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1、考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷 120 及答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20 points)1 Choice 选择 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)interpret its intended meaning, and3)give your comment

2、s.2 The Cultural “Hot Pot“文化火锅 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and3)give your comments.3 The Time of Green Light 绿灯时间 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you

3、 should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and then3)give your comments.4 The Way to Outer Space 飞天之路 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and3)give your comments.5 Spa

4、m Text Message 垃圾短信 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain its intended meaning, and3)give your comments.考研英语(短文写作)模拟试卷 120 答案与解析Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following information. (20

5、points)1 【正确答案】 As is vividly demonstrated in the drawing, rows of college students are standing at the threshold of graduation, facing multiple choices such as hunting for a job, pursuing a higher degree, going abroad or establishing a business. Yet apparently, not every student has prepared well f

6、or making a suitable choice.While most students are confident of their future, eager to leave the ivory tower to realize their dreams, some students feel bewildered with the amount of choices, and others even feel it does not matter what the choice is. They may have idled away their campus life with

7、out thinking about their future. Or, with a vague aim, they have failed to manage themselves well to carry out their wishes. Or, they may have changed their ideas halfway, which results in feeling not prepared enough for graduationThen how can such students get out of the bewilderment? In my opinion

8、, the students should have a better understanding of themselves and the society, and the school has a responsibility to provide the students with necessary guidance and help. Its no easy job, but its worth the efforts.【试题解析】 这幅图片描绘了千万毕业大军在离开校园之际面临的不同选择求职、考研、出国以及创业,可谓毕业境况的真实反映。然而,有些人毕业时踌躇满志,有些人在毕业之际一

9、筹莫展。根据这一思路,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片:毕业大军在离校之际面临多种选择,但不是所有学生都作好了充分准备。第二段指出问题:大部分毕业生信心十足,也有一些人举棋不定,还有一些人觉得毕业的选择无所谓。第三段提出建议:学生应当更好地了解自己及社会,同时学校有责任给予必要的指导和帮助。【知识模块】 短文写作2 【正确答案】 The picture depicts a hot pot with a number of cultural keywords as its ingredients. These cultural ingredients come from both home an

10、d abroad, covering a wide range of fields like science, literature, religion, social science and performing arts. Apart from these, nameplates of several world-renowned scientists and writers are also put into the hot pot. At the bottom of the picture, there is a note that reads, “cultural hot pot,

11、tasty and nourishing.“The hot pot is comparable to Chinas culture today in that with the development of economic globalization and the advent of the Information Age, cultural exchange and convergence is inevitable. And the cultural “hot pot“ might be a preferable form of todays Chinese culture. Mixi

12、ng together the key elements of traditional Chinese culture and the heritage of the outside world will undoubtedly promote the profoundness of our culture and the understanding among nations.In our history, there were times when we isolated ourselves from the outside world in the name of preserving

13、our tradition and culture, which turned out to be damaging or even devastating to the nation. In this global village, we shall learn to give, to share, to understand, and to make a better world.【试题解析】 图片中是一个文化“火锅”,里面放满了各种食材,这些食材均是中国和外国各种文化的典型代表,涵盖了文学、科学、宗教及表演艺术等各个方面。图片旨在揭示中国文化与世界文化的交流和融合在所难免。根据这一思路,

14、并按照题目的要求,文章的结构可大致设计如下:第一段简要描述图片的内容。第二段揭示图片传达的含义。随着经济全球化的不断发展,以及因特网的出现,文化的交流和融合已成为一种必然。中国当然也不例外。第三段对文化交流和融合发表自己的评论,指出闭关锁国对国家的发展是不利的,我们应该学会给予、分享和理解。【知识模块】 短文写作3 【正确答案】 In the picture, pedestrians are bending over the zebra crossing. Behind them stands a traffic controller saying “the green light will

15、only last for five seconds, ready.“ This picture, in its funny way, satirizes the irrational design of some traffic light systems.From where I stand, the designs for public facilities should be humanized. To begin with, designers should understand the needs of the intended users. Moreover, they shou

