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1、英语专业(基础英语)模拟试卷 1 及答案与解析一、英译汉1 Translate the passage into Chinese(50 points)In the course of a December tour in Yorkshire, I rode for a long distance in one of the public coaches on the day preceding Christmas. The coach was crowded, both inside and out, with passengers who, by their talk, seemed pri

2、ncipally bound to the mansions of relations or friends to eat the Christmas dinner. It was loaded also with hampers of game, and baskets and boxes of delicacies, and hares hung dangling their long ears about the coachmans box, presents from distant friends for the impending feast. I had three fine r

3、osy-cheeked school boys for my fellow-passengers inside, full of the buxom health and manly spirit which I have observed in the children of this country. They were returning home for the holidays in high glee, and promising themselves a world of enjoyment. It was delightful to hear the gigantic plan

4、s of the little rogues, and the impracticable feats they were to perform during their six weeks emancipation from the abhorred thraldom of book, birch, and pedagogue.They were full of anticipations of the meeting with the family and household, down to the very cat and dog, and of the joy they were t

5、o give their little sisters by the presents with which their pockets were crammed; but the meeting to which they seemed to look forward with the greatest impatience was with Bantam, which I found to be a pony, and, according to their talk, possessed of more virtues than any steed since the days of B

6、ucephalus. How he could trot! how he could run! and then such leaps as he would take!there was not a hedge in the whole country that he could not clear.They were under the particular guardianship of the coachman, to whom, whenever an opportunity presented, they addressed a host of questions, and pro

7、nounced him one of the best fellows in the world. Indeed, I could not but notice the more than ordinary air of bustle and importance of the coachman, who wore his hat a little on one side and had a large bunch of Christmas greens stuck in the buttonhole of his coat. He is always a personage full of

8、mighty care and business, but he is particularly so during this season, having so many commissions to execute in consequence of the great interchange of presents.Perhaps it might be owing to the pleasing serenity that reigned in my own mind that I fancied I saw cheerfulness in every countenance thro

9、ughout the journey. A stage-coach, however, carries animation always with it, and puts the world in motion as it whirls along. The horn, sounded at the entrance of the village, produces a general bustle. Some hasten forth to meet friends; some with bundles and bandboxes to secure places, and in the

10、hurry of the moment can hardly take leave of the group that accompanies them. In the meantime the coachman has a world of small commissions to execute. Sometimes he delivers a hare or pheasant; sometimes jerks a small parcel or newspaper to the door of a public house; and sometimes, with knowing lee

11、r and words of sly import, hands to some half-blushing, half-laughing housemaid an odd-shaped billet-doux from some rustic admirer. As the coach rattles through the village, every one runs to the window, and you have glances on every side of fresh country faces and blooming giggling girls. At the co

12、rners are assembled juntos of village idlers and wise men, who take their stations there for the important purpose of seeing company pass; but the sagest knot is generally at the blacksmiths, to whom the passing of the coach is an event fruitful of much speculation.二、汉译英2 Translate the passage into

13、English(50 points)红海上的一幕太阳做完了竟日普照的事业,在万物送别他的时候,他还显出十分的壮丽。他披上红袍,光耀万丈,云霞布阵,换起与主将一色的制服,听候号令。尽天所覆的大圆镜上,鼓起微波,远近同一节奏的轻舞,以歌颂他的功德,以惋惜他的离去。景物忽然变动了,云霞移转,歌舞紧急,我战战兢兢的凝视,看宇宙间将有何种变化;太阳骤然躲入一块紫云后面了。海面失色,立即转为幽暗,彩云惊惧,屏足不敢喘息。金线万条,透射云际,使人领受最后的恩惠,然而他又出来了。他之藏匿是欲缓和人们在他去后的相思的。我俯首看自己,见是照得满身光彩。正在欣幸而惭愧,回头看见我的背影。从船上投射海中,眼光跟了他过


15、留恋,谁也不能挽留;空虚的舞台上唯留光明的小云,在可羡的布景前闪烁,听满场的鼓掌。月亮是何等的圆润啊,远胜珠玉,他已高升,而且已远比初出时明亮了。他照临我,投射我的影子到无尽远处,追上太阳。月光是太阳的返照,然而他自有风格,绝不与太阳同德性。凉风经过他的旁边,裙钗摇曳,而他的目光愈是清澈了。他柔抚万物,以灵魂分给他们,使各各自然的知道填入诗句,合奏他新成的曲调。此时唯有皎洁,唯有凉爽,从气中,从水上,缥缈宇内。这是安慰,这是休息。这样的直到太阳再来时,再开始大家的工作。三、写作3 Writing(50 points)(300-500 words)Intellectual Honesty Cou

