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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 142(无答案)一、PART I DICTATION (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage wil

2、l be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minuteSECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversation

3、s. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 What is the main topic of this conversation?(A)The mans graduation.(B) The couples engagement.(C) The mans smoking.(D)The mans stress.3 How docs the man feel about the womans decision?(A)Patient.(B) Surprised.(C) W

4、orried.(D)Irritated.4 What can we infer about the woman?(A)That she has stopped smoking.(B) That she does not want to get married.(C) That she has asked the man to quit smoking many times.(D)That she is not in love with the man.5 Why did the woman go to Hong Kong?(A)On business.(B) On holiday.(C) Vi

5、siting friends.(D)Taking pictures.6 What is NOT mentioned when Maggie is talking about her experience in Ocean Park?(A)Sharks.(B) Dolphins.(C) Tropical fishes.(D)Crocodiles.7 How did Maggie get to the Peak?(A)By Peak Tram.(B) By cable.(C) On foot.(D)Not mentioned.8 What is the possible relationship

6、between the two speakers?(A)Husband and wife.(B) A driver and passenger.(C) Boyfriend and girlfriend.(D)Customer and salesman.9 Where does the conversation most probably take place?(A)In a cab.(B) In a wagon.(C) On the oxcart.(D)On the horseback.10 Which of the following is the one who has killed on

7、e man?(A)Dan.(B) Tanya.(C) No one.(D)A horse.11 Which of the following is NOT true, according to the conversation you have just heard?(A)Dan has kissed Tanya as he has requested.(B) Dan has been running very fast on purpose.(C) Dan has tried his best to coax a kiss out of her.(D)Dan has not been abl

8、e to put a little kiss on her cheek.SECTION B PASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 What is the passage mainly about?(A)The 23rd Olympic Games.(B) A race of high technology.(C) The applicati

9、on of high technology to the Olympics.(D)A sophisticated computer system.13 According to the passage, the electronic message system(A)trained American athletes(B) kept the journalists informed of the results(C) controlled the traffic efficiently(D)helped the judges make final decisions14 Computers a

10、nd high-tech tools did all the following for American athletes EXCEPT _.(A)analyzing their performances(B) suggesting ways to improve(C) identifying their weaknesses(D)improving their performances easily15 This passage is mainly about _.(A)sharks in the southeast Australia(B) precautions against sha

11、rks(C) how a man became rich due to his bravery(D)the victims of sharks16 In 19Z2, Frank was _.(A)a lifesaver(B) an expert swimmer(C) a jobless young man(D)a rich man17 To show their appreciation of Frank Beaurepaires bravery, the public _.(A)raised money for him(B) made him a millionaire(C) helped

12、him run a motor-tyre business(D)helped him become prosperous18 What is the main topic of the passage?(A)The music of Edwin Elgar.(B) Traditional graduation songs.(C) The music for the graduation.(D)The alternatives to Edwin Elgar.19 Whose idea was it to change the graduation ceremony music?(A)The sp

13、eakers.(B) Edwin Elgars.(C) The committees.(D)The students.20 The speaker suggests the “Enigma Variations“ because it is _.(A)traditional(B) more melodic(C) very repetitive(D)commonly played21 How will the students decide on the new music?(A)They will elect a committee.(B) They will have a debate.(C

14、) They will take a vote.(D)They will listen to it thoroughly.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 22 Tattoos and body piercing might result in all the following diseases EXCEPT _.(A)

15、skin diseases.(B) pneumonia.(C) hepatitis.(D)HIV.23 What will the spire on the top of the new building suggest?(A)The World Trade Center.(B) New York City.(C) The Statue of Liberty.(D)The Freedom Tower.24 What will the height of the new building suggest?(A)The number of people killed in the tragedy.

16、(B) The time when the building was attacked.(C) The exact height of the destroyed building.(D)The year when America declared independence.25 Which of the following is NOT true about the AU peacekeeping force?(A)It has 300 soldiers in all.(B) It will be sent to Darfur.(C) It is to protect refugees fr

17、om attacks.(D)It is to establish order in Sudan and Chad.26 The discussion of the internal report_.(A)brought about great dispute(B) concluded with no results(C) was put off until next summit(D)would continue27 According to the court ruling, Israel has to _.(A)dismantle the barrier(B) suspend its co

18、nstruction(C) pay reparations to the Palestinians(D)withdraw from the occupied territories28 How did Israel and Palestine respond to the court ruling?(A)Israel ignored it.(B) Israel was forced to accept it.(C) Palestine accepted it with pleasure.(D)Palestine still asked more.29 What can be inferred

