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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 71(无答案)一、PART I DICTATION (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will

2、 be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minuteSECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversations

3、. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 What kind of haircut did the man want?(A)A fashionable style.(B) A basic trim.(C) A little off the top and more off the sides.(D)A permanent wave.3 Why was the man in town?(A)He wanted to have a massage.(B) He was i

4、nvestigating a workplace accident.(C) He had an appointment with a beautician.(D)He was going to have an interview.4 How did the man react to the haircut?(A)Amusingly.(B) Surprisingly.(C) Strongly.(D)Indifferently.5 Where did the conversation mostly probably take place?(A)In a police station.(B) In

5、the street.(C) In a registration office.(D)In a garage.6 Why is the man made to show his drivers license?(A)Because he didnt register his car.(B) Because he was speeding in a school zone.(C) Because he lost his mind.(D)Because he didnt stop when he was asked to.7 What did the man have to do?(A)He ha

6、d to ask his wifes cousins husband for help.(B) He had to go to the court with the police officer.(C) He had to pay the fine.(D)He had to repair his odometer.8 What does Blue Magazine most probably refer to?(A)A fashion magazine.(B) A magazine for adventure.(C) A magazine for teachers.(D)A music mag

7、azine.9 Which statement is true about National Geographic?(A)It inspired the publication of Blue Magazine.(B) It attracts rich people to read.(C) It is intended for American kids.(D)It changed the generation of rocknroll.10 Which of the following statements about travelling is NOT true according to

8、the woman?(A)It is pure and simple.(B) It is time-consuming.(C) It is exciting.(D)It is rewarding.11 What can we learn from this conversation?(A)American kids are not familiar with travelling magazines.(B) American kids travel less than European kids.(C) American kids spend less money on travelling

9、than Asian kids.(D)American kids enjoy travelling in Europe and Asia.SECTION B PASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 Who found the Royal Academy of Arts?(A)A few students.(B) A few teachers.

10、(C) A group of artists.(D)A private English school.13 Which statement is NOT true about the Royal Academy of Arts?(A)It provided free classes.(B) It provided scholarships for needy students.(C) It provided chances to study abroad.(D)It provided funding for student exhibitions.14 Why has the Royal Ac

11、ademy of Arts been criticized?(A)Because it hosted exhibitions of art work too often.(B) Because it charged attendance fees for exhibitions.(C) Because its approach to teaching was conservative.(D)Because it enrolled too many students each year.15 What happened to the university?(A)Many computers we

12、re broken.(B) Dozens of records of applicants were hacked into.(C) A number of people could not be identified.(D)The new computer software was stolen.16 What are institutions required to do by a California law?(A)Take new security measures.(B) Write detailed reports.(C) Catch hackers.(D)Inform the a

13、ffected people that their personal information has been stolen.17 How many people does identity theft affect each year?(A)10 million.(B) Some 10 million.(C) 10 billion.(D)Some 10 billion.18 What was Richard Arkwright well known as?(A)A barber.(B) The founder of mass-production.(C) A traveller.(D)A s

14、killed operator.19 Who invented the new spinning machine for the textile industry?(A)Richard Arkwright.(B) Samuel Need.(C) John Kay.(D)Jedediah.20 In Arkwrights view, what property should a spinning machine have?(A)It should not require a skilled operator to run it.(B) It should be powered by electr

15、icity.(C) It should be able to produce 128 threads at one time.(D)It should be operated by hand.21 Which statement is NOT true about Arkwright?(A)He was taught to read and write by his cousin.(B) He travelled in Great Britain to collect hair.(C) He was a famous barber.(D)He established a factory wit

16、h his partners in 1771.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 22 Which of the following statements is NOT true about the bomb blasts in London?(A)They destroyed three underground train

17、s.(B) They killed more than 50 people.(C) They all occurred within 50 seconds.(D)They occurred on Saturday.23 How many people died in the accident?(A)200.(B) 340.(C) 300.(D)No report yet.24 Which statement is NOT true?(A)A jetliner crashed on Tuesday.(B) There was a storm when the accident occurred.

