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1、考研英语(阅读)模拟试卷 111 及答案与解析Part ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. (40 points)0 Billions of people across the world are in need of and demanding a better globalisationone that puts the economy to work for people and not the other wa

2、y round. The financial crash exposed just how detached the global economy has become from our valuesa misalignment that is most pronounced in the worlds response to the global epidemic of youth unemployment.The impact is also felt closer to home, with industrialised countries experiencing large spik

3、es in worklessness among young people; in both Europe and the US, one young person in five is looking for a job.But it doesnt need to be this way. In developing and developed countries alike, education is the key to giving young people the skills they need to be successful in a modern economy. As Ne

4、lson Mandela wrote in his autobiography: “Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor.“ For that reason, I was delighted to accept an invitation from the Global Campaign for Educationan organisation that brings tog

5、ether some of the worlds leading NGOs, trade unions and campaigners in this fieldto convene, in the company of the activist Graca Machel, Mandelas wife, a “high-level panel“ to promote the cause of education throughout the world. In that capacity, I have authored a report on education and growth to

6、argue the case for a global push on education.The case, I believe, is compelling. It is built on the twin pillars of ethics and economics: ethics because it is unfair that so many young people are being deniedthrough no fault of their ownthe opportunity to develop their talents and are condemned to

7、poverty, and economics because this waste of human capital is grossly economically inefficient.New research presented in the report shows that a renewed push towards the Millennium Development Goal of quality basic primary education for all the worlds children by 2015 could increase per capita incom

8、e growth in the poorest countries by 2 per cent over projected levels. That would be good news for developing countries and would make a big difference to the fight against global povertybut it would be good news, too, for western economies. People are often surprised to learn that sub-Saharan Afric

9、a is now a trillion-dollar economy and that it grew faster than India and Brazil between 2000 and 2010. In an era when both Europe and America appear set for sluggish growth in the short term, we need to do everything we can to support the development of alternative poles of growth in the global eco

10、nomypoles that can boost global demand for our goods and services. Tackling youth unemployment in developing countries and addressing it in the developed nations are, therefore, two sides of the same coin.1 The current globalization is probably one that_.(A)exposes the misalignment between economy a

11、nd values(B) enables economy to become a servant to ordinary people(C) constrains ordinary peoples life with economy(D)causes the world epidemic of youth unemployment2 The reason why the author accepted the invitation of the Global Campaign for education is that_.(A)the organization can put many inf

12、luential organizations and people together(B) he will get the opportunity to meet with the activist Graca Machel(C) the organization will give the author a capacity to publish his report on education(D)he wants to promote a global push on education to solve the youth umemployment3 The underlined phr

13、ase in Paragraph 3 refers to_.(A)in the enterprise of(B) within the corporation of(C) among the squad of(D)accompanied by4 The author writes about the sub-Saharan Africa to demonstrate_.(A)the inevitability of Europes declining(B) the importance of new growth point(C) the significance of educational

14、 development(D)the influence of poverty fighting5 Which of the following will the author most agree?(A)Sub-Saharan Africa area grows faster than India and Brazil in the 21 st century.(B) Addressing youth unemployment in developed countries may sacrifice that of developing country.(C) Youth unemploym

15、ent results from educational problems but not the youth themselves.(D)Per capita income growth of African countries may increase by 2% in 2015.5 The United States Interstate Highway System is an infrastructure feat of unprecedented proportions. Not only does it join all fifty states in the union tog

16、ether allowing for rapid transport of goods and people, but it also has legitimate claim to the title of the largest public works program in history. The project was motivated by both military and economic goals. Interest in the project existed since the early 1940s, but was delayed by the outbreak

17、of World War II, followed by the postwar recovery. Although approved by Congress in 1944, the building did not actually begin until 1956.The postwar prosperity in America accentuated the need for such a massive infrastructure project. After Americas success in World War II and recovery of its econom

18、y from the Great Depression, the populations disposable income soared, allowing most families to purchase automobiles, previously thought of as luxury items. With the sudden boom of cars, a more efficient road on which to travel was desperately needed, and the interstate highway system provided that

19、, allowing travelers to safely and reliably visit other states or destinations closer to home.The same surge in car ownership that created the need for the interstate highway system also provided the means by which to pay for the project. A new tax on gasoline provided 90 percent of the funding for

20、the project, and state taxes covered the remaining 10 percent. With the new highway system in place, not only could travelers visit previously unfeasible destinations on their holidays and vacations, but businesses could transport their products to markets in other states, increasing competition acr

21、oss the country, to the benefit of consumers and product quality alike.The military had a keen eye on the system as well. Troop transport was now possible to all corners of America in a rapid and efficient manner, and the long stretches of straight highways instantly provided runways for military ai

22、rcraft in times of emergency. The country, linked together by a network of roads that greatly reduced travel time, could now more efficiently be defended.In the last forty years alone, 17 trillion miles have been traveled on the US Interstate Highway System. Those miles can be equated to three trips

23、 around the world for every American, a trip to the moon for 75 million people, or three light years in space. No matter what figure is used, the numbers are stunning. The interstate highway has gotten and continues to get people where they need to go in America, and at a fraction of the time it wou

24、ld otherwise take.6 The author views the United States Interstate Highway System with_.(A)wholehearted approval(B) a judgement of the good outweighing the bad(C) positive feelings on its economic impact(D)critical support7 The distance traveled on the US Interstate Highway System since its building

25、is expressed in a variety of different measurements so as to_.(A)stress the effects of the interstate highway system that continue to this day(B) highlight the incredible distances that have been traveled on the interstate highway system(C) state the distances traveled on the interstate highway syst

