conclusion. At the moment the curtain is about to fall on this event, please allow me, on behalf of a

12、ll the members of our organizing committee, to express our sincere gratitude to all of you who have so actively participated in the conference to make it such a success. I would also like to extend my best wishes to all of you, and I look forward to seeing you again at the next conference.I now have the duty and honor to declare the conference closed.Thank you very much.【试题解析】 题目要求写一则会议的闭幕词。闭幕词语言上要求简洁明了,忌长篇累牍。正文应阐明闭幕的事件、对参与事件及为事件做贡献的来宾表示感谢以及表达对下一次事件举办的期待等。最后应正式宣布事件结束,并对听众致谢。【知识模块】 写作


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