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1、自考英语(二)模拟试卷 13 及答案与解析一、阅读判断0 California Gives Green Light to Space Solar PowerEnergy beamed down from space is one step closer to reality, now that California has given the green light to an agreement that would see the Pacific Gas and Electric Company buy 200 megawatt(兆瓦)of power beamed down from s

2、olar-power satellites beginning in 2016. But some major challenges will have to be overcome if the technology is to be used widely.A start-up company called Solaren is designing the satellites, which it says will use radio waves to beam energy down to a receiving station on Earth.The attraction of c

3、ollecting solar power in space is the almost uninterrupted sunshine available in geosynchronous(与地球同步的)orbit. Earth-based solar cells, by contrast, can only collect sun-light during daytime and when skies are clear.But space-based solar power must grapple(努力克服)with the high cost per kilogram of laun

4、ching things into space, says Richard Schwartz of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, “If youre talking about it being economically viable or power of the Earth, its a tough go, “ he says.Cal Boerman, Solarens director of energy services, says the company designed its satellites with a vie

5、w to keeping launch costs down. “We knew we had to come up with a different, revolutionary design, “he says. A patent the company has won describes ways to reduce the systems weight, including using inflatable mirrors to focus sunlight on solar cells, so a smaller number can collect the same amount

6、of energy.But using mirrors introduces other challenges, including keeping the solar cells from overheating, says Schwartz. “ You have to take care of heat dissipation(散发)because yourre now concentrating a lot of energy in one place, “ he says. According to the companys patent, Solarens solar cells

7、will be connected to radiators to help keep them cool.Though Boerman says the company believes it can make space-based solar power work, it is not expecting to crowd out other forms of renewable energy. Laws in California and other states require increasing use of renewable energy in coming years, h

8、e points out. “To meet those needs, were going to need all types of renewable energy sources, “ he says. 1 Solar-power satellites will use radio waves to beam energy downfrom space.( )(A)Right(B) Wrong(C) Not mentioned2 This technology which collects energy from space will be used widely.( )(A)Right

9、(B) Wrong(C) Not mentioned3 Solaren is going to design 200 solar-power satellites.( )(A)Right(B) Wrong(C) Not mentioned4 Space-based solar cells could collect solar power only when skies are clear.( )(A)Right(B) Wrong(C) Not mentioned5 One advantage of space-based solar power system is that it is ec

10、onomical.( )(A)Right(B) Wrong(C) Not mentioned6 There are other problems by using mirrors to cut the price. ( )(A)Right(B) Wrong(C) Not mentioned7 Inflatable mirrors are used to reduce the space-based solar power system.( )(A)Right(B) Wrong(C) Not mentioned8 Space-based solar power will rule out oth

11、er forms of renewable energy sources.( )(A)Right(B) Wrong(C) Not mentioned9 Many countries will grant permission for the use of spaced-based solar power soon.( )(A)Right(B) Wrong(C) Not mentioned10 There is no more need for other renewable energy sources if the company makes the space-based solar po

12、wer work successfully. ( )(A)Right(B) Wrong(C) Not mentioned二、阅读选择10 Goal of American EducationEducation is an enormous and expensive part of American Lfie. Its size is matched by its variety.Differences in American schools compared with those found in the majority of other comuntries lie in the fac

13、t that education here has long been intended for everyonenot just for a privileged elite. Schools are expected to meet the needs of every child, regardless of ability, and also the needs of society itself. This means that public schools offer more than academic subjects. It surprises many people whe

14、n they come here to find high schools offering such courses as typing, sewing, radio repair, computer programming or driver training, along with traditional academic subjects such as mathematics, history, and languages. Students choose their curricula depending on their interests, future goals, and

15、level of ability. The underlying goal of American education is to develop every child to the utmost of his or her own possibilities, and to give each one a sense of civic and community consciousness.Schools have traditionally played an important role in creating national unity and u Americanizing“ t

16、he millions of immigrants who have poured into this country from many different backgrounds and origins. Schools still play a large role in the community, especially in the small towns.The approach to teaching may seem unfamiliar to many, not only because it is informal, but also because there is no

17、t much emphasis on learning facts. Instead, Americans try to teach their children to think for themselves and to develop their own intellectual and creative abilities. Students spend much time, learning how to use resource materials , libraries, statistics and computers. Americans believe that if ch