16、nts英语专业(基础英语)模拟试卷 1 答案与解析一、英译汉1 【正确答案】 十二月份在约克郡旅行期间,我曾乘坐一辆公共马车走过很长一段路程。那是圣诞节的前一天,马车里里外外挤满了乘客,从他们的谈话听得出,好像主要是去亲戚朋友的住处吃圣诞餐的。马车上装着野味的大篮子、盛着佳肴的筐子和盒子、马车夫的驾驶座旁边挂着的耷拉着长长的耳朵的野兔,都是远方朋友为即将来临的盛宴送的礼物。车里和我做伴的乘客有 3 个长得很漂亮的男孩,面色红润,身体丰健,尽显男子气概,这是我在这个国家的孩子们身上观察到的。他们正高高兴兴地回家度假,期待着无尽的欢乐。这些小家伙们谈论着在 6 周的假期里,从讨厌的书本、桦鞭和老师



19、咕隆咕隆穿过村子时,人们就都跑上来,你会发现充满活力的乡下人和面容红润的女孩子们咯咯笑着从车窗往里看。街外聚集着一群游手好闲的村民和消息灵通的人士,他们到那里的重要目的,就是看马车拉着人们通过;但是最有经验的一群人则聚集在铁匠铺,马车的路过是他们早已预料到的事情。【试题解析】 lIt was loaded also with hampers of game,and baskets and boxes of delicacies, and hares hungdangling their long ears about the coachmans box,presents from distan

20、t friends for the impendingfeast“马车上装着野味的大篮子、盛着佳肴的筐子和盒子、马车夫的驾驶座旁边挂着的耷拉着长长的耳朵的野兔,都是远方朋友为即将来临的盛宴送的礼物。”由于英汉两种语言之间的差异,翻译很难做到也不应该追求字、词、句的对应。因此,翻译过程中,常有变通和必要的转换。此句原文中 It was loaded with 后面是 3 个名词短语 hampers of game,baskets and boxes of delicacies 和 hares hung dangling their ears。译文在保留了 3 个并列的名词短语基础上,在同位语 p

21、resents前加上“都是”二字,使译文语义更加明确,符合汉语的表达习惯。2They were returning home for the holidays in high glee,and promising themselves a world ofenjoyment“他们正高高兴兴地回家度假,期待着无尽的欢乐。”这里,原文中的介词短语 for the holidays 和 in high glee 转换成汉语的“度假“和“高高兴兴地”。promising themselves a world of enjoyment 译为“期待着无限的欢乐”。3It was delightful to

22、 hear the gigantic plans of the little rogues,and the impracticable feats theywere to perform during their six weeksemancipation from the abhorred thraldom of book,birch,and pedagogue“这些小家伙们谈论着在6 周的假期里,从讨厌的书本、桦鞭和老师的束缚下解放出来,要实施宏大的计划并完成不切实际的业绩。听到这些,真是让人心情愉快。”英语一般是先概括后分解、先统论后叙述,而汉语往往相反。这里,将做真正主语的不定式结构提

23、前,单独译成主谓结构的句子,将定语 six weeks“译成状语 ”在六周的假期里”,emancipation 转换成动词“解放出来”,并将 It was delightful to hear 放在句末,翻译成“听到这些,真是让人心情愉快。”使语义重心落在句子后半部,符合汉语的行文习惯。4They were full of anticipations of the meeting with the family and household,down to the verycat and dog,and of the joy they were to give their little sist

24、ers by the presents with which theirpockets were crammed;but the meeting to which they seemed to look forward with the greatestimpatience was with Bantam,which I found to be a pony,and,according to their talk,possessedof more virtues than any steed since the days of Bucephalus“他们期待与父母、家人、乃至小猫小狗见面;期待

25、看见自己塞满口袋的礼物给小妹妹们带来的喜悦。不过,他们最迫不及待要见的是班塔姆,我发现这原来是一匹矮脚马,据他们说,这匹小马比亚历山大大帝的战马布塞弗勒斯以来的任何骏马都更加出色。”这里将 were full of anticipations of 译为 “期待”,将定语从句 with which their pockets were crammed 译成 “塞满口袋的 ”,将名词 meeting 转换为动词“见”,将 to which 引导的定语从句译为“他们似乎最迫不及待要”,将 which 引导的非限制性定语从句译成一个独立的单句,并采用了音译、注释、增补传译 Bucephalus 这一