26、em in more comparable terms(D)make a final statement attesting to the greatness of the interstate highway system8 The US Interstate Highway System was built mainly_.(A)to respond to urgent needs that had arisen(B) in order to better defend a country in a time of war(C) with military needs in mind(D)

27、from state taxpayer dollars9 The outbreak of World War II_.(A)wasted precious time by delaying the Interstate Highway project(B) had a positive impact by contributing to the means by which the Interstate Highway System was built(C) delayed the start of the project but resulted in more money by which

28、 to fund it(D)spurred the military to throw their support in favor of the Interstate Highway project10 Paragraph 3 indicates that_.(A)the tax on gasoline was the most efficient way by which to fund the building of the Interstate Highway System(B) the Interstate Highway System was an immense financia

29、l burden that required huge amounts of resources to complete(C) without the postwar surge in car ownership, funding for the Interstate Highway System would have been insufficient(D)those who stood to benefit most from the Interstate Highway System provided the majority of the funding for its constru

30、ction10 The mythology of a culture can provide some vital insights into the beliefs and values of that culture. By using fantastic and sometimes incredible stories to create an oral tradition by which to explain the wonders of the natural world and teach lessons to younger generations, a society exp

31、oses those ideas and concepts held most important. Just as important as the final lesson to be gathered from the stories, however, are the characters and the roles they play in conveying that message.Perhaps the epitome of mythology and its use as a tool to pass on cultural values can be found in Ae

32、sops Fables, told and retold during the era of the Greek Empire. Aesop, a slave who won the favor of the court through his imaginative and descriptive tales, almost exclusively used animals to fill the roles in his short stories. Humans, when at all present, almost always played the part of bumbling

33、 nincompoops struggling to learn the lesson being presented. This choice of characterization and personification allows us to see that the Greeks placed wisdom on a level slightly beyond humans, implying that deep wisdom and understanding is a universal quality sought by, rather than stemming from,

34、human beings.Aesops fables illustrated the central themes of humility and self-reliance, reflecting the importance of those traits in early Greek society. The folly of humans was used to contrast against the ultimate goal of attaining a higher level of understanding and awareness of truths about nat

35、ure and humanity. For example, one notable fable features a fox repeatedly trying to reach a bunch of grapes on a very high vine. After failing at several attempts, the fox gives up, making up its mind that the grapes were probably sour anyway. The fables lesson, that we often play down that which w

36、e cant achieve so as to make ourselves feel better, teaches the reader or listener in an entertaining way about one of the weaknesses of the human psyche.The mythology of other cultures and societies reveal the underlying traits of their respective cultures just as Aesops fables did. The stories of

37、Roman gods, Aztec ghosts and European elves all served to train ancient generations those lessons considered most important to their community, and today they offer a powerful looking glass by which to evaluate and consider the contextual environment in which those cultures existed.11 The author app

38、ears to view fables as_.(A)the most interesting and valuable form of mythology(B) entertaining yet serious subjects of study(C) a remnant tool of past civilizations, but not often used in the modern age(D)the primary method by which ancient values and ideas were transmitted between generations12 The

39、 way that fables were used in the past is most similar to todays_.(A)fairy tales that entertain children at home(B) stories in childrens school textbooks that reinforce the lesson(C) science documentaries that explain how nature works(D)movies that depict animals as having human characteristics13 Th

40、e main purpose of paragraph 3 is to_.(A)examine how one of Aesops fables sheds light on certain facets of Greek belief(B) dissect one of Aesops fables in order to study the elements that make up Greek mythology(C) learn from the lesson presented in one of Aesops most well-known fables(D)illustrate a

41、 fable typical of Aesops style, so as to examine how one goes about studying the meaning behind it14 The main point of this text is_.(A)Aesops fables provide a valuable glimpse into early Greek thoughts and beliefs(B) the most efficient and reliable way to study the value system of an ancient cultur

42、e is through study of its mythology(C) without a thorough examination of a societys fables and other mythology, a cultural study on that society would be only partial(D)through the study of a cultures mythological tradition, one can discern some of the underlying beliefs that shaped those stories15

43、The author names the Roman, Aztec and European cultures in order to_.(A)identify other cultures in which fables were the primary method by which to pass on traditions and values(B) explicitly name the various types of characters in those cultures fables(C) stress that mythology was used by cultures

44、other than the Greeks to convey societal morals(D)establish them, in addition to the Greeks, as the societies most notable for their mythology15 It has been established that in business, there are three phases of a businesss development, aptly illustrated by a military analogy. As in war, the busine

45、ss is first initiated by “commandos“, then stabilized by the “army“, and finally kept going by the “police“. In each of the three phases, the business drastically changes, and the role of each preceding agent is minimized to the point of exclusion.In the first stage, the business does not yet even e

46、xist. The “commandos“, innovative, revolutionary thinkers with an abundance of energy and ideas, burst onto the scene, creating a business model and taking the risks necessary to start a successful business. These mavericks go about starting the business using their own methods, heedless of conventi

47、on or tradition. Doing whatever it takes to get the project off the ground, they literally make something out of nothing, creating a company out of seemingly thin air.In the next phase, the business has been established, but remains a fledgling company, precarious in its position in the market. At t

48、his point, the “army“ moves in, picking up where the commandos left off. Although less risk is taken by the “army“ of managing entrepreneurs, they work within the established rules to propel the company into a larger and more stable, secure position, seizing market share and establishing a brand nam

49、e. The “army“ is the team that makes a good idea great, pumping the company full of revenue to allow it to further grow and expand.In the last stage, the “police“ come in and keep the peace. Whereas the “commandos“ got the ball rolling and the “army“ came in to make it roll faster, the “police“ simply make sure that it keeps rolling and doesnt slow down. The “police“ force is comprised of grunt workers who perform the day-to-day operations of the business. Without these workers, the

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