19、about Ukraine?(A)It used to suffer from food shortages.(B) It used to be a grain-producing area.(C) It used to depend on foreign aid.(D)It used to be close to Russia.30 Which is NOT one of the factors that intensified food shortages in Ukraine?(A)A poor harvest.(B) A bitter winter.(C) A spring droug

20、ht.(D)Rising food prices.31 What does the news say about the presidential election in Indonesia?(A)It is the first one in Indonesia.(B) People have cast their vote.(C) The president is to win the election.(D)The president and other 4 candidates run for the presidency.32 What do many Indonesians thin

21、k of Ms. Sukarnopurtris government?(A)Satisfied.(B) Disappointed.(C) Supportive.(D)Objective.33 How many attacks and clashes were reported in this news?(A)2.(B) 3.(C) 4.(D)5.34 How many people got injured in the attack against the police station?(A)1.(B) 2.(C) 3.(D)4.35 There have been attacks and c

22、lashes in this region in the last fifteen years because Muslims wanted to _.(A)have religious freedom(B) be free from the Indian rule(C) have voting rights(D)have their own forces二、PART III CLOZE (15 MIN)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given belo

23、w would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 35 As a child I was taught to walk with my head up, my【C1】_ back and my eyes looking straight【C2】_ I was told it was good discipline. I was also【C3】_ scolded for picking anything up【C4】_ the street. If I found a ball or a pen

24、ny, it was snatched away【C5】_ by a grown-up, in case it was dirty, and I 【C6 】 _ saw it again. Later when I went 【C7】_ the Army, my military manner was often【C8 】_ and since I was an officer, it was seldom necessary for me to pick anything up. Now, I am old and【C9】_ with rheumatism. I dragged along,

25、 my back【C10】_ my head poked【C11】_ like a tortoise; but I have no complaints, I am too busy【C12 】_ lost time.You could【C13 】_ believe the curiosities I have found being【C14】_ to look down a cheap little ring on the【C15】_ , a toy trumpet, coins from many countries, a leather glove and often an odd sh

26、oe. They are of little value now,【C16】_ perhaps to the loser. Who, I wonder, lost the ring? And this old coin-polish it and here is the 【C17】_ of an old, foreign king- who dropped it? A sailor home from abroad?The answers are【C18】_ In any case I do not really want to know. The most important thing f

27、or me is that its no longer anyones【C19】_ if I choose to walk with my eyes on the【C20】_ , picking up anything that takes my fancy.36 【C1 】(A)hands(B) chest(C) shoulders(D)legs37 【C2 】(A)backward(B) sideways(C) alongside(D)ahead38 【C3 】(A)scarcely(B) severely(C) frequently(D)often39 【C4 】(A)beside(B)

28、 off(C) over(D)above40 【C5 】(A)immediately(B) slowly(C) lazily(D)awkwardly41 【C6 】(A)possibly(B) always(C) never(D)hardly42 【C7 】(A)into(B) for(C) to(D)with43 【C8 】(A)approved(B) proved(C) praised(D)appraised44 【C9 】(A)held(B) troubled(C) burdened(D)weighed45 【C10 】(A)bent(B) forward(C) Ahead(D)stra

29、ight46 【C11 】(A)backward(B) forward(C) upward(D)onward47 【C12 】(A)making with(B) making up(C) making for(D)making up for48 【C13 】(A)easily(B) possibly(C) always(D)hardly49 【C14 】(A)pleased(B) necessary(C) obliged(D)forced50 【C15 】(A)highway(B) street(C) driveway(D)pavement51 【C16 】(A)except(B) unles

30、s(C) instead(D)but52 【C17 】(A)figure(B) shape(C) silhouette(D)head53 【C18 】(A)obvious(B) unimportant(C) relevant(D)definite54 【C19 】(A)affair(B) matter(C) business(D)issue55 【C20 】(A)ground(B) floor(C) surface(D)street三、PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN)Directions: There are thirty sentences in t

31、his section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.56 But for the accident, we _ the task much earlier.(A)should finish(B) should have finished(C) would finish(D)shall have finished57 _ in debt to anyone

32、, Tony is very careful about the loans.(A)Never has been(B) Having never been(C) Never being(D)Never having been58 In this remote area _ with a limited number of sheep and cattle.(A)can only a small farm be found(B) a small farm can only be found(C) only could be a small farm found(D)could only be f

33、ound a small farm59 The student is shy and he _ questions in class.(A)dares not ask(B) does not dare to ask(C) dares not to ask(D)does not dare ask60 A group of men were seen _ with each other with their clothes _ .(A)to quarrel, to tear(B) quarreling, torn(C) quarrel, tearing(D)quarrel, to be torn6