18、ildren are taught to reason well and to research well, they will be able to find whatever facts they need throughout the rest of their lives. Knowing how to solve problems is considered more important than the accumulation of facts.This is Americas answer to the searching question that thoughtful pa

19、rents all over the world are asking themselves in the fast-moving time:“ How can one prepare todays child for a tomorrow that one can neither predict nor understand?“11 Which of the following best states the goal of American education?( )(A)To teach every learner some practical skills.(B) To provide

20、 every learner with rich knowledge.(C) To give every student the opportunity to fully develop his/her ability.(D)To train every student to be a responsible citizen.12 It is implied in the passage that_.( )(A)all high-school students take the same courses(B) every high-school student must take some p

21、ractical ability training courses(C) every public school offers the same academic subjects(D)the subjects every student takes may vary13 American schools place great emphasis on the learners_. ( )(A)enrichment of knowledge(B) accumulation of facts(C) acquisition of the ability to be creative(D)acqui

22、sition of the ability to work with his hands14 According to the passage, American education meets the needs of all the following EXCEPT_.( )(A)the brightest students(B) the slow students(C) the students from foreign countries(D)the immigrants15 Which of the following best states the feature of Ameri

23、can education that makes it different from education in other countries?( )(A)The large number of its schools.(B) The variety of the courses offered in its shcools.(C) Its special consideration given to immigrants.(D)Its underlying goal to develop every childs abilities to the ful-lest extent.三、概括段落

24、大意和补全句子15 Friendly Relations with the People Around1 You depend on all the people closely around to give you the warm feeling of belongingness that you must have to feel secure. But, in fact, the members of all the groups to which you belong also depend on you to give that feeling to them. A person

25、who shows that he wants everything for himself is bound to be a lonely wolf. 2 The need for companionship is closely related to the need for a sense of belongingness. How sad and lonely your life would be if you had no one to share your feelings and experiences. You may take it for granted that ther

26、e always will be people around to talk to and to do things with you and for you. The important point, however, is that keeping emotionally healthy does not depend so much upon having people around you as upon your ability to establish relationships that are satisfying both to you and to them.3 Suppo

27、se you are in a crowd watching a football game. You dont know them. When the game is over, you will all go your separate ways. But just for a while you had a feeling of companionship, of sharing the feelings of others who were cheering for the team you wanted to win. 4 An experience of this kind giv

28、es the clue to what companionship really is. It depends upon emotional ties of sympathy, understanding, trust, and affection. Companions become friends when these ties are formed.5 When you are thrown in a new circle of acquaintances, you may not know with whom you will make friends, but you can be

29、sure that you will be able to establish friendships if you show that you really like people.A. Making friends with new acquaintancesB. Close link between companionship and belong-ingnessC. Everyone needs the feeling of belongingnessD. An example of a satisfying relationshipE. Difficulties in establi

30、shing friendshipsF. What companionship really is16 Paragraph1_17 Paragraph2_18 Paragraph3_19 Paragraph4_20 Paragraph5_20 A. without pityB. sad and lonelyC. emotionally healthyD. without real love for themE. a sense of securityF. a lonely wolf21 If a person who shows he wants everything for himself i

31、s bound to be_22 If you had no one to share your feelings, your life would be_.23 The warm feeling of belongingness may give you_.24 The ability to establish fine relations with others will keep you_.25 You will find it hard to make friends with people_.四、填句补文25 Make a Good First ImpressionHave you

32、ever been in a doctors waiting room and looked around at all the glum faces waiting impatiently to be seen? Dr. Stephen K. Sproul, a veterinarian in Raytown, Missouri, told of a typical spring day when his waiting room was full of clients waiting to have their pets inoculated.【T1】_He told one of our

33、 classes:“There were six or seven clients waiting when a young woman came in with a nine-month-old baby and a kitten.【T2】_The next thing he knew, the baby just looked up at him with that great big smile that is so characteristic of babies. What did that gentleman do?【T3】_Soon he struck up a conversa

34、tion with the woman about her baby and his grandchildren, and soon the entire reception room joined in, and the boredom and tension were converted into a pleasant and enjoyable experience. “The ancient Chinese were a wise lotwise in the ways of the world;and they had a proverb that you and I ought t

35、o cut out and paste inside our hats. 【T4】_Your smile is a messenger of your goodwill.【T5】_To someone who has seen a dozen people frown, scowl or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds. Especially when that someone is under pressure from his bosses, his customer