16、ld test run their designed facilities before putting them into service. Take a Dutch designer as an example. Though not disabled, he sat on a wheel chair to travel around the accessible museum he designed. By putting himself in the shoes of those in need, he found out several potential obstacles, wh

17、ich make part of the museum in accessible for the disabled. At last, he improved his design and made the museum more satisfactory. Similarly, if the designers of the traffic light system test run the system before putting it into use, the absurd situation portrayed in the picture will not happen.In

18、short, designers should work on their designs from the intended users perspectives, so that their work can serve people better.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了行人过马路的紧张情景,行人一字排开作准备起跑冲刺状,交通协管员说绿灯时间只有 5 秒,可见红绿灯系统的设置有问题。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,并指出图片的意图:讽刺了一些交通灯系统的不合理设计。第二段提出个人看法:公共设施的设计应该有人情味,并以荷兰设计师设计的无障碍博物馆为例加以

19、说明。第三段总结全文:设计师应站在使用者的角度进行设计,以确保设计能更好地服务大众。【知识模块】 短文写作4 【正确答案】 In the picture, a spacecraft is featured in the background of a moonlit night An astronaut is climbing onto the spacecraft. However, what he is climbing is not a normal staircase, but one made of piles of books. The intended message of th

20、e picture is that scientific advancement takes its root in knowledge not in sheer luck or fantasy. There is no easy way or shortcut to know the wonder of the universe. What we should do is to acquire knowledge about it. It is fair to say that each and every human progress has been based on insightfu

21、l knowledge discovery. Darwins milestone work of Origin of Species is a case in point. Without his groundbreaking discovery, modem biology would not have been possible, let alone the advanced therapeutic measures coming out of it.In short, knowledge plays an indispensable role in scientific undertak

22、ing, or human progress by extension. Thus, we should respect knowledge and bear in mind that knowledge is the power which drives human and our society forward.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了宇航员登上宇宙飞船的情景。宇航员攀登的阶梯是书本。可见知识在科技进步中的重要作用。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,指出科技进步建基于扎实的知识之上,而不是运气或空想。第二段阐明探索宇宙的神秘之处无捷径可言;人类进步都有赖于

23、知识的发现,并以达尔文的物种起源为例加以说明。第三段总结全文:知识在科学事业上起着不可替代的作用,我们应该尊重知识。【知识模块】 短文写作5 【正确答案】 In the picture, a cell phone is engulfed by piles of spam text messages. The cell phone, petrified, is screaming “Help!“ This picture, in its vivid way, addresses the issue of spam text messages in China and calls for acti

24、on to tackle this problem.As far as I am concerned, the authorities concerned should adopt two measures to intervene. First of all, a real name registration system for cell phone SIM cards, in other words, cell phone numbers, should be implemented. In this way, we can trace the source of spam messag

25、es and hold the senders responsible for his or her abhorrent act. In addition, telecommunication companies should offer their subscribers a service of blacklisting certain cell phone numbers. To be specific, if a subscriber receives some irrelevant text messages or phone calls from a cell phone numb

26、er, he or she can blacklist that number and never get bothered by it from then on.In short, having the registered information of cell phone numbers and giving people the option to blacklist some cell phone numbers will bring peace back to our cell phones.【试题解析】 这幅图片刻画了一台手机被无数垃圾短信淹没的情景。手机发出求救的声音,可见该图意在批评垃圾短信对我们的生活造成的滋扰。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:第一段描绘图片,指出图片的意图:呼吁我们要采取措施来解决垃圾短信问题。第二段提出个人看法:可采取两方面的干预措施来解决这一问题。其一,实行手机号码实名制,以追查垃圾短信的来源。其二,把发来垃圾短信的电话号码列入黑名单,避免再受其困扰。第三段总结全文:实名制和黑名单功能可还手机一份清静。【知识模块】 短文写作


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