18、(C) The accident occurred in Paris.(D)The plane skidded off a runway before it crashed.25 What happened while Discovery was ascending?(A)A large piece of debris flew off the tank.(B) A filler dropped from the ships thermal tile belly.(C) The fuel tank started to leak.(D)It caught fire.26 Why is the

19、crews task a high-stakes one?(A)Because it has never been rehearsed.(B) Because space shuttle Columbia had a similar problem.(C) Because the new material has been used up.(D)Because the crew will have to work outside Discovery.27 Who will offer daily video clips to Yahoo Inc.s news website?(A)ABC Ne

20、ws and CNN. com.(B) Yahoo Inc.s news reporters.(C) CNN. com.(D)ABC News.28 Which of the following didnt Yahoo officials mention in their statement?(A)Video will be available for free to Yahoo users.(B) Video will be supported by advertising.(C) Video will be integrated from ABC News and CNN. com.(D)

21、Video will be offered on demand.29 What did Apple Computer Inc. introduce on Tuesday?(A)Its new computer chip.(B) Its new computer mouse.(C) Its computer sensor.(D)Its computer screen.30 Which statement is NOT true about the new product?(A)It has multiple buttons.(B) It has four sensors.(C) It has a

22、n unusual look.(D)It has a tiny scroll ball at its head.31 Why is the scroll ball special?(A)Because it can move up and down.(B) Because it can be directed from the display screen.(C) Because it is pretty small.(D)Because it is less obtrusive.二、PART III CLOZE (15 MIN)Directions: There are 20 blanks

23、in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 31 Geography is the study of the relationship between people and the land. Geographers compare and contrast【C1 】_ places on the earth. But they also【C2】_ beyond

24、the individual places and consider the earth as a【C3】_ . The word geography 【C4】_ from two Greek words, ge, the Greek word for “earth“ and graphein,【C5 】_ means “to write“. The English word geography means “to describe the earth“. 【C6】_ geography books focus on a small area【C7】_ a town or city. Othe

25、rs deal with a state, a region, a nation, or an 【C8】 _ continent. Many geography books deal with the whole earth. Another 【C9】 _ to divide the study of【C10】_ is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the【C11】_ starts with human bein

26、gs and【C12】_ how human beings and their environment act【C13】_ each other.But when geography is considered as a single subject,【C14】_ branch can neglect the other. A geographer might be described【C15】_ one who observes, records, and explains the【 C16】_ between places. If places【C17】_ alike, there wou

27、ld be little need for geographers. We know, however,【C18 】_ no two places are exactly the same. Geography,【C19】_ , is a point of view, a special way of【C20】_ at places.32 【C1 】(A)similar(B) various(C) distant(D)famous33 【C2 】(A)pass(B) reach(C) go(D)set34 【C3 】(A)whole(B) unit(C) part(D)total35 【C4

28、】(A)falls(B) removes(C) results(D)comes36 【C5 】(A)what(B) that(C) which(D)it37 【C6 】(A)Some(B) Many(C) Most(D)Few38 【C7 】(A)outside(B) except(C) like(D)as39 【C8 】(A)extensive(B) enormous(C) overall(D)entire40 【C9 】(A)way(B) means(C) habits(D)technique41 【C10 】(A)world(B) earth(C) globe(D)geography42

29、 【C11 】(A)second(B) latter(C) next(D)later43 【C12 】(A)learns(B) realizes(C) studies(D)understands44 【C13 】(A)upon(B) for(C) as(D)to45 【C14 】(A)either(B) neither(C) one(D)each46 【C15 】(A)for(B) to(C) by(D)as47 【C16 】(A)exceptions(B) differences(C) sameness(D)divisions48 【C17 】(A)being(B) are(C) were(

30、D)be49 【C18 】(A)although(B) whether(C) since(D)that50 【C19 】(A)then(B) nevertheless(C) still(D)moreover51 【C20 】(A)working(B) getting(C) arriving(D)looking三、PART IV GRAMMAR _ the land was flooded.(A)in other words(B) consequently(C) in addition(D)besides64 When our university laboratory bought this

31、microscope we were given a one years _.(A)reservation(B) security(C) proof(D)guarantee65 Dont _ about lunch for the instructors, because they promised to get some on the way.(A)bother(B) fuss(C) trouble(D)think66 Caracus has been called the Los Angles of South America; at _ they look exactly the sam

32、e.(A)short notice(B) first sight(C) first impression(D)first appearance67 A Dictionary of the English Language, _ by Dr. Samuel Johnson, was the first real attempt as a systematic and interestingly written survey of English usage.(A)constructed(B) composed(C) compiled(D)collected68 After I heard tha

33、t I took a deferred pass in botany, I was in a _ emotional state.(A)highly(B) doubtfully(C) greatly(D)nervously69 Since I could not see anything through the microscope, _ my careful adjustment, I gave up.(A)for all(B) above all(C) after all(D)in all70 When the Victorians had family reunions, the hos

