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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 222 及答案与解析一、Phonetics(A)pour(B) fourth(C) source(D)flour(A)milk(B) bridge(C) little(D)light(A)hall(B) call(C) shall(D)fall(A)flower(B) power(C) tower(D)arrow(A)early(B) learn(C) earthquake(D)beard二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided wit

2、h four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 Your coat will lose its color _ it is washed.(A)after(B) until(C) though(D)not until7 Scarcely _ such an exciting movie.(A)have I ever seen(B) I have ever seen(C) saw I(D)I saw8 The number o

3、f the students who can attend this course _ fifteen.(A)have(B) has(C) are(D)is9 The event took place during _.(A)First World War(B) the First World War(C) World War the One(D)the World War One10 The man who came to help us is a friend of _.(A)me(B) I(C) my(D)mine11 We need to import _ from abroad.(A

4、)a great deal of equipment(B) many equipments(C) an equipment(D)many pieces of equipments12 Have you finished your homework? The lesson is _ than the last one.(A)easy(B) much easier(C) very easier(D)more easier13 The football match was televised _ from the Workers Stadium.(A)alive(B) life(C) live(D)

5、lively14 The new medicine the doctor _ for the pain in my stomach is imported and quite expensive.(A)bought(B) prescribed(C) described(D)discovered15 Does it _ much to have the bicycle repaired?(A)pay(B) spend(C) cost(D)ask16 _ is well known, light, like heat, is a form of energy.(A)It(B) What(C) Ju

6、st as(D)As17 When he opened the tin, it _ a bad smell.(A)gave away(B) gave in(C) gave up(D)gave off18 On Sunday, I got to _ to hear mass.(A)church(B) the church(C) a church(D)some church19 “What are you busy _?“ “I am busy _ the plan for the sports meeting.“(A)in; to make(B) about; to make(C) in; ma

7、king(D)about; making20 There _ some mistakes in your composition.(A)have(B) has(C) seems to be(D)seem to be三、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer t

8、o each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.20 Many people are wondering if it is safe to talk on the phone while driving. There have been quite a few accidents while drivers were talking on the phone. Some research is being done to find out if

9、driving while talking on the phone is dangerous.When there is a car accident police officers will find out if any of the drivers were using a cell phone. They will write this information in a report. The information will be saved and later studied.There have been some very bad car accidents caused b

10、y drivers being distracted by cell phones. Drivers sometimes forget to watch the road carefully when they are using their phones. Not paying attention to the road can be dangerous, even deadly.It is important for drivers to focus on the road. They need to pay attention to what is going on around the

11、m. They might need to stop or swerve quickly.People want to make sure that the roads are safe for everyone. Studies will be done using the information police officers collect at accidents. Maybe someday this information will lead to laws about driving and using cell phones.21 While driving, drivers

12、must keep an eye on what is happening _.(A)in other cars(B) on the phone(C) around them(D)at home 22 Driving and talking on the phone at the same time could be_, research says.(A)difficult(B) dangerous(C) illegal(D)fun 23 What will police officers do after a car accident9 They will _(A)send the driv

13、er to the hospital(B) check how seriously the car is damaged(C) do the research on the car accident(D)find out if a cell phone is used 24 The studies are based on_.(A)the security people get on the road(B) the accidents caused by drivers(C) the law made for using cell phone(D)the information collect

14、ed from the accidents 24 In June of 1973, nine whales beached on the Florida coast. Beaching means swimming out of the ocean onto the beach, and usually dying there. No one knows why they do it, but a number of whales beach themselves every year. Some people think beaching is an accident.Perhaps the

15、 whales get confused. Scientists who studied the beaching of three dozen whales in Australia think the whales may have been confused by loud noises, Whales can tell where they are by sounds. They send out sounds and listen as they travel past or bounce off objects. Two days before these thirty-six w

16、hales beached, loud guns had been fired for two hours. The loud sounds may have confused the whales. Their confusion might have caused them to wander into low water.Whatever the reason whales beach, it is a sad event. People try to save them, but very few beached whales live. One whale that was resc

