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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 475(无答案)一、PART I DICTATION (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage wil

2、l be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minuteSECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversation

3、s. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 How was the man recently?(A)He was very happy.(B) He was very sad.(C) He was very excited.(D)He was very busy.3 Why did the woman feel upset?(A)Because she had a cold.(B) Because she got fired.(C) Because she was v

4、ery tired.(D)Because she lost her wallet.4 What can be learned about the womans boss?(A)He likes to blame his employees.(B) He often dismisses his employees.(C) He is strict with himself in his work.(D)He is very humorous.5 Where did the conversation most probably take place?(A)Between a man and his

5、 colleague.(B) Between a man and a policewoman.(C) Between a man and his wife.(D)Between a man and a doctor.6 What happened to the man?(A)He was knocked down by a bicycle.(B) He was followed by a woman.(C) His money was stolen.(D)He was robbed of his left shoe.7 Which statement does NOT describe the

6、 “beard woman“?(A)The person dresses like a woman.(B) The person loves to rob the victim the left shoe.(C) The person is very dangerous.(D)The person returns the thing he robbed to the crime scene a few days later.8 Why couldnt the woman find a desirable 3-bedroom apartment?(A)No such apartments are

7、 available.(B) She hasnt been looking for it long enough.(C) She has children.(D)The bedrooms were not spacious.9 What should the woman do if anything in the apartment gets broken?(A)Leave a note to the owner.(B) Inform the superintendent about it.(C) Call the superintendent for help.(D)Call mechani

8、cs.10 What does the conversation say about the man?(A)He is a real estate agent.(B) He lives on the first floor.(C) He manages the building for himself.(D)He is the owner.11 What does the man suggest the woman do?(A)Find a more spacious 3-bedroom apartment.(B) Make do with a small 3-bedroom apartmen

9、t.(C) Sign the lease now.(D)Leave the master bedroom to the children.SECTION B PASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 What is the passage mainly about?(A)Different kinds of pizza.(B) The popu

10、larity of pizza in the US.(C) The history of pizza.(D)The ways to make pizza.13 Which one is the correct timeline of the development of pizza?(A)Pizzaplakuntospicea.(B) Piceaplakuntospizza.(C) Plakuntospizzapicea.(D)Plakuntospiceapizza.14 When did pizza become popular with American people?(A)1000 A.

11、D.(B) The end of the 19th century.(C) After World War I.(D)After World War II.15 What is a frankfurter?(A)The name of a German town.(B) A resident of Frankfurt.(C) A kind of German sausage.(D)A kind of German bread.16 What was Harry Stevens job?(A)He sold fast food.(B) He raised dogs.(C) He was a co

12、ok.(D)He was a cartoonist.17 Why did sales of hot dogs decrease for some time?(A)Because the Americans found they were from Germany.(B) Because people thought they contained dog meat.(C) Because people had to get used to their taste.(D)Because it was too hot to eat right away.18 What is characterist

13、ic of learners of special English?(A)They want to change the way English is taught.(B) They learn English to find well paid jobs.(C) They want to have an up-to-date knowledge of English.(D)They know clearly what they want to learn.19 Who needs ESP courses most?(A)Working people.(B) College students.

14、(C) Beginners.(D)Intermediate learners.20 What are the most popular ESP courses in Britain?(A)Courses for doctors.(B) Courses for businessmen.(C) Courses for reporters.(D)Courses for lawyers.21 What is the Speaker mainly talking about?(A)Three groups of learners.(B) The importance of business Englis

15、h.(C) English for Specific Purposes.(D)Features of English for different purposes.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 22 What is the proposal drawn by an international panel?(A)The

16、expansion of the UN Security Council from 16 to 24.(B) The Security Council should be more proactive in authorizing the use of force.(C) Adding seven new permanent members in the UN Security Council.(D)States cannot use force preemptively.23 Lebanons new leader is visiting Syria in order to(A)discus

17、s border issues(B) improve bilateral relations(C) sign a ceasefire treaty(D)form allies24 Whats a central theme of the conference held in London?(A)Passing laws to deal with unemployment.(B) Letting the governments take the lead in helping workers to gain skills.(C) Encouraging businesses to hire, m

18、ore workers.(D)Creating more job opportunities.25 Which of the following did the conference also call for?(A)Maintaining labor laws and welfare systems.(B) Helping workers gain the skills that employers need.(C) Allowing workers the freedom to choose jobs.(D)Reforming labor laws and welfare systems.

