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1、广东专插本(英语)模拟试卷 28 及答案与解析一、Vocabulary and Structure1 We have got to_a new way to solve this problem.(A)tell about(B) put out (C) think of(D)take over2 I agree to the idea_our staff should use recycled (再生的) paper to save money.(A)what(B) as(C) which(D)that3 The new manager has greatly changed the comp

2、any_he took over the position.(A)if(B) since(C) although(D)while4 _the members cooperate well, the team will keep winning games.(A)As far as(B) As well as(C) As long as(D)As soon as5 Im told that I will share an office room _ five other newcomers.(A)in(B) with(C) to(D)at6 Can you help me to_a sales

3、plan in that area?(A)set up(B) give in(C) put on(D)work out7 Those_are interested in the job position need to send an email to us.(A)what(B) whom(C) which(D)who8 Im pleased to tell you that the fax machines you ordered are_now.(A)available(B) convenient(C) wonderful(D)important9 You should be able t

4、o_right from wrong.(A)perceive(B) distinguish(C) sight(D)observe10 I promised to look_the matter as soon as I got there.(A)for(B) in(C) into(D)after11 Your sister has made an_for you to see the dentist at 3 this afternoon.(A)appointment(B) interview(C) opportunity(D)assignment12 I wrote it down_I sh

5、ould forget it.(A)in case(B) in case of(C) in order that(D)for fear of13 It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not _ the time.(A)offer(B) leave(C) afford(D)manage14 After a three-hour heated discussion, all the members in the jury

6、reached the conclusion that the man was _ of murder.(A)criminal(B) charged(C) guilty(D)faulty15 You ought_ the task the day before yesterday.(A)to finish(B) to finishing(C) to have finishing(D)to have finished16 If you had come five minutes earlier, you_him. Its a pity you were late!(A)would meet(B)

7、 would have met(C) met(D)had met17 It is because she is very devoted to her students_ she is respected by them.(A)that(B) which(C) what(D)who18 Realizing that he hadnt enough money and _ to borrow from his father, he decided to sell his watch.(A)not wanted(B) not to want(C) not wanting(D)wanting not

8、19 I suppose that when I come back in ten years time all these old houses_down.(A)will have been pulled(B) will have pulled(C) will be pulling(D)will be pulled20 The fried fish we ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. Id like to have it again even if it costs_.(A)as twice(B) twice as much(C)

9、 much as twice(D)as much twice21 _forget the days when we lived in the countryside.(A)Never I shall(B) Never shall I(C) I never shall(D)Never do I shall22 Before joining the army, he spent a lot of time in the village_he belonged.(A)to which(B) which(C) to where(D)at which23 Do you mean this is the_

10、decision you have made after thinking for hours?(A)upright(B) ultimate(C) total(D)tight24 The doctor suggested that he_there.(A)not to go(B) hadnt gone(C) not go(D)wouldnt go25 I gave John a present but he gave me nothing_.(A)in return(B) in turn(C) in advance(D)in vain26 I cannot tell the_differenc

11、e between the twins.(A)slender(B) single(C) simple(D)slight27 Words_meaning, as we all know.(A)convince(B) convey(C) contribute(D)conquer28 _I saw was two men crossing the street.(A)What(B) Whom(C) Who(D)That29 The quality of education in this small school is better than_in some larger schools.(A)th

12、at(B) one(C) it(D)this30 _Im mistaken, Ive seen that man before.(A)Unless(B) If(C) Because(D)Provided30 Scientists have developed a slimming (减肥) drug that successfully suppresses appetite and results in a dramatic loss of weight without any apparent ill effects.The drug interferes with appetite con

13、trol and prevents the build-up of fatty tissue. Laboratory mice given the drug lost up to a third of their total body weight.Within 20 minutes of being given the drug, called C75, the mice lost interest in eating and survived apparently content on just 10 percent of the food they would normally eat.