34、ts went _ their way to entertain the guests.(A)in for(B) over(C) out of(D)back on71 Peter _ his breath in wonder when he saw the Christmas tree in the sitting room.(A)kept(B) held(C) blew(D)grasped72 The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect _ , so a walk along Huai Hai Road is an enjoyab

35、le discovery.(A)harmony(B) order(C) control(D)action73 The energy gained from the sun can then be used during the night to enable the necessary chemical reactions to _ in his body.(A)conduct(B) proceed(C) progress(D)practice74 When John was away on business, his neighbour gave his wife _ with the ho

36、usework.(A)an aid(B) a help(C) a hand(D)a lift75 We know she was always as _ as her word, so we trusted her.(A)good(B) honest(C) faithful(D)true76 Newspapers vary greatly in their _ to the government.(A)opinion(B) attitude(C) bias(D)comment77 Tom Stephen gripped the _ wheel hard as the car bounced u

37、p and down.(A)stirring(B) driving(C) steering(D)receiving78 Many of the scientists and engineers are judged _ how great their achievements are.(A)in spite of(B) in ways of(C) in favor of(D)in terms of79 If you _ the bottle and cigarettes, youll be much healthier.(A)take off(B) keep off(C) get off(D)

38、set off80 Being somewhat short-sighted, she had the habit of _ at people.(A)glancing(B) peering(C) gazing(D)scanning81 Of the thousands of known volcanoes in the world, the _ majority are inactive.(A)tremendous(B) demanding(C) intensive(D)overwhelming81 Until relatively recently, sports films rarely

39、 succeeded at the box office. Sports films, which were considered movies for young boys, were associated with hero worship, nostalgia, sentimentality, fantasy, and crude melodrama-qualities that repelled film critics. Such films tended to have relatively low-budgets, even sports fans were put off by

40、 the films inaccuracies, whether these were mechanical or more fundamental. But since the success of Rocky in 1976, the sports film genre has flourished at the box office, and has attracted audiences that would never dream of going to a boxing ring. While the appeal of many of these recent films lie

41、s in heartwarming stories of victories over great odds, sports films have also served as a serious way to explore human psychology, especially the challenges of adjusting to aging or the contrast between childhood fantasies and the harsh realities of adulthood.Rarely are sports movies simply about t

42、he joy of athletic competition. Rather, Hollywood has used sports symbolically, as an arena where individual character is revealed or manhood is achieved or as a screen on which larger themes can be projected, such as heroism, aging, maturity, competitiveness, corruption, or the costs of victory. Ma

43、ny sports films create mythologies. Biopics (screen biographies) have mythologized such figures as Yankee first basement Lou Gehrig, but many sports movies have reinforced broader mythologies, about the indomitable human spirit and about the ability of ordinary people to overcome obstacles through p

44、erseverance and grit. Many sports films aimed primarily at children are highly didactic, designed to teach lessons about the values of teamwork, self-control, sacrifice, the possibility of triumphing over great odds, and the need to obey rules.Sports has often served as a metaphor for patriotism, en

45、during American values, and the link between generations. But many sports films have also focused on bribery, dissension, and jealousy. Sports movies have repeatedly served as a vehicle for exploring the quest for redemption, the cult of celebrity, and the possibility of triumphing over great odds.

46、Curiously, a number of sports films (from Mr. Baseball to The Legend of Bagger Vance) have extolled certain eastern philosophies emphasizing self-denial and self-control as keys to success.82 In the past, sports films _.(A)often made a commercial success(B) often won favorable comments from film cri

47、tics(C) were often produced at a low cost(D)were favored mainly by sports fans83 Which of the following statements about todays sports movies is true?(A)They simply present the joy of athletic competition.(B) Many of them are mythological.(C) Many of them tell stories about the indomitable human spi

48、rit.(D)Many of them aimed primarily at children are highly entertaining.84 According to the passage, which of the following cannot be taken as a larger theme of filming?(A)Hero worship.(B) Aging.(C) Competitiveness.(D)Corruption.85 This passage uses all of the following words to talk about the symbo

49、lic significance of sports and sports movies EXCEPT _.(A)arena(B) metaphor(C) simile(D)vehicle85 Babies are born with an eye for beauty. Infants only hours old will choose to stare at an attractive face rather than an unattractive one.According to Alan Slater, a developmental psychologist at the University of Exeter, humans may have a biologically ingrained

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