17、ued from beaching in Florida lived for forty-five days. That is the longest a beached whale has ever survived. And it lived that long only because it got attention from doctors.All over the world, scientists rush to whale beachings as soon as they hear about them. They hope to learn why whales beach

18、, and how to save them.25 The subject of this passage is _.(A)the Florida Beaches(B) Beached Whales(C) Whale Sounds(D)Medical Treatment of Whales 26 One reason whales beach may be _.(A)because they are hungry(B) because they are attacked(C) that people can study them(D)that they are confused 27 Whal

19、e beachings are sad events because _.(A)people know the whales are going to die(B) the whales have to be carted away and buried(C) the whales cannot be used as food(D)no one can use the beach on those days 28 To make the point that beached whales do not survive, the author uses _.(A)the opinions of

20、famous people(B) a vivid word picture(C) an example(D)a firsthand story 28 Imagine going to sleep in October and waking up in May! Well, marmots and ground squirrels stay warm by sleeping all winter. All this time, they do not wake up once. This special kind of sleep is called hibernation. During th

21、is sleep, the heart slows down, and the animal breathes more slowly, it doesnt move around, so it uses less energy.Animals like the marmot and the ground squirrel inhabit the coldest parts of the world. They need special talents to survive in these frigid places. Their furry coats keep them snug whe

22、n the temperature falls below zero. It often gets this cold in the Arctic, a land that is just below the North Pole.Before the long winter, some animals eat and eat. After a while, they grow very fat. When the winter comes, they live on the fat saved up in their bodies. Layers of fat keep an animal

23、warm.Arctic animals also have other ways to beat the cold. Rabbits in the Arctic, for example, have very small ears. Small ears keep heat in, while big ears let it out. Small things usually keep heat in. Have you ever slept in a room that is very small, and noticed how hot it can get.?It rarely gets

24、 warm in the Arctic. But although summer seasons there are very short, the sun shines brightly. Plants seem to spring up before your eyes! Animals such as caribou look forward all year to summer, when they can eat fresh grass again. Every minute of sunshine is important to their lives. 29 A good tit

25、le for this passage would be _.(A)the Arctic Summer(B) Marmots and Squirrels(C) Keeping Warm in the Arctic(D)Freezing Temperatures 30 The way for marmot to keep warm is _.(A)to be very fat(B) to have small ears(C) to eat green grass(D)to have thick and soft hairs 31 After reading this passage, we ca

26、n guess that when an animal moves around, it _.(A)is very restless(B) uses more energy(C) is looking for food(D)has lost its young 32 To help the reader understand that small things keep heat in, the writer uses _.(A)an example(B) a strong argument(C) scientific facts(D)careful measurements 32 Today

27、, the Indianapolis 500, one of the worlds most famous car races, takes about four hours to run. If the Indy 500 had been held in 1895, it would have taken almost three days. The horseless carriage had just been invented a short time before. Top speeds back then were much lower than they are today. F

28、or most people, just seeing a car move without a horse pulling it was thrilling enough. The drivers main concern was making sure the car didnt break down.One of the first car races was held in Chicago on Thanksgiving Day in 1895. Folks crowded the streets to gawk at the new machines. The route of th

29、e race went through the heart of town. The cars were to go out to a nearby suburb and back. The race covered a distance of about 54 miles. Thats less than one-tenth the distance at Indy. The drivers cranked up their engines and prayed that they wouldnt break down. Then they were off. The race proved

30、 too much for some of the cars. Perhaps they couldnt withstand the high speeds. The winner of the contest was J. Frank Duryea. He finished the race a bit more than seven hours after he started. He had covered the grueling distance at an average speed of 7.5 miles per hour. That is slower than a mode

31、rn marathoner can go on foot. Even so, as Duryea finished, the crowd went wild.33 This passage deals with_.(A)the Indianapolis 500(B) a new kind of car(C) an early auto race(D)the streets of Chicago 34 Some cars didnt finish the race in Chicago because _.(A)their engines broke down(B) the drivers we

32、re afraid of the high speed(C) the brakes jammed(D)they ran out of gas 35 What can you conclude about the publics attitude toward auto race?(A)They were more impressed with slower speed.(B) They thought cars were unnecessary.(C) They enjoyed just seeing the cars.(D)They were easily bored. 36 In this

