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1、1专 项 训 练 八 动 词时间:0.51 分钟/小题 分值:1 分/小题命题点一 实义动词辨析( )1. (2018天津)Dont _ any more time, or we will miss the meeting.A. save B. trust C. waste D. love ( )2. (2018重庆 B卷)You must be more careful and _ the same mistakes youve ever made.A. plan B. follow C. avoid D. enjoy ( )3. (2018 安徽)For our own safety, i

2、ts important to_ the traffic rules on the way to school.A. follow B. change C. make D. break ( )4. (2018河南)My parents said they would come to visit me. I couldnt _ to see them after several months away from home.A. wait B. help C. expect D. afford ( )5. (2018山西)In our life, we need to _ those people

3、 who help us, such as our parents, teachers and friends.A. thank B. remind C. teach ( )6. (2018南京)Can you help me _ those exercise books? I got a different number each time.A. carry B. move C. write D. count ( )7. (2018 武汉)Come home before dinner time, Peter!I _, Mom.A. promise B. guess C. wish D. a

4、dmire ( )8. (2018武汉)Her father tried to _ that nothing unusual had happened.In fact, it was not serious.A. imagine B. pretend C. mean D. warn ( )9. (2018大连) Tom and Jerry are very funny. I cant help _ when I watch them.A. singing B. laughing C. sleeping D. talking ( )10. (2018 呼和浩特)Did you watch the

5、 football game yesterday?Yes, I did. John is really a dark horse. Nobody _ him to go so far.A. wanted B. encouraged C. expected D. hoped ( )11. (2018连云港)Attention, please! The last award will be _ to the best singer of the yearCoco Lee.A. lent B. introduced C. donated D. presented ( )12. (2018 漳州)As

6、 students, we ought to _ the act of cheating in the exams.A. provide B. prefer C. prevent ( )13. (2018 达州)Ive no idea where to go next month.Why not _ visiting Beijing? There are so many places of interest there.2A. suggest B. wonder C. consider D. regard ( )14. (2018 威海)Their football team was_ in

7、that important game.A. won B. beaten C. failed ( )15. (2018无锡)As the story_, the secret of the castle is discovered little by little.A. ends B. begins C. develops D. happens ( )16. (2018 荆州)My English is so weak. Can you help me, Gina?Practice more and the most important is to _ a good habit of read

8、ing.A. make B. complete C. develop D. show ( )17. (2018孝感)Dont _ the chance when you can catch it, or you will regret. A. guess B. miss C. remember D. allow( )18. (2018 襄阳)Where is Xis Family Garden(习家池)?It _ 5 km.south to the Old City of Xiangyang.A. lies B. lives C. lays D. lists ( )19. (2018宜昌)If

9、 you always _ yourself with others, you may have tons of pressure.I agree. We should believe in ourselves.A. compare B. communicate C. create D. consider ( )20. (2018 泰安)How is George now?I hear the manager _ him a good job, but he refused it.A. showed B. offered C. passed D. paid ( )21. (2018 宜昌)Fo

10、od safety has become a social focus now.Thats why laws are made to _ crimes on food.A. record B. prevent C. divide D. separate ( )22. (2018沈阳)We talked about the problem and Tim _ doing some research first.A. finished B. enjoyed C. suggested D. practised ( )23. (2018 葫芦岛)I have no plan for the vacat

11、ion.Why dont you relax and _ the countryside?A. enjoy B. paint C. love D. develop ( )24. (2018东营)“重要的事情说三遍。 ”can be translated into“Important things must be _ again and again and again.”A. spoken B. repeated C. described D. introduced 命题点二 连系动词辨析( )1. (2018 天津)Would you like to try some pizza?Yes, p

12、lease. It _ lovely and _ nice.A. sounds; sees B. hears; turnsC. looks; smells D. sounds; watches 3( )2. (2018 重庆 A卷)When spring comes, trees begin to_ green.A. sound B. taste C. keep D. turn ( )3. (2018河北)The air _ fresh after the rain. And the sky is blue.A. feels B. tastes C. smells D. sounds ( )4