19、26 Who announced the measure after fighting broke out?(A)Head of the riot police.(B) The citys mayor.(C) German fans.(D)Holland football supporters.27 How many people were arrested by police?(A)Two.(B) Thirty-seven.(C) Forty-seven.(D)Fifty-seven.28 What statement has been issued by the Pentagon?(A)T

20、he military will withdraw from Iraq.(B) The military is prepared to protect its personnel.(C) There is no need to worry about the Bio-weapons attack at present.(D)American troops will be equipped with better bio-weapons.29 Why did the Pentagon issue the assertion according to some officials?(A)To ar

21、ouse controversial remarks(B) To reassure troops(C) To protect American government(D)To support the Defense Secretary30 Secretary Leavitt stressed_ in the process of fighting H5N1 bird flu virus.(A)research and development of new medicine(B) new devices of prevention(C) separation of infectors(D)sur

22、veillance and information exchange31 What do many scientists worry about the disease?(A)There is no effective way of treating it.(B) It may spread quickly among birds and poultry.(C) It may affect the world economy and politics.(D)It may change to an epidemic among human beings.二、PART III CLOZE (15

23、MIN)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 31 Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th

24、 and 16th centuries. 【C1】_ much had happened between. As was discussed before, the newspaper did not become the 【C2】 _ pre-electronic medium until the 19th century, 【C3】_ in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the 【C4】_ of the periodical. It was during the same time 【C5 】_ the communication

25、s revolution speeded up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading on through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures 【C6】_ the 20th-century world of the motor car and the air plane. Not everyone sees that process in 【C7】_ It is important to do so.It is generally recognized

26、, 【C8】_ , that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, followed by the 【C9】_ of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, 【C10】_ its impact on the media was not immediately 【 C11】_ . As time went by, computers became smaller and more powerful, and th

27、ey became “personal“ too, as well as 【C12】_ with display becoming sharper and storage 【C13】_ increasing. They were thought of, like people, 【C14】_ generations, with the distance between generations much 【C15 】_ .It was within the computer age that the 【C16】_ “information society“ began to be widely

28、used to describe the 【C17】_ within which we now live. The communications revolution has 【C18】_ both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time, but there have been 【C19】_ view about its economic, political, social and cultural implications. “Benefits“ have been 【C20 】_ agai

29、nst “harmful“ outcomes. And generalizations have proved difficult. 32 【C1 】(A)Yet(B) And(C) Then(D)So33 【C2 】(A)prominent(B) prevalent(C) domestic(D)dominant34 【C3 】(A)follow(B) followed(C) following(D)being followed35 【C4 】(A)form(B) company(C) light(D)process36 【C5 】(A)which(B) that(C) when(D)in w

30、hich37 【C6 】(A)of(B) for(C) beyond(D)into38 【C7 】(A)perspective(B) effect(C) dimension(D)concept39 【C8 】(A)hence(B) therefore(C) however(D)indeed40 【C9 】(A)creation(B) invention(C) discovery(D)finding41 【C10 】(A)unless(B) since(C) lest(D)although42 【C11 】(A)apparent(B) transparent(C) plausible(D)dis

31、tinguishable43 【C12 】(A)institutional(B) intellectual(C) fundamental(D)instrumental44 【C13 】(A)ability(B) capability(C) capacity(D)faculty45 【C14 】(A)in view of(B) in terms of(C) with regard to(D)by means of46 【C15 】(A)deeper(B) closer(C) narrower(D)smaller47 【C16 】(A)clich(B) label(C) term(D)title4

32、8 【C17 】(A)context(B) condition(C) scope(D)territory49 【C18 】(A)modified(B) impressed(C) influenced(D)effected50 【C19 】(A)distracting(B) controversial(C) irrational(D)competitive51 【C20 】(A)counted(B) evaluated(C) weighed(D)numbered三、PART IV GRAMMAR this calls for close cooperation between physical

