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1、全国自考(英语写作)模拟试卷 5 及答案与解析一、Supply the missing paragraph1 Benefits of Face-to-Face CommunicationFace-to-face communication is the first basic communication method. In the era of information technology, people are now faced with a myriad of communication options. Be it letters, emails, or telephone conv

2、ersations, none is more effective than face-to-face interaction, because it helps the speaker to convey a complete message, obtain immediate feedback, and build trusting relationship._In addition, face-to-face communication provides immediate feedback. If the message is ambiguous, the speaker can cl

3、arify it right away. The listener can raise questions if he feels confused. Hence, the speaker can detect and prevent possible misunderstandings or confusion among the listeners. Since all the people involved in the interactive process can easily see each other, their approval, interest, or disregar

4、d can easily be deduced and dealt with. Renowned CEOs, like Bill Gates, attach much importance to face-to-face communication and highly appreciate the timely responses of the staff at business meetings.Lastly, face-to-face communication enhances the relationship between people. Its difficult to buil

5、d rapport only over emails or through phone calls. It seems that people tend to depend less and less on face-to-face talks to express their gratitude and appreciation, but this form of contact is extremely important for establishing trusting relationship. As an office worker, what would you feel whe

6、n your colleagues come up to your desk and congratulate you on the great report you sent or the presentation you made recently? If a team leader calls his team members to the office just to say “thanks“ and pat their backs, the team will be sure to take a liking to him immediately.Even in the modern

7、 world full of electronic communication devices, face-to-face communication remains the most powerful human interaction. Without face-to-face communication, information recipients have to interpret an incomplete message, because much of the information gained in communication is derived from non-ver

8、bal cues.They have no chance to question the speaker or clarify the information. Moreover, they are unlikely to feel warmth from or build trust on the message deliverer. Therefore, face-to-face interaction cannot be replaced by other forms of communication.二、Write an outline2 The Effects of Televisi

9、on on Childrens Social RelationsTV presents the child with a distorted definition of reality. The child in the affluent suburb or the small mid-western town exists within his own limited reality. His experience with social problems or people of different races, religions, or nationalities is probabl

10、y somewhat limited. As television exposes him to a diversity of people and ideas, it surely expands the boundaries of his-reality. It is precisely because he now relies heavily on TV to define other realities for him that we must examine carefully what those images are. If they are inaccurate or dis

11、torted, then televisions reality is potentially harmful.TV distorts reality by selecting certain kinds of images and omitting others and by portraying people in a stereotyped way. It portrays some categories of people with beauty, power and importance and renders others weak, helpless or invisible.

12、So serious is the relative invisibility of some groups on TV that Dr. George Gerbner of the Annenberg School of Communications contends, “If youre not on TV, you dont exist.“The TV camera selects certain images to be examples, sometimes functioning like a magnifying glass held up to the worst in civ

13、ilization instead of the best. When TV producers focus on violent ugliness, they lift it out and hold it up for all to see, making it impressively larger than life. A fist fight that occurs outside my window and is witnessed by only five people may be videotaped, broadcast and “witnessed“ vicariousl

14、y by millions of people, thus multiplying the example set by the fist fighters. In the United States, most people have not witnessed murder, yet because of television most children have seen hundreds of thousands of violent deaths and therefore believe that the world is more violent than it actually

15、 is.TV says, in effect: This is the way the world works. There are the rules. The images presented on TV tend to be exaggerated or glorified, and so believed and accepted as models to be copied. After TV heavily promoted Evel Knievels attempt to “fly“ his motorcycle Over the Snake River, many childr

16、en imitated his stunts with their bicycles on home made ramps. And many landed in hospitals.TV affects human relationships as well as behavior by influencing our feelings about ourselves and our expectations for ourselves and others. Too frequently stereotypes provide us with instant definitions. Th

17、e stereotype assigns to an individual characteristics associated with a group that may or may not be accurate. We tend to note a single feature of a person and fill in the details from a storehouse of stereotypes.Via TVs stereotypes we see men as strong and active, women pretty and at home. All too

18、frequently, minorities are cast in exaggerated portrayals and stereotyped roles, more as white male producers perceive them than the way minority persons perceive them selves.Exposure to stereotyped presentations can easily influence viewers behavior toward unfamiliar people. TV images, in fact, tea

19、ch values and behaviors, especially to children who have little firsthand knowledge of the real world. To the extent that children are exposed to certain characters portrayals and behaviors on TV, they may acquire or learn those behaviors and roles and eventually accept them as models for their own

20、attitudes and actions.Perhaps most serious are the effects of information distortions on the childs self-image. At some level we begin to judge our own meaning, dignity and worth in comparison with the TV characters who portray people like us. We should be fully aware that there inaccurate or distor