36、s, his teachers or parents or children, a smile can help him realize that all is not hopelessthat there is joy in the world.A. It goes like this, “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop. “B. As luck would have it, she sat down next to a gentleman who was more than a little distraught abou

37、t the long wait for service.C. Just what you and I would do, of course;he smiled back at the baby.D. No one was talking to anyone else, and all were probably thinking of a dozen other things they would rather be doing than “wasting time“ sitting in that office.E. Your smile brightens the lives of al

38、l who see it.F. So, naturally, we are glad to see them.26 【T1】27 【T2】28 【T3】29 【T4】30 【T5】五、填词补文30 Ideal JobIn an ideal world, we would all have the job of our【B1】_. We would come into work so happy to be there, that we woke up early each morning in breathless anticipation for yet another day in the

39、 office.【B2 】_, even if you have a job that you are satisfied with,【B3】_are that a routine of any sort can cause substantial【B4】_And of-ten, boredom can quickly become depression if you dont do anything about it. It can seriously【B5】_your sense of self-worth and your productivity as well. Here are a

40、 few ways to make your job more【B6 】_. Boredom often【B7】_when we are using the same skills to do the same work over and over again. If you feel that a particular part of your skill set is not being employed, ask your boss if you can do something【B8 】_. Most workers are too afraid to ask for differen

41、t work. Youd be surprised by how accommodating most supervisors can be. After all, they want you do your best, and that means do something that interests you. Another thing that may sound【B9】_is that its often very little things that can lead to chronic boredom in the workplace. For example, youve p

42、robably fallen into a very fixed way of going about your day. You may answer emails first thing in the morning, then you begin work on one task, advance on to another task of a specific category, and so forth and so on. Consider breaking up your duties into different chunks, and change things up eve

43、ry few days. This will bring a【B10】_newness to the tedium of every day.A. impact D. occurs G. interesting J. admitB. Unfortunately E. dreams H. confused K. boredomC. surprising F. refreshing I. different L. chances31 【B1 】32 【B2 】33 【B3 】34 【B4 】35 【B5 】36 【B6 】37 【B7 】38 【B8 】39 【B9 】40 【B10 】六、完形补

44、文40 JobsNo matter how well you do your job, you may not always be【C1】_(appreciate)or rewarded for the work you do. You could also face a number of challenges in your workplace such as: long hours and tight deadlines;【C2】_(conflict)demands on your time and【C3】_(loyal); little balance between personal

45、 life and work commitments; few【C4】_(promotion)opportunities and so on. At the end of the day, you want to be involved in fulfilling,【 C5】_(reward)and enjoyable, get【C6】_(recognize)and promotion for your efforts, and be appreciated for the work you do. But at the same time, want a【C7 】_(balance)life

46、 with time for the things you really want to do with a full and interesting social life. It seems a lot to ask forand the key for【C8 】_(resolve)these seemingly conflicting challenges is to get clear about just how much you love the work you do? Is what you do for work make you jump out of bed every

47、morning? Or would you rather be doing something else? No matter how good things are in other【C9】_(part)of your life such as family, social life and relationships, work is a major part of your life, and not to be【C10】_(neglect).41 【C1 】42 【C2 】43 【C3 】44 【C4 】45 【C5 】46 【C6 】47 【C7 】48 【C8 】49 【C9 】5

48、0 【C10 】自考英语(二)模拟试卷 13 答案与解析一、阅读判断1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本题给出的信息是正确的。文章第一段中提到“power beameddown from solar-power satellites beginning in 2016”说明太阳能卫星会使用无线电波从太空发射能量光束。2 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 译文:从空间收集能源这项技术将被广泛应用。第一段最后一句But some major challenges will have to be overcome if the technology isto be used widely,即这项技术要广

49、泛使用,仍有一些挑战需要克服。3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 文章没有谈到这方面的信息。文章在第一段中提到 200 这个数字是关于“the Pacific Gas and Electric Company buy 200 megawatt(兆瓦)of power beamed down from solar-power satellites beginning in 2016”,即从 2016 年起,太平洋天然气和电力公司将购买 200 兆瓦的从太阳能电站的卫星上发送来的电力。4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 本题给出的信息是错误的。文章在第三段末尾提到:“在地球上的太阳能电池只能在白天且无云的时候收集阳光。”5 【正确答案】


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