33、education instructor and the school physician.(A)whose(B) which(C) whether(D)why75 When the workers are organized in trade unions, their employers find it hard to lay them _.(A)out(B) up(C) off(D)down76 To be successful, a business needs to be aware of its _ and weakness as compared with its opponen

34、ts.(A)virtue(B) merit(C) strength(D)advantage77 There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _ the spoilt ones.2006(A)not counting(B) not to count(C) dont count(D)having not counted78 Although he has become rich, he is still very _ of his money.(2001 年考试真题)(A)economic(B) thrifty(C) frugal(D)carefu

35、l79 It was as a physician that he represented himself, and _ he was warmly received.(A)as such(B) such as(C) as that(D)so that80 _ to school life was less difficult than the pupil had expected.(A)Adhering(B) Adjusting(C) Adopting(D)Acquainting81 When the sentence “Shall I drive you to the airport fi

36、rst?“ is turned into indirect speech, which of the following is most appropriate?(A)He agreed to drive me to the airport first.(B) He offered to drive me to the airport first,(C) He advised me to go to the airport first.(D)He suggested that I drive to the airport first.81 His ignorance was as remark

37、able as his knowledge. Of contemporary literature, philosophy and politics he appeared to know next to nothing. Upon my quoting Thomas Carlyle, he inquired in the naivest way who he might be and what he had done. My surprise reached a climax, however, when I found incidentally that he was ignorant o

38、f the Copernican Theory and of the composition of the Solar system.“You appear to be astonished,“ Holmes said, smiling at my expression. “Now that I do know it I shall do my best to forget it. You see, I consider that a mans brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it wit

39、h such furniture as you choose: A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best jumbled up with a lot of other things, so that he has difficulty in laying his hand upon it. It is a mistake to think tha

40、t the little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it, there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you know before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.“But the Solar Syst

41、em!“ I protested.“What the deuce is it to me?“ he interrupted impatiently,One morning, I picked up a magazine from the table and attempted to while away the time with it, while my companion munched silently at his toast. One of the articles had a pencil mark at the heading, and I naturally began to

42、run my eye through it.Its somewhat ambitious title was “The Book of Life,“ and it attempted to show how much an observant man might learn by an accurate and systematic examination of all that came in his way. It struck me as being a remarkable mixture of shrewdness and of absurdity. The reasoning wa

43、s close and intense, but the deduction appeared to me to be far-fetched and exaggerated. The writer claimed by a momentary expression, a twitch of a muscle or a glance of an eye, to fathom a mans inmost thought. Deceit, according to him, was impossibility in the case of one trained to observation an

44、d analysis. His conclusions were as infallible as so many propositions of Euclid. So startling would his results appear to the uninitiated that until they learned the processes by which he had arrived at them they might well consider him as a necromancer.“From a drop of water,“ said the writer, “a l

45、ogician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic. So all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a single link of it. Like all other arts, the science of Deduction and Analysis is one which can be acquired by long and patient study, nor is life long enough to allo

46、w any mortal to attain the highest possible perfection in it.“This smartly written piece of theory I could not accept until a succession of evidences justified it.82 What is the authors attitude toward Holmes?(A)Praising.(B) Critical.(C) Ironical.(D)Distaste.83 What way did the author take to stick

47、out Holmes uniqueness?(A)By deduction.(B) By explanation.(C) By contrast.(D)By analysis.84 What was the Holmes idea about knowledge-learning?(A)Learning what every body learned.(B) Learning what was useful to you.(C) Learning whatever you came across.(D)Learning what was different to you.85 What did

48、 the article mentioned in the passage talk about?(A)One may master the way of reasoning through observation.(B) One may become rather critical through observation and analysis.(C) One may become rather sharp through observation and analysis.(D)One may become practical through observation and analysi

49、s.85 A year has passed since Chiles 33 trapped miners were hauled to freedom in the Atacama Desert. By and large, its been a relatively safe year in the countrys mines. The number of deaths from mining accidents has fallen sharply, from 27 in the first half of 2010 to 12 in the same period this year. Although it is too early to tell how much of that improvement will stick, the days when mining claimed hundreds of


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