21、ted portrayal may be harmful to childrens growth._三、Compose an essay3 Write a description of your hometown.全国自考(英语写作)模拟试卷 5 答案与解析一、Supply the missing paragraph1 【正确答案】 To begin with, face-to-face communication affords the speaker the opportunity to deliver his complete message. In a face-to-face int

22、eraction, emotions, moods and expressions come forth to the surface, which are not seen or felt from written words or words spoken on the telephone. Through eye contact, facial expressions and body language, the speaker gives the listener a thorough idea of his point of view. All these factors influ

23、ence how the same words are received. For example, by leaning forward on his chair, opening his arms and moving his hands in a forceful manner, the speaker can convey interest and leadership.【试题解析】 浏览全文可知,这篇文章为说明文。它可分成三个大的部分:开头段,数个主体段和结论段。开头段是第一段。它由导入语和主题句组成。面对面的交流是人们最基本的沟通方法(这是导入语一)。在信息技术快速发展的时代,人们

24、可以通过各种形式来实现面对面的交流(这是导入语二),因为只有面对面的交流才能表达完整的信息、获得及时的反馈并建立双方信任的合作关系。(导出主题句)第三段:讲到面对面的交流能为我们提供及时的反馈(main idea)。首先,如果信息传递的不准确或者模糊时,讲话者可以立即进行解释。听者如果有疑问,也可以立即进行提问。其中比尔.盖茨也曾指出面对面交流的重要性以及在生意上信息反馈的及时性。第四段:提到面对面的交流也能加强双方的合作关系(main idea)。如今采用面对面沟通的方式来表达感谢的人越来越少了。但是面对面交流是建立双方信任关系的重要方式。第五段:属于结论段,是对全文的总结和概括,是对主题句

25、的强调和深化。很显然,面对面的交流的第 2 个好处在第三段了详尽了阐述,第 3 个好处在第四段作了详尽的阐述。那么可推知第三段应阐述二面对面交流能表达完整的信息。为了保持文章风格的一致,阐述方式可参照第三、四段。二、Write an outline2 【正确答案】 I. Introduction: The presentation of distorted reality on TVA. Childrens limited experienceB. Childrens heavy reliance on TVC. TVs distorted realityD. Thesis: The real

26、ity as presented by TV is potentially harmful.II. Different ways of distorting realityA. Portrayal of stereotypesB. Selection of the undesirableIII. TVs strong effectsA. Childrens imitation of stars, actionsB. Inaccurate portrayal of unfamiliar peopleC. Childrens acceptance of TV images as modelsD.

27、Harmful effects on the childs self-image【试题解析】 这是一篇关于电视对孩子与社会接触的影响的文章,要写出提纲,首先要了解文章各段所讲的内容和各段落之间的关系。第一段:主要讲电视会呈现给孩子歪曲的事实。一个居住在小镇的孩子,他了解现实的途径是有限的。他处理问题的社会经验或对其他种族、宗教、民族的了解也是有局限的。而电视将呈现给他形形色色的人和事,这必定扩大他的视野。由于孩子十分依赖电视来定义现实,所以我们有必要检查电视究竟怎样呈现世界。最后点明文章主旨:如果电视中的事实是歪曲的或不准确的,它们对孩子的成长有潜在的危害。(1)distorted defin

28、ition of reality 对现实的歪曲(2)expand the boundary 扩大视野(3)rely on 依赖于If they are inaccurate or distorted,then televisions reality is potentially harmful如果电视中的事实是歪曲的或不准确的,它们对孩子的成长有潜在的危害。第二段:电视通过筛选影像,按一定成规塑造人物来歪曲事实。更严重的是,如果你不出现在电视上,你就不存在这个世界里。TV distorts reality by selecting certain kinds of images and omi

29、tting others and by portraying people in a stereotyped way电视通过筛选影像,按一定成规塑造人物来歪曲事实。第三段:摄像机选取特定的影像,有时会像放大镜那样展现文明中最坏的地方而非最好的。当制作人想集中体现暴力的丑陋时,他们会把暴力拿出来,高高举起给所有人看,使人们对其印象深刻,胜过对生活的了解。发生在我窗外的只有五个目击者的拳斗可能会被拍摄下来,被播出,让成千上万的人去见证。在美国,大多数人都没有见过谋杀,然而由于电视,大部分孩子看过暴力血腥的死亡场,而因此相信世界是暴力的。其实并非如此。 (1)hold up 举出,拿出;(2)wit

30、nessed by 被见证,被目击The TV camera selects certain images to be examples,sometimes functioning like a magnifying glass held up to the worst in civilization instead of the best摄像机选取特定的影像,有时会像放大镜那样展现文明中最坏的地方而非最好的。第四段:实质上,电视就是在说:世界就是这样运作的。这种展现是有规定的。呈现在电视上的影像往往是夸张的或被美化了的,这样才能被相信并被接受来作为模仿的典范。在电视上大肆渲染了 Evel K