26、专有名词,使译文上下连贯、衔接自然、层次清楚。5The horn,sounded at the entrance of the village,produces a general bustle“马车到了村口,喇叭一响,全村就热闹了。”这句译文用通俗的汉语表达方式,融会了原文的意思和语气,表层形式虽有变化,所表达内容与原文类似。6Sometimes he delivers a hare or pheasant;sometimes jerks a small parcel or newspaper to thedoor of a public house;and sometimes,with k

27、nowing leer and words of sly import,hands to somehalf-blushing,half-laughing housemaid an odd-shaped billet-doux from some rustic admirer “有时他去送一只兔子或野鸡;有时往酒馆门口扔去一个小包或一卷报纸;有时会意地斜睨着半羞半笑的女仆,故作诡秘,说事情重要,然后递给她一封某村的崇拜者写来的样子奇怪的情书。”按照原文的时间和逻辑顺序,将介词短语充当的伴随状语 with knowing leer andwords of sly import 分开译为 “会意地斜

28、睨着”和”故作诡秘,说事情重要”,将 some half-blushing,half-laughing housemaid 译为“半羞半笑的女仆”,插入其中,并增补了“然后”一词,使句子逻辑清晰,行文自然。7 As the coach rattles through the village,every one runs to the window,and you have glances onevery side of fresh country faces and blooming giggling girls“马车咕隆咕隆穿过村子时,人们就都跑上来,你会发现充满活力的乡下人和面容红润的女孩

29、子们咯咯笑着从车窗往里看。”原文中的 you have glances on every side 指的是马车上的乘客透过车窗看到马车两侧的人们。这里将 the windows 和 you have glances on every side 合译为“你会发现从车窗往里看”,将 fresh country faces and blooming giggling girls 传译为“充满活力的乡下人和面容红润的女孩子们咯咯笑着”,较为形象。二、汉译英2 【正确答案】 A Spectacle over the Red SeaHaving accomplished the task of a day

30、s shine upon the universe, the sun still looked very splendid when all the visible forms and living creatures upon the globe were seeing him off. The sun, dressed in the red robe, emitted radiance in all directions, and rosy clouds, floating near in array, changed into the same uniform with the comm

31、anding general, ready for an order. Over the mirror of heavenly down from the verge of the horizon to the zenith height, a vast stretch of ripples were dancing gracefully to the same rhythm in celebrating his beneficence to the universe and lamenting his departure.Of a sudden, the heavenly scenes we

32、re taking on a different look, for the clouds moved their places and the tempo of the song and dance quickened. I wondered with fixed eyes and awesome feelings what changes might occur in the universe. The sun darted itself behind a purple cloud, and the surface of the sea paled at once to a gray, a

33、nd the rosy clouds, much terrified, halted and held their breath. Myriads of brilliant lights filtered through the cloud and blessed the human world with the last flavor for that day. The sun reappeared from behind the cloud. He had hidden himself for a while in order to prepare the human world for

34、his ultimate departure and ease the intensity of missing him when he was totally out of sight.Lowering my head, I found myself clothed with luster. I rejoiced at such splendor about me and felt ashamed of my otherwise gloomy itself, and when I turned round, I caught a glimpse of my blue reflections

35、upon the waters. I stationed myself in the ship, but my eyes followed the floating reflections until I beheld the moon half hidden behind the purple curtain. I found it wondrous that it was my reflections that ushered me to the half-hidden moon.A born beauty, the moon was too shy to reveal herself t

36、o the human world. Now she drew aside the curtain and made her appearance with graceful gait and then became hesitant in its steps upon finding everything around so still and quiet. A vast blue felt carpet-like sea, with the beat of the breezes, rose and fell. Against the background of the thin purp

37、le clouds, the moon looked all the more bright and graceful. With the blue clouds at sides and the peach clouds overhead, the moon prepared herself to perform inspiring miracles.I looked far upwards into the sky be degrees and beheld the red clouds gradually pale themselves and change into the light

38、 blue color. They passed the highest point in the sky and began its descent along the curve. Just at this moment, the blue sky became less blue and more reddened, and the sun was found amidst the red clouds. So the sun and the moon positioned themselves respectively on either side of the ship, which