34、1 Who says that villains cannot turn into heroes _ heroes into villains?(A)much more than(B) no more than(C) no less than(D)any more than62 Buses _ very crowded, we had to go to school by taxi.(A)having been(B) are(C) being(D)were63 _ he tried to pass the driving test, he still failed the second tim

35、e.(A)As hard(B) Hard as(C) Though hard(D)No matter hard64 Too much _ of him, Mike Twiller simply went to Australia in the hope of escaping the pressure from his parents.(A)to expect(B) expecting(C) expected(D)having expected65 It is not so much your ability _ your courage that matters in this kind o

36、f contest.(A)as(B) but(C) like(D)nor66 _ you need any further information, please feel free to write to me.(A)Shall(B) Should(C) Will(D)Would67 He would never forget the occasions in the past _ he had been bullied and humiliated.(A)that(B) before(C) which(D)when68 The scientist _ most of his experim

37、ents if he had not run short of his fund.(A)would finish(B) had finished(C) would have finished(D)ought to have finished69 Isolated from the outside world, the villager would often talk with his _ friends when night fell.(A)imaginary(B) imaginative(C) imagining(D)imaginable70 The detective was greet

38、ed with an unpleasant smell of _ air when he stepped into the long locked room.(A)stagnant(B) misty(C) fragrant(D)stale71 It is too soon to say how much. I have _ from these courses.(A)benefited(B) obtained(C) improved(D)recovered72 The newly built sports ground has a _ of 60,000 people.(A)capabilit

39、y(B) capacity(C) advantage(D)seat73 As he grew older, all memory of his childhood began to _ from his mind.(A)faint(B) retreat(C) derive(D)fade74 Who said that this sweater will not _ when washed?(A)shorten(B) contract(C) withdraw(D)shrink75 The ultimate authority for Canadas fiscal policy is _ the

40、hands of the federal, and the provincial governments.(A)on(B) by(C) for(D)in76 Some of the national heroes would _ some principle all their lives.(A)follow(B) take(C) carry(D)serve77 Another natural _ that contributes to the welfare of the country is water.(A)source(B) mineral(C) power(D)resource78

41、The “standard of living“ of any country means the average persons _ of the goods and services which the country produces.(A)amount(B) number(C) share(D)range79 Next to natural resources comes the ability to _ them to use.(A)take(B) set(C) get(D)turn80 Trade _ for a country to exchange its surplus go

42、ods for some services abroad.(A)makes possible(B) takes it possible(C) get it possible(D)makes it possible81 I went there in 1988, and it was the only occasion when I _ the journey in.exactly two days.(A)must make(B) could make(C) must have made(D)was able to make82 _ , Mr. Dennis is scarcely in sym

43、pathy with the refugees in the poor region.(A)Being a socialist(B) Since he is a socialist(C) Even if he is a socialist(D)Although he is a socialist83 _ you _ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.(A)If, had(B) Have, had(C) In case, had(D)Should, have84 Professor John Mc

44、Morrans retirement _ from next semester.(A)takes effect(B) brings effect(C) puts into effect(D)carries into effect85 Henrys ideas are invariably condemned as _ by his colleagues.(A)ingenious(B) theoretical(C) impractical(D)imaginative85 Which Vitamin Boosts Brain Power?Vitamin E has been touted for

45、its anti-aging and anti-cancer benefits because, as an antioxidant, it counters the destructive action of molecules called free radicals. Now a study has shown vitamin E may also help the memory loss and impaired thinking that occurs in the elderly.Researchers at the Rush Institute for Healthy Aging

46、 in Chicago conducted a three-year study involving nearly 3,000 people older than 65 to investigate the cognitive effects of vitamin E in food and supplements.By comparing the average scores of four different tests of memory and perception, the researchers were able to track change in cognitive func

47、tion with age. The participants also completed dietary questionnaires periodically, which enabled the researchers to determine their vitamin E intake.The study found that the higher the intake of total vitamin E, the less change there was in the peoples average test scores each year. And those men a

48、nd women who consumed the most vitamin E had a 36 percent lower rate of decline in their average test scores than those who consumed the least vitamin E. Other antioxidants, such as vitamin A, carotene and vitamin C, had little effect on the results.Those who took supplements but got little vitamin E from food appeared to have the same protective benefit from the vitamin as those who consumed high amounts of E in their diets, says Martha Clare Morris, an assistant professor at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center. Several clinical tri


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