31、nievel 的飞车越江表演后,许多孩子纷纷效仿,结果进了医院。promote 提倡,渲染 The images presented on TV tend to be exaggerated or glorified,and so believed and accepted as models to be copied呈现在电视上的影像往往是夸张的或被修饰过的,这样才能被相信并被接受来作为模仿的典范。第五段:电视通过影响我们的自我感觉及我们对自我和他人的期望来影响人际关系和言行举止。成规的频繁出现给予我们“速成定义”。成规提供给个人的相关特征不一定全是准确的。我们倾向于只看到一个人的一个特点,

32、然后用成规偏见来评价这个人。as well as 和一样第六段:通过电视的成规,我们看到男人是强壮活跃的;女人是美丽顾家的。常见的是,少数人被夸张地塑造成经典形象,更符合制片人心目中的形象,而非他们自己所理解的那样。第七段:经典形象的呈现很容易影响观看者对陌生人的态度举止。电视形象,实际上教授了价值观和行为举止,特别是对那些还不太了解真实世界的孩子们。当孩子在电视上看到的特定人物的塑造和行为达到一定程度时,他们会学习并最终接受其成为他们自己生活态度和行动的模范。(1)firsthand knowledge 第一手资料(2)acquire 习得第八段:或许最严重的是歪曲信息对孩子自我认识的影响。

33、在某种程度上,我们会和电视中的人物进行比较来判断我们生存的意义、尊严和价值。我们应该意识到不准确的人物塑造和歪曲的事实对孩子的成长是有害的。self-image 自我认识通过上文的分析,我们可将全文分为三个层次。第一段是第一个层次。介绍电视呈现的是歪曲的现实。首先说孩子经验有限,然后说他们因此依赖于电视来了解世界。然后揭示了电视中的歪曲的现实。最后点明主旨:电视上呈现的现实是有潜在危害的。第二、三段是第二个层次,主要讲电视歪曲事实的不同方式。一是对经典形象的塑造,一是对不好事物的选取。第四至第八段是第三个层次,主要讲电视的影响。(1)孩子模仿明星的行为;(2)对于陌生人的错误判断;(3)孩子接

34、受电视形象作为模范;(4)对孩子自我认识的危害。三、Compose an essay3 【正确答案】 My HometownMy hometown used to be as bare as a picked bone, with no tree anywhere around it larger than a ten-foot willow or alder. Now it is a grove. My memory gropes uneasily, trying to establish itself among fifty-foot cottonwoods, lilac and hone

35、ysuckle hedges and flower gardens. Searched for, plenty of familiarities are there: the Pastime Theater, identical with the one that sits across Main Street from the firehouse in my mind; the lumber yard where we used to get cloth caps advertising De Laval Cream Separators; two or three hardware sto

36、res (a prairie wheat town specializes in hardware stores), though each one now has a lot full of farm machinery next to it; the hotel, just as it was rebuilt after the fire; the bank, now remodeled into the post, office; the Presbyterian church, now United, and the Leader office, and the square bric

37、k prison of the school, now with three smaller prisons added to it. These are old acquaintances that I can check against their replicas in my head and take satisfaction from. But among them are the evidences of Progress-hospital, Masonic Lodge, at least one new elevator, a big Quonset-like skating r

38、inkand all tree-shaded, altered, and distorted, and made vaguely disturbing by greenery. In the old days we all used to try to grow trees, transplanting them from the Hills or getting them free with any two-dollar purchase from one of the stores, but they always dried up and died. To me, who came ex

39、pecting a dusty hamlet, the change is charming, but memory has been fixed by time as photographs fix the faces of the dead, and this reality is dreamlike. I cannot find myself or my family or my companions in it.【试题解析】 要求写一篇描写文。首先,我们要清楚在多数情况下,地点描写是为了给所描述的人物和事件建立一种突出的感受和氛围,从而揭示所描写的人物个性以及所处的特定情景。地点描写的

40、方法因人而异,因文章而异,可以为空间顺序,由远到近或由近到远,由左到右或由右到左,由上到下或由下到上,也可以事件为顺序。从应试的角度出发,文章的主题思想句,如:My hometown used to be as bare as a picked bone, with no tree anywhere around it larger than a tenfoot willow or alder来描述家乡过去的情况。紧接着我们可以在使用 Now it is a groveMy memory gropes uneasily ,trying to establish itself among fiftyfoot cottonwoods,lilac and honeysuckle hedges and flower gardens 来描述家乡现在的状况。尽力选择最能打动人之处和最富感染力之处。


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