14、As a result, mice taking the drug lost 45 percent more weight than mice fed the same amount of food, which compensate for the lack of food by becoming more lazy.Scientists, from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said that C75 is likely to produce a similar effect on humans because appetite

15、control in brain is thought to be based on the same chemical pathways as those in mice.“We are not claiming to have found a fabled (神奇的) weight-loss drug. What we have found, using C75, is a major pathway in the brain that body uses naturally in regulating appetite at least in mice,“ said Francis Ku

16、hajda, a pathologist and senior team member.31 The newly-developed drug_.(A)controls appetite and causes obvious weight loss(B) reduces weight with some ill effects(C) interferes with appetite and builds up fatty tissue(D)is still going through laboratory tests32 One of the reasons that the drug hel

17、ps to lose weight is that_.(A)it helps mice sleep well(B) it keeps fatty tissue from growing(C) it controls eating(D)it prevents overeating33 The mice taking C75 lose nearly half of their weight on the same amount of food become_.(A)more active(B) more lazy(C) more aggressive(D)more noisy34 C75 is l

18、ikely to produce weight-loss effect on humans because_.(A)mice and humans have similar brain structure(B) humans are likely to be more lazy than mice(C) humans appetite is regulated through the same pathway as mice s(D)mice and human body use different pathways of appetite control35 What is the atti

19、tude of the scientists toward the slimming drug?(A)Indifferent.(B) Exciting.(C) Negative.(D)Confident.35 Everyone is exposed to it, so naturally some people will imitate what they see on TV, what they read in the newspapers and what they witness every day. It is better to prevent violence than to tr

20、y to stop it. Dentists tell you to brush your teeth to prevent cavities so they wont have to fill the cavity later. People and lawmakers all over the world realize this. The next question is, “How do you prevent violence from happening?“To answer this question, you may ask yourself, “What causes vio

21、lence?“ Guns are definitely something used in acts of violence, but just about anything will do. Bare hands are often the weapons. What we have to do is to work together as a community and make violence wrong but not to tolerate. Weve got to find a better solution than jails, and weve got to do it n

22、ow. Its not something that can wait. The message “Violence is wrong“ has got to be everywhere you look on TV, on street signs, buses, radio, in every kind of languageEnglish, Spanish, French, Hebrew, you name it, so that it can reach all kinds of people. People need to be cool. Violence needs to be

23、labeled as foolish. It cannot be machismo (大男子气概) and toughness.We can reach people in all kinds of ways. Little reminders that “Violence is wrong“ can show up in any way, shape or form: chain letters, a million dollars to anyone who can make a video showing 30 acts of kindness, flyers, newspaper ad

24、s, contests in schools, a free TV ad to the most peace-loving company and much more. To do so, lots of people have to be willing to work together and break the cycle.36 The pronoun “it“ in the first paragraph refers specifically to_.(A)TV program(B) violence(C) newspaper articles(D)what they see eve

25、ry day37 What do lawmakers all over the world realize?(A)They realize the importance of brushing teeth every day.(B) They realize how important it is to prevent cavities.(C) They realize that it is more important to prevent violence from happening.(D)They realize that trying to stop crime is as impo

26、rtant as the prevention of crime.38 According to the passage, what is the total solution to violence?(A)Strict control on the possession of guns.(B) Strict sentences.(C) To put those who commit crimes into prison.(D)To make everyone aware that violence is wrong.39 Which of the following is NOT menti

27、oned as a way to remind people of the concept “Violence is wrong“?(A)Ads in newspapers.(B) Three-minute free ads on TV.(C) Chain letters.(D)Contests in schools.40 We can learn from the passage that_.(A)it is urgent to spread the word that violence is wrong(B) willingness to cooperate is the key to t

28、he prevention of street crimes(C) the author seems to preach non-violence against crimes(D)it is difficult to identify the causes of violence40 I suppose that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each ot

29、her is our attention, and especially if its given from the heart. When people are talking, theres no need to do anything but receive them. Listen to what theyre saying. Care about it. Most times caring about it is even more important than understanding it. Most of us dont value ourselves or our love

30、 enough to know this. It has taken me a long time to believe in the power of simple saying “Im so sorry.“ when someone is in pain.One of my patients told me that when she tried to tell her story, people often interrupted to tell her that they once had something just like that happening to her. Subtl

31、y, her pain became a story about them. Eventually she stopped talking to most people. We connect through listening. When we interrupt what someone is saying to let them know that we understand, we move the focus of attention to ourselves. When we listen, they know we care.I have ever learned to resp

32、ond to someone crying by just listening. In the old days I used to reach for the handkerchiefs, until I realized that passing a person a handkerchief may be just another way to shut him down, to take them out of their experience of sadness. Now I just listen. When they have cried all they need to cr