13、. (2018 德阳)Do you know the song Where has the time gone?Yes. It _ beautiful. I like it very much.A. smells B. tastes C. sounds D. looks ( )5. (2018 郴州)The oranges _ sweet.Of course. They are from Yongxing, Chenzhou.A. taste B. eat C. drink ( )6. (2018 东营)Good morning. Id like a birthday gift for my

14、mother.What about this scarf? It is beautiful and it _ soft and smooth.A. feels B. looks C. seems D. becomes ( )7. (2018泉州)3D printing could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours.It _ amazing. Its my first time to get to know this.A. sounds B. smells C. tastes 命题点三 近义动词辨析( )1. (2018绥化)When

15、he _ school, he saw his classmates playing volleyball.A. arrived B. got to C. reach ( )2. (2018 贵港)When will Mr.Green _ Beijing?In a week.A. reach B. get C. arrive D. come ( )3. (2018 扬州)What will the phone _?The same as you said, eight hundred dollars each.A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford ( )4. (2

16、018临沂)Before stamps, people didnt _ for the letters they sent, but for the letters they received.A. pay B. cost C. spend D. take ( )5. (2018绥化)It will _ the workers ten days to finish all the work.A. take B. spend C. pay ( )6. (2018 荆门)Could you _ me your bike, Tom?OK. And you can _ it for a week.A.

17、 lend; keep B. borrow; lend C. lend; borrow D. borrow; keep 4( )7. (2018 铜仁)How long can I _ this book? Five days. But you must return it on time.A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. kept专项训练八动词命题点一实义动词辨析1. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:不要任何更多的时间,否则我们将会错过会议。save节省;trust 信任;waste 浪费;love 热爱。根据后面的“否则我们将会错过会议”可知此处是浪费,故选 C。

18、2. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:你必须要更加小心,并且你曾经犯过的同样的错误。plan 计划;follow 跟随,追随;avoid 避免;enjoy 享受,喜欢。根据前半句可知指避免犯同样的错误,故选 C。3. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了我们自身的安全,在上学的路上,交通规则是很重要的。follow 遵守,跟随;change 改变;make 制定;break 违反,打破。由句意可知为了自身的安全,那么在穿过马路时就应当遵守交通规则。故选 A。4. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的父母说他们要来看我。离开家几个月之后我见到他们。wait 等待;help 帮助;expec

19、t 期望;afford 负担得起。cant wait to do sth.意为“迫不及待做某事” ,故选 A。 5. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我们的生活当中,我们需要那些帮助我们的人,例如我们的父母、老师和朋友。thank 感谢;remind 提醒;teach 教。根据常识可知要感谢帮助过我们的人。故选 A。 6. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:你能帮助我那些练习本吗?每次我都得出一个不同的数量。carry 携带;move 移动;write 写;count 数数。由“got a different number each time”可知让别人帮助数一下练习本。故选 D。7. A

20、【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“晚饭前回家,彼得!” “我,妈妈。 ”promise保证;guess 猜测;wish 希望;admire 赞赏。结合语境可知是答应妈妈的要求,故选 A。8. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“她爸爸尽力 没有什么不同寻常的事发生。 ”“事实上,它并不严重。 ”imagine想象;pretend 假装;mean 意思是,意味着;warn 警告。根据答语“In fact, it was not serious.”可知 B项符合题意,故选 B。9. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:汤姆和杰里(猫和老鼠)非常有趣。在看它们的时候,我忍不住。singing 唱歌;lau

21、ghing 大笑;sleeping 睡觉;talking 谈论。结合常识可知猫和老鼠是一部非常有趣的动画片,常常使人大笑不已。故选 B。10. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“昨天你看足球赛了吗?” “我看了。约翰的确是一匹黑马。没有人他会走这么远。 ”wanted想,想要;encouraged 鼓励;expected 预料,期望;hoped 希望。根据语境可知大家对于约翰的表现应该是没有预料到。故选 C。11. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:请注意!最后一项大奖要本年度最佳歌手李玟。lend 借出;introduce 介绍;donate 捐赠;present 授予。根据常识,此处指将大