33、 passage the word “gawk“ means _.(A)laugh(B) stare(C) frown(D)glare 36 One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve w

34、hen a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?“ “You dont owe me anything,“ she replied. He said, “Then I thank you from my h

35、eart. Years later that young woman became critically iii. The local doctors sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, he rose immediately and went to her

36、 room. Dressed in his doctors gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to the case. After a long struggle, the battle was won.Dr. Kelly requested the business offic

37、e to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then wrote something on the edge. The bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the b

38、ill. She read these words: “Paid in full with one glass of milk.“37 The boy sold goods from door to door because _.(A)he wanted to help support his family(B) he needed money for school(C) he had to pay back a student loan(D)he did not have enough pocket money 38 When the boy and the young woman met

39、again years later_.(A)they had both changed beyond recognition(B) neither remembered their previous meeting(C) the boy had become a medical specialist(D)the woman had come to stay in the big city 39 Dr. Kelly gave special attention to the case mainly because _.(A)he fell in love with the woman(B) it

40、 was a rare disease(C) he was eager to distinguish himself(D)he wanted to repay the woman for her great kindness 40 Among other things, the story shows that_.(A)good will be rewarded with good(B) it is okay to accept pay for a kindness(C) it is wise neither to borrow nor to lend(D)where theres a wil

41、l theres a way 四、Part IV ClozeDirections: There are some blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.40 The Norwegian Nobel Committee

42、has decided to【21】the Nobel Peace Prize for 1998 to John Hume and David Trimble for their efforts to find a【22】solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland.Over the past thirty years, the national, religious and social【23】in Northern Ireland has cost over 3,500 people their lives. John Hume has thro

43、ughout been the clearest and most【 24】of Northern Irelands political leaders in his 【25】for a peaceful solution. The foundations of the peace agreement【26】on Good Friday 1998 reflect principles which he has stood for.As the【27】of the traditionally predominant party in Northern Ireland, David Trimble

44、 showed great political【28】when, at a critical stage of the process, he advocated solutions which led to the peace【29】. As the head of the Northern Ireland government, he has【30】the first steps towards building up the mutual confidence on which a lasting peace must be based.The Norwegian Nobel Commi

45、ttee also wishes to【31】the importance of the positive【32】to the peace process made by other Northern Irish leaders, and by the governments of Great Britain, Ireland, and the United States.The Norwegian Nobel Committee【33】the hope that the foundations which have now been laid will not【34】lead to last

46、ing peace in Northern Ireland, but also serve to【35】peaceful solutions to other religious, ethnic and national conflicts around the world.(A)award(B) accept(C) pass(D)refuse (A)violent(B) messy(C) peaceful(D)proper (A)problem(B) conflict(C) contribution(D)work (A)consistent(B) confident(C) proud(D)m

47、odest (A)job(B) idea(C) opinion(D)work (A)written(B) signed(C) acted(D)agreed (A)person(B) leader(C) one(D)part (A)fame(B) life(C) eye(D)courage (A)country(B) society(C) agreement(D)days (A)taken(B) walked(C) past(D)stopped (A)complain(B) weaken(C) emphasize(D)buy (A)facts(B) contributions(C) truth(

48、D)efforts (A)says(B) notices(C) remembers(D)expresses (A)afraid(B) kindly(C) seem(D)only (A)strongly(B) lengthen(C) inspire(D)envy 五、Part VII Writing56 For this part, you are supposed to write a letter of refasal in English in 100-120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clea

49、rly.你(Li Yuan)的朋友(Jack)邀请你暑期到他家乡农村去度假。写封信委婉拒绝。信的内容如下:(1) 对邀请表示感谢;(2) 不能如愿的原因;(3) 提出弥补的方式。六、Daily Conversation56 Read the following dialogue and try to fill up the gaps with proper words, phrases, or sentences.Operator: Hello, Frank and Brothers,【56】?Peter: This is Peter Jackson. Can I have extension 3421 ?Operator: Certainly,【57】, Ill put you through.Frank: Bob Petersons office


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