33、y, they find me there with them.This simple thing has not been that easy to learn. It certainly went against everything I had been taught since I was very young. I thought people listened only because they were too shy to speak or did not know the answer. But now I know that a loving silence often h

34、as far more power to heal than the kindest words.41 What does the author value most in the communication with each other?(A)Deep understanding.(B) Saying “Im sorry“.(C) Attention from heart.(D)Doing nothing.42 The woman patient stopped telling her story to most people because_.(A)she didnt get enoug

35、h respect from others(B) she was discouraged by being often interrupted(C) people often told her their own opinions(D)people couldnt understand her sad situation43 If you hand a handkerchief to someone crying, you may_.(A)hurt his feelings(B) make him embarrassed(C) encourage him to continue to cry(

36、D)stop him from letting out his sorrow44 It can be inferred from the passage that while communicating, _.(A)listening is a perfect way to respond to others(B) people keep silent because they dont know the answer(C) keeping silent means being too shy to speak(D)it is easy to form the habit of listeni

37、ng silently45 Which of the following might be the authors opinion about communication?(A)Keep silent.(B) Just listen.(C) Be careful.(D)Tell your own story.45 A library is more than just a place where books are stored. A library is a source of information. That information may come from books (fictio

38、n, nonfiction, or reference books), from periodicals (newspapers, magazines, and journals), from audio-visual materials (records, cassettes, microfilm, video tapes, etc. ) , or even from a computer terminal.Students go to libraries to study and to write research papers. The periodicals room of a uni

39、versity library is where foreign students often find newspapers and magazines from their countries. In the reference room, they can find catalogs from many universities in the U. S. and other countries. If you are buying a used car, the reference librarian can show you the Blue Book, which lists the

40、 prices of new and used cars. People who need information in a hurry can telephone the reference librarian at many libraries.There are as many different library services as there are types of people who use them. Childrens libraries provide materials for young readers. They sometimes have story tell

41、ers who read stories to groups of children, and a few have computers for the children to play with. Music lovers can listen to recordings of their favorite musicians in music libraries. Some libraries offer special services for blind people, such as books in Braille, “talking“ books, and Kurzweil Re

42、ading Machines.Libraries provide entertainment as well as information. Novels and short stories from a librarys fiction collection are a good source of enjoyable reading practice. Public libraries often sponsor lectures on topics of interest to members of the community, and a few even offer concerts

43、 and films. No matter what your interests are, you will find that a library can be a great place to enjoy yourself while you learn.46 In libraries, readers can get information from_.(A)computer terminal, books, periodicals or nonfiction(B) books, periodicals, audio-visual materials or video tapes(C)

44、 periodicals, books, audio-visual materials or a computer terminal(D)materials, reference books, periodicals, audio-visual or journals47 In the reference room of the library you can find_.(A)materials for young readers(B) university catalogs(C) newspapers and magazines(D)the fiction collection48 For

45、eign students often go to_ to read newspapers and magazines from their countries.(A)periodical rooms(B) reference rooms(C) music rooms(D)computer centers49 The last sentence in the last paragraph implies that readers can_.(A)find entertainment and information in a library(B) read both novels and sho

46、rt stories in a bookstore(C) enjoy concerts and films in a theater(D)attend many lectures at colleges50 What is the main idea of the passage?(A)There are many kinds of libraries.(B) A library is a place where books are stored.(C) Libraries provide entertainment.(D)Libraries offer many different serv

47、ices.二、Cloze50 Most people retire from work between the ages of 60 and 65. This has【C1】_ consequences, one economic and【 C2】_ psychological.Economically: 【C3 】_ retired people receive a pension(养老金) from the government or from their past【C4 】_, it is often much less than they earned when they were w

48、orking. Unless people【C5 】_ to save money during their years【C6】_ work, their standard of living may fall greatly when they retire.Psychologically: Old people in Western countries are generally considered【C7】_, and they are even thought of as a【C8】_ on their families and on the public purse. They are【C9 】_ held in respect. On the other hand, most of them, so used to【C10】_ work, simply do not know how to relax or【C11】_ other interests though they have time to do so now. They feel they “should“ be working and【C12】_, because work was【C13】_ they were respected and their skills r


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