22、奖“授予”某人。故选 D。12. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为学生,我们应该在考试中作弊的行为。provide提供;prefer 更喜欢;prevent 避免,防止。根据常识可知要避免在考试中作弊的行为。故选 C。13. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“我不知道下个月去哪里。 ”“为什么不参观北京呢?那里有很多名胜古迹。 ”suggest建议;wonder 想知道,好奇;consider 考虑;regard 认为。why not.?是提建议句型,consider doing sth.“考虑做某事”符合语境,故选5C。14. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们的足球队在一次重要的

23、比赛中被了。won 赢;beaten打败,指由于客观原因的失败;failed 失败,指由主观原因造成的失败。根据语境及空格前的“was”可知,他们的足球队输掉了比赛,即为“被击败” 。故选 B。 15. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着故事的,城堡的秘密逐渐被揭露出来。ends结束;begins 开始;develops 发展,开发,也指故事情节的展开;happens 发生。由little by little可知,develop 符合语境。故选 C。16. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“我的英语很不好。你能帮助我吗,吉娜?” “多练习,最重要的是要 一个良好的阅读习惯。 ”make制作

24、;complete 完成;develop 发展,养成;show 展示。develop a habit of 养成的习惯,符合语境,故选 C。17. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:能抓住机会的时候不要,否则你会后悔的。guess猜测;miss 错过;remember 记得;allow 允许。分析句意可知:只要能抓住机会就不要错过,故选 B。18. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“习家池在哪儿?” “它襄阳古城南 5千米处。lies位于;lives 居住,生活;lays 躺下,放置;lists 列出。分析语境可知下文指习家池位于襄阳古城南 5千米处。故选 A。19. A【解析】考查动词词义辨

25、析。句意“如果你总是把你自己跟别人,你可能有很大的压力。 ”“我赞同。我们应该相信自己。 ”compare比较;communicate 交流;create 创建,创造;consider 考虑。根据空格后句“you may have tons of pressure”和答语中“We should believe in ourselves.”可知表达“不要经常跟别人比较 ”,compare with sb.与某人作比较。故选 A。20. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“乔治现在怎么样了?” “我听说经理给他一份不错的工作,但是他拒绝了。 ”showed 展示;offered 提供;passed

26、传递;paid 支付。根据后半句“but he refused it”可知经理给乔治提供了一份不错的工作。故选 B。21. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“食品安全现在已经成了一个社会焦点。 ”“那就是为什么制定法律来 食品犯罪。 ”record记录;prevent 阻止;divide 划分;separate 使分离。根据句意和常识可知,法律是阻止犯罪的,故选 B。22. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们讨论这个问题,蒂姆先做一些调查。finished完成;enjoyed 喜欢,欣赏;suggested 建议;practised 锻炼,练习。四个动词都可以跟 doing sth.,而

27、suggest doing sth.表示“建议做某事” ,符合句意。故选 C。23. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“对于假期我没有什么安排。 ”“你为什么不放松一下乡村呢?”enjoy 享受;paint 绘画;love 爱;develop 发展。根据语境可知,假期应该是去享受乡村的美景。故选 A。24. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“重要的事情说三遍。 ”可以被翻译成“Important things must be again and again and again.”。spoken 说;repeated 重复;described 描述;introduced 介绍。根据空格后“ag

28、ain and again and again”可知是“重复”三遍。故选 B。命题点二连系动词辨析1. C【解析】考查感官动词辨析。句意“你想尝试一些披萨吗?” “是的。它好看并且香。”sounds听起来;sees 看;hears 听;turns 变得;looks 看起来;smells 闻起来;watches观看。根据常识可知看起来好看,闻起来香。故选 C。 2. D【解析】考查系动词辨析。句意:当春天来临,树木开始 绿。sound 听起来;taste 尝起来;keep 保持;turn 变得。根据常识可知春天树木开始变绿,故选 D。3. C【解析】考查感官动词辨析。句意:雨后的空气 清新,并且