39、 was heading in the straight southern direction-we remained disoriented during our nine days voyage until now.I became filled with heroic feelings as I feasted my eyes upon the whole spectrum of colors. I became sober as I drank to the full the whole range of splendor. I felt happy for my friends, f

40、or I, for whom they harbored high expectations, found myself in the magnificence and the excellence of the universe.The remaining reflections of the sun upon the waters merged with the ball of the sun and disappeared. The sun was no longer reluctant to depart with us and nobody could possibly hold t

41、he sun back. The platform was left empty except for the bright clouds glimmering against the beautiful background and expecting the warm applause from the audience.How mellow and full the moon was, far superior to the smooth pearl. She rose much higher and looked brighter than when she first appeare

42、d. She shed her light upon me and cast my shadow into endless remoteness to pursue the sun. Though the reflected light of the sun, the moon had a style of her own. With the breezes passing by the moon, the clouds floated, but the moonlight became all the more clear. She caressed all the plants and t

43、he living creatures with tenderness and filled them with inspiring souls, so that each of them knew how to compose his own natural song and made respective contributions to the new harmony. At the moment, there was nothing but brightness and comfortable coolness, which emitted from the air and the w

44、ater and permeated the universe. This state remained unchanged until the sunrose in the east and everybody would set to work for another day.【试题解析】 1红海上的一幕”A Spectacle over the Red Sea”。“一幕”即一幕景象,一景,可以译为 asight,但在文章中读到“披上红袍,光耀万丈”的太阳,”青云侍侧,桃花覆项”的姣月,这是一幅”富有壮丽与优秀的大宇宙”美景时,我们感到选用 spectacle 一词应该比 sight 更切

45、合作者的意思。2 太阳做完了竞日普照的事业,在万物送别他的时候,他还显出十分的壮丽。 ”Havingaccomplished the task of a days shine upon the universe,the sun still looked very splendid whenall the visible forms and living creatures upon the globe were seeing him off.”第一、 “事业”不宜译成 career,因为 career 是一生所从事的工作,而非一天的工作; “万物”,宇宙间的一切事物,可以泛泛地译成 all t

46、hings in universe,但不如 all the visible forms and livingcreatures upon the globe 来得具体、形象,给人以美感。第二、“太阳”和“月亮“在这里都被拟人化了,太阳为“阳”,月亮为“阴”,只是当时的白话文“他”、 “她”不分,译文按现在的习惯分别译为he 与 she。3 他披上红袍,光耀万丈,云霞布阵,换起与主将一色的制服,听候号令。”The sun,dressedin the red robe,emitted radiance in all directions,and rosy clouds,floating near

47、in array,changedinto the same uniform with the commanding general,ready for an order”第一、原文作者把 “云霞”比作士兵,把“太阳”比作主将, “云霞布阵”,全是因为太阳的缘故。译文 floatingnear in array 保留了这一比喻;第二、译文句子中包含了两个完整句子,若作比较,这两个句子之间的基本结构是“平行结构”(parallel structure) :主语(the sun 和 rosy clouds)加上分词短语(过去分词短语 dressed in the red clouds 和现在分词短语

48、 floating near in array)再加上动词及其他成分(emitted radiance in all directions 和 changed into the same uniform with thecommanding general)。最后、第二句末还有一个形容词短语ready for an order。这种运用英语中的修辞手段来处理文章布局、句子的构造以及词语的选择,对于翻译优美的散文大有益处。4尽天所覆的大圆镜上”Over the mirror of heavenly down from the verge of the horizon to thezenith h

49、eight”。本句的译文是受了雪莱西风颂的启发。 西风颂中曾说“Of somefierce Maenad,even from the dim verge of the horizon to the zeniths heightThe locks of theapproaching storm”这里,horizon(地平线)是天空的最低点,zenith( 天项 )是天空的最高点。因此, from the verge ofthe horizon to the zenith height 就是整个天空,原文中的“尽天” 一词的含义恰巧与这个意思完全吻合。5 景物忽然变动了,云霞移转,歌舞紧急,我战战兢兢的凝视,看宇宙间将有何种变化;”Of a sudden,the heavenly scenes were taking on a different look,for the clouds moved theirplaces and the tempo of the song and dance quickenedI wondered with fixed eyes and awesomefeelings what changes might occur in the


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