29、天空是蓝色的。feels6摸起来;tastes 尝起来;smells 闻起来;sounds 听起来。分析句意及联系常识,雨后的空气闻起来很清新,故选 C。4. 4. C【解析】考查感官动词辨析。句意“你知道时间都去哪儿了这首歌吗?” “是的,它很美妙,我非常喜欢它。 ”smells闻起来;tastes 尝起来;sounds 听起来;looks看起来。根据常识可知歌曲应该是听起来很美妙,故选 C。5. A【解析】考查感官动词辨析。句意为“橘子很甜。 ”“当然。它们来自郴州永兴。 ”由形容词 sweet可知,空处应该用系动词。taste 作系动词意为“尝起来” 。故选 A。6. A【解析】考查感官

30、动词辨析。句意“早上好,我想为母亲买个生日礼物。 ”“这块围巾怎么样?它很漂亮,而且 柔软并且顺滑。 ”feels摸起来;looks 看起来;seems 好像;becomes变得。根据“soft and smooth”可知是“摸起来” 。故选 A。7. A【解析】考查感官动词辨析。句意“3D 打印技术可以被用来在不到 24个小时内建造一个房子。 ”“这 太神奇了,我从未听说过。 ”此处表达听起来很神奇,故选 A。命题点三近义动词辨析1. B【解析】考查近义动词、短语辨析及时态。句意:当他学校时,他看到他的同班同学们正在打排球。arrive 不及物动词,其后接 at/in地点名词;get 为不及

31、物动词,接介词 to地点名词;reach 是及物动词,后面直接接宾语。但该句时态为一般过去时,C 项不符合。故选 B。2. 2. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“格林先生什么时候到北京?” “一周后。 ”reach及物动词,后面直跟接宾语;get 不及物动词,get to地点名词;arrive 不及物动词,arrive in大地方,arrive at小地方;come 不及物动词,不能直接跟宾语。故选 A。3. B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“这种电话多少钱?” “如你所说,每部 800美元。”spend花费,度过,主语为人,宾语是时间或金钱;cost 花费,主语通常为物品;pay付钱,主语

32、为人,与 for搭配;afford 负担得起,主语为人。从第一句的主语 the phone是物品可知选 B。4. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:在邮票出现以前,人们不用为他们寄出去的信付钱,但是会为他们收到的信付钱。pay 花费,常用在 pay for sth.中;cost 花费,主语通常是物;spend 花费,常用在 spend time/money on/(in) doing sth.中;take 花费,常用在 it takes sb.some time/money to do sth.句型中。根据空格后 “for”可知用pay。故选 A。5. A【解析】考查近义动词辨析。句意:完成

33、整个任务要 工人们十天时间。take 的常用句型为 It takes sb. some time to do sth.; spend的用法 sb.spend time/money on sth./(in) doing sth.;pay 的用法为 sb. pay some money for sth.。根据主语 it可知此处考查 take的用法,故选 A。6. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“汤姆,你能把你的自行车我吗?” “可以,并且你可以 它一个星期。 ”lend 借出;keep 保存,保管;borrow 借入。对主语来说借入用borrow,对主语来说借出用 lend;当和一段时间连用时,要将 borrow或 lend改为 keep。根据主语是 you,所以用 lend,再根据 for a week 表示一段时间,可知要用 keep。故选A。7. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意“我可以这本书多久?” “五天,但是你必须准时归还。 ”borrow借来(非延续性动词);lend 借出(非延续性动词);kept 是 keep保存(延续性动词)的过去式。由问句中的 how long多久,表示一段时间,常和延续性动词连用,且位于情态动词 can之后,用原形。故选 C。


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